To your house ventilated, good builders have provided exhaust air grille located in the kitchen, bathroom and latrine. However, over time, such a system cluttered with dust, debris, matted poplar fluff, pigeon feathers and droppings. Situation can be corrected if the air to drive by a fan. In this case, normal ventilation is sufficient, even remaining in the duct lumen. In order to understand how cluttered the ventilation system in your home and what fans want, it is enough to bring a candle outlet in the kitchen, toilet and bathroom. If the flame is deflected in the direction of the lattice, hence, the thrust is and can do simple fan. If the candle does not react to the proximity of air vent need to "centrifugal" fan, which creates a higher pressure. It is worth the pleasure two or three times, but if the duct thoroughly beaten all good things, the standard "axial" fan just does not help. However, the other extreme, too harmful. If you organize a very intense beam, exhaust lattice neighbors on top turn in the supply, and through them you will also receive a spoiled air entraining years kopivshuyusya in the ventilation system dust. Even if the neighbors you do not care, do not forget that they too can make you "podlyanku. For example, plug into the duct vents below its old quilted jacket. In this case, your ventilation system is just a "choke" or start pumping air from the bottom to neighbors (if they have no glass). In every apartment has at least three places where the presence of the fan will not be superfluous. This toilet, bathroom and kitchen. If the fans for toilet ventilation system is still "alive" in the toilet is quite a simple exhaust fan. His pick up rate of 30 cubic meters. m / h. per "seat" and assign directly to where the "Beauty" air grille. And in order that the fan is not humming constantly, and is included only in the case, it is connected to light switches. Some instruments are included with wig, but even better if this fan is equipped with a timer. Then he started to work in a couple of minutes after you leave their homes. After working as a prescribed period (5-15 minutes), the fan turns off. Fans for the bathroom In the bathroom it is best to install the fan in the splash-proof design. And the fault does not happen, and the water in the duct will not fall. It is worth the pleasure is more expensive, but if you can not save, set in a bathroom fan with a humidity controller. As soon as it exceeds a certain value, the fan will remove the moisture saturated air. And breathe easier, and no mirror zapoteet, and even the laundry in a tub dries much faster. Ventilation for the kitchen The kitchen is a need in the air above, and therefore require a more powerful fan. His performance can be selected by multiplying the cubic content of food by 10 and subtracting the volume occupied by furniture. That is for 6-meter dishes need to fan the issuing 120-180 cu. m / h, and for the 10-meter - 220-300 cu. m / h. And unlike the bathroom and toilet in the kitchen can be organized not only the hood, but the inflow, which uses fans to be inserted into the window. True, in recent years in the kitchens are increasingly began to use canopies. In our country the most common so-called recirculating exhaust, which purify the air of odors, fumes, and cigarette smoke, and then return it to the room. Sometimes these devices are completed and additional equipment, such as antibacterial ultraviolet lamps. However, a more efficient kitchen hoods, vented outside the room, usually through an existing duct system. Especially recommended to use such devices in the combined kitchen-dining room, as in this case, together with the smells of the street are removed and the excess heat that can reduce the power of great use in this room air conditioner. Although the kitchen evaporation, and smells are drawn to the street, in such systems also include filters and in most cases - the system of drainage of the exhaust air. This is necessary in order to preserve intact ducts and a fan to prevent them from corrosion and fouling organic decomposition products of fats. Fans for residential Sometimes ventilate and living rooms, but, unlike the kitchen, the selection of fan cubic content areas usually do not multiply by 10 and 3. Sometimes do in other ways, buying a unit rate of 30 cubic meters. m / h. for every living soul. Plenum system If your house is double-glazed windows are installed, or you yourself have made sure that they decorate your windows, exhaust ventilation system stops working properly and the air quickly becomes stale. The choice in this case is simple: either permanently open windows (in this case lost all the advantages of glass), or the design forced ventilation system. There are three basic ways to create an air flow. The easiest - to set the supply fan in the window. However, there is one "but." In this case it is necessary to make windows of complex shape, providing a location for the fan. Undertake such work they want is not in each company, and if they will take, the windows can be golden. In addition, these fans are served raw air, and winter can be supercooled room. Therefore, usually go the other way - create a forced ventilation system. It can be arranged in two ways: by using a ready supply plant, or collect it from individual elements, such as a fan, filter, electric radiator, muffler. Fundamental difference between the two versions do not. In any case, all air handling units are hidden above the suspended ceiling in an alcove or a decorative box. Sometimes supply plant is set right in the loggia, as they say, open way. Supply of "oxygen" performs located on the loggia supply plant. Air enters the apartment and on air is distributed at residential rooms. In this extract is available through extract grilles in the kitchen, bathrooms and toilets. The system performs its functions even at the lowest fan speed, which is very important in the winter. Heated fresh air - it's very expensive, and even find a free electrical power is not easy. Another important point - the noise, and the higher rate of air, so it is more. In order to clear the air on a variety of mechanical impurities, poplar fluff and other nasty things dangling in the air-supply plant predusmotrivaetsya special "pocket" a filter to catch these particles. In order to extract it from pritochki and shake out the garbage, just open the door of technology. The fine purification of air occurs in the deodorizing filter air-conditioners. Activated charcoal to cope with the odors and chemicals, and a special covering of the filter kills bacteria.
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