Thursday, September 1, 2011

Treatment of wood infested with beetles

Known processing methods: the introduction of antiseptic solution into the interior design, surface impregnation of wood preservatives by painting or spraying, coating wood preservative pastes. With enough preservative on the wood surface female beetles lay almost on her eggs. If they are delayed, it appeared the larvae will die. Prior to the repair of structures damaged by beetles walls, floors, walls desirable to treat any antiseptic. Under the workplace spread a film or oilcloth fabric. Cut the wood harvested is burned or buried in the ground. Infected beetles place antiseptic, dried, and close up dry antiseptirovannoy timber. Fighting bugs and grubs in the furniture. First, molten paraffin wax or obscure from the outside all the holes. Then turn over furniture legs up. In the mid-leg drill one hole with a diameter of 3 mm or more at a depth of 50-150 mm. Prepare an aqueous solution of antiseptic and fill them drilled hole. As such, the furniture is left no less than a day. Then repeat the operation. You can pour antiseptic medical syringe, lubricator for the sewing machine or a syringe. Best squirt or a large metal syringe. Fighting bugs and grubs in the walls, beams, floors. First of all, a thin steel wire with a small curved end cleans the entrance holes left by the larvae and clogged wood flour. In these holes under pressure pouring antiseptic and obscure hole with paraffin, wax or clay. You can do so. At the hearing determine in what place there is a larva. Over the spot and pierced, punched or drilled hole depth of 20-50 mm and a diameter of 2-3 mm. In a hole is introduced antiseptic as possible in great depth. Aperture obscure, and a week or more test, not whether there were maggots. If left, the operation is repeated. Instead of glossing over the wax can be used round wooden pegs, hammering them into the hole and cutting off the excess. From the outside instead of liquid antiseptic can apply a paste, spreading it a layer of not less than 1 mm. The smell of the paste gets screwed in the holes to the location of the larva. Surface impregnation of wood. It should be done in early spring, repeating two or three times in 2-3 weeks. If the wood surface has holes, it is desirable to first clear that they have better penetrating antiseptic. Processing performed by brush or any spray, antiseptic if not destroy the metal parts. Treatment should be conducted at least twice with an interval of 2-4 hours when working inside the building products should be made. After processing in the premises is unacceptable to find people or animals. Windows, vents and doors should be closed. Putting in a form best stand for a week. Then, all open, debris was removed and burned. Floors need washed. Such treatment should be performed within 4-5 years. During the work necessary to strictly observe safety and health requirements. After the work had to clean up. Work should be in a strong protective clothing, goggles and a respirator. Hands should be protected by rubber gloves, rubber boots and legs.

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