Mikhail Skvortsov current building materials market, admittedly, pretty spoiled our customers. One company offers him build a house out of foam, the other - from calibrated or laminated board, and others are threatening to contractors for a week and a half to build a full-framed construction. Good old-fashioned brick house building technology could drown in a stormy sea of ??various proposals, but common sense and the inertia (in a good sense of the word) until this hindrance. Yes, it is inert domestic consumer of construction services, he often wary of many innovations in such a conservative case, as the construction of individual houses. Not that there was no confidence in new technologies - just our people are accustomed to trust what you can touch. If you feel the same brick, then I feel like saying: "Maesh thing! And because many are not afraid of the need to put these tiny (compared to, say, a log or concrete blocks), building elements and spend a lot of time in uncomfortable "wet" processes. Or are consumers simply can remember the old nursery tale about three pigs? It survived only house that is built Naf Naf, ... Whatever it was, a brick house building still exists and develops. And therefore we would like, no hurry with the judgments, to examine the feasibility and prospects for this most traditional of our Palestinian method of construction of individual houses. The advantages of a brick can be attributed, firstly, a high resistance to atmospheric influences of any kind - from rain and snow to the hurricane. Naf Naf, was in its own right: no matter how the wind is blowing, and destroy the brickwork it will not be able to do. The brick wall is strong, durable and provides good insulation at home (unless, of course, you have been qualitative rather than defective material and laid down a house in mind, not anyhow). This wall is "too tough" mold, mildew, and microorganisms - they prefer a more "edible" building materials. Finally, the brick does not ignite, and in case of fire, you are guaranteed that at least retaining walls. But we can not leave behind brackets and disadvantages of this material. Erection of brick houses is very difficult technically, because due to the conduct of labor-intensive "wet" construction operations that everything else is directly dependent on weather conditions. In the bitter cold, for example, or during heavy rain bricklaying, usually just stops. And then also delayed construction time of construction (already considerable). Next, we must remember that the brick has high thermal conductivity. Certainly, a brick wall can protect against low temperature "overboard", but it should be fairly thick. And then - come across, boss, for building material, and not so cheap. Previously would have to spend money on yet another expense items, namely the erection of the foundation. The walls are thick - so heavy (weight 1500-2500 pounds of brick per cubic meter), and that they are not left in the ground, you need to do first, the massive base, and secondly, bury it below the freezing. A cement and concrete works, too, among other things, cost money. Required and fuel, as the brick house, if it is not used for permanent residence, a heated very long time (in fairness, we note that the thermal inertia of its large, then there is good protoplenny house cools off a bit slow). However, no one forces you to build a brick house, which you will come once a month. The above-mentioned high cost of brick construction made adjustments to the process of suburban development. If in earlier times, brick cottages, calculated on a seasonal residence, were fairly common type of buildings, but now the number of such houses is considerably diminished. On the one hand, there are fewer opportunities to get a brick "left" by the other - the construction market offers many new and simpler technologies. Thus, the frame houses can be build quickly and inexpensively, and they can live well in the warm season or spend weekends with friends and relatives. However, in the field of road construction and the fundamental structures that are intended for permanent residence, the demand for bricks is not diminished. Brick embodies the strength and reliability, stability and durability, brick house with full right to be called the "family nest" in which live several generations of one family. In general, you can bring a lot of arguments for and against, agitate and, conversely, to frighten the consumer, while his mind, led him to one well-known motifs, makes the choice in favor of a construction material. Experience (and statistics) shows that, despite the well-known shortcomings of brick, the choice in his favor is done quite often. And this choice is supported by various technological and structural innovations. Save save on brick on brick is not so easy, but possible. Take, for example, the initial stage of construction, when you only order a draft. If your choice was to some imported (and hence poorly mastered) technologies, it is likely the project would have to be ordered individually, but it is always more expensive. Meanwhile, ready-made designs of brick houses - a dime a dozen, you can choose from dozens (or even hundreds) of options, and this is the first step of your savings. In addition, if you are searching for the right project, be aware that you may be offered not only a house with walls of solid masonry, but also home to the so-called "effective" forms of masonry, as between the outer and inner rows of bricks are left to specific gaps and spaces. The recommendation here is this: it is better to decide on a project that will no longer spend money to rework the design and construction documents. The fact that the "effective" solid masonry is cheaper because it involves filling the space mezhkirpichnogo any kind of insulation, which reduces the thickness of the brick wall (sometimes quite significantly), and hence its cost. In the case of a heater no longer have to build half-meter (about a standard for our climate) wall will be sufficient to only the outer and inner series. And therefore, you save considerably on construction materials. Yes, and brick, as a rule, not the massive solid ceramic briquettes, which we are accustomed to. The popularity of this building material in the individual housing construction dictates new standards for manufacturers, forcing them to develop the industrial base that provides higher performance, seemingly familiar material. Long-established production of hollow bricks, which, firstly, has improved thermal insulation, and secondly, it is easier to use. Further reduce the thickness of the walls may be using the porous stone. And the savings are still there and the fact that the porous stone is bigger than a standard brick (although lighter), and therefore require less masonry joints, less solution and less time to build. Decor, prestige, ecology start with ecology, which now are thinking, without exception homeowners. Building Materials offers a lot, their chemical composition are often not very clear (and sometimes - just suspicious), but you will live for many years among a set of unknown chemicals, inhaling fumes from the walls and either ruin their health, or to keep them safe. In this connection it should be noted only ecologically safe material such as brick. Technology of production of ceramic bricks are well known, the basis here is the clay which was used since ancient times, for example, for the manufacture of cookware and utensils. Environmental friendliness of this raw material is absolute, and therefore the wall of ceramic bricks will not bring you and your family any harm. By the way, dense and impenetrable-looking brick walls "breathe", so this house - not sealed carton, in it there is air exchange with the external environment, ie to create a favorable climate for humans. Note and such factors as good insulation, which provide a brick wall. For residents of remote from the slopes of the village or a separate cottage standing in a dense forest, insulation, of course, is not particularly important. And if your home is near a busy highway? As for prestige, the brick house, with whatever side you look, it looks solid. Monumental. Because many fans of country life do not stop before serious cost to build a brick house and will build. It is clear that one can build in different ways, and the red-brick architectural "masterpieces" the beginning of the nineties, no one admired not cause. However, current customers and become more experienced and wiser, and the taste of it after traveling abroad has increased. At the same adulation of the West is not - there the experience is just take note of, and houses still build their own way. In America, talk outside the city prevails technology frame housing? So is America, there is the pace and style of life others: there is a millionaire is different from a mere mortal only in the number of zeros in the sum of your bank account. What we, Russians, to demonstrate their wealth and prosperity to a solid stone structure, so that all the neighbors have seen: this man does not trample the earth in vain. However, the taste of the wealth is not very independent, and if your taste is, your brick house will never look vulgar and primitive, by contrast, will hit the exquisite forms and imagination in the decoration. As soon as you say "a" and built a house of bricks, then it makes sense to say, and "b", using a decorative brick finish. Decorative shades of brick - a set choice is very wide, so if you want a house can be finished even by several species of this material. Good decorative brick make our neighbors the Finns learn to make this a popular decorating material and ourselves. On the roof of the brick house looks good, natural red tiles, it makes the structure more solidity, and in some cases only for a brick house and do. After all, natural tile - very heavy roofing material, and the weak wall in the light foundation - a kind of ban on its use. If you for some reason want to hide the brickwork of the public eye and neighbors, it means there is also mass. Brick - a material that is suitable for almost any finishes, whether natural or artificial stone, plaster, ceramic tile, porcelain tile, siding, and so on. And so on. You can even decorate the brick building with wood and stylize it, for example, under the frame. Increasingly popular in finishing houses and cottages acquire new technology, using hinged designs for the exterior walls - the so-called ventilated facades ". This method, first, very effectively protects and preserves the wall, and secondly, does not allow "zapechat" house tightly, cutting off access to air, the third makes it possible to create a modern design and the original appearance of the facade. Common use of a ventilated facade and the repair or reconstruction of houses, which are thus quickly get a new decorative "clothing". In general, the brick house building is not going to take the position. While the secondary market, brick homes do not lose their value, on the contrary, their value is constantly increasing, that is the future they have.
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