Vladimir Mikhailov Whatever you may say in defense of wood and frame technology, and many Koreans still dream of a brick house, which is not afraid of any vagaries of weather, or natural disasters. And in Asia, brick - it is brick, and in Europe, and even in America, where the trials were mainly "frivolous" panel frame houses. Outstanding of its kind building material that can not win any scientific and technological progress. It can win only by human stupidity, and this need to dwell. Think head Dreaming of capital brick house, our man often behaves like Manilow. That is not serious, his dreams are very far from the capital, they are lightweight and airy. Example? Please: the customer is determined by building materials (brick and only the brick!), But does not deign to even look at the ground on the site. The brick building is never easy - no matter what way clutches are used, no matter how hollow bricks or were taken. It is an axiom. The consequence of this axiom is increased pressure on the structure of the soil, which should definitely be considered. Principal bans the construction of brick houses on some type of soil there, the ban could be relevant except that by the topographic features of the site. For example, if a part of a large vertical drop (the hillside), and the soil is sandy, brick house, or will slide down the slope, or would such an expensive foundation, that the building would be uneconomic. In geological engineering in the construction of a brick building should be carefully and fully compared, for example, the construction of houses made of thin logs. Yet we must know that the sandy soil sediment brick building ends when the last brick laid. On clay soils, which are most prevalent in our region, sediment brick houses continues at least a year, and the duration of this process must be considered. Another consequence of the above axiom is a heavy foundation for the brick walls. This does not mean that you need to start by building a strong concrete slab, but dotted with piles you can not get off - need something more substantial. Most often, this strip foundation, which supports the base perimeter and all interior bearing walls. Foundation for building a brick house can not be shallow-buried, it must necessarily bury below freezing soil. Such a foundation, of course, be costs and save on it undesirable. Again, for the construction of such a foundation (and concrete, among other things, must stand to gain strength!), It takes time and it must necessarily be provided in the general work schedule. Brick walls require a heavy foundation. Powerful concrete slab is not required, but certainly the point of piles is not enough. The most commonly used strip foundation, which supports the base perimeter and all interior bearing walls. And bury it must be below the level of soil freezing. Time is treacherous, especially in the construction of brick buildings. Another prospective homeowner does not want to endure, and decides to build a brick house in one season. In the summer he is engaged in excavations, foundations and constructs fall somewhere in the near future sees the construction of the wall and roof. And here again - cold! Mortar grasped instantly, without having to lie in the brickwork, and turns into a rocky rocks, so you end up building walls is delayed until warmer times. Finish, if it is conducted "wet" method, also in the cold season is impossible, and such compelling circumstances must be considered as soon as you decide to build a brick house on a tight schedule. Brick Brick subtlety - the material is not very thin, in a sense, he was even a symbol of brutality. However, in practice, the construction of brick, too, has its own quirks, know that not only has a professional-builder, but also the future homeowner. First you need to take into account that the brick has high thermal conductivity. The brick wall can protect you from any frost, but for this it should be fairly thick - sometimes so thick that disappears every economic feasibility of construction of brick. Well, see for yourselves: share this building material is 1500-2500 kg/m3, and if the wall is very thick, the building will simply sink into the ground with the foundation. Do not believe me? Then ask about the biography of St. Isaac's Cathedral, which was built with multiple margin and in time began to literally "drown" in the marshy soil of St. Petersburg, so we had an additional pump to the walls of concrete. Length of service and quality of the brick walls are primarily determined not thick, and the quality of the materials used: the very bricks and cement compositions. If the materials are high quality, then the wall serves many decades. However, we do not live in times of Montferrand. That is, in our architecture to it, of course, far away, but in terms of creating sustainable brick walls we have come, and now there is no need to construct a thick load-bearing structures. At all times the length of service and quality of the brick wall was determined in the first place is not thick, and the quality of the materials used: the very bricks and cement compositions. If the materials are high quality, then the wall serves many decades. As for the thickness, the use of modern, efficient heaters allowed to significantly reduce it. Brick wall spread in a half or two bricks, which, in combination, for example, with mineral wool insulation is quite enough to easily survive the severe frosts. But if the wall would not be very thick, then the brick will go lower, and decrease the load on the foundation that eventually will give significant savings. Next. Nowadays very popular technology brick house building, which used the so-called "effective" masonry. In this case, between the outer and inner rows of bricks are left to specific gaps and spaces. "Effective" solid masonry is cheaper because it involves filling the space mezhkirpichnogo any type of insulation, which reduces the thickness of a brick wall, and hence its cost. When using a heater is not necessary to erect half-meter (about a standard for our climate), the wall will be sufficient to only the outer and inner series. Therefore, you save considerably on construction materials. "Effective" clutch, in which between the outer and inner rows of bricks are left to special clearances, less solid, because it involves filling the space mezhkirpichnogo any kind of insulation, which reduces the thickness of a brick wall, and hence its cost. Economize in the construction process is possible, and you can start at the design stage. If the number of projects for any import of construction technology is limited and you find it difficult to pick up something ready, then the number of finished projects of brick houses is enormous, and you, if not too lazy to scroll through several catalogs, probably will not have to shell out for an individual. In addition, we should understand that a brick house - is a complicated engineering complex, which if not properly planning and unskilled construction works can deceive your expectations. Even with meter-thick walls of the house will be cold, if it take place under ground water, and the foundation is made without insulation. Too much ceiling height will increase the cost of heating and poorly carried out facade work (in particular, plastering) will eventually lead to the fact that the brick will crumble, particularly in places where contact with the drain pipes. House of bricks, as well as any residential structure, requires care. Brick house should always heat thoroughly, from time to time to repair the facade, because the brick exposed to adverse weather conditions. If the brick house is not used for permanent residence, then a heated it for a long time (admittedly, and cools at the same time very slowly). That is why now, of Brick build fewer small country houses. It is useful to know that the brick house is absolutely environmentally friendly. Technology of production of ceramic bricks are well known: the foundation here to serve the clay, which anciently was used for the manufacture of kitchen utensils. And hence, the wall of ceramic bricks will not cause you and your family any harm. It looks solid and impermeable, such walls "breathe", and a brick house - not sealed box: the existing air exchange with the external environment makes it a favorable climate for humans. It should be noted, and such factors as good insulation, which provide a brick wall. Typically, a variety of brick for walls are used clay burnt brick (solid or hollow) and dense calcium silicate. To finish the outside walls of the plane issued a special brick - facing, which allows you if you want to exclude such types of construction works, as plastering and painting the facades of brick buildings. For our climate is a significant advantage, since the frequency of facade repairs, we have very high. Generally speaking, varieties of brick are now very much, and whoever thought of to build a brick house, should at least approximately oriented in all its diversity. The popularity of this building material in the individual housing construction dictates new standards for manufacturers, forcing them to develop the industrial base that provides a high performance familiar material. Long-established production of hollow bricks, which has improved thermal insulation and is easy to use. Further reduce the thickness of the walls may be using the porous stone. Moreover, savings are also arises because of porous stone size larger than a standard brick and masonry because when it takes less masonry joints, less solution, thus reducing construction time. Bricks are produced not only of different sizes, but also the different shapes - rectangular, square, rounded, etc. The market also offers a wide range of bricks: the great diversity of this material allows to implement the most ambitious architectural fantasies. Order and good brick, that from it we can build anything you want, and decorate any surface. A variety of brick production extremely positive effect on the structural features. To ease the load on the foundation and to reduce the complexity of works, in modern construction is often used mixed designs. Outer wall of the plane spread out the heavy brick, the inside - from the hollow or perforated, which is 1.5 times lighter. Weight basis at home and effort in its creation are reduced even more if, instead of perforated bricks laid lungs penogazobetonnye blocks, which are highly heat-saving properties. Of all the presently known building materials brick - the undisputed leader in building houses a complex architecture. Towers and turrets, balconies, arches, columns and rows of ceremonial stairs with pots - from it you can do almost anything that prompts a fantasy. Brick has been successfully used for the construction of so-called small architecture - gazebos and pavilions for different purposes. With brick you can, eventually, to build a high brick fence is securely fenced off his "inner world". Finally - about the possibilities of finishing the brick wall. Often there is a brick as a material for bearing structures are quite satisfied with the homeowner, but that's like the facade styled differently. In this case, you should know: brick suitable for almost any finishes, whether natural or artificial stone, plaster, ceramic tile, siding and even a tree.
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