Friday, July 15, 2011

Brick: selection, characterization, producers

... A solid company built luxury brick house. Began lining the facade, but then doubted. The bricks seemed to them suspicious. Given to the examination, and found that frost resistance of brick is not responsible Moscow standards. I had to get rid of it in a hurry, and the house was revived with a new, "correct" brick. This story ended well. And many others, alas, ended badly. For example, did the dome of brick dry pressing, still covered with pure gold, and the dome began to leak. Or: they brought a brick to the construction site, left a few months, but when it came time to build, it turned out that all brick cracked. And the reason turned out to be everywhere the same: brick incorrectly selected. How to make the right choice So let's try to figure out what kind of brick - a "right". According to the "Dictionary of Russian language, edited by DN Ushakov, brick is: 1. Artificial stone, manufactured in the form of bars of clay and is used for buildings. 2. One piece of this stone. 3. The solid material in the form of a stone. What are the bricks of composition and process for producing a brick is divided into two groups - ceramic and calcium silicate. Ceramic brick is produced by firing clay and mixtures thereof. Sand-lime brick - consists of approximately 90% sand, 10% lime and a small proportion of additives. Mixture is sent to the autoclave, and not in the kiln, as is the case with a ceramic brick. If you add pigments, you can get calcium silicate bricks of almost any color - blue, green, raspberry, violet. According to the logic of a glossary, a brick - it's baked clay brick. But then silicate (ie, no clay) brick - and not a brick at all, but a solid material similar to it in form. By the way, so it is: these two materials have different guests, and builders are very well carried out between the border. Thus, we mainly consider a ceramic brick, because he is the real bricks (and a dictionary, and according to the GOST). What a brick - for what? To appoint a ceramic brick is divided into ordinary (also building) and face (he is facing, tiling, decoration, facade). Of special note is the baking bricks. Ordinary brick used for the internal rows of masonry or external series, but with subsequent plaster. Ordinary brick can have on the side of the bulged geometric pattern (for better grip with plaster solution). Facing brick - a uniform color, has two smooth, flat front surface (the so-called "poke" and "stretcher"). It is usually hollow (ie, its "body" a lot of voids, making the wall of a brick "warm"). By lining is also textured brick (with a relief pattern face) and shaped (or shaped, profile) for laying of complex shapes: arches, columns, etc. Baking bricks come in different sizes (even with the palm). Sometimes it is done with the terrain. For the combustion of the fireplaces use fireclay brick made of refractory clay at temperatures above 1000 ° C. Fireclay brick has a sand-yellow color and grain structure. So when buying a brick important to know what you actually buy it. And do not mix! And then attracted by "Lovely" and lay face brick wall instead of the ordinary. And then computed the costs and wept. Or, conversely, want to save money and oblitsuete ordinary brick house. But then the house will not look very nice. Exterior Dimensions Our brick "smart" dimensions: 250 x 120 x 65 mm. The builder is convenient to take with one hand. At length laid two bricks in width, plus a centimeter on the seam. But the thickness can vary. And then the bricks are named: single (65 mm), thickened, or one and a half (88 mm). Large brick Standard defines as a ceramic stone. Standard ceramic stone, or a double brick (often referred to as its sales) - 250 x 120 x 138 mm. Bastard bricks and stones significant cost savings solution, and the construction time. And do not think that the builders will charge you more money for weightlifting. He himself is better: a dozen threw stones - and the wall is ready! In addition, the stones need less, but their price is not increased. For example, double-face brick single most expensive half, and the size twice as large. Straw color, apricot, red and brown brick color of brick is largely dependent on the composition of the clay. Most of the clay after firing have a classic brick color. Such clays are called krasnozhguschimisya, and the brick - red. Rarer belozhguschiesya clay, including a yellow, apricot or white brick. Sometimes the raw materials enter different pigment additives. For example, brown brick can be obtained only by pigment additives. GOST brick color should match the sample-standard, approved by the. Often, the factories, there are several standards, and there is a risk to buy a "colorful" party of bricks. "Warm" Brick In the presence of voids in the body of a brick front and ordinary shares in the hollow and full-bodied (ceramic stones are just hollow). The more voids (they can be more than 50%), the brick is warmer. It turns out that the use of hollow brick walls can be made thinner, and insulation from it will not worsen. In brick less weight, and as a result - less load on the foundation. This is - his dignity. But there is a difficulty: when laying a brick holes can become clogged with a solution, and it will be more "cool". To avoid this, we must take a brick with cavities of smaller diameter and a more viscous solution. Bricks can be made more "warm" due to the internal porosity of the ceramic crock (that is, the material itself). This is called brick porous. By the way, porous brick, compared with the usual sounds better louder. Thus, it is clear that to save time and money is better to buy not the usual brick and half. And even better - a ceramic stone. But color can be chosen to taste - it does not affect the quality of bricks. If you want a house as warm (but not at the expense of wall thickness), we need to take a hollow or porous brick. But then use a viscous solution to void must not be blocked. Specifications strength. Brand strength - the main characteristic of brick - a material's ability to resist the internal stresses and strains, not destroyed. Mark - a measure of strength, denoted by "M" with a numeric value. The figures show how the load on 1 sq. cm can withstand a brick. For example, grade 100 (M100) indicates that the brick is guaranteed to withstand a load of 100 kg per 1 sq. cm Bricks may have grade from 75 to 300. Available most common brick M100, 125, 150, 175. How do I know which brand of brick do you need? For example, to build high-rise buildings use brick M150 or higher. But for the cottage in the 2-3 floors and enough "weave" (ie M100). Frost Frost resistance - ability of a material to withstand alternate freezing and thawing in a water-saturated condition. Frost resistance (designated as "SSE") is measured in cycles. During a standard test brick is immersed in water for 8 hours, then placed for 8 hours in the freezer (one cycle). And so on until the brick will start to change their characteristics (mass, strength, etc.). Then the test is stopped and conclude on frost resistance of brick. For the Moscow buildings have to use brick frost no less than 35 cycles. Therefore, large plants try not to produce bricks frost below 35 cycles. But the market has found a brick frost 25 and even 15 cycles (usually imported from warmer regions). He has a low price, it attracts buyers (and sellers try not to dwell on "features"). Generally speaking, a brand of brick to the future home should identify the expert. In short, we do not advise chasing cheap brick with frost, 25 or even 15 cycles. For construction in the Moscow region, use the brick MDE 35. And the best - 50. Marriage What is marriage in the process of making bricks? GOST marriage is burnout and underburning, and this brick is not recommended for sale. But the presence of lime inclusions GOST admits, although the owner of a brick of it, alas, not easier. How do I know whether burnt red brick? If the core of brick - a more saturated color than the "body", and the impact it rings, it is - a brick of good quality. Underburning, pale brick pale brick has a distinctive mustard color, and with the impact tubby. In pale brick low frost resistance and he was "afraid" of moisture. At one firm told the following story. One winter, when the prices of construction materials below costive client decided to buy a brick on the cheap. Then he knocked him on his site and happily began to count how many saved. Come spring, melted snow, he hastened to the citizen at his construction site. And he saw there ... mountains crumble brick. Brick was defective - with underburning. Burnout, bleach brick is formed from very high temperatures. Brick turns black, melted, becomes exact dimensions, its "bursting" from the inside. But experts say that if the brick did not violate its shape, and black he became only the core, he, on the contrary, it becomes very strong, though the iron. Calcareous inclusions (sometimes referred to as "Dutikow) Where do they come? Loam soil contains limestone. During the preparation of raw material is crushed limestone. But if you were at least polmillimetrovye grain, expect a dirty trick. They gain moisture and swell, chipping pieces of brick. If the depth of spalling is greater than 6 mm, a brick TCI marriage, if less - it allowed for sale. Facades of the houses built of such bricks are obtained ryabymi like a "fly-bitten." Incidentally, the inclusion of lime - is not purely a Russian tragedy. For Europe - is also a problem. Efflorescence most common and insidious marriage - efflorescence. Efflorescence already manifested on the brick walls in the form of white spots and divorce (ie, already after the brick is laid). And when you buy not guess - will efflorescence on the brick of this or not. They are formed by the migration of salts from the masonry mortar, brick, ground water and even air. About Podmoskovny brick experts say that the amount of salt in it, as a rule, small. And recommend the use of cement with a low content of impurities vysoloobrazuyuschih plant "Red October", Lipetsk, Podolsky, Michael. How to protect yourself from efflorescence? 1. Use a thick solution. 2. Do not spread mortar on the front of the brick. 3. Do not put a brick in the rain and close the fresh laying of the night. 4. As soon as possible to sum up the house under the roof. 5. Cover the facade of the preservative. But if after all precautions, efflorescence is still there, do not worry. The builders have assured that most of the efflorescence is washed off by rain in a year or two. If you do not want to wait, you can use folk remedies: acetic acid, 5-percent solution of hydrochloric acid or ammonia solution (bubble in a bucket of water). Or buy in DIY stores special facilities. Or visit the firm who "otmoet" your home from the salt and cover the facade of the preservative. Do not want to winter in the house was cold and the rain washed away the facade? Then do not buy the pale brick. Bleach can be taken, but only if its shape is not compromised. And what about calcareous inclusions up to you. But remember that bricks spall quickly collapses. Well, today we are told, perhaps the most basic and most important thing to know about the bricks. But clearly, not all. So the next time we will definitely return to this theme: Tell us about the major manufacturers of bricks, hearken to the secrets of its production, look into the past - to find out the history of this ancient building material. That we should construct the house. For dollars How much brick to build a two storey house measuring 8 by 8 feet? 1. First, we define the length of exterior walls: 8 + 8 + 8 + 8 = 32 m 2. If the ceiling height, say 3 meters, the height of a two-storey house - 6 meters, then the area of ??external walls: 32 x 6 = 192 square meters. m. 3. If we choose to laying bricks in 2.5, the thickness of walls - 64 cm (Although each project will have to calculate this value individually, based on structural features of the building, the weight of floors and so on). Thus, we have chosen the clutch in 2,5 bricks. At the same time laying a 2 brick shall carry out a double ordinary brick and a number (in a half-brick) - from single facial. 4. How many bricks need? If we assume that the light mortar joints, we get: 192 x 104 (number of bricks in masonry, see table) = 19,968 pieces of double series (or 192 x 204 = 39,168 units of single ordinary brick), 192 x 51 (number of bricks in masonry, see table) = 9,792 pieces of personal single brick. Single ordinary brick will cost 2.2 rubles cheaper. apiece, double series - 3,8 rub., facing single - 3.1 rubles. Rounds and believe: Private double: 20000 x 3.8 = 76,000 rubles (2,685 USD). Facial Single: 10000 x 3.1 = 31,000 rubles (about 1100 dollars). Using, for example, instead of an ordinary single ordinary double, we save $ 425 (40000 x 2.2 = 88,000 rubles (3,110 USD)). So, all brick will cost us at least 4,000 dollars. Still possible to calculate how much cost house was decorated with. Builders have estimated that 1 square. meter in a brick house is worth $ 350 (square meter in a wooden house would cost $ 200). That is, multiply the total area of ??the house (128 sq.m.) for $ 350. It turns out that our house to finish will cost 45 thousand dollars. From these figures it is clear that the price of bricks of the total value of the house would be 10%. The remaining 40000 - interior and other jewelry. This suggests the conclusion - to save on brick totally unprofitable. What determines the price at the price of bricks influenced by several factors. 1.Geografiya. The cheapest bricks on the Moscow market - Belarus. Translated from local currencies to our turns out that ceramic brick is from 70 cents to 1.1 rubles apiece, and lime - from 50 to 80 cents. Transportation costs are on average 50% of the actual price of the brick. But even if we Naquin 100% for transportation, it is still a brick Belarus in Moscow will remain the cheapest. Most of our market outside Moscow bricks and bricks from the nearby regions. The prices here can be very different. The most expensive brick, of course, European. For example, Estonian brick is not less than 50 cents apiece (that is, more than 14 rubles). It is more expensive local time in five. 2. Seller. Cheaper to buy in a brick factory, but then he would have a lot to pay for transportation. In trading firms brick is on average 15% higher than at the factory, but this price includes delivery to the place. In addition, firms engage in discount. Construction markets, where you can buy a brick apiece, the price can be twice as higher than at the factory. 3. Mark. The higher the grade, the brick is more expensive. Brick M125 M100 expensive by about 10%. The difference in price between the "one hundredth" and "two hundredth" brands can reach 20-30%. 4. Size. More profitable to buy ceramic stones or double brick. Relationship is roughly this: increase the size of bricks by 50% increases its price by 20%. For example, a single brick is worth 100 cents, one and a half would cost 120 cents, and a double - 140 kopecks. In general, the higher the grade, the more expensive. And the bigger the stone, so it is cheaper. If you buy the plant, will pay for transportation. And it's not always cheaper than buying a brick at the firm-dealer. But the cheapest option: the nearest brick factory, a double, marks 100-125. Tips connoisseur When buying a brick to be accompanied by documents: a certificate or a passport for their products. In the absence of these documents on the brick is better not to be tempted. Do not buy a brick in the winter (although it is cheaper), if the place where it will be stored all winter, is not protected. In an unguarded territory brick necessarily stolen. Best place to buy bricks before the building season in March-April, when its price has not yet begun to grow. If you do not want to "drown out", do not do exterior wall thickness less than 2,5 bricks (ie, 64 cm), otherwise the heat will go away from home. When buying imported brick, note that the European standards do not always coincide with local, remember this, using imported and Russian bricks together. The thickness of the concrete elements (bridges, slab) is a multiple height brick home. This is done to ensure that these elements are easily joined among themselves. Expert opinion Outlook brick industry, Vladimir Smirnov, a professor of MSSU: There are several very promising areas in the brick industry. One of them - reducing the mass of bricks and an increase in its thermal insulating properties. Studies are additives for the production of porous bricks. MSSU with Losinoostrovskaya Factory explores the possibility of expanding the color range of facing bricks by adding different colors of clay and mineral pigments. May soon be able to start production of bricks, dark-brown, green, blue, black. Another trend - is increasing the size of the ceramic block. Is it true that our forefathers built better than us? Architect Levon Harutyunyan: It's a myth that in the old system is better. True, modern bricks are often not very good quality, but the modern solution - a better and stronger, and a whole clutch benefits from it. Transportation of bricks Foreman Sergei Zlatomrezhev: Transportation of bricks is not. 2.5. 2.6. 2.13. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. The color of clay is not related to the quality of bricks. 9. There is a special shaped bricks. 10. Of silica brick is not recommended to put the foundation: he nestoek to moisture. Answer.

A solid company built luxury brick house. Began lining the facade, but then doubted. The bricks seemed to them suspicious. Given to the examination, and found that frost resistance of brick is not responsible Moscow standards. I had to get rid of it in a hurry, and the house was revived with a new, "correct" brick. This story ended well. And many others, alas, ended badly. For example, did the dome of brick dry pressing, still covered with pure gold, and the dome began to leak. Or: they brought a brick to the construction site, left a few months, but when it came time to build, it turned out that all brick cracked. And the reason turned out to be everywhere the same: brick incorrectly selected. How to make the right choice So let's try to figure out what kind of brick - a "right". According to the "Dictionary of Russian language, edited by DN Ushakov, brick is: 1. Artificial stone, manufactured in the form of bars of clay and is used for buildings. 2. One piece of this stone. 3. The solid material in the form of a stone. What are the bricks of composition and process for producing a brick is divided into two groups - ceramic and calcium silicate. Ceramic brick is produced by firing clay and mixtures thereof. Sand-lime brick - consists of approximately 90% sand, 10% lime and a small proportion of additives. Mixture is sent to the autoclave, and not in the kiln, as is the case with a ceramic brick. If you add pigments, you can get calcium silicate bricks of almost any color - blue, green, raspberry, violet. According to the logic of a glossary, a brick - it's baked clay brick. But then silicate (ie, no clay) brick - and not a brick at all, but a solid material similar to it in form. By the way, so it is: these two materials have different guests, and builders are very well carried out between the border. Thus, we mainly consider a ceramic brick, because he is the real bricks (and a dictionary, and according to the GOST). What a brick - for what? To appoint a ceramic brick is divided into ordinary (also building) and face (he is facing, tiling, decoration, facade). Of special note is the baking bricks. Ordinary brick used for the internal rows of masonry or external series, but with subsequent plaster. Ordinary brick can have on the side of the bulged geometric pattern (for better grip with plaster solution). Facing brick - a uniform color, has two smooth, flat front surface (the so-called "poke" and "stretcher"). It is usually hollow (ie, its "body" a lot of voids, making the wall of a brick "warm"). By lining is also textured brick (with a relief pattern face) and shaped (or shaped, profile) for laying of complex shapes: arches, columns, etc. Baking bricks come in different sizes (even with the palm). Sometimes it is done with the terrain. For the combustion of the fireplaces use fireclay brick made of refractory clay at temperatures above 1000 ° C. Fireclay brick has a sand-yellow color and grain structure. So when buying a brick important to know what you actually buy it. And do not mix! And then attracted by "Lovely" and lay face brick wall instead of the ordinary. And then computed the costs and wept. Or, conversely, want to save money and oblitsuete ordinary brick house. But then the house will not look very nice. Exterior Dimensions Our brick "smart" dimensions: 250 x 120 x 65 mm. The builder is convenient to take with one hand. At length laid two bricks in width, plus a centimeter on the seam. But the thickness can vary. And then the bricks are named: single (65 mm), thickened, or one and a half (88 mm). Large brick Standard defines as a ceramic stone. Standard ceramic stone, or a double brick (often referred to as its sales) - 250 x 120 x 138 mm. Bastard bricks and stones significant cost savings solution, and the construction time. And do not think that the builders will charge you more money for weightlifting. He himself is better: a dozen threw stones - and the wall is ready! In addition, the stones need less, but their price is not increased. For example, double-face brick single most expensive half, and the size twice as large. Straw color, apricot, red and brown brick color of brick is largely dependent on the composition of the clay. Most of the clay after firing have a classic brick color. Such clays are called krasnozhguschimisya, and the brick - red. Rarer belozhguschiesya clay, including a yellow, apricot or white brick. Sometimes the raw materials enter different pigment additives. For example, brown brick can be obtained only by pigment additives. GOST brick color should match the sample-standard, approved by the. Often, the factories, there are several standards, and there is a risk to buy a "colorful" party of bricks. "Warm" Brick In the presence of voids in the body of a brick front and ordinary shares in the hollow and full-bodied (ceramic stones are just hollow). The more voids (they can be more than 50%), the brick is warmer. It turns out that the use of hollow brick walls can be made thinner, and insulation from it will not worsen. In brick less weight, and as a result - less load on the foundation. This is - his dignity. But there is a difficulty: when laying a brick holes can become clogged with a solution, and it will be more "cool". To avoid this, we must take a brick with cavities of smaller diameter and a more viscous solution. Bricks can be made more "warm" due to the internal porosity of the ceramic crock (that is, the material itself). This is called brick porous. By the way, porous brick, compared with the usual sounds better louder. Thus, it is clear that to save time and money is better to buy not the usual brick and half. And even better - a ceramic stone. But color can be chosen to taste - it does not affect the quality of bricks. If you want a house as warm (but not at the expense of wall thickness), we need to take a hollow or porous brick. But then use a viscous solution to void must not be blocked. Specifications strength. Brand strength - the main characteristic of brick - a material's ability to resist the internal stresses and strains, not destroyed. Mark - a measure of strength, denoted by "M" with a numeric value. The figures show how the load on 1 sq. cm can withstand a brick. For example, grade 100 (M100) indicates that the brick is guaranteed to withstand a load of 100 kg per 1 sq. cm Bricks may have grade from 75 to 300. Available most common brick M100, 125, 150, 175. How do I know which brand of brick do you need? For example, to build high-rise buildings use brick M150 or higher. But for the cottage in the 2-3 floors and enough "weave" (ie M100). Frost Frost resistance - ability of a material to withstand alternate freezing and thawing in a water-saturated condition. Frost resistance (designated as "SSE") is measured in cycles. During a standard test brick is immersed in water for 8 hours, then placed for 8 hours in the freezer (one cycle). And so on until the brick will start to change their characteristics (mass, strength, etc.). Then the test is stopped and conclude on frost resistance of brick. For the Moscow buildings have to use brick frost no less than 35 cycles. Therefore, large plants try not to produce bricks frost below 35 cycles. But the market has found a brick frost 25 and even 15 cycles (usually imported from warmer regions). He has a low price, it attracts buyers (and sellers try not to dwell on "features"). Generally speaking, a brand of brick to the future home should identify the expert. In short, we do not advise chasing cheap brick with frost, 25 or even 15 cycles. For construction in the Moscow region, use the brick MDE 35. And the best - 50. Marriage What is marriage in the process of making bricks? GOST marriage is burnout and underburning, and this brick is not recommended for sale. But the presence of lime inclusions GOST admits, although the owner of a brick of it, alas, not easier. How do I know whether burnt red brick? If the core of brick - a more saturated color than the "body", and the impact it rings, it is - a brick of good quality. Underburning, pale brick pale brick has a distinctive mustard color, and with the impact tubby. In pale brick low frost resistance and he was "afraid" of moisture. At one firm told the following story. One winter, when the prices of construction materials below costive client decided to buy a brick on the cheap. Then he knocked him on his site and happily began to count how many saved. Come spring, melted snow, he hastened to the citizen at his construction site. And he saw there ... mountains crumble brick. Brick was defective - with underburning. Burnout, bleach brick is formed from very high temperatures. Brick turns black, melted, becomes exact dimensions, its "bursting" from the inside. But experts say that if the brick did not violate its shape, and black he became only the core, he, on the contrary, it becomes very strong, though the iron. Calcareous inclusions (sometimes referred to as "Dutikow) Where do they come? Loam soil contains limestone. During the preparation of raw material is crushed limestone. But if you were at least polmillimetrovye grain, expect a dirty trick. They gain moisture and swell, chipping pieces of brick. If the depth of spalling is greater than 6 mm, a brick TCI marriage, if less - it allowed for sale. Facades of the houses built of such bricks are obtained ryabymi like a "fly-bitten." Incidentally, the inclusion of lime - is not purely a Russian tragedy. For Europe - is also a problem. Efflorescence most common and insidious marriage - efflorescence. Efflorescence already manifested on the brick walls in the form of white spots and divorce (ie, already after the brick is laid). And when you buy not guess - will efflorescence on the brick of this or not. They are formed by the migration of salts from the masonry mortar, brick, ground water and even air. About Podmoskovny brick experts say that the amount of salt in it, as a rule, small. And recommend the use of cement with a low content of impurities vysoloobrazuyuschih plant "Red October", Lipetsk, Podolsky, Michael. How to protect yourself from efflorescence? 1. Use a thick solution. 2. Do not spread mortar on the front of the brick. 3. Do not put a brick in the rain and close the fresh laying of the night. 4. As soon as possible to sum up the house under the roof. 5. Cover the facade of the preservative. But if after all precautions, efflorescence is still there, do not worry. The builders have assured that most of the efflorescence is washed off by rain in a year or two. If you do not want to wait, you can use folk remedies: acetic acid, 5-percent solution of hydrochloric acid or ammonia solution (bubble in a bucket of water). Or buy in DIY stores special facilities. Or visit the firm who "otmoet" your home from the salt and cover the facade of the preservative. Do not want to winter in the house was cold and the rain washed away the facade? Then do not buy the pale brick. Bleach can be taken, but only if its shape is not compromised. And what about calcareous inclusions up to you. But remember that bricks spall quickly collapses. Well, today we are told, perhaps the most basic and most important thing to know about the bricks. But clearly, not all. So the next time we will definitely return to this theme: Tell us about the major manufacturers of bricks, hearken to the secrets of its production, look into the past - to find out the history of this ancient building material. That we should construct the house. For dollars How much brick to build a two storey house measuring 8 by 8 feet? 1. First, we define the length of exterior walls: 8 + 8 + 8 + 8 = 32 m 2. If the ceiling height, say 3 meters, the height of a two-storey house - 6 meters, then the area of ??external walls: 32 x 6 = 192 square meters. m. 3. If we choose to laying bricks in 2.5, the thickness of walls - 64 cm (Although each project will have to calculate this value individually, based on structural features of the building, the weight of floors and so on). Thus, we have chosen the clutch in 2,5 bricks. At the same time laying a 2 brick shall carry out a double ordinary brick and a number (in a half-brick) - from single facial. 4. How many bricks need? If we assume that the light mortar joints, we get: 192 x 104 (number of bricks in masonry, see table) = 19,968 pieces of double series (or 192 x 204 = 39,168 units of single ordinary brick), 192 x 51 (number of bricks in masonry, see table) = 9,792 pieces of personal single brick. Single ordinary brick will cost 2.2 rubles cheaper. apiece, double series - 3,8 rub., facing single - 3.1 rubles. Rounds and believe: Private double: 20000 x 3.8 = 76,000 rubles (2,685 USD). Facial Single: 10000 x 3.1 = 31,000 rubles (about 1100 dollars). Using, for example, instead of an ordinary single ordinary double, we save $ 425 (40000 x 2.2 = 88,000 rubles (3,110 USD)). So, all brick will cost us at least 4,000 dollars. Still possible to calculate how much cost house was decorated with. Builders have estimated that 1 square. meter in a brick house is worth $ 350 (square meter in a wooden house would cost $ 200). That is, multiply the total area of ??the house (128 sq.m.) for $ 350. It turns out that our house to finish will cost 45 thousand dollars. From these figures it is clear that the price of bricks of the total value of the house would be 10%. The remaining 40000 - interior and other jewelry. This suggests the conclusion - to save on brick totally unprofitable. What determines the price at the price of bricks influenced by several factors. 1.Geografiya. The cheapest bricks on the Moscow market - Belarus. Translated from local currencies to our turns out that ceramic brick is from 70 cents to 1.1 rubles apiece, and lime - from 50 to 80 cents. Transportation costs are on average 50% of the actual price of the brick. But even if we Naquin 100% for transportation, it is still a brick Belarus in Moscow will remain the cheapest. Most of our market outside Moscow bricks and bricks from the nearby regions. The prices here can be very different. The most expensive brick, of course, European. For example, Estonian brick is not less than 50 cents apiece (that is, more than 14 rubles). It is more expensive local time in five. 2. Seller. Cheaper to buy in a brick factory, but then he would have a lot to pay for transportation. In trading firms brick is on average 15% higher than at the factory, but this price includes delivery to the place. In addition, firms engage in discount. Construction markets, where you can buy a brick apiece, the price can be twice as higher than at the factory. 3. Mark. The higher the grade, the brick is more expensive. Brick M125 M100 expensive by about 10%. The difference in price between the "one hundredth" and "two hundredth" brands can reach 20-30%. 4. Size. More profitable to buy ceramic stones or double brick. Relationship is roughly this: increase the size of bricks by 50% increases its price by 20%. For example, a single brick is worth 100 cents, one and a half would cost 120 cents, and a double - 140 kopecks. In general, the higher the grade, the more expensive. And the bigger the stone, so it is cheaper. If you buy the plant, will pay for transportation. And it's not always cheaper than buying a brick at the firm-dealer. But the cheapest option: the nearest brick factory, a double, marks 100-125. Tips connoisseur When buying a brick to be accompanied by documents: a certificate or a passport for their products. In the absence of these documents on the brick is better not to be tempted. Do not buy a brick in the winter (although it is cheaper), if the place where it will be stored all winter, is not protected. In an unguarded territory brick necessarily stolen. Best place to buy bricks before the building season in March-April, when its price has not yet begun to grow. If you do not want to "drown out", do not do exterior wall thickness less than 2,5 bricks (ie, 64 cm), otherwise the heat will go away from home. When buying imported brick, note that the European standards do not always coincide with local, remember this, using imported and Russian bricks together. The thickness of the concrete elements (bridges, slab) is a multiple height brick home. This is done to ensure that these elements are easily joined among themselves. Expert opinion Outlook brick industry, Vladimir Smirnov, a professor of MSSU: There are several very promising areas in the brick industry. One of them - reducing the mass of bricks and an increase in its thermal insulating properties. Studies are additives for the production of porous bricks. MSSU with Losinoostrovskaya Factory explores the possibility of expanding the color range of facing bricks by adding different colors of clay and mineral pigments. May soon be able to start production of bricks, dark-brown, green, blue, black. Another trend - is increasing the size of the ceramic block. Is it true that our forefathers built better than us? Architect Levon Harutyunyan: It's a myth that in the old system is better. True, modern bricks are often not very good quality, but the modern solution - a better and stronger, and a whole clutch benefits from it. Transportation of bricks Foreman Sergei Zlatomrezhev: Transportation of bricks is not. Brick comes with 5-10% of combat, but this is normal. If you lie down after several months of fighting would increase further to 10 percent. But it's not scary, too, in the case halves are going. A face brick, I would recommend buying on a pallet, packed in polythene. Do masons laying their techniques? Mason Zhukovsky: Receptions for all the same. In winter, put a brick on a solution with additives, so as not to freeze quickly. In the summer add nothing. However, when the summer is very hot, ordinary bricks (from which we place the inner rows) watering. Otherwise, it instantly draws water from the masonry mortar, masonry get worse, less durable. But the bricks from which lay out the arch, soaked at any time of year to the solution slowly grasping and masonry came out stronger. Can be identified by appearance, a good brick? Mason Andrew: Good brick - it's a beautiful brick, smooth, with no chips. And with such a brick mason to work better. In addition, the solution should be plastic to put a brick - and the solution is easily squeezed out. Grout flows from thick solution arm gets tired, and a brick on it gets bad. Who makes it to Moscow dumped bricks from all over Russia and abroad, while local producers enough. For example, a large company located in the city - Losinoostrovsky plant of building materials and structures. The main consumer of its products - building complex in Moscow. The plant's products are in demand: Brick uniform and high quality (ie bricks of different parties has absolutely the same, even color and quality characteristics). The plant produces about 30 million bricks per year. Basic positions - red front single and one and a half brick. The plant also produces construction and shaped bricks. All brick - not less than the M150 with the freeze-thaw more than 50 cycles. The price of bricks "Losinka" today, compared with factory near Moscow are among the lowest. In Moscow, too, there are a number of enterprises. For example, JSC Interneftegazstroy "(Plant in the former Kuczynski keramokombinata in Zheleznodorozhni) - a completely new production. Assembled a year ago, the French line operates on Gzhel clay, known for high quality, and therefore in the raw materials are not entered any additives. Red facing brick plant has a high mark (M200 or higher) and cold resistance 50 cycles. Permissible deviation from the norm can have brick deviations and defects allowed by GOST. GOST 7484-78. "Bricks and stones ceramic face. Technical requirements: 2.3. Cracks in the face of the bricks and stones ... are not allowed. 2.5. On the face of the brick and stone should not be splits, including lime inclusions, stains, efflorescence and other defects that are visible at a distance of ten meters on open ground in daylight. 2.6. Allowable deviation from nominal dimensions and indicators look face brick and stone should not exceed one product values, mm: length + / - 4 and the width of + / -3 in thickness 3 / -2 nonrectilinearity face and ribs, , mm: the spoon 3 to Kicks 2. 2.13. Brick and stone the highest quality category must meet the requirements: Make at least 100, frost resistance of not less than 35, and dullness chipped corners and edges of length from 5 to 10 mm are not permitted in quantities greater than one. GOST 530-95. "Bricks and stones are ceramic (ie, Standard on building brick. - Auth.). Technical Requirements »: The texture of the surface (Stretcher bond, perpender) articles may be smooth or ribbed. On the surface of products are allowed splits to the largest dimension from 3 to 10 mm in the number of no more than 3 pieces. Number polovnyaka (1 / 2 brick. - Auth.) In the party should not be more than 5%. Not allowed delivery to the consumer nedozhzhennyh and bleach products. Another expert opinion Yuri Smirnov, head of the laboratory analysis of raw materials and resources saving technologies of ceramic wall materials VNIISTROM them. PP Budnikov: The best way to avoid efflorescence - before buying a brick to carry out tests and obtain the opinion of experts about the compatibility of bricks and mortar. It happens that the combination of a particular type of solution with a certain type of brick leads to Salty Efflorescence. One component is in the brick, the other in solution, and when combined, they give an unnecessary reaction. This can be determined, for example, in our laboratory. The choice of brick 1. For construction in the Moscow region needed a brick with at least 35 freeze-thaw cycles, and better yet 50. 2. Brick dry pressing with 15 cycles of freeze-thaw is not suitable for walls and masonry foundation. Distinguish it from the bricks of plastic molding can be on "bed" (the largest party): it is smooth, her dead-end has tapered cavities. This brick is best used only for internal partitions. If you did, it was used for facing, immediately oshtukaturte house. Plaster, of course, will not create a complete waterproofing, but for some time to protect the brick walls. 3. If a house under construction has a height of 2-3 floors, then laying a brick wall rather M100-125. 4. Face brick should buy the same brand (or nearby), and this building, because the entire wall must be of equal strength. 5. Double brick cheaper single, also here, additional savings in solution and on-time stack. 6. Porous brick "warmer" simple hollow. 7. All of facing bricks better to buy right away, one party - that the entire coating was uniform in color. Specify how the color has a factory standards, and agreed in advance that you need bricks, matching either the standard color. 8. The color of clay is not related to the quality of bricks. Therefore safely buy a brick color that you like. 9. For windows, arches, window sills, fences, etc. There is a special shaped bricks. 10. Of silica brick is not recommended to put the foundation: he nestoek to moisture. You can not put him out of the furnace and pipes - it starts to decompose under high temperatures. And plaster it hard - painfully it is smooth, the solution is badly stuck to him. Where is cheaper: in the shop or factory? Where is advantageous to buy a brick: at the factory or trading company? Let's try to sort out this issue as an example of the plant "Victory / Knauf». Take two popular positions: facing bricks "luxury" and "standard". At the factory selling price of "luxury" 4.56 rubles. apiece, while "standard" - 3,6 USD. Suppose we buy a car brick - 5,000 pieces. Calling several transport companies, it became clear that KamAZ from St. Petersburg to Moscow will cost no less than 9,000 rubles. In this case, there was a lot of questions. For example, how will ship the car - the top or side, a crane or forklift? How will they unload? Do I have to work at night (additional cost)? How much time have to wait for loading (if a few hours - additional cost)? And finally calmed down, saying that it is possible to find a car for 8,000 rubles. Thus, the machine will cost 8,000 rubles (at no additional cost). We divide that amount by 5,000 units to determine how much "more expensive" every brick. It turned out, that goes more to 1.6 rubles. Total, Suite - 6.16 rub., "Standard" - 5,2 USD. In Moscow, trading company, we have found the "luxury" for ? 5.25., "Standard" for 4.2 rubles. This brick dovezut to the place, and will not be a headache: how and what to load? And if, say, fly to the factory near Moscow? Answer. Rent a car in Moscow on a full day (8 hours) will cost about 2,000 rubles. This means that each of the 5,000 bricks "more expensive" for 40 cents. Think for yourself what is more profitable.

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