Siphon eaves. Cornice podugi beautifully decorated, it consists of a set of architectural calving: shelves, shelves, rollers, shafts, jibs, heels, etc. (Fig. 64). For pulling curtain is necessary to make a special template (Fig. 65). All details must be handled jack-plane or a plane, struts - a knife. Profile-board cut is strictly a triangle. Its size on the top (ceiling) and bottom (wall) part should be 50-70 mm longer profile of the cornice. These allowances are called excuses (see Fig. 65). They provide a smooth stretch bands at the same level with the wall and ceiling. Then they hone to the plane of the plaster. On the profile board transfer profile drawn on paper cornice given excuses and cut with a knife. One side of the cut profile of mowing (cut at an angle of 20-30 °). Cut side is called "to gloss" and nesrezannaya - for tearing off. " Pulling out perform "to shine" or "tearing off". After that, drawn on paper profile cornice transferred to a piece of steel roofing, cut and nailed with small nails, 5-10 mm apart to unmown side wooden profile (for tearing off "). Thus protects the wood from rapid wear of the solution. Bottom-profile board nailed to the sled, and then further cementing braces nailed on both sides. Struts not only hold the board in the sled, but also serve as handles for which the charge pattern during the drawing of the cornice. Prior to pulling the cornice to the ceiling and upper walls to apply a coat of primer. On the ceiling, in addition, you can finish coat and grout. Then around one corner of the wall and ceiling vertically (by plumb) puts the template and left on the wall, bottom rails, a label for the installation of the bottom right. Above, the ceiling, also put a label. After this operation is repeated in the second corner, etc. Tags - a subtle dash, held the end of a trowel or otrezovki. Lingerie rule put at the disposal between the walls, well-fastened with nails, that it does not move during the drawing. Upper right attach so that the template can be inserted or taken out from both ends. Therefore, its length should be no less than the slides plus 50 mm (Fig. 66). If the lower rule once firmly attached, the upper - slightly. Then stick to the rules of the template and move it from one wall to another: he must go free. Separate places correct. Having easy access to the template rules, the top rule also perpetuate them. Fig. 67 shows the pattern set by the rules hung. Top rule is better not to mount directly to nails, and over the bar. Siphon begin with, the template is inserted into the rules. If the profile between the board and the plaster was a fairly large space, then along the template stuffed with nails, to keep a thick layer of plaster. Plaster at the site of passage of the template on the wall and ceiling scratched end otrezovki and moisten with water. The mixed solution is applied between the rules. After each solution by throwing him necessarily stretch template. One moves the working template for tearing off "and the other holds the pattern of a falcon and collects the cut of the solution, which is immediately used to of bedding (Fig. 68). This process of drawing is called "Isser, applied here Typically, the solution and move the template-bound steel side ahead. Siphon repeated several times, causing thin layers of solution as long as the ledge will not be completely clean. If the drawing was made lime-plaster solution, then after 5-10 minutes template again stick to the rules and hold them for another two or three times, "Isser, strongly pushing the template. Steel profile cuts easily enlarged solution, thereby freeing up space between the board and the thrust profile for nakryvochnyh layer. After that, purified from a solution box, rules and patterns. More recent and washed with a brush soaked in water to remove grit that will leave scratches on nakryvochnyh layer. The solution was prepared from 3 hours of lime paste and 0,5-1 hours plaster, sifted through a sieve with a mesh not less than 1x1 mm. The solution should be of medium thickness (creamy). It is applied continuous thin layer. Template are canted forward - a wooden side (on gloss "), which is better than smooth solution. This operation is repeated twice or thrice. Template should be carried out without stopping the entire length of the rules. After each pull patterns and rules clear of adhering solution. Very carefully purified profile board. Siphon "izbela" should be very clean, with no seams, pits and other defects. When using cement mortar pulling perform the same way, only nakryvochnyh solution is prepared on the fine sand. After pulling the eaves on all sides of the room and setting nakryvochnyh solution start to cutting corners, which remained nedotyanutymi little more than half the length of slide. This operation is performed with a wooden ruler with cut end at an angle of 45 °, which nailed steel plate - cutter (Fig. 69). The most comfortable line length of 600 mm. Cutting is carried out in sequence. In the corner, at 10-15 mm below the extended eaves, soil solution is applied, giving him a trowel shape. Then, on the ground causing nakryvochnyh solution, blocking the main thrust of 5-10 mm. After the solution a little grab, begin cutting corners - cutting of the solution rule. It puts the previously extended traction (eaves) and gently pushing it along a cutter advance, so that the line went smoothly, and its bit is not deepened in the thick of the damage of the solution. The line cuts off from the corner of excess solution, leaving one or the other bummer. After removing the solution architecture breakup, located on two adjacent walls, should exactly fit in to the husk of the angle. Cut corners may be somewhat rough, with not quite the correct form bummer. Therefore, they rubbed small poluterkom. Husk should be strictly vertical, for which his check plumb and hold the end otrezovki thin line that distinguishes sharply husk. Rules after each drawing cornice removed and outweighed by the following way. After cutting all the corners, if the ceiling is overwritten, the strip solution, an elongated pattern, lap and, if not erased, then first perform the finish coat, and then grout. Then covered and rubbed the wall. After that dismantle scaffolding and plaster walls of the bottom.
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