Many people dream of a warm, cozy, beautiful and safe home. However, its construction is usually delayed for many years, and wanting to extend the dubious pleasure, putting fabulous money in an endless process, it is becoming less and less. As the experience of our closest northern neighbors or residents of long-distance, but not hot Canadian housing is not required to have a meter high wall to keep warm and eat tons of diesel fuel for heating. The Finns, for example, have long been chosen perfectly engineered, lined with stone exterior and trimmed lining inside the elite frame-panel houses. Over the half century of intensive construction of Aborigines of the West were able to assess the quality of such buildings and living in them. More than three-quarters of the population of Canada, the United States and Japan have made their choice in favor of such constructions, as in Scandinavia and Germany, they are fundamental. Boom skeleton-timber frame construction around the world contributed to several factors: the minimum cost, ease of assembly, ease of installation of communications, excellent thermal properties, the variety of architectural forms and finishes. Such houses are rapidly heated in them easier to maintain optimal thermal conditions. Even in the bitter cold when disconnecting heating the room temperature drops a few degrees. All the wooden buildings in the greater or lesser extent susceptible to freezing, and frame-panel no. Due to the special structural system, they, unlike the high-rise buildings, heating is mainly the environment, do not exchange heat with the street - they are comfortable in the winter and cool in summer. Prefab buildings are much more economical than wood - the cost of heating them in 2 to 3 times less. And this is important, since energy is constantly becoming more expensive. The uniqueness of the technology is that construction costs are not reduced due to savings on quality and the use of advanced materials and unique engineering solutions. In monetary terms, this means that at equal rates of thermal conductivity of 1 square. m wall skeleton-panel house in 1,3-1,5 times cheaper than an apartment. m log walls. The main load-carrying member of panel structure - a wooden frame made of thick boards or conventional rod. He gives it the necessary stability and can withstand heavy loads. For example, during a strong earthquake in Kyoto frame-panel houses were practically the only ones in town who did not undergo destruction and proven durability even under extreme conditions of a natural disaster. General scheme of construction can be divided into the following stages: setting the transverse structural load-bearing walls, additional hardware wooden elements in the corners, which provides rigidity, connection between the frame with floors and tight filling of wall and insulating materials. Excavation work on the zero cycle is minimized mass minor frame-panel houses, they are 5-6 times lighter than brick. Foundations, depending on the type of soil on the site may be columnar, light-weight belt or in a reinforced plate beneath the entire area of ??the building. Industrial technology that best meets the concept of warm and cheap house, a factory method of manufacturing the panels. Such high quality and inexpensive facilities for living, yet are underrepresented in the Russian real estate market, although demand for them is enormous. Unlike individual projects is only in that frame and the wall are collected, as a large designer of large-sized panels and unified elements. As the main construction material (more than three-fourths of the total) are using pine, received special treatment, which involves not only in special drying chambers, but the coating to protect from rain and pests, was soaked by the fire, colored in any color, etc . mechanized production of wall panels (sandwich) on the newest equipment and pasteboard factory is engaged in a well-trained staff. Finished products are subjected to rigorous control, which allows for high performance and does not create problems with installation - panels are joined, where necessary, and do not require additional adjustment. Kits consist of small houses modules having small weight, which excludes the use of special equipment during assembly. All this reduces the time of construction works on site customer and also reduces the cost of individual parts and components and significantly - the final price. Interior finish can be accomplished in accordance with the wishes and tastes of specific individuals: in a rustic style, under renovation, etc. The cost of 1 sq. km. m frame-panel-cottage ranges from 0-250 (in houses made of logs - 0 of aerated concrete - 0). Construction time - 2-3 months. In panel houses an assembly plant is the only drawback - the lack of architectural delights, and the relative uniformity of models. Construction of frame structures for individual projects are more expensive, but an opportunity to realize the most daring desires of the customer. Ready to frame, echoing the contours of the future of the cottage, outside veneer chipboard, OSB or cement particle board, and the inside - paneling, plywood or hardboard. With the help of gypsum or gypsum sheets can create any kind of interiors. They are plastic in a moist condition and respond well to treatment in a dry form, do not burn (which does not require the use of flame retardants in choosing non-flammable coating) and are ideal for upholstery facilities. Surface is absolutely smooth and fit under the wood trim, paint, structural elements, glass, etc. Between the two outer layers of veneer laid the mineral insulation. A high quality vapor barrier is an extremely important point - it provides residents comfortable living conditions and prevents dampness and condensation and, consequently, mold and fungus brownie. If a vapor barrier moisture evaporates in a unilateral direction to the street that does not allow for raising its level inside the building, preventing its penetration from the outside and thus eliminates the freezing and ventilation by the joints. In this house breathes, eliminating the need for additional ventilation and processing of wood from rot. As vnutrischitovogo heater also use mineral materials, which are very thin fibers (6 m thick) of natural and chemically neutral species of inorganic origin. They have excellent thermal and sound insulating properties and is easier to any other fibrous materials. Mineral wool does not burn, does not absorb moisture, its thermal conductivity is very low (from 0.029 W / (m • deg.), Which means it is warmer pine 4-fold (from 0.14 W / (m • deg.) Masonry - almost 25-fold (from 0.67 W / (m • deg.) "Insulation of mineral rocks 250 mm is comparable with the masonry thickness of 1,5 m. The Frame-panel houses do not shrink, and this is their undoubted merit. After the erection of frame-rack design can be started immediately lining, insulation and final polishing. Therefore, the turnkey construction project is implemented in a fantastically short time: from one day - for a small country house or a sauna, a week - for homes measuring 6 x 8 m up to 50-60 days, for a prestigious two-storey mansion with sloping ceilings, bay windows and garage. In addition, for the construction of any of these buildings do not require heavy equipment and large teams of builders and assembly of frame-and-panel house, even on long-lived-in area will not fatal occurrence for the growing horticulture crops. switchboard building on the framework all communications are hidden under the skin (in a double or a metal hose corrugated hose) so cut Stroebe, peck holes in the walls and their subsequent stucco and plastering is not necessary. It saves money, time and nerves, easy access to wiring, antenna and telephone cables, plumbing. This method of installation of life support systems is safe, cheap and easy: they are available, they at any time can be extended, and with minimal cost. Outside possible range of options facade: facing brick, stone, decorative plaster, siding, paneling block-house, imitating the timber or logs, etc. Frame technology is good because it allows us to put the house on any taste, cheap, but quality and meet all the requirements, requirements for modern living. This diversity is available not only to wealthy people, but also representatives of the middle class, and the flexibility of frame-Shield technology is able to satisfy all requests for architectural expression and the internal layout of the premises.
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