Monday, August 22, 2011

How to buy a timber. Tips

When buying and selling of timber we have to measure them. How to do it? Try to highlight in this article. Unlike other types of goods they do not sell any piece or by weight. Specificity of the rules of sale of timber is quite complicated, even the regulatory authorities are not always able to verify the accuracy of leave. However, some suppliers of timber supply in the trade volume of lumber packages 1,5-2 m3, attach a tag on them indicating the exact amount and price of timber. However, this practice is no exception. Individual contractors are well aware that when buying a measurement of timber produced on site is usually a storekeeper Timber base. In this regard, often have questions about the correctness of the retail price of a particular party timber prepared for sale. And so, to avoid not pleasant moments when buying timber products, we'll give you some advice. Simple buyer never holding a price list, and therefore does not know that, besides volume, the cost of the board is determined depending on the degree of processing (trimming or edging), type (pine or larch), grade, and short boards (up to 1 , 75 m) have a reduced price. Individual developer does not even know what a huge array of GOST, OST, TU regulates the quality of produced timber. A trade workers for several reasons not in a hurry to share information, to explain clearly the rules of sale. I would like to help equip the customer experience in this matter, that he is better able to defend their rights in the store. To this end, consider the rules of measurement of some of the most common types of timber. Volume of slab, according to current regulations, must be determined as follows. Pre-business slab should be sorted by length into two groups, namely, up to 2 meters, inclusive, and above 2 m slab is placed in a stack of thin and thick ends alternately in opposite directions, and gorbylnoy surface up and down. Short slabs are allowed to lay her dock along its length. Stack must have the same height throughout, as well as angles and maximum dense packing. After that, by multiplying the average height of the package on the length and width are determined by cubic capacity share. In the forest of commodities, there are concepts of a dense and pooled cubic meter. A - solid cube of wood. B - aggregated cube roundwood. Retail prices for lesmaterialy in the price lists are established for the volumes in a dense mass. Therefore, when accepting cash payments and leave slab produced in a dense mass, in cubic meters. For transfer of pooled cubic meters in a dense material used specially established conversion factors. In particular, for neokorennogo croaker up to 2 meters using the coefficient 0.48; for neokorennogo slab length of more than 2m-0.43. For debarked slabs, these coefficients, respectively, above - 0,56 and 0,50. The volume of softwood and hardwood is defined in two ways. In fact, by measuring each board or bar (length x width x thickness). Or by using the so-called kubaturnika (GOST 5306-83), which is designed to calculate the volume edged softwood and hardwood. In kubaturnike (standard) is a table of volumes one meter long and one piece timber table. Starting from them, and determine the purchase price. For example, we need to find a volume of 70 edging boards thickness 22 mm, a width of 125 mm and a length of 4.5 m. For this, the table we find the thickness of the timber of 22 mm and at the intersection of horizontal graphs, which specify the width of 125 mm, and vertical columns, which indicated length 4,5 m, find the volume of 0.01238 m3. Then multiplying by the number of timber volume in the party get the desired volume in m3: 0.01238 m 3 X 70 = 0.8666 m3. Further, we find on the price list number 100 corresponding to the type and grade of lumber retail price for 1 m3, and then determine the cost of our party. The correct application of the retail price of each buyer is entitled to check the folder pricing. For a guide to answer that in a four-gon is of the order of 55-60 m3 edged softwood lumber. With regard to measurement unedged boards (boards), here has its own specifics. It consists in the fact that the width of the mill and unilaterally cut the board is defined as half the sum of the width of two layers (broad and narrow), measured posredine.doski bark: A = (A1 + A2) / 2 Determination of the width of unedged materials. It is widely believed that the volume of roundwood is determined using the factors for conversion to a dense measure, but it is wrong. In this case, as measured by each log. Dense cubic meters of logs is determined by only GOST 2708-75, which shows the volume of roundwood. They are determined by the thickness of the upper end and the length of the logs. Determination of the diameter of the upper end of the business mix. For example, a log the size of the upper diameter (d) 18 cm length of 6 m has a volume of 0.194 m3. Given that the logs larger than 16 cm categorized logs, we find the price list for its retail price, according to the label, to which belongs to the class we have chosen log, and determine the amount of deferred payment for goods.

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