Sand-lime brick - an environmentally friendly wall material. Its component parts: lime, sand, water. Very widely used in countries Zapodnoy Europe because of its characteristics: strength, accuracy of geometric dimensions, aesthetic appearance, low cost and ease of use. Sand-lime brick - made of silica (sand) - 90%, lime - 10% and a small proportion of additives. Production technology is as follows: lime-sand mixture is placed in an autoclave (steam treatment apparatus for high pressure), where under heat and pressure formed silicate compounds. When you add an alkali-resistant pigments, the color turns lime brick. Also add the modifier additives that give silica brick increased durability and frost resistance. Color range of silica brick is very wide - make even the yellow, blue and pink. Calcium silicate bricks used for walls mainly in areas with low humidity, as well as decorative inserts in the exterior walls of fired red brick. This brick has a high hygroscopicity. Color: white to light gray. Like burnt brick, lime is solid and hollow. In the cross section can have up to 25% of the area of ??through pores, vertical to the surface of lying and tapering to it. Ultimate stress in compression reaches 100-150 kg / cm 2. To improve the quality of silica brick and increase its resistance to compression of the sand is added directly to the ball mills for grinding lime. Sand-lime solid bricks have the same dimensions as the silica normal, but the lower limit of its compressive strength is 250 kg/cm2. Silicate hollow brick has blind holes. It reaches a strength of 50-150 kg / cm 2. To increase the mechanical strength of the building in the production as a seed crystal is used battle silicate brick. A definite plus silica brick in front of other species is its high sound-insulating characteristics, which is an important mezhkvartirnyh during construction or interior walls. The price for sand-lime brick, primarily depends on its those characteristics. Therefore, when buying a brick ask licensed dealer, because only high-quality bricks only to provide an attractive appearance, but also the durability, safety and durability of the building. Along with a single brick, more and more manufacturers are specially finishing brick: with bevels, rounded, angular, oval. This brick is not only facilitates the work of bricklayers also gives the facade an excellent appearance. And yet there is no need to cut the standard face brick Bulgarians. Despite the apparent economic efficiency, sand-lime brick is not very popular among consumers, although the quality is not inferior to normal.
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