Vitaly Lviv roof as part of the roof, is one of the fundamental elements of the building, since the quality of the roofing material is directly dependent, and the life of the entire building. The impact of precipitation in winter, sudden temperature changes during the offseason and mechanical damage can be greatly reduced by properly chosen roof. Roofing, as part of the roof, is one of the fundamental elements of the building, since the quality of the roofing material is directly dependent, and the life of the entire building. The impact of precipitation in winter, sudden temperature changes during the offseason and mechanical damage can be greatly reduced by properly chosen roof. Modern building materials market offers the buyer a fairly wide range of roofing: tile, soft roof, roofing copper, metal and other materials, each of which has its own features during the installation and operation. However, the choice of roofing material depends not only on customer's preferences, but also from the baseline. As you know, all the buildings can be divided into two types: frame and major. Frame - is when the carrier performs the function in a certain way filled frame, made of thick logs or planks (50-70 mm). Cavity between the framing members at the same time filled with some kind of effective insulation. Such constructions imply a lightweight frame type roof. That is, the weight of roofing material should be "easy", no more than 5 kg/m2. This group includes materials such as soft asphalt shingles, metal, Onduline, "etc. Such designs have come from America, the people of this country are particularly fond of light and relatively cheap pre-fabricated structures that can be easily disassembled and recycled. There they are, appear to have become fashionable in the period of settling of America by colonists from Europe. Not like you than any building - to disassemble and assemble at this place another shot in part using the old building parts and components. We must move to another location - also no problem. In Europe, by contrast, prefer a more serious buildings. Apparently, this is also due to historical traditions. The buildings are transferred from generation to generation. From this calculation and is, as a rule, construction - great-grandfather built so that the great-grandchildren can live in a house built by them. Naturally, this means other than America's attitude to the construction and, accordingly, used in construction materials. In particular the European tradition implies a heavier roofing materials such as ceramic tile. Such "heavy" roofing materials have several advantages compared with "light" - that low thermal conductivity (and, hence, energy savings), good sound insulation. And, of course, aesthetics, because the piece material always looks much more impressive than the leaf. "Heavy" roofing materials, of course, require more serious in its bearing capacity of truss system. Accordingly, strong truss system must rely on a more solid wall. Well, more durable wall must rely on a strong foundation. Thus, the choice between "heavy" and "light" roofing materials must implement the customer himself, commensurate with their desires and physical capabilities. And this choice should be considered and implemented in the design of the house. After all, the project should include a set of interrelated technology-tuned stages, ranging from studies of soils at a specific site (the location of groundwater, quicksands, the quality of the soil), the quality of the foundation bearing capacity of wall and rafter construction and finishing lying on her roof. That is, if you're still at the design stage not included in the design of the relevant elements of the house, then later make a radical change has not come out. With "light" roofing materials a bit easier. If you chose it for them, then you will have an opportunity to replace one "light" material to another. However, each of the material requires its own characteristics in the same truss construction and replacement of material on the move may entail a very substantial additional costs. So here it is better to choose the material in advance and take account of this choice in the design. According to existing rules and regulations of any roof structure shall be designed so that regardless of the weight of the roofing material (3 or 40 kg weighs square meter), it will withstand the load of 200 kg per square meter. In the figures for the central part of Russia is the snow and wind load, and, of course, an appropriate safety factor. Sometimes customers are naive to believe that the roof is lighter, the less load on the truss system and, consequently, on the walls and the foundation and the less problems with the operation. But when the counting begins, it appears that even a small area of ??the house and the roof (eg 50 m2) at the customer over the head "hanging" 10 ton design. And that's not counting the weight of the roof and the weight of the rafters. Figure on the preview view, appalling. However, frustrated and give up is not worth it, if well-designed project, taking into account all the existing loads, the corresponding truss system that evenly distributes the load on the walls, the construction of houses will withstand this load successfully. But back to roofing materials. By the form of raw materials roofing materials can be divided into: ceramic obtained firing the clay materials (tiles), metal (steel, aluminum, copper and alloys), glass, fiber-cement (asbestos, steklotsementnye), plastics (glass-fiber plastic, plexiglas ) cement-sand (concrete) tiles, tar (on the basis of bitumen, tar and other polymers). We will stop its attention on the most common roofing materials. Natural tile natural tile has long won the affection of buyers around the world. Not without reason millions of square meters of roofs covered with ceramic tiles exactly. Recently, however, is a growing metal tiles. If we take as a basis for the raw material, which is used for the manufacture of tiles, it can be divided into several types: ceramic tile, cement and sand, sand and polymer-metal. Traditional ceramic tile is manufactured by forming, drying and firing clay. "Raw" pottery is placed in a special furnace, where at temperatures above 1000 ° C, it acquires its technical properties, and reddish-brown color to boot. However, natural tile rather fragile. Also, the work of assembling a roof comparable to the cost of the material itself. The form of tile - cement-sand tiles prepared by compressing under high pressure painted mortar. Mixture consists of Portland cement, silica sand, alkali-resistant pigment and water. Due to the volume prokraske color tile remains unchanged during operation. Concrete tiles are precisely the size, strength and excellent design. A distinctive feature of the cement-sand tile is that it is gaining strength in service. This is due to chemical and physical properties of Portland cement. Polymer-sand tile is made from waste polyethylene, which are mixed with hot sand and dye, melted and then pressed into the product. This tile has a high impact strength, resistance to mold fungi. All it is somewhat less than that of ceramic or cement-sand tiles. The next type of roofing copper roofing materials, which I would like to tell, also has a long history. Roofing copper is widely used in domestic construction in the XIX and XX centuries, but in Soviet times it almost did not apply and only recently re-entered the copper stub out a living as a roofing material. Copper - a brilliant silvery substance with a slight pinkish hue, which acquires a reddish color to the extent of contact with air. During the first year of service from the copper becomes first reddish brown, and then a dull black. This color has its natural oxide. Over time, the oxides change color to malachite green, but this requires at least 15-20 years. There are artificial ways of patinated copper, giving a similar result at once, for example, before laying, but they are quite expensive. Patina is a natural protective coating of copper, reliably protect it from corrosion and deterioration. We can say that under the patina of copper is almost invulnerable. This fact directly affects the work-life copper roof, counted not in decades, hundreds of years. Copper is resistant to dilute acids, caustic alkalis, sea, fresh potable and industrial waters, dry gases and other media. It is perfectly amenable to welding, which makes repair coverage simple and reliable, it uses tin copper. Also applies time-tested way of soldering or tinning, known since ancient years, when tin is used. It is important to note that the presence of mechanical damage does not require replacing the entire sheet or strip, you just cut a copper patch and weld (or soldered) joints. Patched very quickly covered with a patina, and the differences renovated space will be very difficult, and when seen from earth - is impossible. The natural plasticity of copper gives another important advantage - a copper tape or sheet can easily cover any roof, even the most complex and intricate configurations, all bends are overcome very simply and quickly. A fresh re-laid copper roofing in the future will not require any care and supervision - it is not necessary nor cleaned or painted. Soft soft roof covering, such as roofing material, the most traditional for our country. On the composition of materials for devices such roofs can be divided into three main classes: asphalt, bitumen-polymer and polymer. Surfaced roll roofing, or simply soft roof - is the material in the production of which is on a solid foundation on both sides is applied bitumen or polymer-bitumen mixture. Depending on the destination of the material on its upper surface can be caused by a protective layer of coarse granules, oil shale, fine sand or mica chips. He stuck with a simple propane (or other) by burner podplavleniya its lower surface. That is, does not require any additional equipment for heating and supplying hot melt sealant, as required when using a roofing material. As a result - increased security of the work. All this greatly facilitates the use of technology and costs of assembling the waterproof coating. In modern facing materials as a basis for using fiberglass, fiberglass or polyester fabric (polyester). Bitumen-polymeric materials such as Steklomast is produced by introducing into the bitumen of various polymers. As a rule, polymer content does not exceed 12%. Despite the various criticisms of bitumen-polymer materials, statistics from European countries (from Italy to Finland) convincingly argues: polymer-bitumen materials are used there in 90% of cases. Metal Metal invented in the West for more than 30 years ago and since then it has successfully replaced more expensive and time consuming to install ceramic tile. Metal tiles are manufactured from galvanized steel by stamping in the form of sheets, which reproduce the picture of traditional tiles. Complex process can be represented as follows: first passivated galvanized steel (cover special layer, which prevents zinc from oxidation), soil (ie, causing the binder layer) and on the front side are color-polymer coating, which not only beautifies the material, but also protects it from natural influences. On the reverse side also applied protective coating. It was only after the sheet attached to the desired profile, that is squeezed out the picture. As the plastic layer used plastisol PVC, PVF2, polyester or acrylic, which are applied to the base at a temperature several hundred degrees Celsius. Of these types of plastics, the first two are particularly good resistance to mechanical loads and industrial air pollution. Plastic coating is highly resistant to UV rays, so the metal does not fade in the sun, and the coating does not lose its properties over a wide temperature range - from -50 to +120 ° C. The weight of 1 square meter of the roof covering does not exceed 5 kg. It should be noted that the production of galvanized steel sheets, steel mills are engaged in (Russian, Finnish, Swedish, British), and profiling - the company-producing metal. Today, most customers still prefer metal with a pattern that repeats masonry natural tile. But this does not mean that producers can not provide us with a decent selection of profiles. On the contrary. Today you can order or buy metal roofing with a wide variety of patterns, such as corrugated roofing sheets, or sheets that resemble slate. Tout all the advantages of metal - a thankless task. Judge for yourself, Metallocherepichnye cover fire-resistant and durable. Snow does not accumulate on their smooth surfaces, and self-coating protects the roof from leaks in the spring, as the melt water from seeping through. The coating surface is clean, no leaves, no moss does not stick to the roof. It's great as opposed to industrial emissions, and the harsh climate. It is calculated by at least 50 years of operation. But the main advantage of this material is its easy installation. In order to build his own house a new roof, you need the strength of 2-3 days. In this case, work on installing such a roof can be done in any weather. One thing to consider before buying - sheets of metal in the performance of roofing work are mounted on the overlap of 20-25 cm and a crate attached with special screws, nails, screws or special, having a sealing gasket in the cap. These items must be remembered, in order to produce literate calculation and installation of a roof. Metal is one of the most generalizing concepts when it comes to the roof. It is composed of materials with different thickness of steel substrate, with various protective coatings and different thicknesses. Raw material for the metal is hot-galvanized sheet, as a rule, thickness of 0,5 mm. Many firms manufacture metal roofing sheets of a thickness of 0.4 mm. Steel sheet of ground - it is put a special layer, which is better to hold the top cover, and then applied and the coating itself. Depending on the chemical composition of the coating and the thickness of the coating and can be differentiated with the full range of products. Because the basic properties of the sheet gives it cover. It is, in general, affects the price. Historically, the first appears the most simple coating - colored polyester coating polyester. This cover, moreover, that gives the metal color, and provides protection against all external factors: corrosion, atmospheric chemistry, etc. The thickness of the coating - 25 microns. It is brilliant (thickness 25 microns) and matte. Matte finish slightly thicker - 35 microns. Of course, the additional 10 microns thick coating of cardinal changes in the protective properties of the coating do not contribute, but the added resistance of the coating still attached. Yes, and look at the flat colors like many more. The following appeared coating based on polyvinyl chloride (PVC) - plastozol. This is the thickest cover - up to 200 microns. Originally it was developed for the climatic zones of high humidity (coastal areas, areas of reservoirs, etc.) and for areas with very aggressive environments (industrial areas with high air pollution) - PVC 0,2 mm thick very well and repels moisture and dirt . Such a thick coating rather protects the metal and mechanical damage - it can be incised, but if you will do it on purpose. During the operation revealed that the coating does not like the strong temperature heating.
Vitaly Lviv roof as part of the roof, is one of the fundamental elements of the building, since the quality of the roofing material is directly dependent, and the life of the entire building. The impact of precipitation in winter, sudden temperature changes during the offseason and mechanical damage can be greatly reduced by properly chosen roof. Roofing, as part of the roof, is one of the fundamental elements of the building, since the quality of the roofing material is directly dependent, and the life of the entire building. The impact of precipitation in winter, sudden temperature changes during the offseason and mechanical damage can be greatly reduced by properly chosen roof. Modern building materials market offers the buyer a fairly wide range of roofing: tile, soft roof, roofing copper, metal and other materials, each of which has its own features during the installation and operation. However, the choice of roofing material depends not only on customer's preferences, but also from the baseline. As you know, all the buildings can be divided into two types: frame and major. Frame - is when the carrier performs the function in a certain way filled frame, made of thick logs or planks (50-70 mm). Cavity between the framing members at the same time filled with some kind of effective insulation. Such constructions imply a lightweight frame type roof. That is, the weight of roofing material should be "easy", no more than 5 kg/m2. This group includes materials such as soft asphalt shingles, metal, Onduline, "etc. Such designs have come from America, the people of this country are particularly fond of light and relatively cheap pre-fabricated structures that can be easily disassembled and recycled. There they are, appear to have become fashionable in the period of settling of America by colonists from Europe. Not like you than any building - to disassemble and assemble at this place another shot in part using the old building parts and components. We must move to another location - also no problem. In Europe, by contrast, prefer a more serious buildings. Apparently, this is also due to historical traditions. The buildings are transferred from generation to generation. From this calculation and is, as a rule, construction - great-grandfather built so that the great-grandchildren can live in a house built by them. Naturally, this means other than America's attitude to the construction and, accordingly, used in construction materials. In particular the European tradition implies a heavier roofing materials such as ceramic tile. Such "heavy" roofing materials have several advantages compared with "light" - that low thermal conductivity (and, hence, energy savings), good sound insulation. And, of course, aesthetics, because the piece material always looks much more impressive than the leaf. "Heavy" roofing materials, of course, require more serious in its bearing capacity of truss system. Accordingly, strong truss system must rely on a more solid wall. Well, more durable wall must rely on a strong foundation. Thus, the choice between "heavy" and "light" roofing materials must implement the customer himself, commensurate with their desires and physical capabilities. And this choice should be considered and implemented in the design of the house. After all, the project should include a set of interrelated technology-tuned stages, ranging from studies of soils at a specific site (the location of groundwater, quicksands, the quality of the soil), the quality of the foundation bearing capacity of wall and rafter construction and finishing lying on her roof. That is, if you're still at the design stage not included in the design of the relevant elements of the house, then later make a radical change has not come out. With "light" roofing materials a bit easier. If you chose it for them, then you will have an opportunity to replace one "light" material to another. However, each of the material requires its own characteristics in the same truss construction and replacement of material on the move may entail a very substantial additional costs. So here it is better to choose the material in advance and take account of this choice in the design. According to existing rules and regulations of any roof structure shall be designed so that regardless of the weight of the roofing material (3 or 40 kg weighs square meter), it will withstand the load of 200 kg per square meter. In the figures for the central part of Russia is the snow and wind load, and, of course, an appropriate safety factor. Sometimes customers are naive to believe that the roof is lighter, the less load on the truss system and, consequently, on the walls and the foundation and the less problems with the operation. But when the counting begins, it appears that even a small area of ??the house and the roof (eg 50 m2) at the customer over the head "hanging" 10 ton design. And that's not counting the weight of the roof and the weight of the rafters. Figure on the preview view, appalling. However, frustrated and give up is not worth it, if well-designed project, taking into account all the existing loads, the corresponding truss system that evenly distributes the load on the walls, the construction of houses will withstand this load successfully. But back to roofing materials. By the form of raw materials roofing materials can be divided into: ceramic obtained firing the clay materials (tiles), metal (steel, aluminum, copper and alloys), glass, fiber-cement (asbestos, steklotsementnye), plastics (glass-fiber plastic, plexiglas ) cement-sand (concrete) tiles, tar (on the basis of bitumen, tar and other polymers). We will stop its attention on the most common roofing materials. Natural tile natural tile has long won the affection of buyers around the world. Not without reason millions of square meters of roofs covered with ceramic tiles exactly. Recently, however, is a growing metal tiles. If we take as a basis for the raw material, which is used for the manufacture of tiles, it can be divided into several types: ceramic tile, cement and sand, sand and polymer-metal. Traditional ceramic tile is manufactured by forming, drying and firing clay. "Raw" pottery is placed in a special furnace, where at temperatures above 1000 ° C, it acquires its technical properties, and reddish-brown color to boot. However, natural tile rather fragile. Also, the work of assembling a roof comparable to the cost of the material itself. The form of tile - cement-sand tiles prepared by compressing under high pressure painted mortar. Mixture consists of Portland cement, silica sand, alkali-resistant pigment and water. Due to the volume prokraske color tile remains unchanged during operation. Concrete tiles are precisely the size, strength and excellent design. A distinctive feature of the cement-sand tile is that it is gaining strength in service. This is due to chemical and physical properties of Portland cement. Polymer-sand tile is made from waste polyethylene, which are mixed with hot sand and dye, melted and then pressed into the product. This tile has a high impact strength, resistance to mold fungi. All it is somewhat less than that of ceramic or cement-sand tiles. The next type of roofing copper roofing materials, which I would like to tell, also has a long history. Roofing copper is widely used in domestic construction in the XIX and XX centuries, but in Soviet times it almost did not apply and only recently re-entered the copper stub out a living as a roofing material. Copper - a brilliant silvery substance with a slight pinkish hue, which acquires a reddish color to the extent of contact with air. During the first year of service from the copper becomes first reddish brown, and then a dull black. This color has its natural oxide. Over time, the oxides change color to malachite green, but this requires at least 15-20 years. There are artificial ways of patinated copper, giving a similar result at once, for example, before laying, but they are quite expensive. Patina is a natural protective coating of copper, reliably protect it from corrosion and deterioration. We can say that under the patina of copper is almost invulnerable. This fact directly affects the work-life copper roof, counted not in decades, hundreds of years. Copper is resistant to dilute acids, caustic alkalis, sea, fresh potable and industrial waters, dry gases and other media. It is perfectly amenable to welding, which makes repair coverage simple and reliable, it uses tin copper. Also applies time-tested way of soldering or tinning, known since ancient years, when tin is used. It is important to note that the presence of mechanical damage does not require replacing the entire sheet or strip, you just cut a copper patch and weld (or soldered) joints. Patched very quickly covered with a patina, and the differences renovated space will be very difficult, and when seen from earth - is impossible. The natural plasticity of copper gives another important advantage - a copper tape or sheet can easily cover any roof, even the most complex and intricate configurations, all bends are overcome very simply and quickly. A fresh re-laid copper roofing in the future will not require any care and supervision - it is not necessary nor cleaned or painted. Soft soft roof covering, such as roofing material, the most traditional for our country. On the composition of materials for devices such roofs can be divided into three main classes: asphalt, bitumen-polymer and polymer. Surfaced roll roofing, or simply soft roof - is the material in the production of which is on a solid foundation on both sides is applied bitumen or polymer-bitumen mixture. Depending on the destination of the material on its upper surface can be caused by a protective layer of coarse granules, oil shale, fine sand or mica chips. He stuck with a simple propane (or other) by burner podplavleniya its lower surface. That is, does not require any additional equipment for heating and supplying hot melt sealant, as required when using a roofing material. As a result - increased security of the work. All this greatly facilitates the use of technology and costs of assembling the waterproof coating. In modern facing materials as a basis for using fiberglass, fiberglass or polyester fabric (polyester). Bitumen-polymeric materials such as Steklomast is produced by introducing into the bitumen of various polymers. As a rule, polymer content does not exceed 12%. Despite the various criticisms of bitumen-polymer materials, statistics from European countries (from Italy to Finland) convincingly argues: polymer-bitumen materials are used there in 90% of cases. Metal Metal invented in the West for more than 30 years ago and since then it has successfully replaced more expensive and time consuming to install ceramic tile. Metal tiles are manufactured from galvanized steel by stamping in the form of sheets, which reproduce the picture of traditional tiles. Complex process can be represented as follows: first passivated galvanized steel (cover special layer, which prevents zinc from oxidation), soil (ie, causing the binder layer) and on the front side are color-polymer coating, which not only beautifies the material, but also protects it from natural influences. On the reverse side also applied protective coating. It was only after the sheet attached to the desired profile, that is squeezed out the picture. As the plastic layer used plastisol PVC, PVF2, polyester or acrylic, which are applied to the base at a temperature several hundred degrees Celsius. Of these types of plastics, the first two are particularly good resistance to mechanical loads and industrial air pollution. Plastic coating is highly resistant to UV rays, so the metal does not fade in the sun, and the coating does not lose its properties over a wide temperature range - from -50 to +120 ° C. The weight of 1 square meter of the roof covering does not exceed 5 kg. It should be noted that the production of galvanized steel sheets, steel mills are engaged in (Russian, Finnish, Swedish, British), and profiling - the company-producing metal. Today, most customers still prefer metal with a pattern that repeats masonry natural tile. But this does not mean that producers can not provide us with a decent selection of profiles. On the contrary. Today you can order or buy metal roofing with a wide variety of patterns, such as corrugated roofing sheets, or sheets that resemble slate. Tout all the advantages of metal - a thankless task. Judge for yourself, Metallocherepichnye cover fire-resistant and durable. Snow does not accumulate on their smooth surfaces, and self-coating protects the roof from leaks in the spring, as the melt water from seeping through. The coating surface is clean, no leaves, no moss does not stick to the roof. It's great as opposed to industrial emissions, and the harsh climate. It is calculated by at least 50 years of operation. But the main advantage of this material is its easy installation. In order to build his own house a new roof, you need the strength of 2-3 days. In this case, work on installing such a roof can be done in any weather. One thing to consider before buying - sheets of metal in the performance of roofing work are mounted on the overlap of 20-25 cm and a crate attached with special screws, nails, screws or special, having a sealing gasket in the cap. These items must be remembered, in order to produce literate calculation and installation of a roof. Metal is one of the most generalizing concepts when it comes to the roof. It is composed of materials with different thickness of steel substrate, with various protective coatings and different thicknesses. Raw material for the metal is hot-galvanized sheet, as a rule, thickness of 0,5 mm. Many firms manufacture metal roofing sheets of a thickness of 0.4 mm. Steel sheet of ground - it is put a special layer, which is better to hold the top cover, and then applied and the coating itself. Depending on the chemical composition of the coating and the thickness of the coating and can be differentiated with the full range of products. Because the basic properties of the sheet gives it cover. It is, in general, affects the price. Historically, the first appears the most simple coating - colored polyester coating polyester. This cover, moreover, that gives the metal color, and provides protection against all external factors: corrosion, atmospheric chemistry, etc. The thickness of the coating - 25 microns. It is brilliant (thickness 25 microns) and matte. Matte finish slightly thicker - 35 microns. Of course, the additional 10 microns thick coating of cardinal changes in the protective properties of the coating do not contribute, but the added resistance of the coating still attached. Yes, and look at the flat colors like many more. The following appeared coating based on polyvinyl chloride (PVC) - plastozol. This is the thickest cover - up to 200 microns. Originally it was developed for the climatic zones of high humidity (coastal areas, areas of reservoirs, etc.) and for areas with very aggressive environments (industrial areas with high air pollution) - PVC 0,2 mm thick very well and repels moisture and dirt . Such a thick coating rather protects the metal and mechanical damage - it can be incised, but if you will do it on purpose. During the operation revealed that the coating does not like the strong temperature heating. This is due, apparently, a difference in the coefficients of linear expansion of plastic (PVC) and metal. With the simultaneous heating of plastic and metal nothing terrible happens, but if the temperature then begins to decline sharply, it is where the trouble can begin until the separation of PVC from the metal. True, we must stipulate that delamination may occur no earlier than 7-10-year exploitation of the material. Approximately 7.8 year of service is even one small drawback - the roof of darker hues begin to fade quite active - to lighten. Later, the Finns have come up with another cover, expensive and even better - the Puranas. This polymer coating based on polyurethane. The thickness of the coating - 50 microns. It has all the advantages plastozola (resistant to mechanical stress, suitable for the climatic conditions of high humidity and air pollution), but its operating temperature is much higher - it exceeds 100 ° C. Sami Finns believe that this coating over time completely replace plastozol. Those British and Swedish firms that do not have a license to manufacture Purana, continue to argue that the best coverage is exactly plastozol. Who is right - time will tell. That's all fundamental differences of metal, its classification. There are really a number of Swedish companies that manufacture metal roofing coated polyester slightly thicker - up to 30 microns. Finnish firms use mostly steel 0,5 mm thick, the Swedish companies use steel and 0,5 and 0,4 mm. Naturally, with more than thin sheets of contact during installation should be more careful, because Sheets prominayutsya at lower loads. And when installing shallow dents often at close range and not visible. And see those dents are only at a certain angle - for example, at sunset, your roof will suddenly become raznotonnoy. But, of course, the material thickness of 0.4 mm has a right to exist and deserves some attention. Definite interest and information that producers of sheets 0,4 mm or in Sweden or in Finland, its products do not sell - they offer it only in Russia, Poland, etc. It must be noted also that the most famous manufacturers of metal used to manufacture only the steel 0,5 mm, having a thickness tolerance of ± 10%. This means that the thickness of steel sheets in reality varies from 0.54 to 0.46 mm. Steel is 0,4 mm thick for the production is not used, since in fact sheet thickness may be a little more than 0.35 mm, and it's too little, as a sheet metal obtained strict enough. In central Russia, all four coatings behave about the same. So even in spite of some anti-advertising firms polyester is quite acceptable for our band coating for metal, provided that when the sheets are transported to the site and install to them (and to the cover) will be treated with care. Since a thin coating, it is possible pebble stuck in shoe soles in the installer, it will scratch. Well, if incised only to the layer of primer, and not to the layer of galvanized iron. Of course, all the scratches on any surface you can touch up, restoring security breach, but it is better to simply not apply. Which of these four types of coatings to choose - a private matter of the customer. If you think that where you live, high humidity, or air is contaminated with industrial waste, it is best to choose a thicker coating. And since thicker coatings are more resistant to mechanical stress, it gives one more advantage - no need to keep an eye out for workers during installation. Thicker coating can be recommended for houses built in the forest belt: fall on the roof of pine needles and leaves - that mechanical wear, and the source of moisture, corrosion and the source of danger (of the debate and rot). Zinc roofing Particular attention should be paid to the new roofing materials - zinc-titanium. This zinc alloy with titanium, copper and aluminum. Titanium and copper zinc give the necessary mechanical properties (strength, plasticity), allowing it becomes possible to apply to roofing. D-zinc, as experts call it, is highly resistant to corrosion and absolute environmentally compatible, not for nothing that is widely used in everyday life makes him dishes. Roof of the zinc-titanium alloy does not require maintenance and their lifetime is almost equal to life of the building, and their noble beauty has earned the love of architects around the world. Zinc as such for the manufacture of roofing is applied over a hundred years, but it applies mostly abroad. As a roofing material D-zinc came to Russia from there. Until recently, Russia's only building with a roof of the D-Zinc was the building of the State Historical Museum. But since 1911, attempts to apply the D-zinc roofing in Russia is practically no longer there, so craftsmanship of architectural forms from sheet zinc have almost completely lost. Abroad, the roof of the same D-zinc have been used and applied so far. And live up to our days, not only the old roof is being built every year a large number of new (there are entire schools roofers working with zinc). Roofs are decorated with all sorts of carvings, shapes, window frame. The most spectacular look "scaly" dome design. But all this is, of course, unique architectural sites. Modern Material D-zinc has the ability to mold, plasticity and the ability to solder stuff like copper, it will almost double its cheaper. Positive qualities of the material and its main advantages - it's durability, good looks (a cross between aluminum and stainless steel, over time, he covered a whitish patina), and lower costs. But there is this material and disadvantages. For example, D-zinc has a high coefficient of linear expansion - 0.022 mm/m2 * ° C, which is approximately 30% larger than the coefficient of linear expansion of steel. Therefore, the roof should have some kind of compensation device to keep it "vzdyblivalas the summer and not straining in the winter. With decreasing temperature, the metal becomes brittle, losing strength characteristics occurs at a temperature higher than zero. Therefore, to work with him on the roof when the air temperature below +7 ° C (according to foreign data) or in cold temperatures (for domestic data) is prohibited. On the one hand it is fairly corrosion-resistant material - it can accommodate about 100 years of operation. But on the other hand, if the sheets, stacked in a pack (roll) get wet, the corrosion rate increases many times (this, incidentally, suffer and aluminum, and many other roofing materials). This implies increased demands on storage conditions and manufacturing operations. There are restrictions on materials crates - according to foreign rules and regulations, not all types of wood suitable for its production. Not suitable birch and oak board (for us it is not very relevant limitations, as neither of birch or oak crate never made). But well-suited pine board. In contact with a number of other metals such as iron and copper, D-zinc elektrokorodirovat begins, so you can only use galvanized nails, the zone of direct contact should be isolated. At work we use such techniques, from which our roofers just feel strange: soldering, defined, unusual for us types of joints. For D-zinc used only double folded seams, which are necessary to create almost a jeweler's precision. Called the folded roof of sheet and rolled galvanized steel or non-ferrous metals, in which the connection of individual elements of coating (painting) made with roofing seams - rebate. Distinguish seamed connection longitudinal and transverse (in the direction of the roof). Cross-connections, usually recumbent, longitudinal - standing. Both are single and double. D-zinc soldered perfectly, almost without any preparation (to work with him even better and easier than with copper). In addition, using this technology can build a roof to solve many problems, insoluble in the usual way. True, soldering the roof we are not accustomed to. Work with the material must be very careful - it can not throw, knock on it, etc., so as to place severe strain (attack) can start corrosion. In general, this material is not easy and makes a good think about everything before you use it. In the mass construction of D-zinc rarely used. It is more suitable for office buildings, monuments, sports facilities, which provides for the establishment seam roof. However, what would roofing materials you did not give a preference, remember that quality coating must comply with the climatic conditions of our country. This means that the new roof should be resistant to low and high temperatures, as well as parts of its extremes, ultraviolet radiation and ozone in long-term preservation of their initial physical and mechanical properties.
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