Monday, September 5, 2011

Oil paint. Selection and application

To carry out painting works requires a special tool: a variety of spatulas, centrifugal or pobelochnaya brush, brush-ceiling brushes, towels, fur cushion. All this simple tool is now on sale. In the painting we use several types of paints: oil, enamel and glue. Oil paints are usually issued in the form gustotertyh (diluted varnish, lacquer, various diluents: turpentine, mineral spirits, driers) and ready to eat. Linseed oil, which is used in painting, is a natural, semi-subsistence and artificial. The latter type of varnish (Lakola, karbonal, abietol) for good interior design can not be used if for no other reason that petroleum products are not stand the dampness in buildings. Of course, it is best to use a natural varnish - boiled linseed oil, but, having bought it, it is advisable to check the quality of the product. Linseed oil should not have impurities, and hence the odor. About impurities showed oily stains, which appeared a couple of hours on a paper attached to the dry layer of varnish. There is one more indicator of the quality of linseed oil: rub a drop of varnish to dry paint on the glass, put a glass pan, after 10-12 hours, try a spot with your finger: if the finger will stick, the linseed oil of poor quality. In stock, usually found oil paints in several colors, mostly white (white lead zinc, lead, or titanium), brown-red (minium iron), red (kraplak), dull yellow (ocher). With such a primitive set of colors make an interesting painting of walls is impossible. Therefore, we can use art oil paint in tubes, spreading it with a varnish, you can get the right color. Of course, the cost of such coloring will increase, but, given that oil paint is recommended to paint the walls of toilet rooms (and sometimes kitchen), such additional costs can not afford. In addition to varnish gustotertuyu oil paint can be thinned oil-resin varnish, the paint is cheaper varnish, but not inferior drying oil in their qualities. Bright colors are bred light varnish (varnish on a bank with the letter "C"), dark dark varnish (on the bank of the letter "T"). On the banks with such polish and show room. For interior applications suitable lacquer № 7 (№ 4 - paint the floor, № 6 - outside of work, № 8 - raising the bronze powder), 0.5 kg of varnish is enough for 1 kg of breeding gustotertoy paint; drying time after covering 1 day (for the sexes 1.5 days). Gustotertuyu oil paint from a can shift into another container, preferably a bucket with handle, topped up with a diluent and a wooden stirrer thoroughly stirred until uniform in color, achieve density of the liquid cream and strained through cheesecloth or a sieve to remove the films. To obtain colors of various shades of different pigments are mixed with a diluent in different vessels, and then combine them into the finished paint one color you can not add dry pigment of another color, because not be able to get even color. Used for domestic work and the various enamels (including nitroemali), diluted with special solvents and deposited on the surface of walls in a heated way, which avoids the sag on the walls. Oil and enamel coating, of course, of little use to create interesting interiors, to that end distempers.

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