Paul Chernyakov There is a widespread misconception that the cottage of brick - an example of the most reliable investment in suburban real estate. Like, the very walls in this case are evidence of solidity, attractiveness and liquidity of the building. But practice shows otherwise. Today, only one wall material ceased to be a "guarantor of" the popularity of a home if the builder did not pay due attention to the management of architectural design and its literate incarnation. According to statistics, sales of country houses, in the first place still hold houses of brick, which "breathe in the back" home of the blocks (foam and aerated). But it is also the slowest to sell the house out of brick. This paradox is explained by no means disadvantageous location outsiders demand. If you look closely, most of the illiquid house falls on the featureless "box" and tasteless "locks" with turrets, and other archetypes weathercocks 1990. Thus, if a developer wants to build a house that will always be in demand, he needs to rely not on the wall material, and the project. Assess your strength before you build a house of bricks, you need to sensibly assess their financial capabilities, so that over time not to join the team of would-be sad unfinished sellers of real estate. Paying tribute to the brick, it was understood that this material not only the most popular, but the most expensive. Given that in its pure form, no wall material is not used today (if concrete, then lined with brick, if bricks, then with a heater), you can "burn" these homes in one price category - 500-1000 dollars per square meter (price boxes is the cost of excavation, foundation, building boxes with floors, roofs and unit cost of all necessary materials). It is therefore extremely rare to find a brick home in private cottage village, centrally constructed development companies in the Leningrad region and around St. Petersburg. But private developers to realize their aim to make your home a strong, beautiful, in every respect worthy of the family "estate" often prefer the brick. Brick advisable to use only during the construction of large houses (at least double-decker, the area of ??each floor - 200 square meters. M and more) designed to operate year-round. The thickness of the brickwork is selected based on the estimated outside air temperature. Recommended by the so-called effective types of masonry, in which between the outer and inner rows of bricks formed space, filled with concrete, Charging heaters, etc. Effective with the Charging masonry heaters the most economical. To cover door and window openings, you can use standard concrete bridge prefabrication. Brick wall can be given any geometrical shape that allows you to build houses of various configurations. A wall of bricks "breathe" in the house with walls of the most favorable climate for humans. Such walls are extremely durable, heat-resistant, are not subject to pests and rot, and therefore durable. They allow the use of reinforced concrete slabs. This is necessary if a living space should be a garage. After completion of masonry walls before they finish the year must pass: the wall before the finish to "settle down". From the viewpoint of designing a brick cottages have important advantage - experience in building projects such houses is large enough. Brick House - a structure that can rightfully be called the family nest and passed down over generations, at least within 100-150 years. That's how much time, according to official guests, brick house can withstand without reconstruction. However, the erection of a brick house - it time-consuming. If you would like as soon as possible to celebrate the new home, a more rational to apply to framework technology, or build a house from blocks of foam or aerated concrete. With timely financing, even fairly large frame house can be built in six months, while the brickwork requires much more time. Terms of construction brick box cottage - from three to six months, construction on a turnkey basis - from six months to one year. Country house is best built from clay (ceramic) brick. It comes solid and hollow (if you have a gap, it is called a slot). Solid is very strong, but its heat-insulating qualities, is inferior to many other building materials. It is used for the construction of internal walls and partitions, as well as for masonry below the level of waterproofing. Porous brick is ideal for the construction of the walls of low-rise buildings, but it is more expensive slot. Optimally in low-rise brick building is considered to be slotted. It is used for construction of exterior walls, since they are more warm. You should know that a solid brick masonry slab does not meet modern standards teplosberezheniya - in accordance with the requirements of SNIP II-3-79 "Building Heat Engineering and later snip 23.02-2003" Thermal protection of buildings "increased demands on the properties of heat-protecting structures. So now in construction have been used two solutions: the outer insulation system and multi-layered system with effective insulation. Projects, which selects the market What are the projects of brick houses today are popular with developers? "Average" brick cottage of the XXI century - two-story house with a loft, with a complex pitched roof and varied facades, with a clear interfloor zoning, with built or built-in garage and with a relatively large area of ??glazing. Maximum area of ??modern brick cottage for the average family - no more than 300-400 square meters. m, and sometimes less. Increase in area leads to additional costs for heating and maintenance. Floors are often a measure of prestige: the higher the better. However, before you follow this imperative, analyze whether it is convenient to you and your house is constantly jumping from one floor to another. In any case, the top is not necessary to plan facilities for older family members, and with young children to climb the narrow and often steep stairs are not particularly handy. If the home will be living several generations, perhaps the most suitable for you will be projects that include a separate entry in some areas of the house. This solution will allow adult children to feel free and natural, and old people keep quiet. If the construction of wooden houses in most cases, you can talk about lightweight foundation, the brick, and hence heavier house requires a sunken foundation, which, in turn, binds to the study of soils. But this natural "heaviness" of brick cottages should in no way reflected on his appearance. Customers Projects brick cottages are increasingly seeking to open space towards the sun, to replace the dull massive outdoor enclosures and internal partitions easier and, if necessary, and transparent enclosures made of glass. Large windows, divided by thin structural elements of glazing, creating the impression that the interior of the premises as it passes into the external and thus joins with him. In the famous "Five Theses on the architecture of" Le Corbusier stressed that front loses its bearing and the windows can go to any length, regardless of the internal division of the building. Disappear piers and window boxes, and the room is illuminated evenly and much more intense than in normal windows. However, those designs that are easily made at home Le Karbyuze, in St. Petersburg climate require substantial financial investment. As a result, the basis most often taken a compromise, suggesting a high degree of glazing of the south facade, but without the "glass walls". The combination of different wall materials in a single home - an option not immediately comes to mind. Nevertheless, it is often convenient to erect a stone first floor and build on it the bulk wooden attic. Thus, you kill two birds: to protect from moisture on the ground floor and get a completely democratic on the value of the attic, has all the advantages of wooden buildings. By the way, a penthouse is also the element that you should pay attention when choosing a project brick house. Most developers want to have at least a two-storey house. However, by posting the second floor directly under the roof, you first of all, great save (as absolutely non-functional room loft building you just do not have to), and secondly, get an interesting premise with odd-shaped ceiling and the possibility of ceiling light with dormer windows. When the economy is pernicious functional division of modern brick cottage is pretty traditional. Residential zone - on the first level, bedroom - on the second, and Zone of sport and recreation - in the attic. Often, customers are asked to draft a cottage an architect to arrange rooms for adults and children on the ground floor to active life the younger generation did not interfere with the parent rest. However, the standard predetermined plan there is a risk that the internal space has been somewhat dull and heavy. How to bring about a feeling of lightness and airiness? To ease the space, architects are often "determeniruyut" volumes, spreading them through an open zoning. In this case, unfolding according to plan the task to support a cottage on a plane, while "landing" on the sides of the world. When designing the space, where most are members of the household, you need to navigate by the sun: the most open glassed-in spaces face south. Even greater openness of internal space contributes to the cottage a choice of color solutions for facade plaster, colored brick or artificial stone. Sometimes developers brick cottages make an unforgivable mistake, he would save, it would seem, on the sheer detail - mortar and masonry mortar texture instead of flat color acquire ordinary cement. And, despite the fact that all the building technology in the construction of houses followed, after completion of the wall as affected by eczema patients go spots. In one place, visible lines of masonry are dark gray, the other - light gray, and the third - generally some sort of mottled. Especially good is sometimes evident from the carefully chosen color bricks that faced the front. The problem is that the masonry cement only at first glance seem monotonous. That's why those customers who want to get a result not only reliable but also aesthetically flawless facade, it may be advisable to look at well-established special mortar - vetonitu and its analogs. All private developers, opted for a brick, we must remember that success is determined by the harmony of design and technological solutions. After all, even the most brilliant architectural design can be at the root of ruin ticky-tacky performance and unsustainable economy on "little things".
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