Mikhail Skvortsov House on Chicken Legs, as we know, there are only a fairy tale. In real life, they need more than good reason. And although the foundation has a representation of any amateur, but how it really is fundamentally? Dance is always "on the stove," but what if the stove is not? And no walls, and generally you are standing somewhere in the open field and strains the imagination, trying to imagine their future vacation home? In this case, one way out - "dance" from the ground beneath your feet, on which the building will be erected. Well, when your house under the mighty granite slab, which is firm for more than a million years. Not bad, if the foundation is laid on the stone embankment of natural origin: in this case and the reliability of the construction will not disturb, and the costs of the foundation would not be unfeasible. The most reliable - homogeneous sandy soils, consisting of coarse sand. If the foundation raised correctly, in this ground, he gives a uniform sediment in the future, as a rule, Do not tilt and does not feel strong pressures from the soil. Fine-grained sand and pulverized, and clay soils exhibit exemplary "behavior" only in dry weather. With an abundance of moisture, they become fluid, and in cold winter, was frozen, abyss and with great force putting pressure on the foundation design, which means that the structure can warp, and the walls are not ruled out a crack. To avoid this, special measures are needed, such as deepening of foundation base below the freezing depth of soil (in our region is about 120-130 cm). Clearly, this extra cost, which are known to be made to the construction budget. The most frustrating option - a peat base, which in this edge of the swamp is also sometimes found. It is clear that to put capital building in the peat could be solved only crazy, not appreciating either his own life or the lives of their loved ones. And if you really face a bad lot, simply remove the turf and fill the resulting trench with sand, making the so-called sandy base. Features of soil must be taken into consideration, and at the design stage, and therefore without any preliminary engineering survey works (at least at the minimum level) there is not enough. They will help you understand whether the ground is stable, there is a danger that a landslide or skewing the foundation, would not it be flooding the ground floor during the spring floods, etc. In principle, we can conquer nature and put the house into a favorite of your site, what would it at any cost. But should be obstinate, if the facts are against you? Experts say that the cost of the foundation shall not exceed twenty percent of the total value of the house, otherwise the very desirability of building in question, and maybe it makes sense to think about moving the construction site to a more suitable place. Foundation to taste A second important factor - is the very design of the house. Do not have to be an expert in the field of housing, to understand: a heavy brick house or a relatively light frame - requires a different approach to laying of foundations. Of course, in the case of unlimited financial resources and can easily build a "bury" the mighty concrete slabs, which did not waver even during a seven-point earthquake. However, experience shows that money is now considered all, and hence the question reasonable economy will not leave anyone indifferent. First we need to determine the depth of foundation, which can be as shallow-buried (to a depth of about half a meter) and profiled, sunk below the level of soil freezing. Appropriateness of a particular type of foundation depends on the nature of soils and the design of the structure. It is clear that the greater penetration, the more is spent materials and, therefore, money. However, the reckless desire to save may play a cruel joke with the landlord, since the structure erected by, say, on clay soil in one day or prosyadet or distortions. Different devices and technology foundation. Discard such an exceptional option, as driving at a greater depth of powerful concrete piles - this method is good for the construction of skyscrapers, as in the private housing construction, as a rule, to such drastic measures it does not reach. The most popular designs - this slab, strip and bar foundations. Complex ground (heaving, bulk, etc.) often requires that a building has been placed upon a monolithic concrete slab. This design improves the reliability of the foundation - in fact to move such a monolith, we need extraordinary efforts. But the concrete slab, of course, require appropriate and material consumption. If it is not very thick, slab foundation will be cost-effective and in some cases would cost even cheaper than tape. If the slab foundation of everything else, and even buried, in addition to the large mass of concrete will have to bring a considerable number of sand and gravel for the construction of the "cushion", in which case the costs may exceed a reasonable proportion (20 per cent of total value). In this regard, the structure of the large square footage and number of storeys erect, usually on a much smaller band foundation. A concrete slab is placed under the small house without a high pedestal, so that it serves as the basis of sex. Under the foundation is made of sand and crushed stone backfill approximately two feet thick, but in the plate provide for special ribs. Much more common option is the foundation of the belt type. In this concrete foundation is done under all load-bearing structures as on the perimeter and inside the building. However, pouring concrete is not necessary, and if you want to do such a foundation and made of brick and pre-engineered. Sometimes the strip foundations makes specialized, with the sole foundation of lies about 20 inches below the freezing depth, and sometimes - shallow-buried (50-70 inches from the ground surface). The upper part of the strip foundation is usually a cap, which may be acting, disengaging or made flush with the outer wall of the house. To protect the base and foundation of the rains and floods, often house girded with a special blind area of ??concrete or asphalt, which should serve twenty or more centimeters from the removal of the cornice. If the home provides ground floor, basement or garage is located under the house, you need just strip foundations. Likewise, when the cap serves as a retaining wall to the ground. Heavy capital at home, usually put on strip foundations with varying degrees of penetration. Among its merits and reliability, and durability, and proven technology of erection. When conditions permit, and construction regulations, we can build a pier foundation, significantly saving on materials. Judge for yourself: in this case the foundation is not solid, and the point, he supports building only a few reference points: the corners at the intersections of the walls or under the legs heavily loaded girders. Construction materials at the same time be much less than the construction of plate or strip foundation. Usually pier foundation is used for light chopped, shield or frame houses a small weight. Cheapest poles - wood, used until now, when you need to install a temporary light structure. If after a few years, this building would have to demolish and build in its place is something fundamentally different, then what is the point at first to spend an expensive concrete, and then dismantle the foundation, which is very time-consuming? Although, I must say, no one made a concrete pier foundation: it is quite suitable and conventional concrete, and brick, and stone. The recommended distance between the posts - 1,5-2,5 meters. Cross-section of too regulated and is 50 x 50 cm brick pillars or 40 x 40 cm for concrete (however, if the building is quite easy to avoid unnecessary expenditure of material cross section can be somewhat reduced). In addition, in the case of construction pier foundation is recommended to make the so-called "zabirku" - a light wall between the pillars, which warmed the cellar and protects it from weather and stray animals that are very fond of "nests" for buildings on stilts. Someone used for these purposes in a half-brick masonry, someone - a special plinth panels that mimic the masonry, or asbestos cement slate. To the underground is not settled condensate, it should be aired, and for these purposes should be provided special vents, closed bars or mesh. In addition to the listed species are used, and other types of foundations, and the number of different know-how in this traditional, seemingly the field of construction business is growing every year. For example, in hard and deep soil freezing sometimes erect columnar-strip foundations. In this case, first at a depth slightly below the level of soil freezing drilled wells, the lower part of which extend a special plow. Then, in the well set rebar and pour them with concrete. The resulting columns can withstand a load of five or even ten tons, and squeeze it out of the soil beyond the power even arctic frost. After that, between the pillars are cast in a conventional tape-grillage formwork, reinforcing it and have a short distance from the earth with the possibility of frost heaving of the soil. The advantage of this type of foundation, compared with a tape underground - lower material costs and less complexity. Modern technology in emergency situations also allow us to strengthen or repair the foundation. To do this through the existing foundation to lasting soil is required to drill several wells, using special machines, which do not damage either the original foundation, no primer. Next, pour into a well cement, rebar was put into it, and strengthening the ready. Is particularly relevant this way to repair the foundations for the individual country buildings, because there is no need to involve a powerful technique, so that eventually the site, which may have been held landscaping, will not be prejudiced. Of what do the support? Support for your home, of course, must be of durable material. For example, brick, durability is not questioned. While digging the foundation pit at the required depth, after which the masons mix the solution and make durable and long-lasting masonry. However, both materials and labor, in this case would cost dearly, and you likely have a long delay construction of walls and roofs. So, I think it is better to use more advanced and widespread technology - use concrete or reinforced concrete. This stuff is good on many parameters: it is durable, waterproof, frost-resistant and resistant to aggressive environments. That's just to save on quality not necessary - the concrete for the foundation must be at least 200 marks. Deliver the same to the best prepared, with a concrete plant, as breeding and prevent the concrete directly on a suburban area - very troublesome. Pouring concrete into the formwork, again, is much easier to build than masonry, but because here you can use cheap labor. Another must mention the so-called block or precast foundations, which are built from separate cast in the factory of concrete blocks. With all the seemingly convenience of this method (brought, unloaded, installed) in the end it is more expensive than building a monolithic foundation. Although in some cases, when there is no alternative, this method is quite acceptable. Particular attention should be paid to two things: basements waterproofing and insulation. For obvious reasons are located below ground level concrete structures for a long time in contact with water, and although the concrete has a certain resistance to water, microcracks and temperature drops slowly, but surely do its dirty work of destruction of the foundation. From this requirement one way or another seal the foundation. In this article you can not tell you about all available methods of waterproofing (this is a separate big topic that is not just covered our magazine), but some of the main things worth recalling. First of all, there are now a number of special additives which are mixed into the concrete, intended for the construction of foundations. Supplements, of course, some raise the price of concrete, but at the same time greatly increase its moisture resistance, and hence the service life of buildings. In addition, if the foundation is already there, then you can use different materials or make obmazochnye penetrating waterproofing that is more effective because penetrates into the pores and cracks of concrete construction, tightly "sealing" them from moisture. As for insulation, it has recently become popular use of extruded polystyrene foam. If the concrete structures to protect the foundation slabs of this unique material, the heat loss through the underground part of the house (and they can be quite large) is significantly reduced. Small cell polystyrene is absolutely airtight, this material does not become wet and does not alter its protective properties over many decades. If the insulation is done properly, then you forget about what is condensation, dampness or mold in the basement of the house. Moreover, having laid around the house slab of expanded polystyrene and sprinkled them with earth, can be reduced and the depth of soil freezing! The importance and seriousness of the device the optimal foundation is difficult to exaggerate - this is literally the foundation of your home. And if the foundation has already been made, the walls and roof - constructed, any alteration or repair of bases would result in huge material and labor costs. Alas, there are times when the carefree attitude towards the construction of the basement leads to the need to dismantle the structure and its re-erection. The approach to addressing this issue should be with all the responsibility, not hoping for somewhere and sometime amateurish knowledge. That is, contact the professionals who are not only ready to build a foundation, but also give a guarantee on their work.
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