Vitaly Lviv Some types of roofing materials require more careful attention during installation. It's about these materials and will be discussed in today's paper. Some types of roofing materials require more careful attention during installation. It's about these materials and will be discussed in today's paper. The advantages of a roof made of galvanized steel sheets are lightweight, able to cover any roof, even a fairly complex configuration, high resistance to mechanical impact and durability. The service life of a roof without a major overhaul can reach 18-25. The disadvantages include a small roof fire, and the high cost of its operation, driven mainly by the necessity of periodic painting. So, the first time after installing a roof made of galvanized steel be painted over 8-10 years, and subsequent painting held every 2-3 years. The roof was made of black steel painted every 2-3 years. When the device so the roof must also take into account the greater cost and complexity of its installation. Crate under the steel roof is made of billet cross section 50x50 mm, the width of the step does not exceed 200 mm. Instead of crates of bars can be a solid flooring of boards on which the insulating layer is placed on top of roofing or roofing material and then coated steel. This design of the roof greatly increases its service life and insulated loft. This is particularly important when the attic is used as an attic or a building located in a cold climate zone. Roof pitch of 18-30 degrees. Bars or boards lathing nailed start of the eaves to the ridge. Every four bars nailed a board, which will be harvested joints sheets (paintings). In addition, solid plank flooring is required over the cornices and eaves, and under razzhelobkami valley. The width of the deck must be at least 600-700 mm. One of the drawbacks of the steel roof is its rapid corrosion under adverse environmental and atmospheric conditions. To the roof last longer, sheeting should be primed. Priming - simple operation, which lies in the fact that the steel sheets, pre-cleaned of dust, covered on both sides of a natural drying oil. Linseed oil is applied evenly on the entire surface of the leaf, and to avoid gaps in the colorless and transparent varnish is necessary to add a small amount of grated red lead in a ratio of 10:1. This is done as follows. On a table set metal pan, which is poured linseed oil mixed with red lead. There also is placed on the edge of steel sheet, and a roofer, supporting it with one hand, his other hand with rags soaked in a drying oil rubs first one way and then another. Perform this operation it is recommended to some pressure. By its end, you must ensure that no gaps on the sheet and zatekov varnish, and only then proceed to the next sheet. Primed steel plates before use should be well dried. Manufacturing of the following picture view of the preparatory works are paintings manufacturer - prefabricated parts ordinary coverage - and blank sheets for the eaves, wall gutters, valley, etc. The picture usually consists of 1-2 sheets, whose edges are prepared for the folded joints. Most convenient to work on making paintings on the bench to a length of 2 m and a width of 1 m from the left edge, made in a corner. In appearance folded compound divided into recumbent and upright, and the degree of compaction - in single and double. To perform single recumbent fold steel plate is placed on the bench and using scriber line is scheduled limb seam edge. Then the risk is combined with an edge corner of the sheet and on the corners with mallets make two Lighthouse limb. After which the risk of straight the whole edge, flip the sheet and bend the edge of the dump on a plane. The same workpiece are doing on the second sheet. The first and second sheet connects to the lock and seal the mallets. To strengthen the connection seam to jerk it a metal bar and a hammer. To connect using a dual-lying seam the first four operations are the same as for a single. After leaving an edge untuck down to 90 degrees, flip the sheet and fold blamed on a plane. Prepared the same way the second sheet is connected to the first seam seal the mallets and podsekayut it with a hammer and metal bars. In his paintings of ordinary cover the short sides of sheets are connected by single immobile folds, and the long side - double standing. Immobile double folds are joined paintings eaves, gutters and wall coverings razzhelobkov. Roofing work All roofing work carried out in the following order: 1. cover eaves and gutters installation of wall 2. coating valley, razzhelobkov and skylights, 3. device is a collar around the chimney, 4. ordinary coating 5. work with the roofing iron. First, on the eaves produce markup location crutches: in 500-600 mm and 130-160 mm at a distance from the edge of the cornice. After that first picture is taken and placed on crutches, so that one of her party are firmly in the gap lapel, the other side of the nail is nailed to the sheathing. Left of the first lap falls the second picture and so on until the first horizontal strip. On the gable overhang, the first row of pictures are put with an overlap of 25-30 mm per crate, the eaves make the overlap of 100 mm. In carrying out these works deflected edge paintings Runoff water gears, pull the picture and compacted folds with a hammer and a steel rail. Wall gutters installed on top of the eaves. The resulting folded seams smeared Surikova putty and seal, and then clinch the gutter with the top hooks. Harvested sheets and pictures go up on the roof and laid out on the crate along the overhanging roof so that it is convenient to work. Sheets attached to the crate with klyammerov who unbent to 20-25 mm and a nail driven to the crate on the right side of the picture and a 60-75 mm unbent by standing seam. Klyammery cut from galvanized steel in the form of strips with width of 30-40 mm and a length of 120-150 mm and are twisted at an angle of 90 degrees. Paintings put vertical stripes from top to bottom, ie from the ridge to the overhang, connecting them with each other immobile folds. Then recumbent folds promazyvayut putty and flatten by placing them under a steel plate with thickness of 5-6 mm, length 800-900 mm, a width of 55-60 mm. When flattening must ensure that the folds were only horizontally. Once you've made the first series of paintings, proceed to the second row. Pictures of the second row is placed so that the edge of the large folds first row belonged to a small rebate the second row. Recumbent folds at the same time shifting (horizontally) with respect to each other by about 20 mm. This makes for easy fastening standing seam. Standing Seam staple, and then, pressing a crate, a big welt on the small bend, resulting in a fin height of 20 to 25 mm (recurve standing seam as possible after the deck one lane, and after all the flooring strips with two hammers, starting from the ridge to the overhang). Bending a big edge over the small, need to pay attention to the fact that the edge gets the same height and were carefully sealed. On the right side set klyammery, and then make a new band pictures. After all the pictures will be placed on the upper leaves are doing standing seam. To do this, cut the excess part of the leaf on the ridge on the one hand more, and the other is less then the big bend fold over a small and well compacted. Working with roofing iron works with roofing iron are not limited to the implementation of a steel cover, they also include: 1. attachment to the walls and drainage chimneys; 2. work on the pediments and solid walls, 3. manufacture of fences, gutters funnels, air pipes, eaves, gutters and downpipes. Pumping by the wall and the chimney is not less than 150 mm above the roof. Sheets, covering the inner rounded corner of the roof, laid overlapped not less than 100 mm. Suspension of the ventilation pipe should be as precisely cut out for her hole in the roof, so as to block a large gap will be very difficult depending on the design of the roof are two types of gutters: the hanging and lying. The most common is a hanging gutter with a drain plate, made of steel sheets with thickness of 4 mm and 25 mm wide. It is fixed along the eaves of the roof on brackets from flat galvanized steel, spaced at a distance of 700-800 mm. Typically, the hanging trough has a semicircular shape, but there are box-shaped grooves with right angles. They are used mainly as architectural additions, are less efficient because of the fact that they require more frequent repairs due to the sharp angles of the bend. Recumbent chute used in the absence of overhang, so that is mounted directly on the edge of the roof. In order not to violate the stylistic unity of the wooden house, you can use a box-shaped chute made of boards or troughs, hollowed out half of the logs, pre-impregnated with antiseptic. Diameter drain pipes depends on the amount of incoming water in them. Thus, the diameter of a drainpipe to the roof area of ??30 square meters. m of 80 mm for the roof area of ??50 square meters. m - 90 mm for the roof area of ??125 square meters. m - 100 mm. Installed gutters at least 30-35 mm from the wall and fastened to it with clamps and pins with immured grasp. In order that the pins do not rust, they should be galvanized or coated with any anti-corrosive composition. The roof of corrugated asbestos cement sheets, this type of coverage is most often used in the construction of low-rise residential buildings with a roof pitch of 25-45 degrees. The roof of asbestos cement sheets is different enough strength, durability, fire resistance and cost. Crate under a roof made of billet cross section 50x50 mm or 60x 40 mm, which are nailed at 500 mm from each other, which is slightly less than half of the sheeting. It is desirable that roofing work was performed for 4 persons. Before they start to sort out all the sheets depending on the direction of stacking. If the styling is right to left, the sheets must be chosen so that the extreme right wave at them was a soldier, and the extreme left - is blocked. In standard sheeting ordinary wave height is 54 mm, and overlapped - 45 mm. Selected sheets are collected in a stack of three conventional and one abbreviated and placed along the wall. For the installation of scaffolding needs to be done and make a strong rope. One man gives his partner lists, located on the stage, while two others stood on the crate, make and install sheet. In order to asbestos sheets attached to the crate, they make 3.4 holes for nails or screws. Openings by doing a drill so that they were located on the crest of the wave, and their diameter was about 2-3 mm larger diameter nails or screws. Roof work starts with a number are accessories, correct installation is controlled by a cord-prichalkoy. Lay the sheets from the bottom up in horizontal rows. Adjacent sheets overlap to a wave or half of it. Sheets of second-line set at the first row of sheets up to 100-150 mm (the value of the admission depends on what kind of roof slope, than it is, the overlap is less). For the convenience of work before they start along the Cornice strip planks fastened against ovetrovye straps - two on each sheet - so that their bent ends are tightly held sheeting for the crest of a wave. Once you've laid the first row on it with chalk or a pencil line is scheduled laps and fits the second row. Asbestos cement fixed to the base with galvanized nails length 70-90 mm or with screws under the caps which enclose washers of galvanized steel, rubber, or a strip made of two layers of roofing material. Nails into the crate should be scoring from the top through asbestos cement sheet, otherwise the latter may form cracks and chips. After graduating from roofing nail heads, as well as all the suspicious cracks covered Surikova putty. Asbestos cement sheets can be laid in two ways: vrazbezhku, pushing them aside in each of the overlying series or strictly one above the other. More reliable and simple is the first way, since the laying of sheets over each other without moving a leaf on the edges of four adjacent overlapped, resulting in formation of cracks through which moisture can penetrate. To avoid this, after the corners of sheets should be cut back. The last stage - covering the ridge, to which special nail with a rounded top edge, ridged bar having a cross section of 100x60 mm. Then the bar closed bars roll material and placed it ready asbestos parts PAC-1 and PAC-2. The first piece is placed wide flare in the direction of the gable. Nail make a hole (two on a flat lapel, two on the axis of the convex part). Holes on a flat lapel doing so they passed through the crests of waves of asbestos-cement sheets. Instead of ready-made parts for the skate can use two shot down at an angle of the board, installed on top of the asbestos cement sheets and nailed them with nails. It is worth noting that the hemming and strengthen the gable eaves boards easier to start roofing. So, bare crate will act as a ladder, and the work can be carried out both from below and from above. Roofing Roofing asbofanery asbofanery are durable, fire resistant, easy to install, but it has one drawback - the fragility. Used mainly in the construction of cottages. Purlins for roofs made of wooden bars of a section of 50x50 mm. Installation of a roof starts with a number are accessories. Once it is fully lined, fits over it with a second series of overlapping in the 100-140 mm depending on the slope of the roof: the steeper the slope, the less overlap sheets. In the horizontal rows stacked plates also overlap at the half-wave or the whole, Skate and edges are covered with special hips or shot down at an angle boards. By crate sheets asbofanery attached special slate nails, which is enclosed by two goals: the top of the roofing iron, the lower of roofing or roofing material. Upon completion of work nail heads are covered with drying oil or Surikova putty. Tiling most decorative of all the roof is tiled roofs. In addition, it is durable, fire-resistant and easy to operate: the repair of such a roof, usually consists of replacing the separate, dilapidated, tiles. However, tiling has a fairly large mass, so the roof structure beneath it should be more severe. Slope of the roof tile - 40-45 degrees. Crate under a tiled roof is made of planks or bars of a section of 50x50 or 60x40 mm, stacking them along the eaves. Step sheathing depends on the size of tile. Boards or bars should be positioned so that the overlying shingles easily into the underlying halo and that the number of tiles, arranged both along and across the roof, would be equal to an integer. Nail bars in the direction from the ridge to the eaves. Once the crate is ready, on the edge of the cornice board is placed 150 mm from the edge of the cornice strip attached to the dock rail. Tiling up to the roof and expanded so that it can be laid at once in 2-3 rows. For storing the material used the navigation bridge length of 5 m. All of the roofer does sitting on a triangular bench assigned to the purlins. Laying flat ribbon of tile There are two ways of laying flat ribbon tile: double layer and scaly. Regardless of the method of installation, first produced on the main slopes, then the hip, ribs and ice skating. On the slopes of the tile is laid in parallel rows along the eaves towards the ridge so that each subsequent row overlaps the previous one. In this case, all the odd rows should begin and end with whole tiles, and all even - halves. Thus, in each row is offset plates relative to each other.
Vitaly Lviv Some types of roofing materials require more careful attention during installation. It's about these materials and will be discussed in today's paper. Some types of roofing materials require more careful attention during installation. It's about these materials and will be discussed in today's paper. The advantages of a roof made of galvanized steel sheets are lightweight, able to cover any roof, even a fairly complex configuration, high resistance to mechanical impact and durability. The service life of a roof without a major overhaul can reach 18-25. The disadvantages include a small roof fire, and the high cost of its operation, driven mainly by the necessity of periodic painting. So, the first time after installing a roof made of galvanized steel be painted over 8-10 years, and subsequent painting held every 2-3 years. The roof was made of black steel painted every 2-3 years. When the device so the roof must also take into account the greater cost and complexity of its installation. Crate under the steel roof is made of billet cross section 50x50 mm, the width of the step does not exceed 200 mm. Instead of crates of bars can be a solid flooring of boards on which the insulating layer is placed on top of roofing or roofing material and then coated steel. This design of the roof greatly increases its service life and insulated loft. This is particularly important when the attic is used as an attic or a building located in a cold climate zone. Roof pitch of 18-30 degrees. Bars or boards lathing nailed start of the eaves to the ridge. Every four bars nailed a board, which will be harvested joints sheets (paintings). In addition, solid plank flooring is required over the cornices and eaves, and under razzhelobkami valley. The width of the deck must be at least 600-700 mm. One of the drawbacks of the steel roof is its rapid corrosion under adverse environmental and atmospheric conditions. To the roof last longer, sheeting should be primed. Priming - simple operation, which lies in the fact that the steel sheets, pre-cleaned of dust, covered on both sides of a natural drying oil. Linseed oil is applied evenly on the entire surface of the leaf, and to avoid gaps in the colorless and transparent varnish is necessary to add a small amount of grated red lead in a ratio of 10:1. This is done as follows. On a table set metal pan, which is poured linseed oil mixed with red lead. There also is placed on the edge of steel sheet, and a roofer, supporting it with one hand, his other hand with rags soaked in a drying oil rubs first one way and then another. Perform this operation it is recommended to some pressure. By its end, you must ensure that no gaps on the sheet and zatekov varnish, and only then proceed to the next sheet. Primed steel plates before use should be well dried. Manufacturing of the following picture view of the preparatory works are paintings manufacturer - prefabricated parts ordinary coverage - and blank sheets for the eaves, wall gutters, valley, etc. The picture usually consists of 1-2 sheets, whose edges are prepared for the folded joints. Most convenient to work on making paintings on the bench to a length of 2 m and a width of 1 m from the left edge, made in a corner. In appearance folded compound divided into recumbent and upright, and the degree of compaction - in single and double. To perform single recumbent fold steel plate is placed on the bench and using scriber line is scheduled limb seam edge. Then the risk is combined with an edge corner of the sheet and on the corners with mallets make two Lighthouse limb. After which the risk of straight the whole edge, flip the sheet and bend the edge of the dump on a plane. The same workpiece are doing on the second sheet. The first and second sheet connects to the lock and seal the mallets. To strengthen the connection seam to jerk it a metal bar and a hammer. To connect using a dual-lying seam the first four operations are the same as for a single. After leaving an edge untuck down to 90 degrees, flip the sheet and fold blamed on a plane. Prepared the same way the second sheet is connected to the first seam seal the mallets and podsekayut it with a hammer and metal bars. In his paintings of ordinary cover the short sides of sheets are connected by single immobile folds, and the long side - double standing. Immobile double folds are joined paintings eaves, gutters and wall coverings razzhelobkov. Roofing work All roofing work carried out in the following order: 1. cover eaves and gutters installation of wall 2. coating valley, razzhelobkov and skylights, 3. device is a collar around the chimney, 4. ordinary coating 5. work with the roofing iron. First, on the eaves produce markup location crutches: in 500-600 mm and 130-160 mm at a distance from the edge of the cornice. After that first picture is taken and placed on crutches, so that one of her party are firmly in the gap lapel, the other side of the nail is nailed to the sheathing. Left of the first lap falls the second picture and so on until the first horizontal strip. On the gable overhang, the first row of pictures are put with an overlap of 25-30 mm per crate, the eaves make the overlap of 100 mm. In carrying out these works deflected edge paintings Runoff water gears, pull the picture and compacted folds with a hammer and a steel rail. Wall gutters installed on top of the eaves. The resulting folded seams smeared Surikova putty and seal, and then clinch the gutter with the top hooks. Harvested sheets and pictures go up on the roof and laid out on the crate along the overhanging roof so that it is convenient to work. Sheets attached to the crate with klyammerov who unbent to 20-25 mm and a nail driven to the crate on the right side of the picture and a 60-75 mm unbent by standing seam. Klyammery cut from galvanized steel in the form of strips with width of 30-40 mm and a length of 120-150 mm and are twisted at an angle of 90 degrees. Paintings put vertical stripes from top to bottom, ie from the ridge to the overhang, connecting them with each other immobile folds. Then recumbent folds promazyvayut putty and flatten by placing them under a steel plate with thickness of 5-6 mm, length 800-900 mm, a width of 55-60 mm. When flattening must ensure that the folds were only horizontally. Once you've made the first series of paintings, proceed to the second row. Pictures of the second row is placed so that the edge of the large folds first row belonged to a small rebate the second row. Recumbent folds at the same time shifting (horizontally) with respect to each other by about 20 mm. This makes for easy fastening standing seam. Standing Seam staple, and then, pressing a crate, a big welt on the small bend, resulting in a fin height of 20 to 25 mm (recurve standing seam as possible after the deck one lane, and after all the flooring strips with two hammers, starting from the ridge to the overhang). Bending a big edge over the small, need to pay attention to the fact that the edge gets the same height and were carefully sealed. On the right side set klyammery, and then make a new band pictures. After all the pictures will be placed on the upper leaves are doing standing seam. To do this, cut the excess part of the leaf on the ridge on the one hand more, and the other is less then the big bend fold over a small and well compacted. Working with roofing iron works with roofing iron are not limited to the implementation of a steel cover, they also include: 1. attachment to the walls and drainage chimneys; 2. work on the pediments and solid walls, 3. manufacture of fences, gutters funnels, air pipes, eaves, gutters and downpipes. Pumping by the wall and the chimney is not less than 150 mm above the roof. Sheets, covering the inner rounded corner of the roof, laid overlapped not less than 100 mm. Suspension of the ventilation pipe should be as precisely cut out for her hole in the roof, so as to block a large gap will be very difficult depending on the design of the roof are two types of gutters: the hanging and lying. The most common is a hanging gutter with a drain plate, made of steel sheets with thickness of 4 mm and 25 mm wide. It is fixed along the eaves of the roof on brackets from flat galvanized steel, spaced at a distance of 700-800 mm. Typically, the hanging trough has a semicircular shape, but there are box-shaped grooves with right angles. They are used mainly as architectural additions, are less efficient because of the fact that they require more frequent repairs due to the sharp angles of the bend. Recumbent chute used in the absence of overhang, so that is mounted directly on the edge of the roof. In order not to violate the stylistic unity of the wooden house, you can use a box-shaped chute made of boards or troughs, hollowed out half of the logs, pre-impregnated with antiseptic. Diameter drain pipes depends on the amount of incoming water in them. Thus, the diameter of a drainpipe to the roof area of ??30 square meters. m of 80 mm for the roof area of ??50 square meters. m - 90 mm for the roof area of ??125 square meters. m - 100 mm. Installed gutters at least 30-35 mm from the wall and fastened to it with clamps and pins with immured grasp. In order that the pins do not rust, they should be galvanized or coated with any anti-corrosive composition. The roof of corrugated asbestos cement sheets, this type of coverage is most often used in the construction of low-rise residential buildings with a roof pitch of 25-45 degrees. The roof of asbestos cement sheets is different enough strength, durability, fire resistance and cost. Crate under a roof made of billet cross section 50x50 mm or 60x 40 mm, which are nailed at 500 mm from each other, which is slightly less than half of the sheeting. It is desirable that roofing work was performed for 4 persons. Before they start to sort out all the sheets depending on the direction of stacking. If the styling is right to left, the sheets must be chosen so that the extreme right wave at them was a soldier, and the extreme left - is blocked. In standard sheeting ordinary wave height is 54 mm, and overlapped - 45 mm. Selected sheets are collected in a stack of three conventional and one abbreviated and placed along the wall. For the installation of scaffolding needs to be done and make a strong rope. One man gives his partner lists, located on the stage, while two others stood on the crate, make and install sheet. In order to asbestos sheets attached to the crate, they make 3.4 holes for nails or screws. Openings by doing a drill so that they were located on the crest of the wave, and their diameter was about 2-3 mm larger diameter nails or screws. Roof work starts with a number are accessories, correct installation is controlled by a cord-prichalkoy. Lay the sheets from the bottom up in horizontal rows. Adjacent sheets overlap to a wave or half of it. Sheets of second-line set at the first row of sheets up to 100-150 mm (the value of the admission depends on what kind of roof slope, than it is, the overlap is less). For the convenience of work before they start along the Cornice strip planks fastened against ovetrovye straps - two on each sheet - so that their bent ends are tightly held sheeting for the crest of a wave. Once you've laid the first row on it with chalk or a pencil line is scheduled laps and fits the second row. Asbestos cement fixed to the base with galvanized nails length 70-90 mm or with screws under the caps which enclose washers of galvanized steel, rubber, or a strip made of two layers of roofing material. Nails into the crate should be scoring from the top through asbestos cement sheet, otherwise the latter may form cracks and chips. After graduating from roofing nail heads, as well as all the suspicious cracks covered Surikova putty. Asbestos cement sheets can be laid in two ways: vrazbezhku, pushing them aside in each of the overlying series or strictly one above the other. More reliable and simple is the first way, since the laying of sheets over each other without moving a leaf on the edges of four adjacent overlapped, resulting in formation of cracks through which moisture can penetrate. To avoid this, after the corners of sheets should be cut back. The last stage - covering the ridge, to which special nail with a rounded top edge, ridged bar having a cross section of 100x60 mm. Then the bar closed bars roll material and placed it ready asbestos parts PAC-1 and PAC-2. The first piece is placed wide flare in the direction of the gable. Nail make a hole (two on a flat lapel, two on the axis of the convex part). Holes on a flat lapel doing so they passed through the crests of waves of asbestos-cement sheets. Instead of ready-made parts for the skate can use two shot down at an angle of the board, installed on top of the asbestos cement sheets and nailed them with nails. It is worth noting that the hemming and strengthen the gable eaves boards easier to start roofing. So, bare crate will act as a ladder, and the work can be carried out both from below and from above. Roofing Roofing asbofanery asbofanery are durable, fire resistant, easy to install, but it has one drawback - the fragility. Used mainly in the construction of cottages. Purlins for roofs made of wooden bars of a section of 50x50 mm. Installation of a roof starts with a number are accessories. Once it is fully lined, fits over it with a second series of overlapping in the 100-140 mm depending on the slope of the roof: the steeper the slope, the less overlap sheets. In the horizontal rows stacked plates also overlap at the half-wave or the whole, Skate and edges are covered with special hips or shot down at an angle boards. By crate sheets asbofanery attached special slate nails, which is enclosed by two goals: the top of the roofing iron, the lower of roofing or roofing material. Upon completion of work nail heads are covered with drying oil or Surikova putty. Tiling most decorative of all the roof is tiled roofs. In addition, it is durable, fire-resistant and easy to operate: the repair of such a roof, usually consists of replacing the separate, dilapidated, tiles. However, tiling has a fairly large mass, so the roof structure beneath it should be more severe. Slope of the roof tile - 40-45 degrees. Crate under a tiled roof is made of planks or bars of a section of 50x50 or 60x40 mm, stacking them along the eaves. Step sheathing depends on the size of tile. Boards or bars should be positioned so that the overlying shingles easily into the underlying halo and that the number of tiles, arranged both along and across the roof, would be equal to an integer. Nail bars in the direction from the ridge to the eaves. Once the crate is ready, on the edge of the cornice board is placed 150 mm from the edge of the cornice strip attached to the dock rail. Tiling up to the roof and expanded so that it can be laid at once in 2-3 rows. For storing the material used the navigation bridge length of 5 m. All of the roofer does sitting on a triangular bench assigned to the purlins. Laying flat ribbon of tile There are two ways of laying flat ribbon tile: double layer and scaly. Regardless of the method of installation, first produced on the main slopes, then the hip, ribs and ice skating. On the slopes of the tile is laid in parallel rows along the eaves towards the ridge so that each subsequent row overlaps the previous one. In this case, all the odd rows should begin and end with whole tiles, and all even - halves. Thus, in each row is offset plates relative to each other. The first row of shingles laid on the bottom two battens, clinging to their spines in the inner face of the upper battens. In the second row it is attached in the upper end of the first row of shingles. Further fixing of tile carried out, as in the first row, and in prikonkovom row - as in the second. Regardless of roof pitch every tile laid along the gable and eaves, fastened to the crate. In other series reinforce only every second or third. To crate a flat roof tiles fastened with nails or klyammerov (pairs). Once the tiles interlock pins for lathing, klyammery set the entire series so that their right lapel was a horizontal top shingle. Under the left lapel is brought adjacent tiles. Top lapels closed the overlying series. Ends klyammernyh hooks hammered into battens from the attic. The most common of all types of flat terraced roof tiles used tile-type "beaver tail", which was placed on a solution in one line. In this case the material consumption per 1 sq. km. m is 32 pieces, if the coating is performed in two series, the material consumption increased to 45 pieces. To prepare the solution should take 1 part lime, 5 parts sand and 1 part cement, all carefully sift, stir and cover with water. It is necessary to draw attention to the fact that the solution has not turned out too large, otherwise it will give the solidification crack. Amount of cement must conform strictly to the norm, as it gives a surplus of extra strength solution, which will lead to large losses of roofing material in the repair. Flat ribbon tile of "baking" (Dutch) laid without mortar from right to left with two layers or a layer in the form of flakes so that the upper range overlaps the bottom. Tiles of this type are fixed by klyammerov or nails. Laying tile Slot slot tape tape tile differs from the flat band close presence of longitudinal providing a tight connection of the material. Use it mostly to cover the simple configuration of roofs: shed or Ridged. Stacking is only one layer and starts from the pediment along the eaves and continues in parallel rows toward the ridge. Tile is laid with an overlap on the width of the width of the groove, and in length - 75-80 mm. The bottom two rows are satisfied with scaffolding or forests, and the next - from the bench. Laying tile Slot slot stamped stamped tiles in contrast to the band has also cross close. Thus, around the perimeter of the tiles are interconnected closed folded conjugations, preventing infiltration of precipitation. Tiles of this type are put on the eave to the ridge in a single layer, making the admission of the width and length to the width of the groove or rebate. Fasten it with a wire passing through the eye of shingles to nail, previously driven into the crate. To tiling is not windy, all the horizontal seams mezhcherepichnye from the attic promazyvayut clay izvestkovopeschanym solution mixed with straw or sharp solution of cement, lime with a small addition of fibrous materials (hemp, hemp). Ridge and the edges are covered ridge imbrex. On the ridge it fits in the same direction as on the slope and on the edges - always upwards. The place of the ribs with gable roof be filled with socket made of galvanized steel and cement mortar. Imbrex placed on a solution, and attached with wire, one end of which pass through the eye and the other is bound to nail driven into the purlins. The flooring of any roofing material is fairly time-consuming exercise, so choosing the right material for the roof, should also take into account the peculiarities of its installation.
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