Building a house always begins with the foundation. Whatever type of home we have not chosen, but no foundation in any way. Especially that part where we decided to build a house is not the best. Fine sand, forming a floating earth in the area of ??groundwater that lie just under the surface. After much thought and consultation with experts, we stopped by his decision on the solid foundation of tile. Not the cheapest option, but for us it was the best. He can keep himself on the whole structure in such difficult circumstances. Step One Building basement after a rough work bulldozer snyavshego vegetation layer, aligning the foundation hole manually. With the help of ordinary shovel, rail and level received a flat surface. Use the escalator was still very difficult, because the soil is prone to collapse, so we had to work manually. On a bed lined pit of bars postpoeny "ladder" - the basis for future molds. The inside of the "stairs" boards nailed vertically to form a so-called "Sandbox". Spaces between them form the ribs on the underside of the foundation slab, which is based load-bearing walls. "Sandbox" filled with coarse sand, which is abundantly watered. Then sand thoroughly rams. The result is a very dense surface on which the shoe leaves no fingerprint. Compacted sand rose thick polyethylene film, which is attached to the boards of a stapler. In hot weather, the film becomes more flexible and well stretched. Along the perimeter of stairs stands vertically pour in molds. The outer casing of planks nailed to the posts, which are further reinforced braces. Top of the formwork for the foundation is aligned strictly according to standards. Finished shuttering upholstered inside asphalt. Under the load-bearing walls (in the intervals between the sandbox and on the perimeter), stacked cages of welded fittings. Markings on the expanded reinforcing rods and lower grid attached to skeletons wire bind. Related to the lower grid wire attached TN "foxy" (spacers), which then attached the upper reinforcing grid increments of 20 cm Now we are ready for the pouring of concrete. Reinforcement bars "skuyut" concrete on forever, and built the foundation will be harder than stone. Finally, pour the concrete. Laying of the "mixer" is fast and without problems. Concrete mixture is evenly distributed throughout the formwork. Horizontal surface defined boards shuttering. Leveling concrete wooden lath. Foundation slab is obtained a smooth and durable. Step Two Construction of the first basement stacked corner foam concrete blocks, the lower side of which is moistened with water for better traction with the solution. At the top of the first row of masonry to protect against capillary moisture is applied mortar waterproofing, waterproofing composition is applied in several layers. Before applying the next layer of the previous well moistened. Further clutch is on the adhesive solution. All components are carefully metered. The dry adhesive mixture is poured into water. Stir adhesive mixture with an electric drill is better in plastic buckets - easier laundered, and even fewer rattles. First, a mixture is applied to the horizontal surface of foam concrete blocks, and then the vertical. The next block is placed on the seat and aligned horizontally and cord. In masonry exterior walls with a circular saw with carbide disc made two parallel cutting depth of about 5 cm using a chisel and hammer middle, between the kerf break out and cleaned of debris. Above the grooves are posted reinforcing bars, welded at the corners. Welded fittings fixed strips of gravel in the center of the groove, which is filled with cement mortar. Thus we get the angle of the basement. Armature will securely hold components and will perform protivousadochnuyu function in the future will prevent the walls from cracking. For window and door lintels are welded reinforcement cages are small. Of narrow blocks over an aperture glued "box" into which fits reinforcing cage, he will support the weight of blocks signal window or doorway. A box filled with a solution of high-strength concrete. Cutting blocks is easily accomplished elektronozhovkoy. When working alone for the construction of basement walls will require approximately three weeks. Step Three Reinforced belt home reinforcement cages for reinforced concrete belts are made directly on the wall. Ready-made frames have too much weight to be lifted when assembled. Cut to the size of reinforcement bars are placed on wooden templates on top of the wall. Frames are welded and in turn aligned to the axes and the horizontal. At intersections and junctions of an additional frames are held together by welding using the corners. Especially carefully sealed with valves at the corner joints of the walls. Circular saw with a carbide disc to foam concrete blocks made guides incisions on both sides. Then use the electric saw, which blade is exactly in the tracks of the kerf circular saw, so one full-motion block get a few narrow "boards". Received "planks" on both sides obkladyvayut stacked on the walls of reinforcement cages, receiving a kind of trough. Permanent formwork for the supporting columns in the basement made at the site of scrap foam. Glue one box, fix the clamp and filled with concrete. For the manufacture of intermediate support walls in the basement of a base plate for marking drill holes for laying reinforcement. In the prepared hole at a considerable depth hammered vertical reinforcing bars, which tied the horizontal reinforcement. Special hook ratchet tie rebar is very easy and fast. Reinforcing grid is established strictly on the plumb and fixed in the displacement of the wire ties and wooden wedges. Which is installed at the ends of the bar that determines the thickness of the wall, in pairs nailed boards shuttering, protected by plastic film from contact with concrete. Concrete is placed between the boards and rams. The film protects the concrete from rapid drying and ensures a smooth wall surface. In the openings to the sides of nails nailed the support bars for boarding bridges. On the supporting wooden sticks set cradling - horizontal shuttering of "sorokovki. Cradling connected to the supporting bars nail joints through a smart bar. It's easier to subsequently produce stripping. From the sides are mounted shields, protecting the narrow blocks lining the displacement during concreting. Clutch of narrow blocks, "boards" completes the construction of the formwork jumpers. All preparatory work is complete. Comes the turn of concrete placement. Ready-mixed concrete is placed in permanent form the perimeter walls. Blocks of pre-moistened casing for better grip with the concrete. Surface laid concrete is leveled at the top of the block casing, and carefully smoothed. Intermediate wall in the basement is also fully concreted. Removed her top notch with the top of the other walls.
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