Thursday, June 30, 2011

Ventilated roof

As a rule, those who neglected to detail the project and decided to check his erudition on the construction of his house, waiting for the November surprise, associated with wide swings in air temperature near the zero mark. Roof tested the September and October rains incessant rains, the house is closed, the windows sealed, full swing, finishing work. Where you are getting wet, if the roof vented? The concept of "ventilated roof" implies the presence of three loops of ventilation: ventilation space between the coating and waterproofing, which covers all the planes, regardless of the complexity of roof ventilation space between insulation and waterproofing, which excludes the presence of stagnant zones; ventilation underlay space, which is part of the ventilation system at home. For decades, imperfect building materials and technologies allowed (or forced) to build the house, breathing through the wood, brick, cracks in masonry, cracks in windows and doors, gaps between layers of glassine or roofing material, in which randomly combined (or merged), all three required ventilation circuit. Payback for the seeming simplicity was, at best, drafts, higher heating costs, familiarity with glass wool and significant restrictions on the designer's fancy interior decoration. In the worst case, if the cracks were not enough, in the most unexpected places appeared damp. Special vents were held only in bathrooms and kitchens. Modern roofing materials are allowed to decide this question.

Functional plane

To get started is to define the notion of "flat roof". In this case, the flat does not mean smooth. The design of this type requires a slope (slope) ranged from 2 to 12 °. If this figure is higher, the roof is called the slope. Deviations necessary to provide for rapid removal of moisture from the surface of the roof membrane. Depending on the design and type of materials used and exploited distinguish nonequivalent spluatiruemye roof. The first of these are not designed for constant load (displacement, the installation of any "weighty" equipment). The latter are designed for heavy use and are resistant to any mechanical stress. In turn, operated by a roof divided into several types of functional purpose. So, it can be covered with limited use (gravel backfill), coverage for intensive use (or ceramic paving tiles, granite, etc.), as well greened roof placed on it with the greenhouses, greenhouses, flower beds or lined with grassy carpet on the perimeter. Usually operated in the regeneration of the roof use a combination of options, such as beds and playground for recreation. Operated by a roof could be attic and bescherdachnymi (combined). When the attic version (with heat-insulated podkrovel-nym floor) insulation, waterproofing and protective layers stacked on the floor slab above the attic. The advantage in this case is the ability to monitor the status of surface and drainage systems (for a landscaped roof). As exploited and neeksplu-atiruemye roof can have two basic designs, the main difference lies in the location where heat-insulating material.

Roofing membrane

Andrei Ivanov domestic technical literature to highlight three types of soft roofs, which differ in composition of waterproofing coatings: bitumen-polymer or roll roofing, mastic roofing and membrane roofing. Sometimes there are texts where the membrane is called bitumen-polymer materials. To the prevailing standards of Russian technical texts is wrong, and the error caused by the fact that English's technical literature, the term membrane called all types of roll roofing materials, including bitumen-polymer. In Russia, however a widespread membrane roofs have only recently, so the total proportion of membrane roofs in this country among all types of soft roofing does not exceed one-half percent. Slightly more than two percent today make roofing mastic, and the rest fall on asphalt roll roofing. For comparison, in western Europe, the proportion of membrane roof reaches eighty-seven per cent. In most cases the roofing membrane used to cover roofs with low slopes, the so-called flat roofs. Flat roofs are usually lighter than pitched, and as cheaply as in the device, and in operation. Operated flat roof provides extra space on the roof of the building, which can be used in summer for recreation and sport activities. Lately it has become fashionable to cover the roof of a carpet of vegetation, creating a so-called green roofs. In the latter case, the roofing membrane based synthetic rubber or thermoplastic olefin virtually irreplaceable. Proportion of membrane roofing in domestic urban development is growing fast enough.

Roof construction of pressure-treated wood

Use the space under the roof of the house provides additional living space, at relatively little cost. This problem is solved with the implementation of the mandatory conditions and special requirements for the construction of a mansard roof during its construction: the requirements for thermal, hydro, wind and parozaschite roof. Roof with a wooden crate, a device which is often practiced by American, Canadian and Scandinavian civil engineering firms, is one of the best options that satisfy all these requirements. Roof with a wooden frame and crate have other advantages. They correspond to the climatic conditions of northern regions, can be easily and quickly assembled by hand, and fully comply with environmental requirements. Of all the wooden structures of the roof the best option is the option of integrated bystrosbornyh systems. Bystrosbornye of sloping roofs with wooden frames include many different elements. Bearing the function of the skeleton, whose type is determined depending on the requirements for a particular roof. In any case, it is a truss-girder construction. As the base under the roof, performing carrier function and features windscreen, used slabs of compressed wood. Between the rafters of roof frame fits a continuous layer of insulation directly adjacent to the plates of the board. On the underside of the insulation layer vapor barrier closes the film. This is followed by an internal wooden crate, which carries the plasterboard or other material for finishing interior attic.

Termoplastkompozitnaya shingles

Is it easy to choose the ideal coating for the roof of your holiday home? Slate is no different aesthetic, metal sheets do not provide adequate insulation, roofing felt at all "to-face only outbuildings. Optimal choice is likely to be called shingles, but not simple, and termoplastkompozitnuyu! Classic tile has a number of disadvantages, among which are the large mass, complexity of installation and relatively high costs. In addition, it is extremely brittle material: moisture accumulated in the pores, literally tearing the shingles in the cold. Termoplastkompozitnaya tile is an adequate alternative and has many positive attributes: strength, lightness and ease of use. Termoplastkompozit - a chemically resistant construction material made of silica sand and polymers with the addition of dyes. Pigments give the substance of additional aesthetic properties, and the presence of special additives guarantees protection from ultraviolet radiation and combustion. Main technical characteristics and properties: 1. Ease Termoplastkompozit from which the similar tiles in 1.7 times lighter than ceramic, and in 2,4 times - concrete. This property is important both for transport and installation. 2. Water resistance coefficient of water absorption in termoplastkompozita 2-3 times lower than that of concrete and clay tiles. 3. Easy to install Such tiles can be nailed to the roof with nails. It is easily cut and quickly assembled. In this temoplastkeramzit can be placed even on the slope of 15 degrees instead of the traditional 25.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Technoelast - a review of properties and brands

The roof of a building should be water resistant and water resistant, cold-and heat-resistant and durable to withstand snow and wind loads and mechanical stress while cleaning snow from the roof, and during the repair. The technology of roofing work, and their complexity depends mainly on the materials used. They can be rolled, mastic, foil and piece. The easiest way (and cheaper) to cover the roof of a flexible roll roofing. True, traditional roofing and roofing are not very durable and require repair after a couple of years. The latest technologies allow a flexible sheet flooring easy installation and at the same time very robust. One of these roofing materials is Technoelast. Due to the use of a synthetic polymer (polyester) or glass (fiberglass), Technoelast provides unparalleled strength and elasticity. Its basis is impregnated with a mixture of unoxidized asphalt, modifications of synthetic rubber and mineral filler. There are several brands Technoelast (Table 1). Marc material weight 1m2, KG Type foundation type of surface coverage, up / down method of laying Roll Size (length width), m EKV6, 0 "Vent" 6.0 Polyester, no less than 250 g / m * Thick broadcast with / "vented" cover fusing / fixing 7,5 x1, 0 EX 5,0 5,0 Polyester, not less than 170 g/m2 Thick broadcast with / self-adhesive Self-adhesive coating (cold gluing) 10x1, EKP5 0, 0 5.0 Polyester, not less than 170 g/m2 broadcast with coarse / film fusing 10x1, 0 TKP5.0 5.0 Polyester, not less than 200g/m2 Thick broadcast with / film fusing 10x1, EPP4 0, 0 4.0 Polyester, not less than 170 g/m2 film / film fusing / fixing 10x1 , 0 HPPZ, 0 3.0 Fiberglass, not less than 60 g/m2 film / film fusing 15x1, 0 In the manufacturing process Technoelast formed elastic polymer-bitumen composition to withstand wide temperature range and resistant to cyclic deformation during many years of operation ( Table 2.).

Open light

Vladimir Mikhailov live a stone wall and a solid roof - well. The only pity is that stone walls do not allow natural light and live in artificial in nature is not very desirable. Output may become translucent structures, which are increasingly being used in country-house. The abundance of light in the house always creates a festive atmosphere and the mood. However, of the earlier technical capabilities are not always allowed, on the one hand, to create this very abundance, on the other - to provide protection from the cold. Often had to choose on the principle "either - or, as in our harsh climate and the choice of something, usually do not: the main north - it's warm. That's where the thick walls and small windows in which even on a sunny summer day in the rooms of gloom. Under the conditions of country life, of course, have preferred to spend time in the open and glazed verandas, where light enough, but this is only in the summer. A light like as time in the winter when the sun comes up after breakfast and after lunch already setting. Fortunately, new technologies have given us many different translucent structures that allowed, first, just to fill in natural light, country houses, and secondly, to give the buildings an unusual appearance. The first mention of the winter gardens, which are not just writing our magazine. Thanks to modern developments now have the opportunity osteklyat large amounts, effectively retaining the heat. If equipped with the proper heating system, then if desired, and a pool to do and study and conservatory.

Under the roof of the house

Konstantin Borovno Under the roof of your holiday home will be warm and fuzzy, if it is protected from the adverse effects of moisture. From precipitation and steam coming from the interior, save the waterproofing! The market today is so rich in all kinds of waterproofing materials that tell about all the impossible. Therefore, we consider only the basic ones. Membrane If you decide to cover a roof metal tile or natural tiles, then without a waterproofing layer is necessary. Materials such as asphalt and roofing felt, - a relic of the past era of No Return. Use them uneconomical. Cost, of course, relatively low, but then the torment is spent on maintenance and repairs. That's what the proverb "miser pays twice: The first decent contemporary material - Breathable underlay membrane, they are also called" breathable ". Superdiffuzionnye membrane. Vlagoizolyatsionnye these materials are very important for the device of the roof property: water vapor pass through them, and the water itself is not. Moreover, their water vapor permeability is so high (not without reason the super-prefix) that these membranes can be installed close to a heater, without the lower ventilation gap. Superdiffuzionnye membranes should not be applied to roofing materials, the flip side of which is not designed for frequent or prolonged contact with moisture. That is not suitable metal and corrugated bitumen sheets - evroshifer. But no problem, these membranes are used in ceramic and cement-sand tiles.

On systems of drainage

Sewer systems are needed virtually any roof. They protect the outer walls and basement from water, the foundation - from excessive moisture. Thanks drains water from the roof is collected and sent to one place, and the building is not threatened premature failure. In addition, the system can be as decorative, to emphasize the transition from the roof to the walls of the gable to the front. This house will look stylish and elegant. The most common materials for gutters - PVC, galvanized iron and copper. System of PVC each year are enjoying increasing popularity. Their undoubted advantages are: - complete absence of corrosion - almost complete silence in the rain - resistance to natural influences, including UV rays - frost resistance - resistance to chemical attack (acids, hydrocarbons). The disadvantages are: - to change the linear dimensions of the sudden temperature drop - to combustion instability (at the same time, plastic is difficult to ignite and stops to melt immediately after the removal of fire) - smaller than that of metal, resistance to mechanical stress. The service life of plastic guttering is about 50 years and depends largely on the installation and the environment. System made of galvanized iron are less durable than PVC. Without the special coating after 6-8 years of zinc layer is destroyed and the iron starts to corrode, reducing the life of drainage and spoils the appearance of the building. To avoid this, the system is covered with enamel or lacquer on metal, designed to work outdoors.

The roof of reeds

Reed roofs in Europe are experiencing a boom. They are especially popular in Germany, Hungary, the Czech Republic. And some Russian companies are already offering a roof of reeds and artificial straw. Thanks to new technologies, they become much stronger and more durable, not only its historical predecessors, but many modern materials! At least, so say its producers and sellers. But what is indisputable - this roof retains heat well in winter, and cool in summer, the house breathes and lives the quiet village life under the rustling reeds. The roof is impregnated with special solutions and is waterproof, fireproof and tasteless to rodents. Under the thatched roof you will never hear the roar of the rain, feel the impact of static electricity as a metal. It is believed that it requires no ventilation, the underlay area. And about her original question either. Prices, incidentally, is also quite exclusive - who would have thought! Reeds used as roofing for centuries. The flexibility of the stems of reeds provides endless possibilities for design and shape. Such roofs are allocated and relaxed natural style that makes it possible to assign them to the unique coverages. Thanks to the undoubted architectural merit, high performance and modern styling system, the popularity of reeds and thatched roofs for several years continuously growing in Western Europe and the USA. Thatched roofs are not afraid of rain, hail, severe frosts and sudden temperature changes. Houses covered with reeds, including those located in the resort areas of the Alps, retain their properties for over 50 years.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011


One of the special types of roofing - shingles is a form of a soft roof and consists of a flexible asphalt shingles on top sprinkled with rock dust. This kind of coverage has eye-catching appearance and long life (30-40 years). Aesthetic properties of the soft tile in no way inferior to the ceramic, but it is significantly cheaper. Modern shingles made of the latest technologies. Basis of shingles - fiberglass or fiberglass, on which both sides suffered oxidised or modified bitumen. On the right side and cause a stone or mineral crumb, which gives the coating a variety of colors and protects it from climatic influences, and is detrimental to bitumen of UV rays, ensuring a long period of operation. The underside of the plates of shingles is a layer (usually more than 50% surface area), modified bitumen self-adhesive, protected by a special silicone film. Modified bitumen - is not destroyed and does not flow when temperature drops, and provides a low fire hazard of a roof. Synthetic base - glass fiber or polyester, which provides the geometric and physical stability of the shingles from rupture or other damage. Stone chips - made from special types of stone, which do not absorb moisture and therefore do not crack. Can be painted at high temperatures and does not change over time, its color. In addition, the shingles belongs to the category of light roofing - her weight is 11.8 kg/m2. Since shingles is a piece material and does not form a completely continuous coating, it does not require flexibility in as much as roll materials.

Exotics on the roof

Stanislav Fried Standard versions roofing familiar to the consumer, now easily distinguishes the metal roofing from asphalt shingles. Meanwhile, the standard is always fraught with a faceless, so homeowners are increasingly trying to create on the roof of his cottage is something original. The roof, as is known, primarily designed to protect the building from the weather: rain, snow, wind, etc. In this case, however, have to make sacrifices, separated from the same "atmosphere" of powerful non-transparent structures. But the sky can be so beautiful, especially in cloudless weather! Imagine the blue vault of heaven, light cumulus clouds float overhead, rustling leaves bent crown. A night when the sky lit a myriad of stars? Fans look at the stars organize bedrooms on the upper floors with dormer windows, but it's a compromise, half the solution. This natural lighting can be achieved only by making a transparent roof. Of course, the glass roof - not the invention today, they have done before, but not always translucent roof design combined with reliable protection from the cold and safe. In the individual country houses such roof essentially nothing, the owners preferred to attach glazed veranda, which is also, in essence, is a compromise. Only modern technology helped to create such glass roof that allow natural light to flood vacation homes, give them an unusual look and at the same time to keep warm in any weather. Glazing, as well as delicate skeletons of light and strong materials presented what a few decades ago and never dreamed of.

Roofing plus

Vladimir Mikhailov Many people think that the important thing at the top - this is a roofing material. And it's not far from the truth. However, non sorts additional elements that allow to mount and operate the roof with no problems. If you look closely to any roof, it soon becomes apparent that for her, apart from the roofing material, there is something else. Some elements combine pieces of the roof, some rise above it, others are attached at the side and are intended for diversion of rain and melt water. We begin our review directly with the additional elements that are needed for all types of roofs. Any pitched roof (such as the vast majority of suburban homes) has a ridge, where converge the opposite of the roof, in some cases - valley in which the roof izlamyvaetsya forming inside corners. These sites of fractures, joints of different fragments of the roof, require careful protection. Ie, the first additional elements - it skates and valley, as well as cornices, without which, too, is a part of the roof. But their list is not exhaustive, it is very large and diverse. And there are certain differences in the composition of these elements for different types of roofs. Manufacturing companies, again, in his own form this set is called functionally similar elements. Take, for example, one of the most common roofing material - metal. As is known, it is a sheet roofing material, which comes with a special fixture and a number of additional elements. In one proposal, this series is as follows: skate, skate shaped strap curtain strap snow guard, trim profile, plums garage, valley bottom, the upper valley, a cap.

Monday, June 27, 2011

Waterproofing of the roof

Waterproofing of the roof is essential in building a country house. This issue should be resolved at the stage of construction of the building. Costs for the resettlement of protection is minimal, but you will get rid of the need to frequently repair the roof and attic. On the main types of waterproofing can be learned from this article. Mastic Mastic is suitable for waterproofing flat roofs as an independent roofing material. Scope of the mastic coating - residential and industrial construction. It is formed directly on the roof surface by applying zhidkovyazkih polymer products, which form a continuous elastic membrane. Polymeric Mastic have good adhesion to concrete, metal and asphalt, and they are suitable for waterproofing nodes contiguity and joints. One type of protection is polyurethane mastic, applied to the roof of the dispensing means. After drying and curing coating looks like a solid rubber material. Polyurethane mastic resistant to aggressive environments, ultraviolet rays, oxidation, corrosion and temperature extremes ranging from -40 to +100 ° C. Film Another type of protection of the roof from moisture, is an adhesive film. It is a laminated polypropylene fabric which is resistant to stretching and tearing. For abstraction of condensate and steam in some types of thin film has a special perforation. The film is mounted under the roof covering and provides waterproof construction, and also stimulates the removal of water vapor into the external space, which is especially important in cases falling under the roof of snow and rain water.

SNIP 3.03.01-87 bearing and enclosing structures

SNIP 3.09.01-85 precast concrete structures and products

SNIP 3.04.01-87 insulation and finishes

How not to get lost in the roof of the world?

To date, the market there are many different roofing materials, which are designed to protect and preserve the warmth of your home. In this article we'll describe the most common roofing materials. On the market today, there are many different roofing materials, which are designed to protect and preserve the warmth of your home. In this article we'll describe the most common roofing materials. Types The most common roofing materials are asbestos-cement sheets, or, as they are called in common parlance, asbofanera. Unlike other roofing materials, asbofanera most fire-resistant, easy and simple to install, it does not require high costs and physical effort at repair. There are disadvantages of this roofing material - a relatively short time strength. From heavy and prolonged rains dampen asbestos sheets. Wooden crates can begin to rot from moisture. In the winter time to sweep away the snow from asbestos-cement roofs should be solely a broom, in any case not scrape it with a shovel. Roofs of steel sheets, perhaps, the most durable and lightweight roof. In addition, fireproof. A roof made of galvanized steel can last up to 25-30 years and of black steel - from 18 to 25 years. After ten years, the roof of galvanized steel is recommended to cover with oil paint, then this procedure should be repeated every 2-3 years. The roof was made of black steel must be painted regularly, every 2 - 3 years. Roof pitch should range from 18 to 30 °. The steeper the slope, the greater the need of materials, but such a roof will serve dlshe as a steep slope more rapidly without lingering drain water.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Features installation of roofing materials

Vitaly Lviv Some types of roofing materials require more careful attention during installation. It's about these materials and will be discussed in today's paper. Some types of roofing materials require more careful attention during installation. It's about these materials and will be discussed in today's paper. The advantages of a roof made of galvanized steel sheets are lightweight, able to cover any roof, even a fairly complex configuration, high resistance to mechanical impact and durability. The service life of a roof without a major overhaul can reach 18-25. The disadvantages include a small roof fire, and the high cost of its operation, driven mainly by the necessity of periodic painting. So, the first time after installing a roof made of galvanized steel be painted over 8-10 years, and subsequent painting held every 2-3 years. The roof was made of black steel painted every 2-3 years. When the device so the roof must also take into account the greater cost and complexity of its installation. Crate under the steel roof is made of billet cross section 50x50 mm, the width of the step does not exceed 200 mm. Instead of crates of bars can be a solid flooring of boards on which the insulating layer is placed on top of roofing or roofing material and then coated steel. This design of the roof greatly increases its service life and insulated loft. This is particularly important when the attic is used as an attic or a building located in a cold climate zone. Roof pitch of 18-30 degrees.

To the roof is not "gone»

Roof - enclosing the upper portion of the building, providing protection for him from the weather, sudden fluctuations in outdoor temperature, sun and wind. Any roof consists of a roof - top waterproof waterproofing, insulation and steam insulating layer and the supporting structure, overlapping flight between the walls of the building or separate supports. Roof - top enclosing portion of the building, providing protection for him from the weather, sudden fluctuations in outdoor temperature, sun and wind. Any roof consists of a roof - top waterproof waterproofing, insulation and steam insulating layer and the supporting structure, overlapping flight between the walls of the building or separate supports. For the device used soft roof roofing - roll, mastic, combined or solid - usually a variety of piece goods. Moreover, soft roofing materials used for flat roofs and roofs with low slope, and the solid roof ideal for pitched roofs with large slopes. The most ancient roofs of solid materials are tiled, as raw materials for its production - clay - have long been used in pottery. Widely used as roof glinosolomennye, glinokamyshovye, the roof of the chips, drann, shingles, and wooden degtebitumnye. Soft materials for roofs person used from time immemorial. Roofing materials blocked not only homes, but also large areas - palaces, temples, playgrounds, circus arena. The crown of sports facilities of the ancient world was built in the grand amphitheater of Rome Colosseum (75-80 years.

Fashion on the slate

Slate now back in vogue. Asbestos cement slate can be regarded as a roof covering made of tonkoarmirovannogo cement, fibers which have high tensile strength, tensile stresses are perceived. Slate now back in vogue. Asbestos cement slate can be regarded as a roof covering made of tonkoarmirovannogo cement, fibers which have high tensile strength, tensile stresses are perceived. Such material has not only high mechanical strength, but also other valuable properties: fire resistance, low permeability, durability. Asbestos cement slate of very cheap material, but the attitude of consumers towards him is ambiguous. In our country, the controversy about the harmful effects of asbestos does not last one year: there is a perception that its use is injurious to health. But the slate is mounted on the outer side of the roof, also located underneath several layers of roof membrane: it turns out that he is not in direct contact with humans and is unlikely to harm health. We establish the fact that asbestos is not banned in Russia: it is still widely used in construction. This slate is an inexpensive, one of the most popular roofing materials. Moreover, it is easy to install: it can be cut and drilled conventional carpentry tools. Perhaps, asbestos slate is not very aesthetic in the traditional "Soviet" performance, but lately in the stores, new, colored variety of the material. Currently used types of asbestos-cement products such as corrugated sheets, flat panels and roof panels.

All of the shingles

In recent years, buyers increasingly in demand started to use soft roof. Produced this type of roof by cutting plastic sheets of polymer-bitumen materials. These sheets are flat. When such a soft roof is laid on the roof, it resembles a slab of shingles or natural slate. Soft roof is a piece organic material. Its main advantages over other roofing materials lies in the fact that the soft top does not break during installation, ie it is not fragile, which is much easier to work with her. Soft roof is a very long time. If it was packed and mounted correctly, it can last for fifteen - twenty years. Advantages over other soft roof roof increased by three methods, namely: - improve the composition of asphalt binder polymer materiala.Blagodarya certain polymer additives bitumen receives considerably more operating temperatures, thereby decreasing its brittleness. Given the higher temperature softening, bitumen remains soft longer and loses its elasticity. To improve the quality used materials such as styrene-butadiene-styrene and polypropylene. This soft roof does not lose its flexibility even at temperatures of minus thirty degrees Celsius, has a very good heat resistance, it is practically not affected by atmospheric phenomena, including ultraviolet. So are the advantages of a soft roof provided by the fact that the cardboard base is replaced by another, more durable. Such bases are made with synthetic or glass fibers. Non-woven materials and fabrics that are made from these fibers are not subject to rotting, excellent repel water and are very durable.

Once again on the roofing materials

Vitaly Lviv roof as part of the roof, is one of the fundamental elements of the building, since the quality of the roofing material is directly dependent, and the life of the entire building. The impact of precipitation in winter, sudden temperature changes during the offseason and mechanical damage can be greatly reduced by properly chosen roof. Roofing, as part of the roof, is one of the fundamental elements of the building, since the quality of the roofing material is directly dependent, and the life of the entire building. The impact of precipitation in winter, sudden temperature changes during the offseason and mechanical damage can be greatly reduced by properly chosen roof. Modern building materials market offers the buyer a fairly wide range of roofing: tile, soft roof, roofing copper, metal and other materials, each of which has its own features during the installation and operation. However, the choice of roofing material depends not only on customer's preferences, but also from the baseline. As you know, all the buildings can be divided into two types: frame and major. Frame - is when the carrier performs the function in a certain way filled frame, made of thick logs or planks (50-70 mm). Cavity between the framing members at the same time filled with some kind of effective insulation. Such constructions imply a lightweight frame type roof. That is, the weight of roofing material should be "easy", no more than 5 kg/m2. This group includes materials such as soft asphalt shingles, metal, Onduline, "etc.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

SNIP 2.03.11-85 protection of building structures against corrosion

Ceiling: Types finishing

Preparatory work before the start of the peretirke walls and ceilings, as well as the manufacture of plastering work, you must perform all work associated with the process of punching and installation to prevent vibration of walls and partitions after the plaster coating. Peretirka plaster made when necessary to eliminate only minor defects, and contamination of the surface of walls and partitions. Peretirka plaster walls and ceilings should be made after the precipitation of plaster construction home. To create a uniform texture of the old and new plaster clean the old paint and then run peretirku walls. Peretirku perform on abundantly wetted surface jointing cracks and sinks in full, their solution flush with the surface, but without prayer. Cracks in the plaster will clear the full depth, clean water and then fill the plastic solution and thoroughly zap. Nabeul the plaster will be removed by scraping with a spatula with a slightly moistened with water surface. Efflorescence formed on the surface of the plaster with water soluble salts contained in the individual bricks together to remove the old plaster. Defects in the plaster in the form of minor damage (scratches, small dents, Dutikow, cracks) correct, removing the old paint and plaster grinding mortar. 2-3 days after peretirki all treated Moisten the surface with a brush used to remove prayers plaster. Roughness, clusters of grains of sand, plaster hardened spatter and other defects on the surface of the plaster will scrape solid brick or butt dry pine bar.

How do peretirku (Update) plaster

Preparatory work before the start of the peretirke walls and ceilings, as well as the manufacture of plastering work, you must perform all work associated with the process of punching and installation to prevent vibration of walls and partitions after the plaster coating. Peretirka plaster made when necessary to eliminate only minor defects, and contamination of the surface of walls and partitions. Peretirka plaster walls and ceilings should be made after the precipitation of plaster construction home. To create a uniform texture of the old and new plaster clean the old paint and then run peretirku walls. Peretirku perform on abundantly wetted surface jointing cracks and sinks in full, their solution flush with the surface, but without prayer. Cracks in the plaster will clear the full depth, clean water and then fill the plastic solution and thoroughly zap. Nabeul the plaster will be removed by scraping with a spatula with a slightly moistened with water surface. Efflorescence formed on the surface of the plaster with water soluble salts contained in the individual bricks together to remove the old plaster. Defects in the plaster in the form of minor damage (scratches, small dents, Dutikow, cracks) correct, removing the old paint and plaster grinding mortar. 2-3 days after peretirki all treated Moisten the surface with a brush used to remove prayers plaster. Roughness, clusters of grains of sand, plaster hardened spatter and other defects on the surface of the plaster will scrape solid brick or butt dry pine bar.

Alignment and ceiling coverings

Alignment ceilings in multi-storey buildings made of reinforced concrete floor slabs. Therefore, the repair of the ceiling often reduced to slabs Filling, sealing cracks and crevices between the slabs and the whitewashing, painting or pasting wallpaper. Clean off the old paint the ceiling with a spatula. If whitewash poorly to removal can dampen its weak solution of 3% acetic acid (take care of your eyes and hands). For glossing over of cracks, potholes and other irregularities of the ceiling, you can use gipsomelovoy filler. Before podmazyvaniem crack cleanse with a knife or spatula and be able to these places with water. Putty inflict a wide spatula evenly, and after drying otshlifuem sandpaper. To crack over time, did not appear again, but you already know where they are often exude, in these places along the seam, apply a layer of white paint on it and paste bandage width of the palm. After drying seam zashpatlyuem and clean. Facing the ceiling with large differences in floor slabs, and this still happens, there are two ways to align the ceiling. 1-y way: to align with the plaster. However, be aware that the concrete is still ottorgnet solution and eventually plaster will fall off. Second way: facing the ceiling sheet materials. You can use sheets of drywall, plasterboard, or now sell so many varieties of ceiling tiles. Take your pick. If the board does not drop more than 5 cm, then you can stretch ceiling. If the ceiling tile, you can simply stick to prepared for the ceiling, the sheets of drywall and drywall must be attached to the rack frame.

Stretch ceilings. Installation of stretch ceiling

Watch the ceiling - an idle exercise, focus on the case, suggests rather look at the floor. However, the age-old trendsetters - the French - and then made their adjustments. With the advent of suspended ceilings, we are increasingly in thought leans back in his chair, making sure that the ceiling might be perfect. Appears in the middle of the Great Bear Bucket new star, we are likely to be known about it from news reports, rather than themselves noticed. Immersed in the daily cares, we do not often turn their eyes to the sky. Is that a cry of "How long?" and appropriate gestures. But the new spot on the ceiling, we note at once. Oh well, we, city dwellers, the eyes are set to close. Hence the global myopia. Although the ceiling is the least functional part of the dwelling, its imperfection is striking is not less than peel the wallpaper and tiles falling off. Ugly ceiling joints, rusty stains, cracks, dandruff whitewash "- one of us will be surprised by this? Only yesterday, these "beauty of life" was the sad fate of the house at any level. But now the load to the building neologism "renovation" have another - suspended ceilings. Ceilings Pharaoh Ramses The official version of suspended ceilings have been invented in France about a quarter of a century ago. Anyway, it was in the mid 70-ies of the past century was issued the patents. In fact their history goes back centuries. Like many other inventions that are used to this day, the first stretch ceilings have been around since ancient Egypt.

Friday, June 24, 2011

The ceiling in the bathroom

Bathroom - a room with high humidity, sings for special attention for finishing the ceiling. Ceiling surface here may be in contact not only with moist air, but also with water. In choosing the material to be sure of its water resistance. Cover with properly selected moisture resistance over time or begin to delaminate, or be subjected to corrosion, effects of fungi and bacteria. All other requirements to the ceiling in the bathroom (reflective and sound-absorbing ability, fire resistance, environmental friendliness, ease of care) is fully consistent with the overall limits for conventional ceiling designs. One option is to finish the ceiling in the bathroom with overhead structure. This beautiful and functional - a suspended ceiling can hide the wiring, ventilation ducts, etc. For the bathtub are perfect rack, metal ceilings, tile floors, as well as of moisture-resistant drywall. To date, produces several types of tile ceilings. Not all of them are suitable for bathrooms - it all depends on the material. You can select a slab of mineral wool. This material is not afraid of water. However, in addition to mineral fibers in the composition of such panels include recycled paper, clay and organic additives. Suit whether such ceilings for bathrooms, depends on the proportions of these elements. If the paper is more ceiling tiles can be used only in dry areas, and if more clay - they are suitable for bathroom ceiling. It is also possible to install bathroom tile, suspended construction of the steel modules.

The ceiling of plasterboard

Antonin Laptev It just so happens that for most Russians, the summer is not only a long-awaited vacation. Often, instead of relaxing at the seaside, we prefer no less enjoyable, albeit troublesome occupation - repair of apartments. With recent advances in science, technology and human imagination repairs went far beyond mere painting and whitewashing. "Zabugornye" experience of housing arrangement served as a shining example for us - the good, there are many opportunities to follow and implement their own creative ideas. This article focuses on innovation in the finishing of ceilings - because often it is from this part of the house and should begin repairs. Dull white ceiling moribund, and glued wallpaper "sky" flats read primitive and tasteless. Devise and implement a more current ceiling solution - the whole art, is inextricably linked to progress in the production of building materials. In today's market there are several varieties of ceiling systems. The average consumer is well aware Ceilings Armstrong "or" Lake Baikal ", which are often installed in office premises. Still in vogue remain suspended ceilings, but the best option for home specialists believe plasterboard ceiling structures. "We have drywall several undeniable advantages - says the master of the construction company" Dream House "Shamil Salikhov. - Using this material, you can achieve almost perfectly flat ceiling surface. It's no secret that the smooth surface of ceilings in our homes - a great rarity, swings reach 8-10 cm.

Color the sky in a city apartment

Asya Ilyina architectural techniques often gain a second life in the design. Brutal rafters from the carrier turned into a spectacular part of the interior, and under ventstoyaki now increasingly "camouflage" racks and use them to Zone the space. It happened to light lanterns - translucent structures in the roof that allow additional cover accommodation. Of course, in the modern city apartment ceiling is not made transparent, but to simulate light the lantern, you can use for the interior. Spectacular lighting, received among the designers called the "ceiling lamp" will make your home not only lighter, but also beautiful. Ceiling lights - this frame ceiling made of metal, wrought iron, wood or plastic and filled with a single color or multi-colored glass. It may also include a variety of decorative elements, such as bronze lattice, ornamental friezes, even imitation candlesticks placed on the perimeter of the structure. Ceiling lights can not be bought at the store. It you can design only the designer, taking into account all the features of the room, for which he designed: the shape and area, ceiling height, color, functionality. That is why the ceiling lights - is always an exclusive element of the interior, custom made. And one must be prepared for the fact that, as any stationary structure, ceiling lamp suggests some monumentality, for its Ferris required space. In a small city apartment, he most likely will look awkward and clumsy. Normally such designs adorn the halls of country houses and indoor swimming pools.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Under the arch of tension

Tension ceilings appeared in Russia ten years ago and settled down for good reason. They provided an easy solution to a very unpleasant problems: cracks, stains, ugly seams, vertical drop floor decks are now resolved in 1-2 days in the complete absence of debris. And how chic! Have a look at the interior directory. What are the possibilities of different stretch ceiling? Vinyl murals Historically modern stretch system began with PVC. He focused on the vast majority of manufacturers whose products are available to Russians, and this the French, Belgians, Italians, Swedes, Swiss, Dutch. PVC film is a little thicker than the sheet good writing paper (from 0,15 - 0,35 mm) has a whole bunch of advantages. First: Vinyl remarkably interesting in terms of decor. Collections count to 60 - 100 flowers and dozens of invoices. Classic matte ceiling look like perfectly plastered, translucent reflect light, mirror and lacquered reflect it and thus visually increase the height of the room. There are imitation satin fabric, leather, suede, velvet, marble, Venetian plaster, "patina" and "gilded" the surface. Designers create an interesting interior, combining different cloth, placing them at several levels, arranging vaulted cascades. The most modest option costs 30 - 35 at. is, for 1 square. meters (approximately 25% more expensive than traditional complex antiseptirovanie + alignment + stucco + + three primer paint), the most expensive - 70 in. e. The material is uniformly stained the entire thickness, does not fade.

The ideal ceiling

Repair the ceiling, as well as any repairs associated with a long and tedious process. Shifted all the furniture and belongings, the floor covered with newspapers. Working for many days and even weeks on the soles of shoes spread the chalk marks all over the apartment. This pattern is familiar to every Russian, picks the traditional whitewash. Meanwhile, this problem has been solved in Europe decades ago, when they were assimilated now widely used by suspended ceilings. In Russia, they appeared relatively recently. Today we introduce you to this convenient and reliable method of device-quality ceiling. What is a stretch ceiling? This product is made of an elastic film material on the basis of heavy-duty vinyl. The thickness of the material used - 0,15-0,25 mm, weight - 200 g / sq. m. It has the advantage over the conventional - the ability to receive complex spatial configurations at an angle or in different domains. They varied in their design, color and texture and therefore give wide scope for the imagination of the designer. The consumer also receives just such a ceiling, which is fully consistent with the overall composition and the idea of ??home and each room individually. Stretch ceilings are available in a wide range and by type of film has 10 textures: matte, satin, satin with anti-microbial treatment, varnish, lacquer perforated, moire, mother of pearl, metallic, marble under the skin, under a tree, under the suede. Each invoice has a number of shades in total - more than a hundred.

Caring for a suspended ceiling

One of the attractive qualities of suspended ceilings is that care for them very easily. You just need to keep them clean and prevent waterlogging. There are two ways to clean ceilings - dry and vlazhnyy.Chto regard to the dry cleaning, the ceilings can be cleaned with a vacuum cleaner. Small pollution removed by conventional lastikom.Vlazhnaya cleaning with a sponge soaked in water to dilute it with detergent. If the suspension modules are made from mineral fibers, the sponge should be barely moist. Fat can be cleaned with any household cleaners other than abrasive. Abrasives can not be used because they can damage the surface. Tape and suspended ceilings can be completely washed under running water, but you need to choose a head of the jet, which is not izognet plane of the panel. After the contamination removed, it is necessary to polish the surface with a soft cloth or gubkoy.Nekotorye manage to wash the cassette in the dishwasher. If the metal ceiling flooded neighbors above, you simply remove the modules (cassettes or rail), to pour out of them collect water and wipe the stains formed on the surface of the ceiling. Neither the panel nor the tapes, neither the suspension system is not postradaet.V if on tiles made of mineral fiber or gypsum formed small chips, scratches or dents, they can mask the different fillings with a roller, brush or spray. In some types of facilities, such as hospitals, to finishing materials are increased hygiene requirements. Best in such places to establish a cassette ceiling with concealed suspension system.

Multilevel ceilings

So, you enter into a new apartment. With what problems you will encounter during its arrangement? Several paraphrase a classic one can say that the apartment has two misfortunes: neighbors and ceilings. Why are the neighbors? Firstly, because the extremely low level of sound insulation of the overwhelming majority of our apartments, it was the neighbors are truly inexhaustible source of all kinds of noise. And secondly, the neighbors are always on top of the potential threat of leaks and flooding. And the ceilings. ... One glance at the most ceilings in domestic homes is enough to assume that the builders were guided by the principle of the famous song: "I am blinded him from what happened." Weight seams and irregularities, significant differences in elevation between the ceiling tiles, "littered" angles - this is not a complete list of what you can detect even a cursory look at your ceiling. How can make the ceiling for a truly beautiful and modern look? In our publications, we try to give you the answer to these questions. Traditional and proven way for years, is leveling the ceiling, followed by applying water-based paints. To do this, using a laser level exposed metal beacons, and caused a continuous layer of plaster. Then glued ceiling material (usually serpyanku). This is done to strengthen the plaster and will avoid further cracks and irregularities. After drying, the ceiling shpaklyuetsya and it is applied latex paint. It is this method of decoration is still almost the only possible in small apartments, with a ceiling height of not more than 2.5 m.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Let's talk about ceilings

So, you enter into a new apartment. With what problems you will encounter during its arrangement? Several paraphrase a classic one can say that the apartment has two misfortunes: neighbors and ceilings. Why are the neighbors? Firstly, because the extremely low level of sound insulation of the overwhelming majority of our apartments, it was the neighbors are truly inexhaustible source of all kinds of noise. And secondly, the neighbors are always on top of the potential threat of leaks and flooding. And the ceilings. ... One glance at the most ceilings in domestic homes is enough to assume that the builders were guided by the principle of the famous song: "I am blinded him from what happened." Weight seams and irregularities, significant differences in elevation between the ceiling tiles, "littered" angles - this is not a complete list of what you can detect even a cursory look at your ceiling. How can make the ceiling for a truly beautiful and modern look? In our publications, we try to give you the answer to these questions. Traditional and proven way for years, is leveling the ceiling, followed by applying water-based paints. To do this, using a laser level exposed metal beacons, and caused a continuous layer of plaster. Then glued ceiling material (usually serpyanku). This is done to strengthen the plaster and will avoid further cracks and irregularities. After drying, the ceiling shpaklyuetsya and it is applied latex paint. It is this method of decoration is still almost the only possible in small apartments, with a ceiling height of not more than 2.5 m.

Top noisy neighbors? There is a way - acoustic ceilings!

Modern man lives in a world of sounds. In urban homes and offices constantly (and sometimes quite loudly), radio broadcasts, television sets grub, music plays incessantly ringing telephones and pagers, as well as humming, buzzing, beeping and ticking the mass of the most diverse engineering. Alas, we used to fall asleep to the "soothing" the roar of cars outside. Mankind has lost the habit of silence and eventually got a whole bunch of problems - high blood pressure and nervous disorders, stress and depression, as a result - chronic fatigue. Understandably, to abandon the achievements of civilization, we are no longer able. But you can learn to control the sound level in the room. It's real. It turns out, you just decorate walls, floors, ceilings, sound-absorbing materials (which do not reflect and absorb sound), and background noise will be less. You've probably noticed themselves: is it worth to lay on the floor carpeting, and hang on the wall carpet, as the room becomes quieter and more comfortable. All true. But what about, for example, with the ceiling? As it turned out, this problem can be solved. Many self-respecting manufacturers tile suspended ceiling panels (ARMSTRONG, ECOPHON, AKUSTO, OWA, ROCKFON and LUXALON) has long been producing so-called acoustic ceilings to absorb sound. Ceiling plate production companies ARMSTRONG, ROCKFON and OWA are made from mineral fibers, and ECOPHON and AKUSTO of porous glass wool - one of the best sound-absorbing materials.

How to paint the ceiling?

How to paint the ceiling? What a question? Take and paint. All they can. All true. Nothing difficult. And then we can find some basic, common shortcomings. First of all, there's some spots. Immediately after painting everything looks fine, but when dry spots appear on the ceiling. Further work roller only worsens the result, the surface is increasingly becoming diverse. Stains on the ceiling, which seemed just a shade different from the lighting, really stand out are strongly stained. Let us consider the nature of these spots. Stains on the ceiling's not from a bad mix paints of different colors. We paint the same color (usually white) and one bucket. And the cushion is the same. And the spots appear. If you look at these spots more closely, we see different texture to the same surface of our ceiling. Layers of paint have different texture and thickness, which we think immediately picks up. Places homogeneous textures look the same and not conspicuous. Not ascertained the cause of this phenomenon, some again repaint the ceiling, further prolonging the difference in the texture and colors, respectively. So why did appear ill-fated spot? Yes, from inability and violations of painting technology. Prior to the painting will prepare necessary. Material - paint. Domestic or imported it - almost no difference (just not an obvious fake). Instrument - cushion. Affects the quality of painting the ceiling has a greater extent. Of the variety of rolls the best results are achieved when working with a long nap roller (filaments).

Mineralovoloknistye ceilings

Panels mineralovoloknistyh ceilings consist of: mineral wool, perlite, clay binder additives - starch, latex, waste paper and gypsum. Suspended ceilings mineralovoloknistyh panels can not only be flat (A, B), but, for example, cellular (C) should be noted that mineral fiber used for the manufacture of this group of ceilings - it is stone wool. And although the glass is also a group of materials generally accepted mineralovoloknistyh ceiling stone wool called mineralovoloknistymi and fiberglass to make a separate group. This well-established classification will follow us. Enormous attention in the production of mineral fiber ceiling on the binder. Depending on what more starch or latex depend on product specifications, ie their moisture. If more latex, it is water-resistant panel that can be used in areas with humidity up to 95-99%. And if the predominant starch, then with high humidity panel sag. Latex is more expensive than starch, and therefore water-resistant panels more expensive products with a low moisture resistance. Panels of mineral fibers are of high fire safety and acoustic characteristics (high sound absorption). Colours of panels may vary up to black (for the cinema halls, for example). Nomenclature of surface texture provides a wide choice for designers and architects - smooth, mikroperforirovannye or textured surface, clear printed geometric designs, graphic design, decoration design edges, and lattice panels with open cells. All this makes it possible to create individual tracks from the ceiling tiles.

Moldings: columns, half-columns, pilasters, cornices, baseboards, moldings

Decoration of walls and ceilings with decorative elements in various shapes and figures - an old architectural tradition. Even in Greece and Rome used exquisite moldings, and then they go through all the times and styles - classical, Renaissance, Baroque, Rococo, Empire, Art Nouveau - hitting his contemporaries with the beauty and elegance. We say "stucco" - and in the representation of faces magnificent palaces, museums, manors. Yes, this beauty has always demanded the scale, resources, and has never been dressing huts. Only in recent decades thanks to the emergence of relatively inexpensive and practical polymer materials she was able to enter into a modern European housing. In Russia, the spread of the spacious apartments and high, high-quality suburban housing is now also increasingly common use of the relief of architectural decoration. Today stucco sold as separate modules and components, of which going to a single track, the appropriate style and features of an interior design and taste maker. Since the original ornament (sometimes in the same palace) is removed form, and with this form of mold desired number of repetitions. Traditionally, to obtain high-quality moldings use materials that can change from liquid to solid, without cracks and large shrinkage: plaster, papier-mache, clay, cement, metal, fiberglass, steklokompozit, polystyrene, polyurethane. And although the current process of "sculpting" of polymeric materials is completely different to how it did the ancient architects, the visual effect is absolutely straight.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

The new ceiling. Paint? Hang? And can pull!

Vitaly Lviv Refresh ceiling in the room, it would seem that could be easier? Took a putty, a bucket of paint, stood on a stepladder ... One, two! And the ceiling is like new. What is actually wise to buy some suspension design, install fixtures, when and as simple as that. Approximately thinks most of the townsfolk, for the first time zatevaya repair. Therefore, often shocking to many is the amount you asked the wizard for some simple, at first sight operation. In fact, the ceiling - one of the most difficult objects for decorating. Putty and smooth slabs, balancing on a stepladder with a high head thrown back - the pleasure not a simple one, and therefore it is not cheap. In addition, some ceilings due to the peculiarities of exploitation in general can not be put in order, using plaster and paint. What to do? The modern market of finishing the ceiling materials, despite all the diversity, in fact, reduced to three basic methods of finishing: painting ceiling, hanging rack and panel type of Armstrong ceilings and trendy now suspended ceilings. Each of these finishes has its advantages, features and shortcomings. Stretch ceilings do not require preparatory work, and accordingly the time required to ensure such works. This technology does not entail all of the above disadvantages. Stretch ceilings are naturally hide all the flaws and defects in the ceiling of the base, such deficiency may include cracks, bumps, bruises, dirt. To carry out the ceiling does not require not only relocation but even removal of furniture, as it saves time and effort.

Execution of architectural details

Siphon eaves. Cornice podugi beautifully decorated, it consists of a set of architectural calving: shelves, shelves, rollers, shafts, jibs, heels, etc. (Fig. 64). For pulling curtain is necessary to make a special template (Fig. 65). All details must be handled jack-plane or a plane, struts - a knife. Profile-board cut is strictly a triangle. Its size on the top (ceiling) and bottom (wall) part should be 50-70 mm longer profile of the cornice. These allowances are called excuses (see Fig. 65). They provide a smooth stretch bands at the same level with the wall and ceiling. Then they hone to the plane of the plaster. On the profile board transfer profile drawn on paper cornice given excuses and cut with a knife. One side of the cut profile of mowing (cut at an angle of 20-30 °). Cut side is called "to gloss" and nesrezannaya - for tearing off. " Pulling out perform "to shine" or "tearing off". After that, drawn on paper profile cornice transferred to a piece of steel roofing, cut and nailed with small nails, 5-10 mm apart to unmown side wooden profile (for tearing off "). Thus protects the wood from rapid wear of the solution. Bottom-profile board nailed to the sled, and then further cementing braces nailed on both sides. Struts not only hold the board in the sled, but also serve as handles for which the charge pattern during the drawing of the cornice. Prior to pulling the cornice to the ceiling and upper walls to apply a coat of primer.

Glue ceilings

Vitaly Lviv Glue ceilings are square or rectangular panels made of polystyrene. The front surface can be covered with foil, painted wood, cloth, or stone. On the surface of square tiles is often created relief imitating stucco or wood carving. "Glue", "glued", "pasted over" - in the vocabulary builders and dealers in building materials you can find one of those titles belonging to the same process for finishing ceilings. It is as follows: the smooth surface of the base ceiling-base glued various decorative finishes - tile of expanded polystyrene, glass or exotic for ceiling materials, such as cork or laminate panel, as well as ceramic tile. Glue ceilings are square or rectangular panels made of polystyrene. The front surface can be covered with foil, painted wood, cloth, or stone. On the surface of square tiles is often created relief imitating stucco or wood carving. Sizes of tiles: 50x50 cm and 100x16, 5 cm Apply recommended for ceilings in residential buildings: offices, bedrooms, etc. You can use the kitchen, but only tiles laminated with a protective film. These ceiling tiles can be glued to almost any surface: concrete, masonry, plaster and wood stoves. They hide the defects of the substrate and provide a unifying color surface. Plates from expanded polystyrene (or, as it is called, Styrofoam) are most popular. For use in wet areas are only suitable extruded panels. Extrusion method, which is used in their manufacture, allows us to achieve maximum density (about 70 kg / m 3) and homogeneity of the material and therefore waterproof.

Multilevel ceilings: features, technologies and materials

Multilevel ceilings can create a beautiful and unusual design that emphasizes the features of each room. But this is not their only purpose. The reason for the use of multiple levels may be irregularities and defects of the base ceiling. Sometimes the differences underlying the ceiling so high that other methods can not hide them. For example, a very bad state is the old ceiling between floors. After removing the old partitions found inappropriate beams and girders. Sometimes within the apartment to hide air conditioning systems, wiring, ducts, freonoprovodov, water pipes, heating. Multilevel ceilings can be a casing for covering technological elements that should be available for periodic maintenance. Multilevel ceilings successfully solve the task of reforming the amount of space. When repairing homes often need at least visually raise the ceiling. Designers are well known trick: in the modern interior feel larger space created by the lowering of the ceilings in some rooms. So, if the level in the hallway ceiling was lowered, and the dining room to keep the base, the dining area visually expand. In this basic level of the ceiling, an additional design techniques (lighting, color, texture), which further reinforce the above-described effect. Fig. 1. Multilevel ceiling in the interior. Another function of the multilevel ceilings - Zoning dwelling. Dwellings new type furnished in the form of open flowing spaces that make up a single plastic structure, which for the convenience of living requires proper organization.

Wooden entrance door

Using wood for manufacturing front door looks very aesthetically pleasing. This is the traditional material for making doors, and despite some shortcomings, it does not go with fashion, on the contrary, a measure of respectability. Wooden doors are characterized by their environmental friendliness, durability and beauty. We should not forget that wood as a building material has excellent sound-proofing characteristics, as well as the tree is enough of the heat. And if there is no increased security requirements at home or apartment, wooden doors decorate your home and give it a unique atmosphere. The wooden door is strong enough, she never rust, which can happen with metal, it is not so heavy. Wooden doors can be decorated, upholster. Making repairs, often pick up one kind of wood for all doors at home, it gives the interior style. Set design wooden entrance doors should include: a threshold, seals and uteppliteli; plinth, the locking mechanism, handle, peephole. All wood exterior doors, regardless of their design, should be addressed to the street outside the panel, made of treated and coated with protective varnish or paint a tree. What would be better quality coating, the longer it will last the door. Wooden doors can be divided into several structures: block doors. Door panels with insulation. Door panel with insulation and metal base. Massive wooden doors - doors are made of homogeneous wood material on the entire thickness of the blade. For the front door of the array used dense woods: Solid oak - it is durable, light yellow or reddish-brown, darkening with time.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Glass partitions

In our modern world, with rapid development of innovative technologies, particularly developed an interest in interior design. Very popular among builders and customers in the design of office space and accommodation, enjoy the septum. Partitions are different in design, type and size, as well as the types of material from which made. Conventionally, the partition is divided into stationary and mobile. Stationary glass walls are made of aluminum, plastic, steel and wooden items. Basis is the collapsible frame, which reaches a length of 6 meters or more, consisting of a strong profile, with a small mass that is suitable for redevelopment, dismantling and use again. There are decorative items that can be changed periodically. This design allows us to install door and window openings of various kinds. For good sound insulation and mechanical strength of glass walls, structural elements are the main windows. Double glazing consists of shock-hardened glass-type triplex stalinita reinforced glass. To exclude the direct line of sight between the panes a space filled with kaolin wool, fiberglass mat, plastic films. These are blind windows. There are glass, specially made with limited visibility - on the one hand, with views of frosted glass that scatter light: corrugated toned, "frost", "blizzard". Stylish look of glass partitions, glass (both colorless and colored), stekloprofilita. They are made of hollow glass blocks, with thickness from 80 to 100 mm in size in terms of 145h145 mm 295h295 mm.

The choice of a steel door

In the Russian market represented a huge amount of steel doors of both domestic and foreign production. They differ, first of all, the price - import, usually two to three times more expensive than domestic ones. But, as experts say, is not worth saving. The fact is that supplied from abroad doors are made using modern equipment and latest technology. But our doors to the vast majority of home-going. Obviously, the quality, alas, not in our favor. " However, most imported models are "tied" to the standard size (with each company - they own). Order to produce "custom" doors can take only a few firms, but this door will cost considerably more expensive, and it will have to wait two months to fifteen years. But the domestic door can be custom-made relatively inexpensively and in a short time. Common device unit of domestic and imported steel doors do not differ much from each other. The basis of such doors - a rectangular frame with an internal rib, welded steel profiles. On the frame is welded steel sheets (with one or both sides). Door hinge in a steel box, which reinforces the doorway. Outside the door leatherette stud or decorative panel (the most expensive finish - natural wood). Inside the door can be hollow and may contain soundproofing and heat insulation material. The difference in the "anatomy" of imported and domestic steel doors can only consist of thick steel sheets. We import the door sheets, no thicker than 1.5 mm, while in Russia use steel sheet thickness of 2 - 3 mm.


Doors to destination divided into external (input and balcony) and the internal shape and size - at odnopolnye, sesquioxides and dvupolnye. Door frames are made of beam cross section 5-6 x 10 cm (stone houses) and 7 x 18 cm (wooden cut homes). In the partitions for interior doors are made of box beam cross section 5-6 x 8-16 cm - depending on the thickness of the walls. For exterior doors are closed boxes with a threshold, the internal doors pose free threshold. On the inner side of the door frame dado depth of 4,6-5,6 cm and a width of 1.2 cm and fastened close up door frames as well as window boxes. Door leaves on a design is divided into frame (framed) and the shield. Framed paintings consist of a harness, intermediaries and filling (panels). P & middle section is made for exterior doors with thickness 4,4-5,4 cm, interior - 2,5-4 cm balcony doors and into the door (in the corridors and hallways) to improve the illumination of the upper panels instead of inserted glass 6 -8 mm in the balcony doors are double glazed inserts. Balcony doors with twin blades and metal doors Fiberglass installed in compliance with the same technology as the windows of similar designs. Door toilets and pantries may have panels of plywood thickness 6-8 mm. Flush doors are collected from the boards in the groove, in the quarter, or by means of grooves with plug-in rack with glue. Boards fix stud from a beam cross section 5,4-4,4 x2, 4 cm of the door leaf is hung on hinges that crashed at a distance of 20 cm from the bottom and top leaf and door handles and locks installed at a height of 100-120 cm from the floor .

Office partitions

Bearing office partitions bearing walls are built of bricks, blocks or solid concrete with traditional methods. They have the advantage - a high fire protection and soundproofing ability. However, this permanent partitions, which sometimes does not allow flexible use of space. This is especially felt in adapting old buildings for office. That is why the construction of modern office buildings has been extended the principle of "shell and core", whose essence is to give the tenant free of partitions of the space between the outer wall and the inner core of the vertical shafts of communications. This principle, however, imposes certain requirements on the interaction between the depth of the building, the location of vertical communication, the presence of the atrium, the nature of the outer contour of the building and the pitch and size of windows. Imbalance of these indicators leads to highly inefficient, inconvenient to use office space. Do not carry ofisnyeperegorodki not carrying partitions are divided by stone, frame and collapsible (modular). A typical office office partition frame consists of metal racks, coated on both sides of sheets of drywall. The space between the sheets can be variously filled in to make the partition of certain properties. They are easy to manufacture, light, changeable within certain limits, can be variously faced. They are less expensive than modular and sootvetstvuyutnashim fire safety requirements. Different ways of solving the same space with the help of the Deaf and transparent partitions.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Elite doors

Along with the elite housing there and so-called elite doors. Under this concept implies a strong and beautiful multilayered structure that is inserted into the appropriate aperture. According to consumer standards such door shall be sturdy and reliable, have a decent appearance, both inside and outside, it is easy to open (of course, owners), to serve for many years. Today we introduce you to the basic criteria that should guide the choice of the main "guardian" at home. Most of the interior design showrooms and specialty stores offer door both imported and domestically produced. It is believed that the best of the "foreign" comes to us from Italy, Britain, Israel and Germany. If it happens that none of the featured models, you will not meet your needs, you can order a door on an individual project the right type and configuration. It is only important to know what you want. Please note that, according to experts believe, the price of the door - not the determining factor when choosing. The concept of "door" includes the door frame to the profile proper door, porch and clypeus, accessories and fittings. The door above all - a functional thing, its task - protect our home from no petition reviews, as well as the penetration of cold and noise. Provide strength steel frame, ribs, welded to the frame of steel sheets (for GOST their thickness - 2,5 mm). Good door can not be hollow, it must be placed insulation (rock wool, polypropylene or other similar materials).

Types of interior doors

Interior doors - the usual element of the interior in a country house, but nevertheless can be a lot of trouble. By selecting and installing interior doors should be approached very responsibly. Not possible that you simply decided to save (or not found the time) on the cover of interior doors painted, and eventually they were filled with plenty of moisture - a house with no heat was! - As expected, straight out. Or, suppose you initially installed the door frames, which got hold somewhere on the occasion, and then started picking them under the door. With difficulty, but the gap between the frame and door leaf has remained minimal, and now even after a slight swelling of wood door tightly jammed. Plows, however, to start yet one should decide by the designs of internal doors. Varieties of interior doors, in fact, only two: the folding and sliding, but within those types there are many different subtypes and variants. Swinging doors can be single and double. And the material? Doors are made from solid wood and particle board, followed by coating fine wood veneer. In the first case, the door gets a serious and expensive, as shown in the wood without the natural defects - knots, cracks, which increases the cost of raw material. Production of doors from an array of rather tedious, using the manual labor, and it also helps to increase prices. Finally, the traditionally tselnoderevyannaya door more carefully and richly finished, knowing the demands of wealthy homeowners, for whom the door of some kind of particle board - a symbol of shame and a sign of financial insolvency.

Classification of doors and their components

Door leaf - a movable part of the door shall be opened. The canvas is framed or panel construction. In the case of frame structures used to facilitate weight fabric and give great opportunities for decorating, interior cavity not occupied by the structure is filled or honeycomb, or particle board, MDF, solid wood bars. Usually painting hung with hinges on the box, or by means of rollers on the slide rail. The door can consist of one, two or more door panels. Doorframe - subunit doorset frame construction, designed for mounting panels and motionless Dockable to the walls of the doorway. Trim leaf (with a skeleton-decision) - it sticks, mostly from softwood, located along the perimeter of the door. Middle section - blocks, dividing the interior of the leaf into sections for installation of panels or glass, and serve a link between binding. Panels - panels that fill the space between the harness and intermediaries. By type of connection to the Trim panels are divided into smooth, with a frame, pontoon, with figareey with layouts. Mold - profiled on the edges that frame the panels or glass. Layout - a relief profile rail affixed to the front surface of door leaf, and serve to "revitalize" the appearance of simple smooth surfaces or, at the same time, reinforcing panels or glass. Frame (or fillet) - intermediate frame element for mounting panels or glass to trim. Sponge or door naschelniki - is embossed profiled slats, designed to cover the porch, double doors. Door gorbylki - wedges profiled, intended for division glazed side door and the strengthening of glass, as well as hardening of the assembly web.

Installation of a steel door

To help protect against extraneous sounds and unwanted guests steel door must be installed correctly. If the installation of the doors will not be conducted in accordance with all rules, even the best quality door, which has excellent performance, has good heat and sound insulation, a door with a durable and reliable lock and key, not serve you for so long, and qualitatively, as you would like . Therefore, when ordering the doors must be handled in a proven company that will perform all work at the proper level. However, for even greater confidence to you, as future owner of a steel door, you should know the basic steps of assembling a steel door. To independently monitor the process. Installing a steel door begins with the correct measurement of the opening. Only this will ensure you that the door that is customized to be a consequence of properly installed. Discrepancy in size up or down may lead to the fact that the door will either be loose in the doorway and will not provide premises must heat and sound insulation, or to the fact that the gap will further expand. This requires special equipment, specific skills, and most importantly - a lot of time. In addition, the negative side effect on quality of installation. After all measurements were made, you have agreed with the manufacturer of the thickness of a steel door, the type of filler and padding, as well as select additional items (lock, handle, peephole, door frames and so on), the company starts to manufacture doors.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Glass doors

Glass doors give the room its own identity, its uniqueness. The interior gets the original contemporary sound and is becoming more stylish. Elegance, originality, and the inimitable ability to glass doors to fit in any modern interior increasingly attracted the attention of discerning buyers. In Europe, glass interior doors - not a new trend of fashion, and ordinariness. In Russia, this is still just a new trend, reinforced by the fact that our fellow citizens no longer associated with the glass door entrance to the subway entrance or research institutes. Now the glass door is seen as organic and functional detail of the interior. Story all-glass door has been around for decades, taking the top end of constructivism in 20-ies - in those days leading architects around the world covered the search for new and unexpected applications for traditional materials, often ignoring the fact that the level of development industrial technology has not kept pace "flight of thought" and limited the "space fantasy". However, many of the ideas put forward by then have been very successful - year after year, science and industry, accumulating experience, hastening the possibility of full implementation of bold concepts. One of them - make greater use of glass in interior design. Received at the end of XX century the most widespread style of "Hi-Tech" and gave the idea new impetus to the use of glass doors and partitions, not only in commercial buildings and public facilities, but also in the interiors of living quarters.

Cylinder locks

Cylinder locks, or how often they are called "English" got its name because at the heart of their designs are cylinder mechanisms secret. Cylinder mechanism may take the form of a cylinder, circle, beads, etc. The heart of these mechanisms is a set of spring-loaded pins, balls, plates of various sizes. The design of the cylinder (IKON): 1 - body of the cylinder, 2 - core cylinder, 3 - channel for the key 4 - pin cylinder mechanism 5 - spring pin 6 - cam cylinder mechanism 7 - Key Cylinder locks, most often, flat keys , the edges of which one or both sides, there are cutouts (teeth), or point-dents. Their number equals the number of locking pins in the cylinder mechanism, and the greater the number of pins, the greater the secrecy of the castle. Not recommended to use locks with the number of pins less than five. In order to increase secrecy, leading firms produce cylinders, which are designed for two-, three-and four-row keys. The highest secrecy is achieved in the cylinders with keys that have a lateral perforation. The most vulnerable place cylinder locks itself is a cylinder mechanism which can be drilled, broken or dislodged. To protect against drilling reputable producers set inside a cylinder, special, hardened pins or ball, impeding the penetration of drill, and the cylinder to protect tempered hockey. To protect against or breaking of churning cylinder, install the protective pad or shield of hardened steel, while advocating for the overlay (mask) of the cylinder should not exceed 2 mm.

The Iron Guard of comfort and coziness

Vladimir Mikhailov Protection country house should be comprehensive. So that one day you do not have to return to the "beggar's nest, there should be an effective alarm system, CCTV. But do not forget about the means of mechanical protection. Without a solid door and equipped with a security lock, all electronic achievements of humanity may be futile. They are only after the fact tell you about the robbery. Incidentally, to acquire a good door should think and if you plan to insure your home. Yeah, yeah, do not be surprised. Strengthening the mechanical protection, you can save on insurance (or receive a significant discount). In addition, the robbery - a very unpleasant thing: the cost of lost property to you, of course, be reimbursed, but nobody spent the nerves do not compensate. Magic canvas Power armored doors can be made of separate welded together steel sheets or from a single metal sheet, bent into a complex profile. The latter option appears on the market today are increasingly and rightly is in high demand among consumers. Strengthening the mechanical protection of their own home, you can save on insurance, getting a big discount. The use of curved profile, made of steel sheet thickness 1,8-2 mm, lets make a door greater strength with minimal increase in its weight and, furthermore, to establish two contour seal around the perimeter of the door, which improves heat and sound insulation properties of the structure and integrity . In order to improve structural strength from the inside frame of the door leaf reinforcing ribs.

Device partitions

Partitions - it is easy wall separating the inner space of the building into separate rooms. Mezhkvartirnye partitions should be at least 20 cm, interior - at least 5-10 cm Arrange them in a strong nonflammable materials with low heat and sound conductivity. Desirable to use local materials. Unlike capital partition walls do not rely on foundations and on beams (joists), but in any case not on the floor, binder, or roll forward. Partitions must not have cracks, cavities, leaking heat, sounds and smells of all sorts, where they could settle a variety of insects and rodents. Surface of any finished walls must be smooth and easily cleaned. In order to fire safety combustible and fireproof partitions, typically plaster, as a purely made only shpatlyuyut. Wooden partition in front gasket drann halt matting or felt poorly conducting heat and sound. Instead of wet plaster is now mainly used plasterboard (sheetrock). They can stick to the mastic or nailed. Sheetrock higher fire risks. Partitions made of a variety of materials: wood, brick, plaster and concrete slabs, etc. Given the sediment of the building, the newly aligned homes leave a gap between the partition and the ceiling is 10 cm Since built up at home, especially chopped, for the first time, give greater sediment (10 cm or more) walls is recommended to arrange after total precipitation at home, after konopatki a year or two. But in this case, the sediment should leave a gap in the partitions not less than 1 cm Structural barriers are many, here we consider some of them.

Iron necessity

Vladimir Mikhailov When in Hollywood movies you see light glazed doors cottages, awakens envy of our paleface brothers. It should be just as comfortable and confident they feel, that would have us so! Alas, the Russian realities are far from the U.S., and our front door - is primarily a barrier, a barrier which does not have to overcome any attacker. If someone does not believe that by installing the front door should be treated more seriously than, let him read the chronicle of a militia. Account hacking holiday homes are a thousand, and thieves often enter through the door. Why not, if the door is put together from ordinary planks? Or put a box that simply squeezed dyuzhim shoulder? We sometimes do not realize is that this way they themselves provoke criminals to commit theft, because most of these thieves - not professional burglars, and banal bums and hooligans who are properly reinforced window and door openings are just too tough. No need to prove that the installation of durable and reliable metal door in a country house - a mandatory thing. You could say it literally iron necessity. If this house will still be equipped with emergency alarm systems or, for example, video surveillance system, even better, but such a system does not cancel the installation of steel doors. Then you can scroll through a long and selflessly film, which depicted the penetration into the house of the attacker, but if he did it quickly and managed to escape, then enjoy a movie you do not deliver.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Interroom door

The concept of doors is very blurry: this kind of device, obstruct the passage from one room to another. They may be a conventional hinged door, and two wings, and sliding partitions and door-to-book, and the door-accordion. Swing doors not imagine it is difficult. Sliding partitions, of course, opening up, drive off to the side or along the wall, or inside it. Special case of sliding partitions - Door-book and door-accordion. They are, in fact, too, parted, only when it is also added. Door-opening book for the sum in half along the central vertical axis. Rests on its hinges - and at the joints with the wall and place the fold - and therefore very reliable. Door-accordion folds pardon the pun, a washboard. Not on the same vertical axis, and for several, and slides down the wall. Although these doors and enjoy good demand, mainly due to its visual appeal, special reliability indices do not differ. Too many of them of different hinges and other small parts. Sometimes the walls are made is not sliding. This is different inserts in the walls, the windows. The wall also can be completely replaced by a septum. First of all, it is an aesthetic burden. But there is a grain of pragmatism: for example, the partition is only 3 cm, and the wall - all 20. But the extra 0.5 m2 for the kitchen area of ??5 m2 mean very much. Hanging on its hinges most common conventional hinged doors. Manufacture them from a variety of materials. Traditional doors, preserved since the Soviet era and bribe their cheapness - hollow.

Entrance door

If someone does not believe that by installing the front door should be treated more seriously than, let him read the chronicle of a militia. Account hacking holiday homes are a thousand, and thieves often enter through the door. No need to prove that the installation of durable and reliable metal door in a country house - a mandatory thing. You could say it literally iron necessity. If this house will still be equipped with emergency alarm systems or, for example, video surveillance system, even better, but such a system does not cancel the installation of steel doors. Then you can scroll through a long and selflessly film, which depicted the penetration into the house of the attacker, but if he did it quickly and managed to escape, then enjoy a movie you do not deliver. However, the strength criterion is not unique, yet the door should still protect from the external environment, primarily from the cold. Therefore, it should be insulated. And, of course, necessary to ensure a presentable appearance of the door. Modern holiday homes are usually carefully considered architecturally significant, and the front door is part of an overall design plan. Cloth door with a box of foundation design - is a quality door leaf, in this case steel. This may be a single metal sheet or design, welded from several sheets. Clearly, in the first version of the strength of canvas above, so the doors of this type, as practice shows, sales, consumer preferred. Typically used bent in profile steel sheet thickness 1,8-2 mm.

What a shame to cover up? - Doors

Repair in our apartment, my husband started a long time - even early last summer. At that moment, the prospect of the Spartan way of life for the next few months is not scared. In addition, we felt that we have a major repair ingredients necessary for the "construction of the century" and accelerate the process: money, abundant energy and rich imagination. But the repair was delayed. One of the reasons - a problem to buy non-standard interior plumbing and doors, water-resistant and not amenable to changes in temperature. We have a small apartment. And the rooms are arranged so that no drastic alterations are not available to us. We decided to "distort": to increase the space is not at the expense of demolishing the walls and just mow down the corners in the hallway and the kitchen. And in order to comply with such an unusual semi-circular style throughout the apartment, we hired builders hacked arched interior doorways, and anywhere - in the toilet and bathroom as well. The project was a success - a spacious and beautiful. Guests admired, happy for us and our bright future. But with one remark: "And how now the door will choose?". But we can not take your bare hands: "The company does not bind brooms, order non-standard". And then came the notorious August financial thunder, who famously washed from the land company that manufacture cheap Belarusian arched doors to order (for services that we so hoped). Calling a dozen companies in the production and sale of doors, it became evident that a very cheap and quite affordable (us) wooden doors immediately after inflation into gold and out of reach.

Thermal insulation of windows and doors

Pre-ups. Unprepared for the winter, ie, non-insulated windows, provide an opportunity through the various leaks to leave home to 2 / 3 of heat released in a house heating devices. To avoid this, first of all, you need to carefully examine all the bindings and check the condition of putty or glazing beads. If the putty is sometimes departs from the bindings, or glass, it must be removed with a spatula, a knife or sharp chisel. All traces of putty should clean off, and bare proolifit folds with a small brush or sticks wrapped with a cloth. After drying proolifki purchased or prepared putty promazyvayut naked folds. If between the bead and glass have a gap, then they are filled with putty and smooth. Glass immediately purified from traces of putty and rub. You can recommend this method of cleaning them. First, a wet cloth or brush moistened with water glass, and a few minutes wipe with a rag. All adhering dust, grit behind easily, without scratching the glass at the same time. Then prepare a chalk whitewash: 2-3 tablespoons of chalk in a glass of water and cover it with glass on both sides. After drying, wipe them dry with a clean cloth, then a soft paper (eg newsprint). Heavily contaminated glass first washed with warm clean water. If the water does not wash off sticky dirt, then apply a soapy water (1 liter of water was dissolved 50 g of soap) or alkaline composition of the washing or caustic soda, which, for example, completely dissolve oil stains. After cleaning, alkaline solution of glass is well washed with water, cover with chalk whitewash and as soon as it dries, rub.

Repair doors and covers

Boxes, trims, parapet boards (sills), air vents, the ebb of time and improper operation of doors and window frames unstuck, crack, warping, rot, etc. In this case, they are not repairable. Doors and covers are manufactured in such a way that the porch they had leaks in widths from 2 to 2.5 mm. It is necessary for further staining. Internal doors never hang close to the floor. Between the door and the floor should be a clearance of at least 10 mm to the door you could put a track or carpet and it would not hurt to open and close doors. Inside the house or apartment is no threshold. It can only be chopped wooden houses. In other houses the lower bar raised above the floor level of 10-15 mm only at the door. For the repair of doors and covers are widely used screws of different sizes. They can be flat, Oval or round head. Their length from 7 to 120 mm, thickness from 1,6 to 10 mm, head diameter of 3 mm to 20 mm. To wrap the screws in slotting head slots (grooves) of different width and depth, which depends on the size of screws. Flat head screws wrap the wood flush with the surface detail. These screws are mainly used for attaching hinges, mortise locks, and some details. Screws Oval and round head can screw tight rim locks, handles, latches and other devices in which the head will not interfere with their work. Should pay attention to the threads of screws (Fig. 1). Acute thread cut into the wood, cutting its fibers, and thus firmly holds the screw. With a blunt screw thread just crushes fibers and thus ill-kept in a timber.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

The entrance doors as a piece of furniture

Steel guard your home steel doors in connection with the crime situation ceased to be a symbol of just rich flats and protected institutions. Now, virtually everyone, regardless of the abundance of lessons in the home of "good", wants to ensure his safety, and, hence, peace of mind. About what we choose the steel doors and how to install and will be discussed below. Steel doors are divided into two groups: domestic and imported. They differ primarily at the cost of (imported, of course, more expensive). But savings are not in all things good. The fact is that from abroad bring doors made with modern equipment and latest technology. But our doors are all going to artisanal, "on his knee." However, there is another side to the problem. Most often imported models are "tied" to the typical size (with each company - its). But the domestic steel door can be custom-made (and, by the way, just because it is non-automated production). Well, if people can pick out the appropriate size of the door of the proposed import models. And if not? Then the door can cost a lot more expensive, and it certainly will have to wait up to two months, and sometimes up to six months if the order is exclusive. If you have time and money to spare, you can wait. Otherwise - select domestic. Surely, if you choose the door you are thinking about it, not only as a reliable protection (it certainly), but also as an integral part of the interior. By installing one steel door, do not even want to admit the thought of her shift, but the interior of the house can be changed more than once.

Types of doors

In our time, the door can be seen from a wide variety of products, both natural and man-made. The most common door of wood, steel and glass. Wooden doors Wooden doors already for centuries are increasingly popular. They were in ancient times, the most common in our time, while PVC and iron are still the same. The reason is simple, it is a natural material, and therefore environmentally friendly. Also, the tree as a building material, is considered durable enough and has some positive features. Although, aluminum, steel, glass, plastics are increasingly used in construction and, perhaps, begins to prevail, but nature is nature. After all, even a tree has its energy, its heat, so that the wooden door will always be a great option. Moreover, over time it will be an elite door that we already have. Steel doors or plastic, it's not the elite model, a tree, that's true elite. Thanks to high-tech technology, the door of the array is of even greater quality and beauty, and so are the doors the best solution for your home. It is also worth noting that, by taking an array of inlaid oak, we have an expensive door with a number of advantages, and taking a door made of pine, we have the cheapest model of the door. Wood and perfectly so that there is a valuable species and methods of manufacture, and there are cheap. Doors made of pine perfectly perform their functions, but also reduce the price of a door and make it available for other species. Also, do not forget the fact that each door must bear the properties of the door, that is to be soundproof, do not conduct heat, and have external qualities to be beautiful, and the wooden door copes with these duties.

How to build a wall of glass blocks

Denis Sokolov wall of glass blocks - the only partition that transmits light from one side of the room to another. And among other things, it is very original. We show you how to do this at home. Tools and materials: 1. Pieces of wood for the frame size of 100x50 mm or 75h50 (depending on the size of the selected glass blocks) that match fixing, drill 2. Penolenta 3. Wall holdfast and rebar sticks 4. Glass blocks and spacers 5. Sponge 6. Level Process: 1. Glass blocks can not be cut, so before you start building, you should carefully plan the location of the wall and accurately calculate the amount of materials. Having defined the place to check in advance detector, do not pass a number of pipes or electrical wires. 2. Putting a frame for walls and anchoring it to the chosen location for the wall using appropriate fasteners. 3. Nailed to the inner surface of the frame white penolentu. Make sure that it is not beaten out by the edges and lay strictly in the axial line of bars. 4. At a distance corresponding to the size of blocks, put spacers on the lower trim frame. 5. Trowel, apply a white solution at the waist between the pads, as well as on one side of the glass block. Be careful not to stain his front side. 6. Put the first block on the edge strips, pressing smeared with a solution to the lateral side of the trim frame. Going into solution. 7. Put the remaining blocks in a similar way to the end of the series. Level, the evenness of the masonry. Remove excess mortar from the glass with a damp sponge - dry solution will be much harder to remove. 8.

No creaks, no pops

Vladimir Mikhailov Interior doors - regular, we can say mediocre, interior element in a country house, but nevertheless can be a lot of trouble. Remember, if you are comfortable, if a door slams? If she is nasty squeaks? Finally, if it gets jammed and an adjacent room can be reached only some effort? And because the selection and installation of interior doors should be approached very responsibly. By the way, this winter the owners of suburban property are, as ever, feel the urgency of the problem. Of course, if you're constantly living in individual cottages with all modern conveniences and there throughout the winter to maintain normal temperature and humidity, it is no problem, most likely, you will not. But most homeowners still get over the cold season in the "winter quarters" and in his suburban property dropping in March-April, when the first thaw holes. And pulls you to your house, open the front door, then pulls the interior, but it does not in any does not want to open! You take a helper tool, casing, cracking, warping, and although in this battle you go out a winner, alas, the door will be repaired. Meanwhile, at one time was enough for reasonable and without undue haste or go to the acquisition of interior doors or to install them. Not possible that you simply decided to save (or not found the time) on the cover of interior doors painted, and eventually they were filled with plenty of moisture - a house with no heat was! - As expected, straight out. Or, suppose you initially installed the door frames, which got hold somewhere on the occasion, and then started picking them under the door.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Criteria for selection of interior doors

The choice of a door to your home, office or testimony can sometimes become a sort of compromise. Indeed, there are not always complete and reliable information about the elements that make up the formula for quality, and therefore the choice of going through a very rough and partial evaluations, which are often erroneous. This was the reason for establishing a practical guide to the choice of interior doors. From the experience of daily work and prepared a simple, understandable guide that can provide consumers with specific guidelines in the search for interior doors. Wood. The Neverending Story. A close, hard, warm, precious, lively, friendly: these adjectives to the tree bear the imprint of our history, and in this friendly and family element solicit thousands of threads of everyday life that weave the way our civilization. The trees of our forests are the natural wealth that is updated by self-replication, and therefore to him should be appropriate and suitable. "Take out of the woods that the forest can give without breaking the balance of nature" - and means to use this wealth wisely and make sure that it remained viable and did not lose its value. Continuous development of technical ideas allows you to organize a more rational and non-waste production. The most advanced production in the field of woodworking invest a huge amount of human energy, money and knowledge to protect the forest cover worldwide and by continual improvement of the production process. Search results open up the horizons of knowledge-intensive industries (such as the manufacture of wood and chipboard Bruskova inlaid wood, plywood and poplar), an important achievement in this area and allow to eliminate losses, to use the materials of small sizes and to increase greatly the parameters of stability and durability of products This became possible after a series of studies in specialized laboratories.