Metal constructions are used as carriers in various engineering structures, including in the frame of the building, lining panels (aluminum metal). Thus, the concept of "Metal" combines the products, which are manufactured using black or non-ferrous metal, and prefabricated structures. The earliest metal structures were built in 19 century - the building of the industrial exhibition in London, the Eiffel Tower in Paris. It is difficult to imagine a building without the use of metal. Use in construction of various types of metal allows for quick installation, reducing, thus, the timing of delivery of construction projects in operation. Metalware classified according to the method of manufacture (riveted, forged, cast, forged, welded, combined, point), size and configuration. By appointment allocate: metalwork (all kinds of metal frames for buildings: columns, bars, stained-glass ceiling, domed structures, girders, etc.), metal cladding (corrugated galvanized sheets, sandwich panels, doors, gates, etc..) block-containers, metal containers (tanks, vats and other industrial capacity); towers (including television and radio towers, cellular, etc.), non-standard metal. In recent years, construction of buildings for production purposes using prefabricated structures manufactured according to individual projects. Their application makes it possible to reduce construction time by more than 3 times as well as transportation costs, as pre-fabricated structures are several times lighter brick or concrete. And while the building of such structures possess excellent performance: thermal insulation, durability, high transportability, the ability to quickly dismantling. Construction metal is also used in the construction of modular buildings for various purposes, as well as in ventilation systems, gas, etc. All metal have a number of obvious advantages: low weight, simple and versatile in the manufacture, easily assembled and disassembled (including large blocks ), a highly transportable, rugged and durable, reliable. The disadvantages of metal structures can be attributed to exposure to corrosion. But the problem is solved by means of galvanizing, as well as the application of various protective (plastic and enamel) coatings. How to buy quality hardware, comply with all requirements imposed on these products guests? Fierce competition in the market of metal among foreign and domestic producers contributes to the fact that most Russian factories offer a truly high quality product. Because they are made on the basis of a powerful industry with years of experience. That's why you should treat with caution numerous companies offering supposedly high quality and inexpensive hardware, which are produced, often in not appropriate for this condition that can not be a guarantee of quality. In any case, the savings on the purchase of metal is not justified, as their price is basically the cost of metal. Thus, metal products are cheap.
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