In many countries for hundreds (if not thousands) of years of "green roofs" were a standard design, mainly thanks to the excellent insulating qualities of topsoil and turf. In cold climates of Iceland and the Scandinavian sod roofs helped to retain heat in their homes, and in tropical countries such as Tanzania, kept cool in the buildings. In the Canadian province of Newfoundland and Nova Scotia is still possible to find early copies of the "green roofs", brought the Vikings and later - the French colonists. Up until the mid XX century. "Green roofs" were considered only as a local construction practices. However, in 1960. concerns associated with deteriorating environmental conditions, as well as the rapid decline in the area of ??gardening in the large cities have revived interest in "green roofs", especially in Northern Europe. Was carried out a wide range of new technological research, including study protivokornevyh components, membranes, drainage systems, light fertile layers, as well as research on the acceptability of plants. A key motivation for this support were the social benefits associated with a decrease in the volume of stormwater and improving water and air quality. As a result, created a sector of the construction industry and "green roofs" became an integral part of the modern urban landscape. According to some sources, the U.S. and Canada lag behind Europe, at least ten years in terms of investment in infrastructure, "green roofs", as an option for solving many problems of quality of life faced by the modern metropolis. In the early 1990's. Several large European "green" roofing companies have started to implement the North American market. However, the greening of roofs it was difficult to move without the active learning, without a local research performance of these systems, with no examples. In Russia, modern "green roof", as is generally operated by a roof, making the first tentative steps in the first place in Moscow and other major cities. Most often it is the site of the underground car parks and shopping complexes. Example - the shopping mall "Okhotny number" at the Manege Square in Moscow, with flower beds and fountains, as well as several underground car parks in the elite residential complexes. Inhibitory factors are lack of technical knowledge in this field, tradition and support of municipal authorities, as well as the lack of illustrative examples, which could overcome the inertia of the consumer. But today the situation is changing. "Green roofs" - a green space created by the addition of over a traditional roof system of additional layers of fertile soil and plants. One should not confuse "green roof" with a traditional roof garden, where plants are placed in separate containers (tubs) on the roof terrace or operated parking facilities. The modern "green" roofing system shall contain the following layers (from top to bottom): the plants, often specially selected for specific applications; engineered plant medium (substrate), in general, may not contain the ground; landscape or filter cloth, which contains the roots of plants and plant on Wednesday, while overlooking the water, a special drainage layer, sometimes with built-in water tank with rigid insulation XPS; traditional roof design with roofing / waterproofing membrane with included protivokornevymi additives. There are two basic types of green roof systems: extensive and intensive. They differ mainly the cost, the thickness of plant protection and choice of plants used. Extensive "green roofs" (often unexploited) characterized by: low weight, low capital investment, a small variety of plants used and the minimum requirements to serve. Vegetable substrate, usually made from a mixture of sand, gravel, broken bricks, expanded clay, peat, organic matter and a certain amount of soil. Substrate thickness varies from 5 to 15 cm, its weight in moisture-saturated state - from 70 to 170 kg/m2. Due to the small depth of the substrate and extreme climate on the roof, which resembles the desert plants for green roofs should be low and hardy. Usually, this alpine or native plants or plants from arid regions. These plants are watered and fertilized only until such time as they do not take, ie within one year. After this period, measures to support the "green roof" includes only two visits per year: for weeding and checking the roof membrane. Intensive "green roofs" are more often exploited. They are characterized by greater thickness of the substrate, greater weight, higher capital costs, a wide variety of plants, high maintenance requirements. Substrate intensive roofs organized on the basis of soil depth of 20-60 cm, with a weight in the saturated state from 250 to 950 kg/m2. Due to the greater thickness of the substrate list of plants is more diverse and may include shrubs and trees, with which you can organize a more complex ecosystem. However, the maintenance requirements of intensive roofs, especially for their irrigation, higher: it is necessary to provide special systems for irrigation. Recommended for professional advice of designers and landscape designers, as well as looking for an experienced roofer to mount the system. It should be noted that, depending on such features of the roof, as its location, bearing capacity building, budget, customer needs, availability of materials and plants, each "green roof" will differ from the rest. Most likely, it will be some combination of intensive and extensive systems. Valuation of "green roof" over its life cycle shows that it does not exceed the costs of conventional roofing. "Green roofs" are a type of investment, which brings the number of social, economic and environmental benefits, public and private in nature. These benefits include increasing energy efficiency of the building (thanks to his cool in the hot season, and additional insulation in winter), extending the life of roofing membranes, additional sound insulation and more comfortable space available to tenants. "Green roofs" filtered particulates from the air, retain and purify stormwater, and provide new opportunities for the conservation of biological diversity and creation of new habitat. They provide aesthetic benefits and Mogae reduce the effect of urban "heat island" - the summer heat of cities, which contributes to air pollution and increased energy consumption Noe.
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