Thursday, September 1, 2011

Preparation of antiseptics

Antiseptics prepare liquid, paste and dry (dry use only horizontal surfaces). The industry produces a variety of drugs to fight fungi and beetles: "Antiseptic", "Talfton", "Gloss", "polish", "Senezh, etc. They are sold in hardware stores and it included instructions on how to use them . But many antiseptics can be cooked at home. For the preparation of solutions, pastes or dry antiseptic use wood, ceramic, glass dish (stainless steel cookware is rapidly destroyed, so it must first two or three times to paint with oil paint, good drying each layer). Water for preparation of solutions must be clean, not tight, heated to 9O ... 95 ° C. If the solution of antiseptic added baking soda or ammonia, the water warmed to 30-40 ° C, to avoid a violent reaction. fluorosilicate ammonium dissolved in cold water. antiseptics to more soluble, it is recommended to crush them slightly moistened with water, and only then pour in the water and thoroughly stirred. To make the processing of wood remained missing seats, an antiseptic solution podkrashivayut aniline dyes, which are used for dyeing (50 g dye 100 l of solution). colorant is dissolved in a little water and pour into the prepared solution as a last resort (water for dilution is taken from its total amount). Flow solution for doubly processing 0,6-0,8 l / m 2, with an antiseptic solution penetrates into the wood to a depth of 1-2 mm. antiseptic solution to the first treatment podkrashivayut weaker than the second. put a solution for two times at intervals of 2-4 hours, using a brush or spray gun. Liquid antiseptics are prepared as follows: A mixture of sodium fluorosilicate ( 4 kg), sodium fluoride (1 kg), water (95 liters) and the dye. In equal parts of water dissolve fluorosilicate and sodium fluoride. Everything is mixed, mix thoroughly and add the dye. The solution is very toxic. You can also prepare a solution of 6 kg fluorosilicate sodium, 1.5 kg of sodium fluoride and 92 liters of water. 3% solution of sodium fluorosilicate (sodium 2,5 kg and 95 liters of water) with soda ash (2.5 kg). First, dissolve baking soda, then add small portions of fluorosilicate sodium and thoroughly stirred. Take soda more than the specified amount should not be, since the solubility of sodium fluorosilicate is reduced. The dye is introduced into the last turn. A mixture of sodium fluorosilicate (6.4 kg) with a copper or iron sulfate (1.6 kg) or zinc chloride . 92 liters of water take. Materials dissolved separately, then mixed and thoroughly stirred, and only then injected dye. 5-10% solution of copper sulfate (5-10 kg in 95-90 liters of water). The weaker the solution does not provide protection wood from pests. 8% solution of ammonium fluorosilicate (8 kg of ammonium and 92 liters of water). The solution is prepared in cold water and thoroughly stirred. Ammonius pour small portions. colorant pour in the end. The preparation of an antiseptic solution requires 1,5-2 h, and the preparation of solution with soda for 2-3 h, until the end of the selection of air bubbles. antiseptic paste made from water-soluble antiseptic, mixing it with some adhesive composition, imparting to the paste viscosity. The astringent based pastes are divided into groups. Consider the simplest and cheap - the clay with the addition of bitumen grade BN-50/50 or BN-70/30. To prepare 100 kg of paste required 31.5 kg of sodium fluoride, 31,5 kg otmuchennoy dry clay, 10 kg of bitumen one of these brands, 27 liter of water. Sukhaia elutriated clay sieved, mixed with hot water and pour into it a thin stream of molten bitumen with vigorous stirring. Consumption paste 640 g/m2. The paste is applied to the wood layer thickness of 2 mm using a spatula or a stiff brush two to three admission. superimposed pasta should be well dried. The planes are in contact with stone, brick, concrete, should wrap a layer of roofing material. clarification clay holds true. In the stirred tank clay with water to form clay milk that is poured into another container through a fine sieve before its completion . All are thoroughly mixed and give the clay to settle. When she settles on the bottom, the water is drained and the upper thin layer of clay (less than 1 / 3 the height of the layer) is removed and spread them out on boards to dry. The dried clay pounded and sifted through a sieve with holes are not larger than 0,5 x0, 5 mm (you can use nylon stocking). The thinner the clay, the better the pasta. For the preparation of dry measure antiseptic materials in parts by volume. antiseptic dry ground (1ch.) was mixed with 5 hours sifted sawdust or sand to complete homogeneity. sawdust or sand moistened to 30-40%. The mixture is applied to the dried wood surfaces evenly at the rate of 100-200 grams per 1 m2. then all is well dried.

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