Oksana Kolganova Reputation brick houses are rugged and durable as they are. The formula "brick = reliability" seems completely unchanged. The emergence of new technologies of low-rise building did not shake this confidence. And for most landowners is the cherished dream of building is a brick house. Brick houses are long, look respectable, and for years they do not lose their external and, especially, performance. Brick is the second level of environmental after a tree: it is made from natural materials and has a high ability to water vapor (the people say: "Brick breathes"). Due to fire brick wall it may abut the fireplace and stoves. In the summer of brick walls from the heat shield and heat in the winter - a long time to keep warm. Architectural features of buildings made of bricks are practically unlimited: the small size of the bricks can build a wall of them all, even the most complex and unusual configurations. Brick, which is a construction town houses today - it's certainly not his 200-year-old predecessor, the structure of which is intended to stand firmly for centuries. Modern brick - a lightweight, porous and very "delicate" ceramics - with a diverse array of internal openings. Stretcher and header on the jargon is the biggest party of brick is called "bed", long side - "stretcher", and short - "poke." If the bricks are laid in such a way that shows only a spoon, it is - Stretcher bond series, and unless Kicks - perpender series. In size and shape distinguish single, one and a half, double brick. They have the same dimensions of length and width (spoon and butting) - respectively 250 and 120 mm. This ratio of dimensions found to be optimal for the alternation of transverse and longitudinal placement relative to the laying of bricks. Bricks vary in height. Height Single - 65 mm. Edge of one and a half brick is equal to 88 mm. This brick is able to perform light-weight by weight of egg masses, since the sesquioxides bricks produced are usually hollow, perforated and porous. The height of the double brick - 103 mm (rarely to 140 mm). This kind of brick practically does not meet full-bodied, performed perforated and is used in lightweight masonry. During the construction of brick cottages, usually within one meter stack height is located approximately 13 rows of single, 10 - one and a half and 6.5 series of double brick. Brick classic size weigh from 3,5 to 3,8 kg. Weight of one cubic meter of such a brick is approximately 1700 kg. Good link! In choosing the material for the construction of brick houses should pay attention to color and composition of the bricks. Better choice of brick to professionals. But for a general understanding of the issue, keep in mind the following. White bricks are made on the basis of silica, from which derives its second name "lime". It is lighter and softer, less strong in comparison with the red, inferior to him in versatility, since it is only used in masonry walls and partitions. Construction of brick houses of lime material, cheaper to manufacture, refers to the past century. Stricter building codes recently made use of silica brick for the construction of housing is not very useful. The red color is achieved by firing of pressed clay bricks. This is called brick ceramic and have long been widely used in construction for installation of foundations, walls and partitions, masonry stoves, fences. However, its practical properties are largely dependent on the quality of burning. Well-burnt red brick with the impact differs distinctive ringing, clear sound. Bleach brick is not suitable for wide application and is suitable only for laying the foundations. It can be identified by a black heart or fused edges. In ceramic bricks there are lots of species and subspecies. Nevertheless, the core group of isolated building and facing bricks. Under construction bricks (ordinary, usual) means the classic full-bodied red ceramic bricks. Although the color of a brick building can be anything - it all depends on the type of clay. This material is used for all buildings, but very often - in the construction of walls, partitions and the foundation, because it has such an important property, as bearing capacity. The surface of a material such as a rule, then is coated: building brick (and it is not prohibited by) may have chipped, cracked, uneven color, to be rude, rough or even curved. In addition to external weaknesses, building brick has poor insulation and heavy for the foundation. Facing (front) bricks used for facades and interiors. They also lay out the track. Good facing bricks for fireplaces and interiors of houses. From the standpoint of environmental friendliness are safe: when used for production-friendly dyes. Face brick has a uniform color and two smooth, flat front surface (header and stretcher). Since this material - a kind of "face" of construction, then it is unacceptable, as a building brick, stains, cracks and irregularities. That is why it is more expensive construction. Do bricks have several varieties. Facade - for decorating the windows, doors, cornices, etc. style (curly, profile) for laying of complex shapes: arches, columns, etc. Texture - with embossed design on the front surface. Facing brick may also be glazed and glazed. With the help of the glaze and engobe can get almost any shade of brick. Glazes are produced by an additional firing with drawing a special mineral mixture. Engobed - a thin layer of colored clay, applied before firing the brick. For masonry stoves and fireplaces use fireclay brick of refractory clay that can withstand temperatures above 1000 ° C. Fireclay bricks are usually sandy-yellow and has a granular structure. In addition to the above properties, the bricks also differ on characteristics, which usually referred durability and frost resistance (the ability to withstand a certain number of cycles of "freeze-thaw"). It is this parameter determines the durability of structures. Typically, frost resistance bricks at least 25-50, at least - 75 cycles. To estimate how many years will stand the building, the number of cycles should be multiplied by a correction factor, which (depending on weather conditions) is equal to 2,5-3. Burnout and underburning There are several grounds on which you can determine whether the brick is suitable for use, or in its manufacture was allowed to marry. GOST marriage is burnout and underburning, and this brick is not recommended for sale. But the presence of lime inclusions GOST admits, though this, according to experts, will be the lack of material. In the operation of a brick soaked with water and lime inclusion swell and break the surface of bricks, forming minor vyscherbinki. Surface is rough, with cleavage. Do not be afraid if a brick core of a more saturated color than the "body": if you hit it "rings", it is - a brick of good quality. Pale brick has a distinctive mustard color, and with the impact tubby. It has low frost resistance, and he is afraid of water. Bleach brick - the other extreme, is formed from too high temperatures. Brick turns black, melted, becomes exact dimensions, its "bursting" from the inside. Sometimes, burnout brick surface "boil". But experts say that if the brick did not violate its shape, and black he became only the core, he, on the contrary, it becomes very strong, though the iron. Features brick construction Frost resistance, strength and a high degree of waterproofing material - is a guarantee of reliable construction, which is known, begins with the foundation. For his favorite suit, not every brick. Here we must use only the most reliable, durable and proven brick - ceramic. The strength of brick in the technical characteristics denoted by the letter M with a numerical coefficient from 75 to 300. For building a cottage is fine brick with the strength of M100 (ie, a brick stand the load of 100 kg per 1 cm ?). But for the construction of multistory buildings have to use brick with the durability of not less than the M150. The most common one is laying the foundations of ordinary clay bricks of plastic molding. This is followed by stage construction of walls. Brick here may be used as a ceramic, and silica. But for an average strip of Russia, it should be a factor of frost at least SSE 35 (ie, the brick can withstand 35 cycles of alternating freezing and thawing). Walls are usually put in 2.5 and more bricks. But if we used a special heat-insulating hollow or porous hollow brick, then, of course, the walls may be somewhat thinner. The use of such material and considerably reduce the mass of the structure - by 20-30%. Masonry walls of brick houses is carried out on the cement-clay, cement-lime and mortar. Which solution is chosen - it's a specialist in each particular case. The average thickness of seam brickwork - 14 mm. Carefully and must take to comply with such a seam thickness in all masonry: adding or subtracting a little bit solution in each row, as a result can be skewed across the wall. Thus, the walls erected, and must be addressed, plastering them or leave a "kind". If used for walls of porous hollow silica brick, it is quite possible to leave the walls and no exterior, since it differs crisp and sharp edges and the smoothness of the front side (to the same color spectrum of the brick is very wide). Building bricks better oblitsevat. Use of artificial stone (thin-brick) or a specific facade (facing) brick home will get a unique look. One of the problems faced by builders - efflorescence, the most common and insidious marriage. Efflorescence on brick walls appear as white spots and divorce only after a brick is laid. They are formed by the migration of salts from the masonry mortar, brick, ground water and even air. To avoid this phenomenon, with masonry is better to use a thick mortar, causing it evenly and in any case no smearing on the front side. If rain, then the clutch to engage at all not worth it. At night, especially at high humidity, better clutch cover, then the probability of occurrence of efflorescence will be much less. In addition, we must try as quickly as possible to bring the house under the roof, and as prophylaxis can be treated with a protective facade composition. Many people use "people" recipes: acetic acid, 5-percent solution of hydrochloric acid or ammonia solution (bubble in a bucket of water). And, of course, special protective equipment in a wide range available in DIY stores. If efflorescence is still there, just have to wait. The builders have assured that most of the efflorescence is washed off by rain in a year or two. Consider all of the above when purchasing a brick. The main thing to know why you buy it. Do not flatter the "beautiful" and does not lay out the wall facing brick instead of the ordinary. Otherwise, then count up the costs and wept. Or, conversely, want to save money and oblitsuete ordinary brick house, but then the house will not look very nice. The correct choice of brick will make your house safe, beautiful, durable and cost-effective.
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