Heating costs are a major item of expenditure for the maintenance of a country house. Dozens of homeowners have to heat the houses autonomously, which are installed boilers of various types of fuels, heat pumps and other modern heating system. Try to understand what these systems are the most effective and economical. Boilers - Heat generators If you decide to install in your second home power generator, or, more simply, the boiler, above all, it must decide on what kind of fuel it will work. To maintain heat and hot water can burn gas, diesel fuel, coal, wood or spend electricity. All of these energy sources vary in features economical use of convenience and, of course, cost. If the house will not let natural gas, the cheapest fuel will be wood and coal, that is, you have to install solid fuel boiler. The disadvantage of this type of heating is a need for regular protopok, to the same temperature in the house periodically uncomfortable: hot after protopki and cool before the next protopkoy. But the main disadvantage - such boilers operate only with the participation of a person, as a solid fuel will have to periodically toss in a furnace. Boiler, operating on natural gas or LPG, efficient and able to work autonomously. Natural gas remains the cheapest fuel, and the unit cost of thermal energy produced by the gas installation is less than, for example, on diesel. Another important advantage - the environmental safety and a small amount of harmful emissions. Gas boiler is usually fully automatic. He reacts to outdoor temperature, the temperature in the house, he changes his power, boiler controls. The minus gas installations experts consider a number of difficulties in the installation and operation. To get started you will need to gather a pile of papers - permission to supply gas to the structure, permits it to your own kind of burner, the contract with gas suppliers, customer service. In addition, the room where the boiler is, we must constantly be aired. The biggest problem - the drop in gas supply in winter. If you're going to buy European gas unit, keep in mind that the swings in pressure, it is usually not calculated. As an inexpensive fuel can be used not only natural but also liquefied petroleum gas (LPG). Heat obtained from a propane-butane, about half the price than from diesel fuel. The same gas can be used for household gas stoves. When the house have been placed on natural gas, the boiler can be easily reconfigured. The cost of gas tank on a turnkey basis with the excavation work, wiring and negotiation with authorities - more than $ 10 000. For small (up to 150 m ?) and a well-insulated homes is quite possible to use gas cylinders. In the LPG contains less sulfur compounds than natural, so it is burning more efficiently at a high environmental performance. And expensive boilers not subject to corrosion, as the burning of other fuels, less overrun with soot. Producing them can be cleaned less often. Boilers, gas-fired more long-lasting. When using gas as fuel are no smells (the presence of the smell of gas indicates the poor condition of the boiler). In order to carry out an autonomous gas supply at home, will require sufficient size plot for a special steel tank with a volume 4.85 m ?, you will need to dig into the ground in compliance with the hydrogeological conditions and requirements for safe operation. Installation is carried out only specialized organization. In Europe, the widely used gas condensing boilers. They are about 10% more economical than conventional gas, as it does not allow formed in the combustion process a couple fly into the atmosphere. Such boilers are condensing the steam and use it for additional heating of the coolant. However, it is worth considering that condensing boilers are 2-3 times more expensive than usual, and the effect of condensation can be used only in low-temperature systems, such as "water floor heating. Therefore, if you're using and the radiator pipes, then expensive condensing boiler will operate as usual, not condensing steam, ie, without adding value. Fuel oil boilers can run on gasoline or diesel fuel (diesel). Such boilers are also popular with owners of individual houses, despite higher energy costs. Diesel fuel - an expensive form of energy source. The cost of 1 kWh of heat energy derived diesel boiler, close to 3 rubles. For example, a house of 200 m ? in a 20-degree frost will give about 15 kW, and the boiler to maintain heat in the house will burn diesel fuel by 40-45 rubles. every hour. Diesel fuel continues to rise in price, but not enough to consumer demand for liquid fuel boilers has decreased. Also in the boiler can be installed electric generating set and thus get rid of the troubles related to a power failure. By the way, the work of the boiler fuel oil can be largely automated, up to the submission of diesel fuel. The main concern of the owner in this case is filled with diesel fuel tanks buried on the site, the amount which would be enough to heat during the season. Unlike gas-fired boilers, the installation of diesel generator is not nado coglacovyvat no c what inctantsiyami. There is a liquid-fuel boilers and nedoctatki. In the pepvyh already mentioned vycokaya shumnoct pabotayuschey gopelki. For bopby c ney neobxodimo ppeducmotpet xoposhuyu zvukoizolyatsiyu pomescheniya kotelnogo punkta, if what He pacpolozhen residential dome. In the vtopyh, elektpozavicimoct zhidkotoplivnogo kotla. Dazhe kpatkovpemennoe otklyuchenie elektpichectva tpebuet The presence cheloveka for povtopnogo zapucka kotla. In-tpetih, Under low tempepatupax vozduxa tpebuetcya podogpev toplivoppovoda, tak HOW tempepatupa topliva dolzhna not be below +5 ° C. In ppotivnom cluchae toplivo gucteet, the filters and zabivayutcya kotel octanavlivaetcya. In general, dizelny boiler tpebuet to cebe poctoyannogo vnimaniya and dopolnitelnogo uxoda. In addition to the fuel used, an important parameter when selecting a power output of the boiler, it was her first of all drew attention to the consumer. There is a "pitfall": many manufacturers in the directories give maximum power output. Keep in mind, this option provides short-term operation of the unit (depending on the company's range varies from several seconds to several minutes). Actual rated power is usually several (sometimes dozens) percent lower. Before choosing a generator, you must decide what consumers will connect to it simultaneously. Estimated power of consumers can be found in the passport data, particular attention should be paid to consumers who have in the electric motors (refrigerators, pumps, elektrokosilki, etc.). This is due to the fact that to start the motor power required, in 3-3,5 times higher than its rated power. To calculate the take three times the value of the nominal capacity of the appliance with the highest electric motor, add to its nominal power ratings of other devices that contain electric motors, if you are sure that they will not operate simultaneously, and add to the sum capacity of all other active consumers (lighting, electrical, etc. etc.) that will work in conjunction with the first. The resulting power increase by 10% - this is the power required of the generator. Alternative sources of energy alternative to traditional energy sources are gradually becoming a solar power system. They are not yet very well represented in our market, but increasingly used as a stand-alone power supply for the full country house, and as a backup source if the main power grid. These systems are able to produce different amounts of electricity and can be designed to load, depending on the number of household appliances. Advantages of solar power plants: ecological, silent, the use of "free" sunlight, lack of maintenance is required. The system can be upgraded with additional modules, thereby increasing its power. Less of such devices is obvious: the number of sunny days in our region is limited. But the solution to this problem lies in the fact the solar generator: the sun's energy not only converted into electricity, but is stored in batteries. Stored energy can be used on cloudy days. In addition, solar power can be used in conjunction with other types of generators. Modern solution to an autonomous district heating is a heat pump. This compact heating system designed for independent heating and hot water supply houses. Such systems are environmentally friendly, as they work without burning fuel and does not produce harmful emissions, but also very economical, because the cart to the heat pump, for example, 1 kWh of electricity, depending on the mode of operation and operating conditions, produces up to 3 - 4 kW of heat energy. The heat pump is able to serve without major repairs to 25 years, his service is seasonal and periodic technical inspection of control modes. Payback equipment does not exceed 2-3 heating seasons. Consider the basic principles of heat pumps. Using a small amount of electricity to operate its compressor, they take the bulk of the energy from the environment (the water of rivers and seas, from the soil or air) and give it to the house. The inner contour of the heat pump is filled with refrigerant. The refrigerant having a very low boiling point and passing through the evaporator, is transformed from liquid to gaseous state. This occurs at low pressure and temperature of -5 ° C. Evaporator refrigerant gas enters the compressor, where it is compressed to high pressure and high temperature. Next, the hot gas enters the second heat exchanger, condenser. As a result, the heat exchange between hot gas and coolant from the return pipe of the heating system at home. Ostyvshaya freezing liquids through pipes back into the ground, where further collects heat (heat - it's the difference between output and input in heat pump - 3-4 ° C). Energy is used only for heat transfer, so this method of heating is one of the cheapest. In some offshore locations in Europe to 80% of the heat for heating the town is supplied heat pumps. We have most of the water freezes, and not everyone is a cottage near the water. But there are other ways to take from the environment energy. The first way - to take heat from the earth. To this end, throughout the site are digging trenches to a certain depth (depending on the heat capacity of the soil), they placed a plastic pipe and poured soil. This is the most common variant of the external reservoir to the heat pump. The second way - it's drilling and establishment of these tubes (drilling cost is 2000-2500 rubles. Per meter). When the vertical probes payback period of more than a horizontal coil due to the cost of drilling. The third way - to take the heat from the air. Air source heat pumps optimally used in the reconstruction of the heating system. If your home heating takes a large amount of diesel fuel, by establishing an air source heat pump, you will be able to 2,5 times lower costs of diesel fuel. Heat is removed from the outdoor air heat exchanger, equipped with a powerful fan and is served in the house for heating radiator panels, water-heated floors or air in the ventilation system. Plus air heat pumps is that their installation does not require excavation. Cons - such pumps, in the first place, more suitable for reconstruction of heating systems, and secondly, work at or below -20 ° C, which reduces their efficiency. Heat pumps for long enough and successfully used abroad, and today are increasingly being used in Russia. With increasing energy prices and greater demands on the environment the use of heat pumps as the heating systems in private homes has increased. According to the forecast of the World Energy Committee, in 2020 the use of heat pumps for heating and hot water is 75%. The cost of heat pump for the home area of ??200 m ? is (including excavation) of 14 000 to 20 000 euros. Even though the high cost, the difference between the installation of diesel (gas) boiler and heat pump paid off within 2-3 years. The main advantages of heat pumps: Economy. The heat pump uses the energy by adding to it an order of magnitude more efficient boilers that burn fuel. Bandwidth efficiency he has so much greater than unity. Between a heat pump compared to the special value - the coefficient of conversion of heat (CPT), among other names found coefficients of transformation of heat, power, transformation temperatures. It shows the ratio of the resulting heat to the spent energy. For example, CPT = 3.5 means that, summing up to 1 kW machine, the output we get 3.5 kW of thermal power, ie 2.5 kW nature offers us for free. Universal application.
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