Thursday, June 2, 2011


Hoover - goods appliances, which have virtually everyone. Cleaner Vacuum Cleaner Vacuum Cleaner only at first sight solves all the problems of housewives. The reality is much more complicated. Using the function of moistening the carpet, you should ensure that it is completely dried, but this can not practically none of the cleaners on the Russian market. Usually, after harvesting, more than 30% moisture remains in the carpet, which then translates into the fact that the carpet infest germs and bacteria. Another nuance. We trust the advertising of chemistry for cleaning, but missing one thing. After each harvest any chemistry needed to produce neutralizing normal water. Imagine how much moisture is in your carpet. That is why many become regular dry vacuum cleaner and cleaning involve cleaning companies. Power Vacuum Cleaners Advertising, as well as information on the price list with a brief description of the product in stores extols their power. We look at it all and what we do? Of course, we choose the most powerful vacuum cleaner. 2000 W has little need to take 2500 ... In fact, this power only characterizes the power consumption, which, no matter how it was ironic, does not affect the main factor in the vacuum - suction power. Power consumption - this is actually how much you pay for electricity at a time when the appliance is turned on. Professional equipment, for example, is arranged in such a way as to consume as little energy and still provide maximum results (most professional cleaners from different manufacturers has the power consumption of the order of 1000-1200 W). As a rule, whatever the vacuum cleaner, "on the brush," he remains no more than 700 W. Since the power of new technologies, as we discovered, does not play a major role, deal with technology know-how. Perhaps the most modern technology - a water filter. If someone in your family is allergic to dust, if your house has a dog or cat, especially when you live with small children is very important to protect them. It is a water filter and help you. The principle of operation of the vacuum cleaner is that all the collected dirt falls into the tank with water, mixed with water at the exit, get fresh air in the apartment and the house. From other technologies in the choice you have to rely, as a rule, new features and functionality based on ergonomics (a lot of new technologies, such as a quick click to replace the nozzle without using their hands, a rubber rim around the entire vacuum cleaner, so that when passing between furniture not damaged). The most expensive - hence the best I'm sure many of us have offered to buy the latest vacuum cleaners worth 50, 60 and even 90 thousand rubles. 5 year warranty - means high quality, large quantity of nozzles, the technology "cyclone" and much more ... hard to say anything on the subject, but I can say one thing: the cost of such vacuums virtually indistinguishable from those that are in every store. Robot vacuum cleaner robot vacuum cleaner is an autonomous vacuum cleaner brush is capable of producing clean, even in your absence. It cleans all common domestic carpet and hard floor coverings.

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