Vitaly Lviv often in front of the owners of country houses raises the question, what floor the bed? Today, there are various options for floors, but we wish to talk about one of them - from polyvinylchloride floor tiles. PVC tiles - single-and multi-colored with a smooth or textured outer surface - is made from polyvinyl chloride, plasticizers, fillers, pigments and various additives. When repairing floors covered with polyvinylchloride tiles do not need to change all the coverage. You can easily replace worn or damaged tiles without affecting the others. For the production of tiles, first produced a large cloth material and then cut down from it with a metal stamp tiles required size. PVC tiles are used most often is in a residential area where the floor does not get abrasive materials, fats and oils. Tiles can not be used where there is a high throughput, since it can not withstand such loads, such as ceramic tile or shlakositall. PVC tiles often have a square or trapezoidal. Square tiles of PVC have a length of 300 mm. The thickness of these tiles can also vary from 1,5 to 2,5 mm. Before buying a tile, think about whether the high permeability in the room where you use PVC, and in accordance with this pick thickness. Quality tiles of the same color have a uniform color across the surface. Tiles should be col, with smooth (no burrs and Shcherbin) edges. After inspecting the tiles near, move away from her, and if from a distance of 1 m is not noticeable on her sag, scratches, bowls, bumps, or spots (as well as any foreign matter), then the party comes. Ask the sales assistant whether to complete this tile adhesive mastic (often companies, manufacturers supplying PVC tiles complete with the necessary pre-calculated amount of postmark). How to mark up the floor? Breakdown of floor coverings - measurement, determine the shape of the floor area, location and size of its main elements: the background, or a frieze pattern. First of all, pick up trash from the room in which to do a breakdown of floor coverings, verify evenness and levelness of the surface, bring to the wall and fix the benchmark of pure sex. Form of sex check cord taut from opposite corners of rooms, on its diagonal. Diagonals of the same size indicates the presence of right angles in the room, and equal to the length of opposite sides. In such areas the breakdown of floor covering is reduced to the partitioning and install the frieze of lighthouses on the set finished floor. The accuracy of partitioning, ie, squareness of the frieze and background coverage, check out the equality diagonal. Installation Recommendations The main condition to start the installation of PVC floor tiles on the ending is all the finishing work inside. Reason for PVC should be strong, tough and dry. Floor surface is cleaned with a brush or vacuum cleaner - it will provide the most robust adhesion of mastic to the base. Then primed the floor with a solution of bitumen in gasoline (ratio 1:3). Waiting for the primer dries. Then applied to the second base coat and wait another 5-10 hours. After that, begin to breakdown cover. If you want to cover the floors of these tiles in the adjacent premises, carry out the axis through the middle of doorways. Then tile series will move from one room to another. If the room is isolated and tiled floor finish at the threshold of the door with axes are defined as usual - in the middle of the walls, perpendicular to them. Axis is fixed, beating them on the floor namelennym cord. Axis can also be secured berthing cords. The accuracy of partitioning should check - for this tile laid out dry on the stretched cords prichalkam. The tiles are laid out first in the middle of the room, near the intersection of mooring cables axes. The first tile is placed, aligning the face with crossed cords, and then put the tiles up from the first, down, left and right. On the first series after installation operates proveski. Determine whether the fit in the places of contiguity to the walls of the whole tile. If not - axis shift so that the ends of Lighthouse bands were for the total nepolnomernymi tiles (cut to the width of more than half). With this shift stakeout axes twice reduced the number of operations on cutting tiles. Make sure that the seams were straight (control gon). Horizontal tiled surfaces also requires constant monitoring. For this purpose, the level or rail length of at least 2,5 m. The deviations from the overall level of correct immediately, until the solution solidified. On the protruding tile put a wooden block and hammer face down tiles. If the tiles, by contrast, is too deep, remove it and add fresh solution, and then operate the same way as in the case of a serving plate. Pay attention to the width intertiled seams. Their size depends on the length of the tile. If the tile does not exceed 200 mm, the weld size should be about 2 mm. When the tiles up to 300 mm seam may reach 3-4 mm. If the tile "fell" from the figure, ie, one way or another has moved - it align the edge of the scapula. To do this, carry a shovel along the lined of the series. Except where leaf blade touches the edge of the tile, then laid out a number of uneven and needed to make adjustments. But remember that all transactions with the change of the tiles can be made not later than 30 minutes after installation, otherwise the solution is "clutch." Application Method Gluing tiles produced in the same way as the layout, dry - with Lighthouse bands. After finishing the band proveski tag on the ranks on both sides of the axis, carefully watching the drawing and controlling the amount of gaps. There are several methods of gluing the tiles. The sticker means "for himself." Usually, performing label tiles "over", enjoy a cold asphalt mastic. Mastic is applied to the primed base immediately, under a range of PVC tiles Noah and wider by 80-100 mm than the side of one tile. The surface of the mastic is spread with a notched trowel. This form of a spatula is needed to on the ground, covered with primer, remained wide groove 0,3-0,5 mm. Cover the floor suit Coy, wait about half an hour. During this time, the solvent of the mastic should evaporate. Then conducted on a sample of "tackiness": not much pressed against the surface of the mastic finger - with detachment, he should not get dirty. Each row of tiles requires transfer the mooring cable. Tile, the preparation for glueing, puts up against the row, and entered into for laid - on the other side - to the shore cord. Carefully lowered her to the floor, trying not to stain the edges tile mastic, and continue to press, passing across the surface - from the middle to the edges. Now comes the time pressing. Rubber mallet pripressovyvayut tiles to the ground. This operation helps to evenly distribute the paste on the back and provides maximum adherence surface of the tile and floor. The floor is made of PVC tiles should not have seams - the tiles are laid "butt butt" so that the edges of the tiles are exactly adjacent to each other and the seams were invisible. In contrast to the floors, tiled ceramic flooring with PVC dry faster. You can walk on them the next day. "On my own" label means "from himself." When using such a reception for change mastic SR 2 and SR 3. In this case, the paste is applied directly to the entire surface area of ??the base with a hard brush or spatula. Then wait for 3-5 hours. During this time, the solvent must evaporate. If the foundation upon which is laid tile, porous, - mastic is applied twice (the second application is carried out through the 6-24 hours). As usual, placed first lighthouse band - along the premises, rescued namelennym cord. The second series of parallel paste lighthouse. The principle of sticking to the following: mastic applied with a brush or spatula to the back of the tile. The thickness of the layer of mastic 0,1-0,2 mm. Waiting for a quarter of an hour and are checking to touch. Each tile is laid both hands. Shall ensure that the edges are tightly aligned - the gaps and seams intertiled absent. Aligning the edge, gently lower the tile on the ground. Pripressovyvayut tiles to the floor beats a rubber hammer or Valikova rink. In this case, mastic on the back of the tile should be divided evenly distributed - free of air bubbles and voids. Feature of this method of laying PVC tiles lies in the fact that you are moving forward (as far as laying new series), while on svezheoformlennom coverage. It is also important to avoid contamination of the front surface of the tile mastic. Fresh mastic with tile, immediately remove with a cloth dampened with gasoline or turpentine. Near the walls is often inevitable to use nepolnomernyh PLI current. They are obtained by cutting the tiles sharpened knife advance of marked lines. Size nepolnomernyh tiles slightly customize - the gap between the extreme side and a wall should not be wider than 10 mm. Once the entire floor is faced with tiles, it is covered with cardboard or thick paper - for protection against scratches and pollution. It may take 2-3 days and can be filled with mortar intertiled seams. Cement mortar 1:1 fill seams and cover the floors with sawdust. Within days, sawdust periodically moistened with water. When the room is completely covered, waiting for hardened mortar under the tile. If the floor is already possible to walk and tiles do not move, prepare slurry of 1:1 (cement: water). Cause the mixture from the bucket on the floor and lined overwritten in intertiled seams. Monitor the quality of work: do not leave blank seams and holes. Upon completion of work poured the floor a thick layer of sawdust and moisturize them. Wipe the floor with wet sawdust, then wash off with water. Resulting in this case the floor is not afraid of moisture and carries a constant stream of water of any temperature. Important tips from PVC flooring tiles - the most eco-friendly. When repairing their houses often are the old wooden floors. It should be remembered that such plank floors only on the hard ground. Facing materials are placed in solutions or mastic, depending on this subject to various requirements for surface preparation. When using an interlayer of solution gaps between the surface preparation and the control pinion allowed no more than 10 mm. Before laying the tile coating surface preparation of concrete and soil cement moisten with milk. Part of the concrete surface with oil or grease cut down and replaced with new concrete or screed suit of polymer solution with pre-primed plasticized PVA 8% emulsion concentration. In the case of paving on the mastic also perform screed, with particular care. Gaps between the surface of the tie and control rack should not exceed 2 mm in the preparation of ties under the cover of polyvinylchloride tiles and linoleum and 4 mm - under the cover of other tiles. If alignment is necessary to put a layer of 15 mm, it is recommended to use ordinary cement-sand mortar, as the polymer solution will provide greater shrinkage. By the time of paving screed should have humidity no more than 8%. Ties and surface crack detection is purified, then placed on the surface of screed rails Lighthouse thickness equal to the thickness of the layer strengthens, placing them every 1,5-2,5 m, depending on the size of the room. After installing the beacons ties primed surface dispersion of plasticized PVA 8% concentration. The primer is applied to small areas along the styling polymer solution so that it did not have time to dry, otherwise it will drop the clutch polymer solution with a base screed. If the screed is executed smoothly, but after that went 1-2 or more days, screed moistened with water, applied to individual sections of the floor a thin layer of cement paste, and then proceed to the unit floor. For floors in buildings with heavy traffic use ceramic tiles are smooth, rough and grooved size 100X100X10 mm and 100X100X13 different colors and shades. Dimensions of square ceramic and glass tiles for mosaic floors: 48X48X6 22X22X6 mm and. Tiles glued to the plant on rectangular sheets of paper for drawings. Cutting the sheets into pieces and put them together in different combinations, you can receive a variety of options for carpet pictures of sex. Before starting work the tiles are sorted by color and hue. Tiles are cracked, chipped edges and defects on the face of the marriage. When the device floors in wet areas and on the ground (the first and basement floors) are placed under the base waterproofing carpet of two layers of roofing or waterproofing, mastic glued together, with the device on his screed 30 mm thick. When checking a horizontal base, the 2-meter rack in different directions permitted maximum clearance when installing ceramic and mosaic tiles 4 mm. For large gaps, the base must be aligned, after removing it from the debris and dust. Small protruding bumps removed sander, a significant deepening of close up of cement-sand mortar. When laying coverings made of synthetic tiles advisable to remove the crack of bedding grout M150, implicated in 10% aqueous solution of polyvinyl acetate emulsion. When the thickness of leveling podmazok to 2 mm is recommended lacquer putty marks LS and PHVSH. Need to closely monitor the correct laying of tiles, especially by the axes tile floor, which guarantees a symmetric adjacency of tiles in all the room's walls. For this purpose, define the position of the longitudinal axis, depending on the contour of the premises (in the room with a square hollow longitudinal axis take the direction of light). Should be checked very carefully calculate the multiplicity of stacked plates in frieze frame, since the approach to the frieze bands chipped tiles are not allowed. After verifying the correctness of layout tiles dry start to the final installation of Lighthouse rows of tiles along the axes of the stakeout, and the contour of the corner beacons and medium-sized lighthouse series. Angular beacons exhibited by squares, regardless of the path space, with distance from the wall to the width of the frieze, or the width of one or two tiles. When leaving the walls of the right angles or curvature of these deviations can be corrected with priteskoy number of tiles, immediately adjacent to the walls. The tiles are laid on strata of the cement-sand mortar or liquid glass thickness 10-15 mm on the hot asphalt, casein, kolloksilinovyh and other mastic layer of no more than 1 mm. In the application of hot and cold asphalt mastic base pre-primed with a solution of bitumen in gasoline clearing the ground of dust and debris. The absence of priming or applying it to the dusty ground is a major cause delamination of tiles in the process of exploitation of sex. In applying the mastic resin-based primer produced a 10% aqueous solution of polyvinyl acetate emulsion or special primer compositions according to the manufacturer's instructions. All work on the device tile floors can be performed at a temperature at floor level or above 100 ° C. Frozen materials are entered into a warm room for 12 hours before their use. Tiles of porous materials which are laid on a layer of cement-sand mortar, before facing to cover the cement grout, concrete base before the layout of cement-sand mortar moistened with water. Rasstilku layer of cement-sand mortar or liquid glass produced at the same time under one or more rows of tiles. Band spread with a solution must have a minimum length of 1 m and be wider stacked rows of tiles 20 - 30 mm. Must be controlled, that the seams between the tiles laid on the cement-sand mortar, filled with liquid cement mortar 1:1 (cement, fine sand) within 1-2 days after paving. Surplus mortar joints on the surface are removed prior to the seizure. The coating surface after setting the cement in the seams rub with a cloth or wet sawdust and washed with water. When laying tiles on a hot bitumen (Degteva) mastic or mortar with liquid glass tile joints filled with layers of extruded material. Tiles are made of synthetic materials are glued side by side without gaps.
Vitaly Lviv often in front of the owners of country houses raises the question, what floor the bed? Today, there are various options for flooring, but we want to tell you about one of them - PVC flooring tiles. PVC tiles - single-and multi-colored with a smooth or textured outer surface - is made from polyvinyl chloride, plasticizers, fillers, pigments and various additives. When repairing floors covered with polyvinylchloride tiles do not need to change all the coverage. You can easily replace worn or damaged tiles without affecting the others. For the production of tiles, first produced a large cloth material and then cut down from it with a metal stamp tiles required size. PVC tiles are used most often is in a residential area where the floor does not get abrasive materials, fats and oils. Tiles can not be used where there is a high throughput, since it can not withstand such loads, such as ceramic tile or shlakositall. PVC tiles often have a square or trapezoidal. Square tiles of PVC have a length of 300 mm. The thickness of these tiles can also vary from 1,5 to 2,5 mm. Before buying a tile, think about whether the high permeability in the room where you use PVC, and in accordance with this pick thickness. Quality tiles of the same color have a uniform color across the surface. Tiles should be col, with smooth (no burrs and Shcherbin) edges. After inspecting the tiles near, move away from her, and if from a distance of 1 m is not noticeable on her sag, scratches, bowls, bumps, or spots (as well as any foreign matter), then the party comes. Ask the sales assistant whether to complete this tile adhesive mastic (often companies, manufacturers supplying PVC tiles complete with the necessary pre-calculated amount of postmark). How to mark up the floor? Breakdown of floor coverings - measurement, determine the shape of the floor area, location and size of its main elements: the background, or a frieze pattern. First of all, pick up trash from the room in which to do a breakdown of floor coverings, verify evenness and levelness of the surface, bring to the wall and fix the benchmark of pure sex. Form of sex check cord taut from opposite corners of rooms, on its diagonal. Diagonals of the same size indicates the presence of right angles in the room, and equal to the length of opposite sides. In such areas the breakdown of floor covering is reduced to the partitioning and install the frieze of lighthouses on the set finished floor. The accuracy of partitioning, ie, squareness of the frieze and background coverage, check out the equality diagonal. Installation Recommendations The main condition to start the installation of PVC floor tiles on the ending is all the finishing work inside. Reason for PVC should be strong, tough and dry. Floor surface is cleaned with a brush or vacuum cleaner - it will provide the most robust adhesion of mastic to the base. Then primed the floor with a solution of bitumen in gasoline (ratio 1:3). Waiting for the primer dries. Then applied to the second base coat and wait another 5-10 hours. After that, begin to breakdown cover. If you want to cover the floors of these tiles in the adjacent premises, carry out the axis through the middle of doorways. Then tile series will move from one room to another. If the room is isolated and tiled floor finish at the threshold of the door with axes are defined as usual - in the middle of the walls, perpendicular to them. Axis is fixed, beating them on the floor namelennym cord. Axis can also be secured berthing cords. The accuracy of partitioning should check - for this tile laid out dry on the stretched cords prichalkam. The tiles are laid out first in the middle of the room, near the intersection of mooring cables axes. The first tile is placed, aligning the face with crossed cords, and then put the tiles up from the first, down, left and right. On the first series after installation operates proveski. Determine whether the fit in the places of contiguity to the walls of the whole tile. If not - axis shift so that the ends of Lighthouse bands were for the total nepolnomernymi tiles (cut to the width of more than half). With this shift stakeout axes twice reduced the number of operations on cutting tiles. Make sure that the seams were straight (control gon). Horizontal tiled surfaces also requires constant monitoring. For this purpose, the level or rail length of at least 2,5 m. The deviations from the overall level of correct immediately, until the solution solidified. On the protruding tile put a wooden block and hammer face down tiles. If the tiles, by contrast, is too deep, remove it and add fresh solution, and then operate the same way as in the case of a serving plate. Pay attention to the width intertiled seams. Their size depends on the length of the tile. If the tile does not exceed 200 mm, the weld size should be about 2 mm. When the tiles up to 300 mm seam may reach 3-4 mm. If the tile "fell" from the figure, ie, one way or another has moved - it align the edge of the scapula. To do this, carry a shovel along the lined of the series. Except where leaf blade touches the edge of the tile, then laid out a number of uneven and needed to make adjustments. But remember that all transactions with the change of the tiles can be made not later than 30 minutes after installation, otherwise the solution is "clutch." Application Method Gluing tiles produced in the same way as the layout, dry - with Lighthouse bands. After finishing the band proveski tag on the ranks on both sides of the axis, carefully watching the drawing and controlling the amount of gaps. There are several methods of gluing the tiles. The sticker means "for himself." Usually, performing label tiles "over", enjoy a cold asphalt mastic. Mastic is applied to the primed base immediately, under a range of PVC tiles Noah and wider by 80-100 mm than the side of one tile. The surface of the mastic is spread with a notched trowel. This form of a spatula is needed to on the ground, covered with primer, remained wide groove 0,3-0,5 mm. Cover the floor suit Coy, wait about half an hour. During this time, the solvent of the mastic should evaporate. Then conducted on a sample of "tackiness": not much pressed against the surface of the mastic finger - with detachment, he should not get dirty. Each row of tiles requires transfer the mooring cable. Tile, the preparation for glueing, puts up against the row, and entered into for laid - on the other side - to the shore cord. Carefully lowered her to the floor, trying not to stain the edges tile mastic, and continue to press, passing across the surface - from the middle to the edges. Now comes the time pressing. Rubber mallet pripressovyvayut tiles to the ground. This operation helps to evenly distribute the paste on the back and provides maximum adherence surface of the tile and floor. The floor is made of PVC tiles should not have seams - the tiles are laid "butt butt" so that the edges of the tiles are exactly adjacent to each other and the seams were invisible. In contrast to the floors, tiled ceramic flooring with PVC dry faster. You can walk on them the next day. "On my own" label means "from himself." When using such a reception for change mastic SR 2 and SR 3. In this case, the paste is applied directly to the entire surface area of ??the base with a hard brush or spatula. Then wait for 3-5 hours. During this time, the solvent must evaporate. If the foundation upon which is laid tile, porous, - mastic is applied twice (the second application is carried out through the 6-24 hours). As usual, placed first lighthouse band - along the premises, rescued namelennym cord. The second series of parallel paste lighthouse. The principle of sticking to the following: mastic applied with a brush or spatula to the back of the tile. The thickness of the layer of mastic 0,1-0,2 mm. Waiting for a quarter of an hour and are checking to touch. Each tile is laid both hands. Shall ensure that the edges are tightly aligned - the gaps and seams intertiled absent. Aligning the edge, gently lower the tile on the ground. Pripressovyvayut tiles to the floor beats a rubber hammer or Valikova rink. In this case, mastic on the back of the tile should be divided evenly distributed - free of air bubbles and voids. Feature of this method of laying PVC tiles lies in the fact that you are moving forward (as far as laying new series), while on svezheoformlennom coverage. It is also important to avoid contamination of the front surface of the tile mastic. Fresh mastic with tile, immediately remove with a cloth dampened with gasoline or turpentine. Near the walls is often inevitable to use nepolnomernyh PLI current. They are obtained by cutting the tiles sharpened knife advance of marked lines. Size nepolnomernyh tiles slightly customize - the gap between the extreme side and a wall should not be wider than 10 mm. Once the entire floor is faced with tiles, it is covered with cardboard or thick paper - for protection against scratches and pollution. It may take 2-3 days and can be filled with mortar intertiled seams. Cement mortar 1:1 fill seams and cover the floors with sawdust. Within days, sawdust periodically moistened with water. When the room is completely covered, waiting for hardened mortar under the tile. If the floor is already possible to walk and tiles do not move, prepare slurry of 1:1 (cement: water). Cause the mixture from the bucket on the floor and lined overwritten in intertiled seams. Monitor the quality of work: do not leave blank seams and holes. Upon completion of work poured the floor a thick layer of sawdust and moisturize them. Wipe the floor with wet sawdust, then wash off with water. Resulting in this case the floor is not afraid of moisture and carries a constant stream of water of any temperature. Important tips from PVC flooring tiles - the most eco-friendly. When repairing their houses often are the old wooden floors. It should be remembered that such plank floors only on the hard ground. Facing materials are placed in solutions or mastic, depending on this subject to various requirements for surface preparation. When using an interlayer of solution gaps between the surface preparation and the control pinion allowed no more than 10 mm. Before laying the tile coating surface preparation of concrete and soil cement moisten with milk. Part of the concrete surface with oil or grease cut down and replaced with new concrete or screed suit of polymer solution with pre-primed plasticized PVA 8% emulsion concentration. In the case of paving on the mastic also perform screed, with particular care. Gaps between the surface of the tie and control rack should not exceed 2 mm in the preparation of ties under the cover of polyvinylchloride tiles and linoleum and 4 mm - under the cover of other tiles. If alignment is necessary to put a layer of 15 mm, it is recommended to use ordinary cement-sand mortar, as the polymer solution will provide greater shrinkage. By the time of paving screed should have humidity no more than 8%. Ties and surface crack detection is purified, then placed on the surface of screed rails Lighthouse thickness equal to the thickness of the layer strengthens, placing them every 1,5-2,5 m, depending on the size of the room. After installing the beacons ties primed surface dispersion of plasticized PVA 8% concentration. The primer is applied to small areas along the styling polymer solution so that it did not have time to dry, otherwise it will drop the clutch polymer solution with a base screed. If the screed is executed smoothly, but after that went 1-2 or more days, screed moistened with water, applied to individual sections of the floor a thin layer of cement paste, and then proceed to the unit floor. For floors in buildings with heavy traffic use ceramic tiles are smooth, rough and grooved size 100X100X10 mm and 100X100X13 different colors and shades. Dimensions of square ceramic and glass tiles for mosaic floors: 48X48X6 22X22X6 mm and. Tiles glued to the plant on rectangular sheets of paper for drawings. Cutting the sheets into pieces and put them together in different combinations, you can receive a variety of options for carpet pictures of sex. Before starting work the tiles are sorted by color and hue. Tiles are cracked, chipped edges and defects on the face of the marriage. When the device floors in wet areas and on the ground (the first and basement floors) are placed under the base waterproofing carpet of two layers of roofing or waterproofing, mastic glued together, with the device on his screed 30 mm thick. When checking a horizontal base, the 2-meter rack in different directions permitted maximum clearance when installing ceramic and mosaic tiles 4 mm. For large gaps, the base must be aligned, after removing it from the debris and dust. Small protruding bumps removed sander, a significant deepening of close up of cement-sand mortar. When laying coverings made of synthetic tiles advisable to remove the crack of bedding grout M150, implicated in 10% aqueous solution of polyvinyl acetate emulsion. When the thickness of leveling podmazok to 2 mm is recommended lacquer putty marks LS and PHVSH. Need to closely monitor the correct laying of tiles, especially by the axes tile floor, which guarantees a symmetric adjacency of tiles in all the room's walls. For this purpose, define the position of the longitudinal axis, depending on the contour of the premises (in the room with a square hollow longitudinal axis take the direction of light). Should be checked very carefully calculate the multiplicity of stacked plates in frieze frame, since the approach to the frieze bands chipped tiles are not allowed. After verifying the correctness of layout tiles dry start to the final installation of Lighthouse rows of tiles along the axes of the stakeout, and the contour of the corner beacons and medium-sized lighthouse series. Angular beacons exhibited by squares, regardless of the path space, with distance from the wall to the width of the frieze, or the width of one or two tiles. When leaving the walls of the right angles or curvature of these deviations can be corrected with priteskoy number of tiles, immediately adjacent to the walls. The tiles are laid on strata of the cement-sand mortar or liquid glass thickness 10-15 mm on the hot asphalt, casein, kolloksilinovyh and other mastic layer of no more than 1 mm. In the application of hot and cold asphalt mastic base pre-primed with a solution of bitumen in gasoline clearing the ground of dust and debris. The absence of priming or applying it to the dusty ground is a major cause delamination of tiles in the process of exploitation of sex. In applying the mastic resin-based primer produced a 10% aqueous solution of polyvinyl acetate emulsion or special primer compositions according to the manufacturer's instructions. All work on the device tile floors can be performed at a temperature at floor level or above 100 ° C. Frozen materials are entered into a warm room for 12 hours before their use. Tiles of porous materials which are laid on a layer of cement-sand mortar, before facing to cover the cement grout, concrete base before the layout of cement-sand mortar moistened with water. Rasstilku layer of cement-sand mortar or liquid glass produced at the same time under one or more rows of tiles. Band spread with a solution must have a minimum length of 1 m and be wider stacked rows of tiles 20 - 30 mm. Must be controlled, that the seams between the tiles laid on the cement-sand mortar, filled with liquid cement mortar 1:1 (cement, fine sand) within 1-2 days after paving. Surplus mortar joints on the surface are removed prior to the seizure. The coating surface after setting the cement in the seams rub with a cloth or wet sawdust and washed with water. When laying tiles on a hot bitumen (Degteva) mastic or mortar with liquid glass tile joints filled with layers of extruded material. Tiles are made of synthetic materials are glued side by side without gaps. Correct seating tiles on mortar or adhesives, should be systematically checked in all directions. Permissible deviation above the floor from the horizontal plane or a given slope of the corresponding size of the room is 0,2%. The value of the ledge between the edges of adjacent tiles within the main background or fascia should not exceed 1 mm. Coating of the plates when filling joints between the cement-sand mortar to harden in wet conditions. Walk on nastlannym sexes can not earlier than after 6-7 days. Care of PVC flooring tiles finished floor, inspect it. All defects - bloating, not pasted place raised the corners of the tiles - immediately correct. Do not forget about building codes: the temperature in the room when working with PVC tiles should not be below 15 ° C, and humidity - no more than 15%. Care floors of PVC includes periodic polishing paste wax coating, which improves the fine quality and hygienic tiled floors, and also reduces the accumulation of static electricity. Be careful: Do not use for cleaning floors substances containing abrasives or caustic soda - it will damage the front surface of the tile. If in-tiling can arise such a defect, as the swelling surface. The reasons for this - increased substrate moisture, thickening the layer of mastic, or, conversely, its absence, the lack of stamping to the cover. To remedy this defect peel tile, re-applied mastic and carefully re-pripressovyvayut her to the ground using a rubber hammer. You can use the following recipe: pierce the coating, releasing air from the swollen area. Then cover the defective portion of the floor thick paper, iron heated iron and place on top cargo. You may have noticed in some places, peeling edges of PVC tiles and corners. The reason for this may be causing postmark on wet or dusty ground. Tiles of PVC, in addition to its positive qualities, and have a negative: flammability, high resistivity and aging. These properties should not be overlooked when caring for a surface coated by PVC and polystyrene tiles. Based on this property, we recommend you refrain from your deck floor polyvinylchloride tiles in close proximity near gas stoves. Polystyrene tiles do not veneer kitchen wall, because even fallen a burning match or otletevshaya scale will leave an indelible mark on the surface and you will either have to "hide" it under the rug, or to change the coating on your floor. Given the high specific resistance to electric current, surface, lined with PVC and polystyrene tiles should be cleaned with water or soap with the addition of static. The aging of the tiles - this is, unfortunately, irreversible change in appearance (color) and physical-mechanical properties (tensile strength) of polymers, leads to the fact that the tiles are gradually fade, crack, crumble. This process can be a bit "slow down" - occasionally rubbing coating of polyvinyl chloride and polystyrene wax paste, you will not only improve the decorative properties of materials, but also extend the life of these coatings. Defects that the tiled surface to make its repairs. Since the gypsum material to a sufficient degree possess hygroscopic, they do not recommend washing. Dust from such surfaces should be removed with a soft damp cloth, fastened to the brush with a stiff bristle brush or broom. Facing a field detachment repair tiles and cracked, and heavily soiled tiles are replaced with new (for this purpose should be to keep stock of materials). The floor is made of PVC tiles has a funny flaw: when operating in conditions of low humidity on the surface of actively accumulated static electricity, why when you walk you hear a noise like when wearing nylon clothing. In the summer indoors with the floor often occur sudden explosions of flammable substances. The choice of floor covering large, since large range of materials. And what would be the floor in your home depends on your choice, taste, from the interior space, its purpose and, of course, on your financial condition.
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