"Laudable steps, if they are bright, spacious and easy for walking: for, as such, they attract people to climb on them ..." (Andrea Palladio, 1570). These are the words of the outstanding Italian architect of the Renaissance precisely define the main purpose of architecture - to serve man. In this case, the key task of architecture with the passage of time does not change and is manifested again and again in various forms. The main functional requirements to architectural design at all times remain the same, only changed their look and feel of the device. Today ladder is not only a means of transportation man in space. In addition to its core "The Calling", it increasingly becomes a central element of the interior, helping to create the appearance of a certain atmosphere and mood in the house. Therefore, for the modern architect important thing is choice of installing stairs in the house, its design and materials of manufacture, the more so that their choices are so great that it can realize any of imagination and creative impulses. (Jozsef Coso, Staircases: Design and Technology, 2004, ID "Kontent). Placed at different heights or located at the same height, but distant levels of the buildings made to connect the stairs. This is done for the safe movement of evacuation and transportation. Despite the fact that ladders play an important role in interior spaces and facilities in the first place, they remain the engineering designs. Of them rely heavily on functional connections between rooms, located inside the building, concrete floor of the device and its projection characteristics, since it provides the stairs to move between floors and connects located at different levels of space. The following types of staircases: an angle of 14-60 degrees (Terrace, open staircase (14-20) for the mass movement (20-30), in homes and public buildings with little traffic (30-40), internal and external stairs of apartment houses, cottages (35-45), additional or temporary stairs in homes (45-60) Stairs at an angle of 60-90 degrees (attic, basement stairs, ladders). By its location ladder: Internal, External, Garden According to the intensity of use and appearance of ladder may be: Odnomarshevymi;-pace; Trehmarshevymi: rectilinear, curvilinear, arcuate, elliptical, circular (spiral). The material of manufacture stairs can be: Stone, Brick, concrete, metal, wooden, glass, plastic; combined. By type stairs are divided into: Stairs to the stringer; Kosourov Stairs, Stairs Bolza (console); Modular stairs (teams of individual segments).
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