Maxim Glotov most reliable to date is a combination type of lock that uses a lever in its design and cylinder lock mechanism and is equipped with a function of conversion. Often, even very strong steel door is not an obstacle for an attacker, if not complete its security lock. Door lock, of course, must be of high quality, secure various adaptations of the knock-out, drilling and other thieving techniques. Reliability lock determines its value Gone are the days when most of the apartments defended conventional wooden or metal doors. Today, most people seeking to strengthen the entrance to the room with strong burglary bending-welded structures. We are gradually getting used to the fact that a good front door can not cost less than 15-20 thousand, but not always willing to give even half the amount called for reliable locking. But experts stubbornly advised - better to spend money once, and sleep soundly. Today the market offers locks the two main types: lever and cylinder. First we need to say a few words about their differences. Lever lock lever locks consist of a set of plates (levers). When the action profile of the grooves on the end key (a rather large, by the way), these plates are arranged in a strictly defined position, the lock opens. If you do not match at least one locking levers will not open. The more levers, the harder it is to open the lock. Lever locks are preferred for the doors, installed in unsecured areas where the attacker is free to make noise and not limited by time. It is worth noting that the lever locks the leading manufacturers and have a very high level of secrecy - about 150 thousand combinations - and close at least three or four times. Cylinder Locks Cylinder Locks - it locks in which the blocking is due to turning the key in the cylinder (also called larvae). In the cylinder enclosed a set of movable pins. They lined up the key in height. The level of secrecy lock depends on the number of pins, their location within the cylinder, the number of possible combinations of height and precision of the individual elements. Cylinder locks are especially in demand because of the ease of use and ease of replacement. For example, if you have lost your key, you have to replace only the secret part of the castle - the larva. Locks with cylinders having several millions of combinations, and preferably not where supposed to "force" hacking, and in places where the most likely break "smart" with the use of special tools. The fact that the secret part, is virtually impossible to hack through the spikes, you can simply knock at the door. Combined models of castles shortcomings, existing cylinder and lever locks, devoid combined models. In the case of similar products at the same time two sets of lock mechanism - lever and cylinder. Lever provides mechanical resistance of the door and cylinder, in turn, can not open the door to the method of selecting a key or by using the master key. Protect the castle What additional resources are used by leading experts to strengthen the system lock? According to experts, the most vulnerable place in modern cylinder locks is the cylinder. Protect the castle by using tungsten carbide inserts or cores of high strength and elasticity. Core is visible from the outside of the door: assessing it, an attacker could easily change your mind open your door. To counteract the hack used steel armored plating - the protection of hardened steel, which prevent any attempt of an attacker to get close to the castle. In the case of hacking attempts do not have power load on the cylinder, and the armored plating, which greatly improves the reliability of the "door-lock." For lever locks is recommended to use a steel mounting plate. Mounting plate, socket weld in a steel door, facilitate the installation of the castle and improve reliability bronenakladok by way of their attachment. The hole for the key in the mounting plate has never done more holes in the castle, and it helps protect it from opening svertyshem (in other words, from folding). To protect the lock from drilling, together with the mounting plate can use a special insert from the alloy. Consignment lock Double locking lever lock locks recoding can purchase locking function of conversion. It does not have to change every time you lose your keys or, say, the suspect workers producing repairs in your apartment, in the manufacture of duplicate. Buying Recodable lock with a set of keys, you will receive in addition a special tool to recode - T-shaped key. If there is an alarming situation, you can change the encoding for one minute. Recode the lock can be an unlimited number of times. Please note that some manufacturers claim about the function of conversion in their castles, meaning thereby that changing the code would have to replace part of the castle - the core. It's not easy, and without any professional assistance, most likely, do not work. In addition, the market offers cheap Chinese doors, locks which, according to advertising, you can encode just once (using a special key supplied). Here we must bear in mind that, firstly, a replacement code may not be enough (you never know what surprises await you in the operation of the door), and, secondly, not the undisputed quality of doors and locks embedded in them, does not guarantee that this is the only time a change of code will go smoothly. Therefore, choosing a door with a lock Recodable, try to explain to the seller, what kind of recoding you are interested. Inset, the tab and strap in the design of each of the castle includes confidential and executive part. Secret, or code, part - a mechanism that "learns" key or another version of the password access (special card or owners of the house). But the executive - is the locking mechanism, arranged for all locks on the same principle and consisting of crossbars (bolts), valves and brackets. Depending on the installation of the executive of the locks are divided into locks, overhead, removable and hinged. Mortise locks do not spoil the look of the door, although it is most difficult to install, and if some mechanism in the lock has failed, replace it will be difficult. Mortise locks few weaken the strength of the door panel. Rim locks that are installed on the door panel change its appearance, but the replacement of broken parts will not cause trouble, and the strength of the door will not suffer. Removable locks are only used in the steel doors. To install them in the inner door sheet to cut a hole into which is inserted into the lock mechanism. In the trim, too, there is a hole - it goes crossbar. This weakens the door lock structure is much smaller than the mortise.
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