Friday, August 19, 2011

Protection of wood from rotting

Wood as a material of organic origin is a breeding ground for fungi and insects. Damage from the latter is significant, but not commensurate with the damage to mushrooms - the main "defendant" for a lot of trouble delivering the processes of decay of wood. Rotting wood can occur only when creating certain conditions: temperature - 0 to 50 deg. C, oxygen, humidity - 80-100% humidity the wood - at least 15-20%. A reservation at the mention of temperature is not random: there are mushrooms, do not stop their growth, and at several degrees below zero. Ideally, the fight with a possible start rotting wood on the stage of production and storage timber. Humidity green wood varies seasonally, but averages 60-80%, so it must be dried. The most affordable option - the natural drying, consisting of not less than the annual "staying." Particularly noteworthy are constructive measures that prevent the combined effect of excessive moisture and freezing wood, abrupt change in temperature, condensation, poor air circulation. Protect wood from atmospheric moisture and provide a waterproof roof coating waterproof paints, from capillary moisture - suitable waterproofing. To avoid moisture condensation can be properly placed and heat paroizoliruyuschie layers (the first - is closer to the outside, ie, cold surface, the second - on the contrary, closer to the inside, ie, warm). Of course, wood structures should be based on the foundation and positioned above ground level. We should not forget about the challenge of groundwater (drainage) and the device otmostok. Increase the biological stability promotes good ventilation of wood, allowing its natural drying out during the operation. Therefore it is desirable to close to home did not grow large trees, creating shade and prevent aeration. Significant contribution to the prevention of rot lesions wooden wall paneling can make their boards. Especially at the ends, as end section is the most "weak spot", and moisture penetration is happening here is much faster and deeper. Early detection of decay contribute to rigorous annual inspections of wood. The optimal time for this - spring. Features defining the beginning of the destructive activities of fungi are: changing the look of wood, the appearance of a characteristic smell and strain construction. At detection of decay should take samples of damaged wood in order to determine its moisture content and density, as well as the type of fungus-destroyer. As a result of decay of physical and mechanical properties of wood vary considerably. At 15% moisture density oh rotten wood is 2-3 times smaller, and its hardness is 20-30 times lower than the healthy. Depends on the density of the ability of timber elements to cope with the role of support structures. And if okladnyh crowns found pockets of decay and at the same time there are distortions of window and door openings or slip interior and exterior walls - hence its function, these crowns are no longer operates. Depending on the size and extent of damage timber either decide to hold a full replacement of damaged structures or the localization of damaged areas to prevent further spread of "infection". Localization means: opening constructions, if they were faced with any decorative materials, removal of damaged pieces of wood with karschetki, scraper or hacksaw (with all the rotten wood is carefully collected and burnt); antiseptirovanie. At home, you have the following ways antiseptirovaniya: diffusion (coating pastes) surface, ie antiseptirovanie solutions, inflicted by the brushes or spraying. Antiseptic pastes consist of an antiseptic, adhesive and filler, provides the necessary consistency of paste. For example, bitumen paste obtained by adding to the molten asphalt green oil, sodium fluoride and peat powder. Silicate paste is a mixture of kremneftorida sodium liquid glass and coal oil. Also used ekstraktovye and clay ekstraktovye paste on fluoride or sodium fluorosilicate. When moisture content of wood more than 40% is part of an antiseptic paste dissolves rapidly penetrate (diffuse) into the timber. With decreasing moisture diffusion stops. For antiseptirovaniya healthy wood is often used a 5% solution of potassium dichromate in 5% sulfuric acid. They are encouraged to handle not only wood but also the land to a depth of 0,5 meters. Effective means for impregnating beams and lower rims is an aqueous solution of potassium dichromate. The resulting chromium oxide protects the wood from rotting, not only but also on the lesion insect larvae. In addition, the sale offers a variety of finished products. Enough is known trademark "Senezh, for example, Senezh Bio and Senezh Ognebio. The latter is biopirenom, ie, affects the complex, providing protection and on the biodegradation and on fire. These same qualities have antiseptic-retardants Antibiokor C, VIM-1, Pirilaks. Prevent the emergence of putrefactive processes also Biodekor, Cram, Biosept, Biotoneks, Tekoteks, Novotex, Biokron, Kvintol, Aktitoks, WAC-48D, a mixture of boronic esters Akvabor, an analog of the famous Pinoteksa - Novotex. In the arsenal of the same Pinoteksa - a number of antiseptics: the primer PINOTEX BASE, a wood preservative based on alkyd binder PINOTEX CLASSIC, aqueous antiseptic for both internal and external works PINOTEX AQVA PLUS.

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