Friday, September 2, 2011

Floors with a plastic coating. Materials

PVC linoleum on the tissue subbase produce a monochrome surface like marble or printed design. is produced to the five types - A, B, C, D, E (eg, A - mnogoshtrihovoy duplicated with facial layer of transparent polyvinyl chloride film with printed design, etc.) . Available in rolls that can be pieces of a length not less than 3 m. The length of a roll of 12 m, width 1350-2000 mm, thickness 1.6 and 2 mm. polyvinyl chloride linoleum on heat-insulating subbase produce monophonic or two-layer printed pattern. The top layer is covered with transparent PVC film, the bottom - non-woven, heat-insulating employee subbase. Available in rolls 12 m, a width of 1350-1800 mm, the total thickness of 3.6 mm. It can be applied only where there is no heavy traffic. PVC vinyl with foam subbase and printed design release multi-colored with an embossed and netisnenoy outer surface. It produces two types: A-1, 8 1,8 mm thick for floors in residential and public buildings and LTZ-3, 3 (heat and sound insulation) thickness of 3.3 mm for the floors of residential buildings. in quality to the considered types of linoleum following requirements: the front side should not have sinks, folds, scratches, spots, stripes and splashes of paint and image distortion. linoleum should be evenly colored and do not change the color caused by water, light and air. Rubber layered linoleum (relin) painted on the entire thickness of the front layer. It may be monotonous or the split marble. Relin very elastic material, it consists of an upper layer with a thickness not less than 0,8 mm and one or two layers below. relin is produced in three types: A - for flooring in residential, public and industrial buildings; B - in public and industrial, where there is forced ventilation; B (wrist) - in operating rooms and specialized laboratories. Available in rolls 12 m, width 1000, 1200, 1400 and 1600 mm , 3 mm thick. Pvc tiles come in single and multi, they are essentially no different from linoleum. The front surface may be smooth monochromatic, polychromatic, with printed patterns. is produced square tile size 300x300 mm and tapered - left and right (their are made of square tiles size 300x300 mm). The thickness of 1,5, 2 and 2,5 mm. Pvc Extruded tiles "Previn-E produce single-layer thickness of 4-5 mm in size 500x500 mm. These tiles have a low Abrasion. Carpet Materials device sometimes plank floor coverings, not fixing them to the ground. This vorsolin - double layer insulating material without subbase, monochrome and color. let it with sheets of 6 m long, 700 mm, 5 mm thick. Synthetic material for floors in foam latex subbase manufactured two-layer with the thickness of the lower layer not less than 4 mm. Facial smooth layer of pile or synthetic fabric. The material has good wear resistance. roll lengths of 6 m, width 90 mm. Pile-sewed carpet materials produce carpets of not less than 6 m and a width of up to 4,5 m. All the materials before their application should be soaked in a warm place for at least two weeks (the longer the better). It is necessary to stabilize the size of linoleum tiles that have the ability to shrink or expand. When laying a good vintage materials such phenomena does not happen. Keep all the roll material should only be in vertical position, as if kept in a horizontal position, they become compressed and rolling in waves fall. For the bonding of these materials to the base used adhesives and mastics. adhesives used to glue linoleum tiles - a relatively liquid substances, rarely having in its composition a filler, and then in small quantities. Depending on their physical and mechanical properties, they can be glued together or only homogeneous or heterogeneous materials. It is therefore important to choose the right glue, so that he not only securely pasted, but and not destroy ourselves materials (linoleum or tiles) are not singled out various unwanted odors. Clay "Bustilat" is a creamy mass of white. smell after curing does not allocate. When you work with it must comply with fire regulations. Shelf life in a hermetically sealed container at temperature not exceeding 5 ° C not more than a month. "Bustilat" is used for gluing PVC linoleum on the fabric and synthetic underlying basis, various PVC tiles in different subbase and synthetic pile carpet on a concrete base and cement screeds humidity of not more than 4%. humidity in the room no more than 60% and the temperature is not below 15 ° C. Apply the adhesive layer thickness 0,7-0,8 mm (for linoleum and tiles) or 0,6-0,7 mm (for synthetic carpets). Glue consumption, g / m2: for synthetic carpets - 700-800, linoleum and tile - 800-900. Clay is gaining strength after 3 days after application. The ethyl acetate glue PMP-10 - creamy mass of bright colors, prepared on the basis of ethyl acetate, dibutyl phthalate and polyvinyl chloride resins. Clay waterproof and nontoxic. Store in a sealed pot no more than a month. Use for bonding linoleum and tiles without the underlying basis. The coat of glue 0,3-0,4 mm, flow rate of 400-500 g/m2. polyvinyl acetate glue - creamy mass of white. This glue is added filler - 400-500 Portland cement (not more than 12% by weight). Suitable for bonding linoleum teplozvukoizoliruyuschey subbase, polyvinylchloride tiles for the tissue underlying basis, synthetic pile carpets. glue is applied with a thin layer (0,4-0,5 mm), flow rate of 400-500 g/m2. Dispersion adhesive ADM-K - mass of creamy brown. Clay is non-toxic, waterproof, fire safe. Store in a sealed pot no more than 3 months. Apply for sticking all kinds of PVC linoleum tiles with subbase, including tiles, "Previn." You can stick to the concrete base, cement-sand screed, fibreboard with a humidity of 60%. to apply the adhesive layer of 0,2-0,3 mm, flow rate of 300-400 g/m2. for tiles "Previn" layer thickness increases to 0.1 mm, adhesive consumption of 400-500 g/m2. bitumen-synthetic glue - viscous mass of black water-resistant and nontoxic. It consists of a mixture of bitumen, rubber cement, solvent (white spirit ) and the filler in an amount not to exceed 5%. Shelf life in sealed pot no more than 3 months. For gluing PVC tile adhesive applied to a layer thickness of 0,3-0,4 mm, for sticking linoleum and tile "Previn" - 0,4 - 0,5 mm, adhesive consumption, respectively, 300-400 and 400-500 g/m2. Кумаронобутилформальдегидный glue 88 CH - viscous mass of gray with a yellowish tinge. In airtight containers stored less than 3 months. Before using dilute gasoline to the desired viscosity . Use to glue linoleum and tiles without the underlying basis. The thickness of the adhesive layer 0,1-0,2 mm (flat surface), flow rate of 150-250 g/m2. Mastics apply for the same purpose as the adhesives. to produce them from the organic binders (mostly bitumen) with finely fillers and additives. In addition, there are rezinobitumnye mastic, resin, etc. These pastes are used in hot conditions, but if they enter the solvent, the use and cold. mastic should be stored in an airtight container. Hot mastic cures in 2-3 hours, cool - 3-7 days after application. filler mastics are asbestos 6 and 7 of groups (at least 10% by mass of mastic), as well as dustable materials: tripoli, talc and other density to 3000 kg/m3 (25%). Sometimes used combined fillers from mixtures of different materials, they add no less than 20%. To prepare the mastic asphalt is heated to 220 ° C, until it is completely melted and the water removal, ie, before until the bitumen does not cease to provide the foam. When working with hot mastic is necessary to observe safety rules. Many of the mastic is prepared in about an hour before work. If the hot paste thickens, then it warmed up. Cold mastic is more convenient and safe to use. prepare mastic should be away from flammable areas, strictly observing the firefighting requirements. Next to the stove or fire must be in sufficient sand and water needed to extinguish a burning bitumen. Hot asphalt roofing mastic - the mass of dark brown, nevodostoykaya and non-toxic. It is prepared from Structural oil bitumen grade BN-50/50, Roofing oil bitumen grade BNK-45/180 or vysokoplavkogo petroleum bitumen. In the process of melting asphalt on the surface appear all kinds of extraneous, which is necessary to remove the grid on a long handle or a jar in the same pen with the punched holes in it. bitumen to melt faster, it is recommended to cut into small pieces. To prepare 10 kg of mastic required: 8,5 kg of bitumen, such as brand BN-50/50 and 1,5-1,7 kg aggregate (crushed peat , small asbestos, ground slag, or limestone, wood flour, sifted through a fine sieve). loaded into a cauldron or pot with 3 / 4 of its volume of bitumen is heated to the melting surfaced impurities are removed. Heat bitumen to be until it stops foaming , ie, will not be dehydrated. extinguish the fire in the dry filler bitumen is added and thoroughly mixed all. mastic applied only in the hot state. This mastic stick waterproofing materials and linoleum without subbase. Apply a layer of mastic 1-1,5 mm spending 1,1-1,7 kg/m2. Cold bituminous roofing mastic. To prepare 10 kg of mastic should take 5 kg of asphalt above grade, 3 kg of green oil or kerosene, and 2 kg of fine aggregate, it is better to asbestos 6 or 7 th group. bitumen is melted prior to the termination of foaming. The fire was quenched, and with continuous stirring into the bitumen is poured in small portions green oil or kerosene, and then, as in small portions, introducing a filler. All this is thoroughly mixed. compounding poured in a sealed bowl and is used to label linoleum without subbase. Cold bitumen mastic is prepared as petroleum bitumen specified mark (75,5%), colophony (3%) and gasoline (21.5%). First, melt the bitumen, rosin and then all stirred no less than 10-15 min. stubbed out the fire, bitumen is allowed to cool to 80 ° C. After this, pour gasoline in small amounts, and all are thoroughly mixed. mastic at a temperature no higher than 55 ° C is poured into a sealed container. However, there is mastic, which are well bonded-linolenic and minds of tile and materials for their preparation are commercially available. Lakomelovaya sealant is made from oil-resin varnish № 7 (40%), dry finely chalk (60%) by mixing the materials together. To get a smooth mixture, preferably at its pereteret kraskoterke or rub through a fine sieve. mastic used to glue linoleum alkyd and must be used within 7 hours Hardens at room temperature for 3-5 days. Lakosurikovaya chalky paste is made from oil varnish № 74, 75 or 408 (35-30%), dry ocher (3-5%), iron minium (2-5%) and dry tonkoproseyannogo chalk (60%). It is used to glue linoleum on the tissue underlying basis. mastic is prepared as follows. Mel, ocher and red lead is thoroughly mixed together. This mixture is poured varnish, and again thoroughly mixed, preferably additionally pereteret mixture kraskoterke. mastic viability 2-3 days. thickened paste is diluted with lacquer. mastic flow 1-1,2 kg/m2. Cement and oil-chalk paste is made from linseed oil-oksol (36 %), dry ground chalk (47%) and Portland cement 300-400 (17%). This sealant on the properties and purpose is similar lakomelovoy. In the process of its preparation chalk mixed with cement, the mixture was poured varnish-oksol and again mix thoroughly. After this fray on kraskoterke or rub through a fine sieve. coats. For more reliable bonding to the base of wood-fiber boards, linoleum, tile or synthetic carpets recommended to Primary coated surface of the base, as well as bonded surface plates, linoleum and other mastic is applied to the dried primer. coats are best prepared from the same mastic or adhesive that will stick linoleum tiles, by breeding them with the same solvents in which they are cooked. bitumen mastic under the surface can be dissolved Primary coated with bitumen, a Degteva - coal tar pitch. The composition of primers, wt%: Bitumen - 40, solyarovoe oil, kerosene or motor gasoline - 60, coal tar pitch - 45, anthracene oil - 55. Measured material is heated to fully unfolded and cessation of foaming, by removing the pop-up impurities. The fire was quenched, cooled bitumen or pitch to 80 ° C, poured into the solvent and all are thoroughly mixed. Cooked primer should be liquid and homogeneous (no lumps). it is best to strain through a fine sieve. After drawing on a dry basis, it should be dry for 5-10 hours without the tackiness. Keep the primer is necessary in an airtight container. However, it is best to prepare the primer immediately before use.

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