Elena Novikova Warm floors can not only sit and lie down without fear of catching cold. Today, heated floors are perceived by consumers as a completely accessible way of additional heating homes. In addition, warm floors can be used as the main heating system, which has certain advantages over conventional radiator panels. From the history of warm floors must say that the heated floors have long been known to mankind, namely, since the Roman Empire - the stone floors in the Roman baths was heated by hot air, which was fed on special channels. A similar system existed in the Turkish baths. The air was the only coolant system of floor heating to the early twentieth century when the invention of pumps allowed to warm up the floors with water. And finally, with the advent of relatively cheap and affordable electricity in the middle of last century, invented a system of heating cables that have received widespread especially in the last 10-15 years - in Scandinavia, with its mild winters, as well as in countries with warm climates (Spain, France , Latin America). In Russia, some 15 years ago the system "warm floor" was completely unknown. Today, the apartment can not be considered an elite, if it does not have a warm floor in the bathroom or kitchen, and even in all rooms. It is worth noting that in our harsh weather conditions such floor sometimes is simply irreplaceable. And as the primary source of heat until the utilities are taking measures in connection with the unexpected arrival of winter, and as additional heating during the severe frosts. As for the bathroom, there is comfort, created thanks to the warm floors, will always be appreciated. The advantages of underfloor heating Firstly, the area of ??heat-transfer surface of the floor much more than the surface area of ??other heating appliances (radiators, convectors, etc.) and, consequently, with a warm floor space will be heated faster. Secondly, the warm air, as we know, tends to rise up and replaced by colder. When using floor heating the heat source is located right under your feet, so the temperature at floor level by about 3 degrees higher than at the head man of medium height. This temperature regime is most favorable. Third advantage - the heat is distributed evenly throughout the room. Thus, virtually none of the modern thermal device does not create such a comfort, as a system of underfloor heating. Their advantages are not limited to the above. Thus, floor heating system is not conducive for us to unfavorable positive air ionization, and when it is used, it is very important, is supported by its optimum moisture content. Floor system fits perfectly into any design (it is invisible), enabling more efficient use of floor space. In addition, heated floors are hygienic, since the minimum heat fluxes dust in the room practically does not circulate. The choice of coolant warm floor can be water and electric. Radiant floors are assembled from pipelines, combined into the sewers. Valve in the supply reservoir can be equipped with actuator, which is controlled by room thermostat or manually. In the reverse collector integrated control valves. They control the flow of water, thus aligning the pressure drops. Heating pipes should be installed on aluminum plates to ensure uniform heat distribution. Through pipes laid under the floor of the boiler heated water is moving, giving warm outdoor design. Some mistakenly believe that the installation of a water floor heating is only possible in the construction of the cottage, when the whole heating system is laid from scratch. In fact, the water floor, you can connect to a network of central heating (with permission). Often Radiant Floor connect to hot water supply system that prnintsipe prohibited. In any case, due to the fact that the water inlet temperature greater than the permissible SNIP (26 degrees) require special devices to lower it, such as a mixing unit or a water / water heat exchanger. When installing an electric floor heating in the concrete screed heating cable is laid evenly. He in turn connects to the thermostat, by which the premises maintain the desired temperature. After you install the floor heating floor level is raised only by the thickness of the concrete screed. Electric floor heating, as well as water, can be installed simultaneously with the newly built floor or in the repair of old facilities. The choice of coolant (water or electricity) depends mainly cost. Installation of floor heating system at first glance it might seem that the warm floor - it's something exotic and very complicated. Meanwhile, the construction itself is quite simple. And the installation of electric underfloor heating can be performed independently. We have mentioned that when he needs a heating cable installation. Commercially available so-called heating section - a piece of cable of a certain length, connected by special couplings with so-called "cold end", ie pigtails for connecting cables with an electrical network. In addition to the heating sections of the system "warm floor" includes: equipment management (thermostat with a temperature sensor); accessories to facilitate and expedite installation (mounting tape, corrugated plastic tube, etc.) insulation. To install the floor heating in the lined and refined draft floor is laid insulation, then reinforced mounting tape, with which fix the heating section. "Cold end" conclusion on the wall for connection to a thermostat. Determine where the thermostat setting and a number of stacked corrugated pipe to install a temperature sensor. At this point, not hurt to make a small sketch layouts and show it places laying clutches and the sensor. If the system will ever be broken (eg, maintenance), this sketch will serve the owner in good stead. Section is checked for integrity conventional tester, then fills the cement-sand screed. Its thickness can not be less than 3 cm, primarily based on the requirements of its strength, as well as relevant items of SNIP. Time for complete solidification of ties (again SNIP) at least 28 days. Only after this can include cable. Then a qualified electrician connects the cable and the controller to the mains. Everything. A warm floor is ready for operation. If the floor is not concrete and wood, to lay underfloor heating is not a problem. The cable attaches to a metal grid stretched at some distance from the clean floor between the beams. Of course, in this case use the cable with less heat loss (not exceeding 10 W / m) and placed not too tight (no more than 80 W / sq. M). If you're not going to heat the apartment, one floor below, pay attention to the selection and installation of thermal insulation. Its proper use can save up to 30-40% of operating costs and, of course, necessary in the case where the heated floor is the main and the only heating system. In areas already being exploited, as a rule, you can not put thick layers of insulation for warm floors. Then apply foil insulation material thickness up to 10 mm, which saves 10-20% electric power. You must use only materials with a protective layer over the foil. Otherwise foil layer after screed destroyed within 3-5 weeks under the influence of an alkaline environment. On the market are widely distributed as import (Izoflex) and domestic insulation materials - penofol, folgoizolon and others. As the thermal insulation for warm floors are also lists of cork and foil. On the effectiveness of these materials comply with foiled, but more expensive (up to 8-10 at. Is, for the quarter. M). The process of laying the floor heating. 1. Layout 2. Installing the temperature sensor 3. Self-adhesive matrix can be expanded on the floor 4. Application of self-leveling composition 5. Tiling Ultra warm floors when installing underfloor heating during the repair or reconstruction is often not possible to increase the thickness of the floor, even at 3 cm (the minimum thickness of screed for laying cable). In this case, to the aid of ultra-fine system. Ultra-thin floor heating is a self-adhesive grid (or matrix) of glass fiber strands (50 cm wide and 0,5 mm thick), which is woven a thin heating cable with a diameter of 3 mm. Mesh comes in rolls and is designed for installation in a few thickened layer of glue for the tiles. Tile or other decorative floor covering has a much higher thermal conductivity than concrete, so the insulation when installing these floors is not required. In addition, the installation of the floor will take more than a month, and only 3 days. If you like, and most importantly, know how to tinkering, then using the simplest tools and devices will be able to perform almost all the work yourself. When installing underfloor heating, you can use any floor covering: Carpet, linoleum, ceramic tile, hardwood floor. However, we must take into account that the thickness of such material effect on heat transfer in a heated room. It should be noted that in rooms with wooden floors or parquet floor with a standard power density of a warm floor surface temperature will be below the desired sex - because wood conducts heat poorly. At the same time increase the temperature at the surface of the cable. Thus, the power cable will be mainly spent on heating the wood, which is extremely undesirable from the point of view of maintaining its moisture. Equipment for floor heating integral part of the underfloor heating is the thermostat, or temperature controllers - devices directly responsible for keeping you set the temperature in the heated floors. This is the only visible part of the system, which, if not grace, it certainly will not spoil the look of the room. Manufacturers of underfloor heating offers a series of thermostats: from the most simple and inexpensive to self-learning controllers with artificial intelligence. So, the thermostats are: room with a floor sensor, the sensor temperature, programmable, built-in cabinets for DIN-profile, with execution for mounting under a dry plaster. Which one to choose? First of all, the thermostat should perform its function, namely to maintain the room temperature set point or to regulate its change over time. In addition, meet the established system for switched power. It should be noted that according to modern standards of maximum allowable power household thermostats for underfloor heating is 3 kW, and it's a lot, since about the same washing machine consumes. At first stop on what you should not do. It is not necessary to select a thermostat with a temperature sensor air, because the testimony might be distorted by a random draft or convective flow of heated air from the other thermal devices. It is not necessary to choose and a programmable thermostat, when it comes to bathroom or toilet, because the power system installed there is small, and need the premises may, at any time of day. Probably not desirable to use and so-called electromechanical thermostat, despite its very low in comparison with the electron, the cost. The accuracy of this device is small, and negate the effect of a warm floor when improperly installed, it can be easy. The biggest demand is for electronic thermostats with floor sensor. They are very easy to use, reliable and relatively inexpensive. When the device of large systems makes sense to think about installing a programmable thermostat or timer. In this case, correctly selected program corresponding to the mode of using the premises (for example, bedrooms in a city apartment or room country house), would recoup the cost of the device for 2-4 months. For complex systems of heating with the zoning use of programmable devices is desirable from the point of view of economy, and for convenience (not to be as reasonable landlord to run on 20 premises of a large country house, in order to reduce their temperature at the time of departure). There is a thermostat which can issue commands over the telephone. Also underfloor heating is very easy to fit into the smart home - operation mode is set via the computer, even over the Internet. Thus, the thermostat can not only save energy by 15-25%, but also meets the highest notions of comfort. Safety Measures When the floor heating device to perform a number of requirements to ensure the fire safety and protection against electric shock. Need: to use only a shielded heating cable; have a flat ground with the spreading resistance to 4 ohms set at the entrance shield RCD (residual current device), calculated on the leakage current of less than 10 mA, make sure that the power distribution for a warm floor is made separately from the lighting network to invite a qualified electrician to carry out all of the installation of electrical equipment. These are standard requirements for electrical installations RB, they do not contain anything related solely to the warm floors. Of course, the equipment used must be certified. 99% reliability of warm floors on the quality of construction works. If the device is a specialist system, floor to rise by about 20%, but you'll sleep peacefully. Failure is in the system "warm floor" arise, usually in the repair of the premises. If for some reason or another cable was damaged, do not despair. Specialists with special equipment will determine the injury up to one tile, and operating system will be fully restored with minimal costs. Manufacturers of warm floors give a ten-year warranty on the heating cable, and on the thermostat - 2 years. The real life of warm floors twice, we can say, heated floors no less durable than the house where you live. It is worth noting that the correct choice of equipment does not guarantee the good functioning of the system. Much depends on how well the project will be made, and no less - from the quality and skilled execution of installation. The first step is to consult several independent professionals. This will allow you avoid many mistakes that would be difficult to fix later.
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