The originality of the appearance of verandas attached windows. Their location largely determines the shape of front porch. The alternation of wide and narrow, high and low windows will help make the front porch of your house original, beautiful. The proportions of the window, its shape, in this case play an important role not only in the design of the general appearance of the house, but also in the organization of internal space verandas. A clear picture window frames, a combination of different thicknesses of horizontal and vertical impost attach the glass screen ease, grace. In this case, the windows do not separate the room from nature, but rather connect them with it: the world as it enters the interior of the house. Exterior porch largely depends on the overall appearance of the house. In one case, apply design options, designed in contemporary style using local stone and concrete (foundation). The walls are covered with lath and covered with dark varnish. Vertical bars, Imposts, painted white paint, serve as a support and at the same time to fasten it blocks the window frames. The lower part is filled with wooden boards, whose surface is painted a dark color (black, dark brown or dark red). Interesting and original facades verandas, which are used in the design of carvings made from wood, plywood. Figure Through, geometric shapes. Performed in the same style number plate at home (iron or wood), as well as the bar with the name of the street can be placed on the wall near the entrance. Pleasing to the eye set on the roof of the decorations in the form of chicken, fortified by the probe. In the hot summer days around veranda arrange temporary shelter from the bright fabric. He hung on metal consoles or relies on the rack. In this case, a wooden porch parked or pavement, which is a few inches below the floor level of internal space. Due to the difference between the floor level water flowing down from the roof of the veranda, not in the environment. To rise in the shed, building a ladder of two or three steps. For winter tent and rack removed. Sliding design. In recent years, rural residents and owners of summer houses are showing great interest in sliding wall constructions verandas. Indeed, the sliding wall is convenient in many respects. Pushing it, you can easily turn into a veranda terrace with a panoramic view of the summer garden. In cooler seasons, a rainy day, the veranda wall can be tightly closed or partially open. The construction of such walls is performed in two variants. In the first case, the principle of the accordion, that is, the wall sections are connected by metal hinges. When razdvizhke wall is going to one or two sides, as the bottles harmonics. Each section consists of the bottom - a wooden panel and the top - glass transoms, metal hook attached to a horizontal pipe. Instead of a hook you can use a special bracket, which also moves along the horizontal rails to the right or left. Other possible construction of sliding doors. Each section width from 90 to 120 cm is suspended from its support (rail or tube). Suspension and fastening elements sliding doors are the same as inside the house. To reduce the effort to move the individual elements of the wall can be used instead of a hook in the form of suspension brackets, which attach to the end of the rollers. They are easy to move along the horizontal guide. Boards are interconnected with metal hinges. Such a sliding construction of walls is most typical for suburban-type homes that are used only in summer. How to equip a room? Depending on the area of ??the verandah, which may be 10-24 m2, one of the walls is attached, for example, cabinet width of 60, 90, 120 cm and a depth of 60 cm cabinet is assembled from planks or plywood. It is possible to store utensils, household stuff, etc. shading devices. Typically, a veranda - is the space where a lot of light, sunshine and fresh air. To reduce the flow of light and avoid direct sunlight, use sunscreen devices - so-called straw. They rolled up above the window. If necessary, they can easily be omitted, and then raise to starting position. Mounting shading devices - Blinds, straws, draperies - made permanent, thus expanding their functions: in the daytime they save from excess sun and the heat, and in the evening and night to protect the room from mosquitoes, cold night air, etc. Curtains You can make a sliding. For this purpose, horizontal tube attached to the wall above the window on special brackets or consoles. Plastic or metal rings, clamps placed on the pipe, and they are easy to move right or left. Each ring is suspended fabric curtains. Hanging from the porch design for fixing shading devices rose decorative screen in the form of boards or plywood backboard. Is a fairly common variant of the connection open veranda with a roof for the chamber. The design of the house and shed is made of wooden elements. Log on to the veranda and under the canopy is one that allows you to compositionally combine and strengthen the front of the house. Large parts with a simple finish and a simple wood carvings give the house a little austere and ascetic look. Interesting in the architectural and artistic sense are Unglazed terrace houses with a loft. The entrance is provided through the terrace, which, together with a balcony (balcony), the attic floor is a single composite input part of the completion. Constructions made of wooden boards, planks, strips. As a decorative design used boxes with colors that are attached to the railing balconies, terraces. The striking combination of "warm" wood attic with plaster walls make the facade a light and graceful. Furniture for the terrace, usually made of wood or light metal, and these designs are very mobile, allowing you to quickly arrange the chairs, armchairs, tables, and then, such as weather changes, reassemble and move to a warm room. During the construction of residential houses of timber pay great attention to the constructive solution of the summer room. Build big pleasure terraces, which are on the floor of a residential house and surround it with one or two sides (south, west or east). The roof of the house hangs over the open terrace at 2-3 meters. Large wooden shed parts without decoration, combined with a line of bindings of windows and doors, as well as with bright upholstered furniture represent a successful and well-finished arhitekgurno decorative solution. Fencing the terraces can be made from simple in the form of rectangular bars, based on the monumental support. This further enhances the contrast of fine equipment with major forms of facade of the house. Inside the porch instead of the sill can be arranged in wide boards, tables, where children can play, to perform some work (painting, writing, etc.). As a lunch offered an additional table. In the working position, he raised and rests on a wooden rack (support). When the table is lowered, the support is held in a vertical position of the special metal bracket. Chairs-stools are also made of planks. On the wooden seats can be put around the litter of bright cloth, to which the bottom is sewn felt, foam rubber or other soft material, and get comfortable and beautiful. For flowers, ornamental plants allocated a place on the side porch columns and transom windows. They can also be mounted on a wall of the house, to which was attached verandah. Design options for veranda with flowers and climbing plants are diverse. For example, look spectacular and functionally justified green decorative wall. Foliage plants wholly or partially covers not only the outer walls of the verandah, but the interior partitions, windows. Furniture. At the equipment room of summer furniture is desirable to use simple and concise manner. Its lightness and bright tone finish gives the veranda unique style. As a rule, the area of ??the verandah can not accommodate a large number of furniture and equipment. We have to use generic items such as folding sofas, couches, tables, benches. In the daytime, they can be lifted to a vertical position and "hide" in the closet, and at night drop to the floor: a couch is ready for sleep and rest. Such a solution is acceptable for the dinner table. His plane is easily lowered and raised in both the horizontal and the vertical position. All items of furniture for general purposes it is desirable to place on one of the front walls of the Deaf verandah facing the north. With arrangement of furniture in the room verandah is always the main condition was combined with comfort. Very often, the question arises: how and what to manufacture furniture for the porch? Use the old furniture that is easy to update by doing simple operations such as hauling springs, replacement of decorative fabrics, etc. If the two old sofas or mattresses to the angular furniture and above the ceiling to pull the cord or wire, overgrown with ornamental plants you get an unusual, beautiful sitting area. Sometimes the support you can use the trunks or branches branched trees. They attach the lamps, which are surrounded by curly greens serve as decorative ornaments. Furniture and equipment is desirable to arrange in a single color scheme. If you choose a warm color (ocher, brownish-yellow, olive, etc.), additional colors can be bright colors, red, lemon yellow, bright orange. When using a furnish cold colors (blue-green) as additional offers white and gray tones. Important role in the design of verandahs, as its interior space, and appearance from the street, play a stained glass inserted in a window. As a rule, colored glass inserted into the upper tier of windows. When illuminated, this gives the most significant color effect. The proposed design options and the location of porches taken into account, of course, not all the nuances and possibilities of planning and equipment of such premises. Are of great importance and national traditions, and living conditions. During construction and operation of facilities residents will be able to design and equip a summer porch in accordance with their tastes and preferences.
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