Parquet floors can be installed on the sleepers, packed into separate columns on the concrete foundation (Fig. 34). And attach the logs have so arranged them parquet planks do not bend. Floors of parquet boards can be held on the first floor, in the so-called basement and nadpolnyh premises, provided that the premises are dry. Lags in this case are laid on concrete or brick columns up to 250 mm, standing on the ground at a distance of 400-500 mm apart. Brick pillars for stability operates in a half or two bricks. Placed first on bars waterproofing of two or three layers of roofing or roofing material on them - antiseptirovannye wood or other pads on the strip - lags thickness of 40-60 and a width of 100-120 mm. Lag can only dock on the posts. The surface of the bars must lie strictly in one plane. The same accuracy is presented and the surface lag. Laghi previously well dried, antiseptic, and again dried. If the soil in the underground a bit damp, it should be well dried, seal the bars at 150 mm from the ground (soil) and be sure to perform a second waterproofing on top of the columns. When moist soil should be taken to secure waterproofing of the underground, as dampness accelerates the decay of wood and defeat her Brownie fungus. Under such floor coverings must be designed ventilation holes to ventilate the underground space. Holes the size of 20x20 or 20x30 cm are placed on opposite sides of the cap. In addition, the floors themselves necessarily leave the vents, lockable metal bars within. For every 15-20 m2 of floor space must be at least two ventilation grids in the opposite corners of the room. When the device of the parquet flooring is important to observe the following rules. All end joints of boards must be on the joists. Boards that are not fully fit in the room must be sawed to length and connect to the tongue, ie, invest ridge in the groove. Not allowed neshpuntovannoe connection boards, as this floor becomes unsteady. Parquet boards must necessarily rely on the lag in places adjacency to previously nastlannym sex, and, if located near heating devices, and if the length of the ends of boards (overhangs) over 100 mm. The ends of the lag and parquet boards should not be up to the walls by 10 mm. This gap is then closed plinth. Each plot nastlanny floor must be checked for fragility. When installing the lag on a concrete base under the roofing material they enclose, and poured the space between them with dry sand. Sand should be large and clean (no more than 5% of organic impurities and clay particles). Sand is somewhat compacted and then back to bed so that it rests flush with the outer surface lag. Sand the top well to close the paper that he did not get on the front surface of the lag in the parquet flooring, as it leads to the formation of sag. You can keep laying so. First, pour the sand layer thickness of 30 mm, and then strictly on the same level lags put checking out their long planed rail (Fig. 34, c). You can first put a few of Lighthouse lag, and then between them to place additional distance of 400-500 mm from one another. In the gaps between the beams and the concrete base inciting wedges, and so they do not pop up, they nailed to the sleepers with nails. Wedges prevent joists from subsidence. Having laid well logs, begin laying parquet boards, and that they are not moved, joists temporarily fasten planks. First board is placed at a distance of 10-15 mm from the wall of the ridge to the wall and nailed to each lag nail length 60-70 mm. Nails hammered into the base bottom groove cheek slant, and so that the cap was recessed into the thick wood. This operation is performed doboynikom. When laying parquet boards connect to each other in the groove and firmly unite, using clamps and wedges. Joints boards, as already mentioned, should definitely be on the joists and form a straight line, which can be verified taut cord. Roofing parquet boards, to systematically check whether they do not bend under their feet. In the case of subsidence beneath them placed additional pieces of lag or inciting dense sand. With such a flooring, ie, the bank filling with sand, the ventilation holes in the floor to ventilate the underground spaces do not. Parquet boards, covered with a factory varnish, do not require additional treatment, so they are laying should be carried out very carefully so as not to damage the finish layer.
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