Saturday, August 20, 2011


Oriented particle board (OSB) - a relatively new building material which is used in the construction of frame houses, in furniture, in roofing and in other cases. In the production of OSB is the gluing of large size (3-8 cm), thin chips, and in different layers in different ways, it provides strength slab. In the lower and upper layers of the fiber plates are longitudinally, and on average - the transverse length of the slab. On their properties OSB products are similar to the softwood plywood and chipboard panels. But it is worth RSD is much cheaper because the production of OSB boards demand for raw materials below, although it does not mean that the OSB is worse in quality than the ADI. At the same qualities and at a lower cost-oriented particle board replacing conventional plywood construction market. OSB board - a dense wood pressed three-layer slab of heavily oriented chips of softwood. A substitute for plywood and particleboard. Exterior OSB clearly explains its name. Plate can be easily distinguished by an elongated chips. As we have said, OSB board consists of three layers. In the upper and lower layers of the chip is located longitudinally and the inside - the cross. Each of the layers carefully glued with waterproof resin, then heated to high temperatures and pressed under high pressure, which betrayed him special strength as compared to conventional veneers. OSB boards are made of chips ranging in size from 75 to 150 mm in length from 10 to 25 mm in width and from 0,5 to 0,75 mm in thickness. Smaller screen out and either burned or used in the manufacture of MDF and particleboard. This ensures the homogeneity of the structure of the slab. Further suitable chips are dried and impregnated with a water-resistant resin, with added special synthetic wax. The use of wax provides a high quality board OSB. Then the mixture of chips stacked in two directions (by vibration), creating a so-called carpet. In the upper and lower layers of the plate chips will be directed along the length, but in the inside - across. After that, under the influence of high temperatures resulting carpet is pressed under high pressure in the multi-tiered media. After all this fabric is cut into standard OSB boards and sanded. As a result of using this technology of OSB acquire water resistance, elasticity and resistance to extension and construction loads. Improved mechanical properties and quality of OSB compared to the ADI are achieved by varying the orientation of chips in the outer and inner layers of the OSB panels. Tensile strength of OSB board density of 650-720 kg/m3 at static bending is equal to 40-50 MPa in the longitudinal direction and 20-25 MPa at a bend in the transverse direction. The use of OSB panels currently OSB products have a very broad scope, and the first widely used in both residential and industrial construction, as well as used in the manufacture of furniture. Construction and OSB interior walls, attics, making rough floors, ground under the carpet and floor with coating manufacturer designs a removable reusable formwork; roof lining complete soft roof (shingles); construction of the wall panels (OSB + insulation + OSB); the production dlinnoproletnyh beams, construction of temporary fencing and prefabricated structures; use for decorative purposes and interior decoration, or as a substrate, in construction as beams and moldings. Furniture industry and OSB production of panel items of furniture, the manufacture of wall cupboards and cabinets, drawers, shelves. manufacturing base for upholstered furniture, etc. The production of container and OSB production of packages aid in the formation of packaging as a substitute timber.

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