When building a house, we somehow have to deal with the timber. Whether it's wooden house, under the metal roofing truss system, or an ordinary fence, we have to use timber. Try to give a general description of timber and methods for their protection. Of wood building materials are considered the best pine and spruce, but also used aspen, alder, linden and other breeds. When construction requires various logs, poles, planks, boards, etc. (Fig. 1). As for the quality they are divided into three classes, measured in cubic meters. The wood on the house should be dry and not affected beetle drevoedom. In the damp wood can create a house-mushroom - a dangerous pest, the struggle which is very laborious. However, it must be borne in mind that when drying wood shrinks, warp and crack. Humidity green wood is more than 50%, semi-dry - no more than 23 air-dry - 18 and dry - 7%. In all the designs of buildings are usually used air-dry wood. To obtain such a timber, it can withstand under a canopy at least a year, but to get to dry for at least three years. Logs - their length ranges from 4 to 9m. Thickness of cut - 100 - 260mm. Plywood is composed of several layers of veneer. Fabricated in sheets of various sizes with a thickness of 1 to 12mm. On quality is divided into three classes. Parquet is made from solid wood: oak, beech, ash, maple, and others applied for flooring. Parquet board - this is a common pine floorboards with glued thin strips of hardwood. Fig. 1. Timber and lumber used in construction: a - plate, b - dvuhkantny timber; in - Unedged d - QUARTER, e - beams with a wane chetyrehkantny e - half-edged boards with wane; x - chistoobreznoy beam, and h - slab; and - Cutting board; to - planed floorboards, timber plate, bars, planks and boards, etc. may be lumber, half-edged, edging, nestroganymi and planed, tongued, quarter, etc., their thickness can be from 13 to 100mm. Harvesting, storage and antiseptirovanie timber for house construction is recommended to harvest only healthy wood - no rot and worm holes. From the forest timber should be transported as quickly as possible, in the cortex to store no more than two weeks. Removing the bark from the upper and lower cuts should leave the belts from the bark of a width not exceeding 10cm. And this prevents cracking in the ends. Keep timber must be on higher ground, which has run-off, cleaned of debris, grass, disinfected with 10% solution of iron sulphate. With the same solution can be treated lumber and logs. Logs and planks laid in stacks and always on the lining, and so that among them was a space for through ventilation. Top stowed material preferably cover from the rain and snow. Bark, sawdust, shavings, wood chips should be burned quickly, as they are carriers of beetles drevoedov. If caught rotten wood material, or with the beetles, it is better not to apply in the case, and immediately transferred to a special quarantine area, remote from the first of at least 30m. Infected wood immediately treated with preservatives (you can buy ready-made, but we will consider other options) - the special chemical composition, or the following substances: a mixture of turpentine and kerosene (in equal parts). Solution of DDT in kerosene or turpentine (10 parts of DDT dissolved in 90 parts of turpentine or kerosene and give him a brew for a few days). Dezinsektalem. 1% solution of technical hexachloran (1 part hexachloran dissolved in 99 parts of kerosene, turpentine, liquid paraffin, diesel oil, etc.). Antiseptic is recommended that you inject into flight holes, and then applied by brush. This should be done in two stages with an interval of 1 - 2 pm Contaminated wood best to handle the spring or early summer, and repeat two to three weeks, since that time, the larvae of beetles come close to the surface. When you protect wood from decay of the antiseptic may be different. The most simple - a 10% solution of iron or copper sulfate or zinc chloride (1 kg of one of these chemicals dissolved in 10l. Water). Widely used as 3% solution of sodium fluoride. These antiseptics are used only for processing of structures under a roof or inside the premises. Consider one of the methods of processing wood preservative. Wooden barrel half filled with 20% solution of copper sulfate or zinc chloride, lower back, for example, those pillars of their ends, which will be in the ground, and held not less than two days. After this, the pillars are removed and set vertically under the canopy at 30 - 40 days, but always ends up soaked. Treated this way the ends of poles, after spending five years in the ground, do not even have signs of rot. To combat rot and use such a simple way to burning in the fire of those parts of the pillars which will be located in the ground. Sometimes the burn and the lower part okladnyh crowns to a depth of no more than 15mm. , Daubed them with bitumen (tar), wrap the roofing paper or roofing material. But you can only burn. To avoid poisoning with any antiseptic precautions shall be. Mouth shut bandage gauze, folded in several layers. After work, have a good wash hands and face, and even better - completely clean up. Generally the infected beetle drevoedom or fungus wood is better not to be used in construction, and burn.
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