The ancient buildings, which remained till our time, show that the ancient builders were able to produce and use materials in buildings similar to the brick. Familiarized with the facilities of different eras is not easy to find a type of construction, the creation of which would not use a brick: the multi-storey houses and small houses, large fortifications and underground tunnels - they are all made of brick. Buildings made of bricks obtained strong and durable, eco-friendly, easy to use and perfect microclimate in the premises. The finishing of various types of brick buildings of brick making is always in demand. On the composition and method of manufacture of a brick is divided into two groups - ceramic and calcium silicate. Ceramic brick is produced by firing clay and mixtures thereof. Sand-lime brick - consists of approximately 90% sand, 10% lime and a small proportion of additives. Mixture is sent to the autoclave, and not in the kiln, as is the case with a ceramic brick. If you add pigments, you can get calcium silicate bricks of almost any color - blue, green, raspberry, violet. According to the logic of a glossary, a brick - it's baked clay brick. But then silicate (ie, no clay) brick - and not a brick at all, but a solid material similar to it in form. By the way, so it is: these two materials have different guests, and builders are very well carried out between the border. Ceramic bricks There are two ways to prepare the ceramic brick. The first and most common - plastic method: clay mass (relative humidity of 17 - 30%), squeezed from the belt press and then subjected to firing. The second method differs preparing raw - it is formed from a clay mass with a moisture content 8 - 10% stronger compression. However, ceramic bricks, produced by the second method, is not recommended in areas with high humidity. There are lots of varieties of ceramic bricks: a hollow, or the cost (still use variants of "self-supporting" and "perforated"), full-bodied, or construction, cladding and its subtypes: glazed, facade, shapes, etc. According to distinguish the texture of the surfaces are smooth and embossed bricks. The fact that the ceramic brick called "red" rather a tradition than a real reflection of reality. Now, besides the standard red-brown "brick" possible options of white, apricot and even a yellow brick road - all will depend on the clay. But speaking about the color of brick, it must be said that the construction is better to purchase immediately ready to party from the same manufacturer, so you do not have to look the same shade. Often the colors of all slightly different. To save time and money for construction is often used so-called double brick. Its dimensions are different from the standard single height twice: single brick 250-120-65mm, double - 250-120-138mm. There is also an intermediate option - one and a half bricks (250-120-88mm). Specifications of ceramic bricks were recorded in GOST 7484-78 "Bricks and stones ceramic face. Specifications" and GOST 530-95 "brick and ceramic stones. Specifications." Weight brick in the finished, dried, the state should not exceed 4.3 kg. Should be given the characteristics of frost resistance (indicated letter F with digital indication). Thus, for an average strip of Russia will be the most acceptable brand bricks labeled F35. The norm of the compressive strength depends on the type of structure. Indicated she lettered M and a digital indicator. The larger the building, the greater should be the figure. Obviously defective brick contains various impurities (eg, large pieces of limestone or rocks). In the future it could badly affect not only the appearance of the home, but also on its safety. Just married in the ceramic brick is "underburning. Detect it simply: wrong burnt brick on impact tubby and has a mustard color. Prices of ceramic bricks depend on its quality and manufacturer. The cheapest is by far the bricks produced in Belarus. The price for it is 70kop. - 1,1 USD. apiece. The European ceramic brick, of course, more expensive: from 14 rubles apiece. On price is also influenced by the size of bricks and then whether it is full bodied and hollow. Ceramic bricks can be used almost anywhere: the laying of the foundation, erection of walls and interior partitions, stoves and fireplaces (except those places where there is direct contact with fire), for wall cladding and interior finish. In this case, it is resistant to various external negative influences that the time-tested. It is no wonder that he, being one of the oldest building materials, went up to our days. Ceramic bricks can be of two types: building and face (he is facing). More ceramic brick is divided into a hollow (he slit) and brick. Ceramic brick front has several sub: facade, fashioned, shaped, glazed, glazed. Different subtypes can be combined. For example: brick facade can be full bodied and hollow, and shaped bricks may be facing, and building. Stretcher bond surface and perpender faces of the material on its texture can be smooth or ribbed. Ceramic brick used in the installation of fireplaces and stoves. For contact with open flame units, you must use fireclay brick (refractory), and to finish using the "fire" - an analog facing shapes. Tracks pave the clinker bricks. Calcium silicate bricks for most all brick is divided into two groups: red and white. And often no one can explain what's the difference between them. The answer is very simple - the whole thing in their composition. Red brick is mostly made of clay, white - from sand and lime. A mixture of the latter was called "silicate", and hence the calcium silicate bricks. Finish sand-lime brick has become possible only after the development of new principles for the production of synthetic building materials. At the heart of this manufacturing founded the so-called autoclave synthesis: 9 fractions of quartz sand, a fraction of air lime and additives after dry pressing (and thus, creates a form of brick) are subjected to autoclave treatment (effect of water vapor at 170 - 200 ° C and a pressure of 8 - 12 atm.). If this mixture is added weatherproof, pigments, alkali, then we color sand-lime brick. Calcium silicate bricks of high quality must meet the following specifications: first, take into account the compressive strength. For silica brick, he is 15 - 20 MPa. In characteristic brick strength is denoted by the letter "M" indicating the degree of strength (M100, M125, M150, etc.). When construction is necessary to consider this option, ie, for the construction of 2 - 3 storey cottage suitable bricks and brand M100, but in the construction of walls high-rise buildings make better use of the brand M150 and above. Second, the average density of the brick should be 1300kg/kub.m. Third, the frost resistance of silica brick is 15 and above cycles, for an average strip of Russia is better to choose a brick with frost 35 - 50 cycles. Fourth, the maximum temperature of application should not exceed 550 ° C. Just have to remember that the water resistance of silica brick is lower than that of ceramic. Therefore, in the universality of it is red (ceramic) is inferior. Sand-lime brick is good to use with masonry walls and various barriers, but strictly forbidden to use it in laying the foundation, putting stoves, fireplaces, pipes, sockets, etc., a definite plus silica brick in front of a ceramic is its high sound-insulating characteristics, which is an important By raising mezhkvartirnyh or interior walls. Calcium silicate bricks can be solid and hollow. Hollow brick is lighter and due to this reduced pressure on the foundation. In addition, it has lower thermal conductivity, so the walls of a brick can be made thinner without compromising the thermal insulating characteristics. Species number of sand-lime brick is very broad. They are: Solid brick lime stained (the spectrum of colors can even include yellow, black and blue), a brick is generally used as a facing, brick-lime porous solid and hollow, hollow silicate brick, hollow brick / full-bodied with a texture and so cleaved d. The price range for sand-lime brick is not very wide. Here we must remember that brick is more expensive than hollow, as well as the fact that, depending on the size of a brick (single, one and a half or double) the price will rise. The average price for sand-lime brick ranges from 4 to 10 rubles apiece (when considering the range of prices from a simple hollow silica brick to sand-lime brick half rate, full-bodied, toned, facing). Prices of sand-lime brick depend primarily on its technical characteristics, and hence on the quality. Therefore, buying a brick, always ask the seller license, because the quality bricks will not only provide a good appearance of the building a few years, but its safety, durability. Facing brick facing brick - not only a popular building material, but also an effective tool for architectural art and design tasks. With each passing day the possibility of facing bricks and ceramic substitutes become wider. Facing brick has a high quality outer surface with a decorative pattern or without it, is characterized by a wide range of colors ranging from almost white to dark brown. Can be glazed. A very low moisture absorption and high resistance to frost. Made it both as a standard rectangular bricks, and special shape - a rounded, tapered, trapezoidal, twisted, curly, and others. Used for virtually all types of facade and landscaping, as well as for interior decoration. Manufactured by the original technology of hyper-dry mixture of limestone, shell and cement as well as using natural ingredients, which give the product a certain hue. Different high performance - high strength, low permeability, high frost resistance and resistance to erosion. It is used in the original design facing external and internal walls, the renovation of older buildings, as well as the construction of buildings in seismic areas. The composition includes limestone bricks, cement, and dye. Brick is manufactured according to modern European technology gipsopressovaniya. This procedure is a super-strong compression of a mixture of limestone-limestone with 16% of cement under pressure of 600-900 atmospheres. Brick has a high quality outer surface, which may be caused by a decorative figure. Usually facing bricks are manufactured almost white, yellow, red, gray, brown, dark brown in color, but to order it can be made in any color. Fade to delete it. Bricks can also be glazed. This kind of materials can be both smooth and chopped, simulating a wild rock. The size of a brick is typically 250h129h60, and it weighs 4.3 pounds. Fashionable forms of bricks today are rounded, wedge-shaped, trapezoidal, twisted and curly. The greatest demand for building materials market enjoys a smooth brick with one or two chamfered corners, brick "tykvochkoy" and "wild stone". Facing brick used in construction almost everywhere. Its use as a paving (bricks are very durable, so you should not fear that under his feet, he quickly destroyed), as well as in the construction of foundations, walls, fences, and for interior decoration. Brick - is to protect homes from wind and weather. That is why it must be not only beautiful but also reliable. Facing brick is ideal for our climate: frost and it has a low absorption of moisture. In addition, the material has an amazing ability to remove toxins and dirt, every minute we receive at home from the environment. This is due to the fact that during the rainy brick on the facade is cleaned by itself. There is such a brick is more expensive conventional building. Prices for facing bricks usually range from 0.30 to 0.70 cu Facing brick is usually used in the construction of new buildings, but also can be successfully used in restoration work. Range of different shapes and colors makes it possible to create a simulation of ancient buildings in the construction of a modern home, and allow to compensate the lost fragments of facades of old houses. Thin-walled thin-walled brick brick made from sand and cement with the addition of special coloring substances that help create a variety of hues. Prepared mixture is poured into special shapes, resulting in a product is "under a brick with textured face and a smooth mounting. Due to its lightness, thin-walled brick does not require additional strengthening of the foundation, and hence can be used at all times. In addition, it is not necessary that the house was originally brick: with thin-brick "transform" into a brick you can block and even the wooden house. Technology fixture is simple: if the original surface of brick or concrete, then the thin-brick plant on a special adhesive, even without prior training wall. Using metal fasteners and elementary screws, nails, you can create an imitation brick and wooden building. But for this it will be necessary to cover the pre-wall waterproofing material, such as roofing material. We must take into account the fact that not at all temperatures can be laid thin-walled brick. Optimum temperature is +5- +25 ° C. Have the option of facing and at a lower temperature, but then it is better to create the wall something like a greenhouse: Stretch the film and the warm air near the wall. Thus it is necessary to maintain the desired temperature for 2-3 days (that is how much you want for the final bout of glue). At high temperature, is to create a wall shading to prevent too rapid drying glue. There are a number of advantages of thin-walled brick front of the "ordinary" tiling. It is more resistant to harmful environmental influences, abrasion, is not subject to leach, easy to clean, virtually waterproof. But the possibility of using a thin-walled brick is not limited only to the external finishes of buildings, porches and gazebos. It may be indispensable, and in interior design house or apartment: the various architectural details, pedestals, fireplaces, doorways and so on. This brick is able to simulate not only a new clutch, but the old one, which is often needed for restoration work. Although at first glance it might seem that the use of thin-walled brick facing more expensive, but this is misleading. The price is composed not only of the value of the material itself, but the preparatory work. So, to prepare for an ordinary brick veneer facade have already at the stage of laying the foundation, while the thin-walled brick may well wait for their turn until the last moment. The average price of thin-face brick is 15-20 $ per m3, but it all depends on the manufacturer, so that the price may rise above $ 30. Decorative brick specifications, which are considered when choosing a decorative bricks, no different from any other characteristics are: size, weight, density, frost resistance, strength, thermal conductivity, water absorption. Of the particular characteristics of the decorative bricks to mark the correct form, smooth and glossy surface of the outer walls. But its application is somewhat different. Decorative brick is used for mission-critical operations, where high demands for quality masonry. Typically, such a brick is used for the facades of buildings, but the quality and appearance make it possible to use it for internal masonry rooms, even without further finishing of the walls. Modern technologies allow to produce bricks with decorative top layer. Applying technology ofakturivaniya create bricks of different colors. In addition to providing a wide decorative features, this method of treatment of brick and performs a protective function, so that even after many decades, the building retains its original appearance. Just to increase the protective water-repellent properties is desirable to cover the decorative brick special hydro phobyzing fluid. A special polymer coating bricks (it is matte or glossy) further enhance the decorative possibilities of brick, allowing him to put on different colored drawings. Such a decorative brick often used in masonry fireplaces, since the polymer coating is not destroyed when a large temperature difference. Decorative brick can be of different shapes, for example, with rounded corners. Shaped bricks are indispensable for the design of window openings, decorative walls, parapets and perform a variety of ornaments. How is this achieved?
The ancient buildings, which remained till our time, show that the ancient builders were able to produce and use materials in buildings similar to the brick. Familiarized with the facilities of different eras is not easy to find a type of construction, the creation of which would not use a brick: the multi-storey houses and small houses, large fortifications and underground tunnels - they are all made of brick. Buildings made of bricks obtained strong and durable, eco-friendly, easy to use and perfect microclimate in the premises. The finishing of various types of brick buildings of brick making is always in demand. On the composition and method of manufacture of a brick is divided into two groups - ceramic and calcium silicate. Ceramic brick is produced by firing clay and mixtures thereof. Sand-lime brick - consists of approximately 90% sand, 10% lime and a small proportion of additives. Mixture is sent to the autoclave, and not in the kiln, as is the case with a ceramic brick. If you add pigments, you can get calcium silicate bricks of almost any color - blue, green, raspberry, violet. According to the logic of a glossary, a brick - it's baked clay brick. But then silicate (ie, no clay) brick - and not a brick at all, but a solid material similar to it in form. By the way, so it is: these two materials have different guests, and builders are very well carried out between the border. Ceramic bricks There are two ways to prepare the ceramic brick. The first and most common - plastic method: clay mass (relative humidity of 17 - 30%), squeezed from the belt press and then subjected to firing. The second method differs preparing raw - it is formed from a clay mass with a moisture content 8 - 10% stronger compression. However, ceramic bricks, produced by the second method, is not recommended in areas with high humidity. There are lots of varieties of ceramic bricks: a hollow, or the cost (still use variants of "self-supporting" and "perforated"), full-bodied, or construction, cladding and its subtypes: glazed, facade, shapes, etc. According to distinguish the texture of the surfaces are smooth and embossed bricks. The fact that the ceramic brick called "red" rather a tradition than a real reflection of reality. Now, besides the standard red-brown "brick" possible options of white, apricot and even a yellow brick road - all will depend on the clay. But speaking about the color of brick, it must be said that the construction is better to purchase immediately ready to party from the same manufacturer, so you do not have to look the same shade. Often the colors of all slightly different. To save time and money for construction is often used so-called double brick. Its dimensions are different from the standard single height twice: single brick 250-120-65mm, double - 250-120-138mm. There is also an intermediate option - one and a half bricks (250-120-88mm). Specifications of ceramic bricks were recorded in GOST 7484-78 "Bricks and stones ceramic face. Specifications" and GOST 530-95 "brick and ceramic stones. Specifications." Weight brick in the finished, dried, the state should not exceed 4.3 kg. Should be given the characteristics of frost resistance (indicated letter F with digital indication). Thus, for an average strip of Russia will be the most acceptable brand bricks labeled F35. The norm of the compressive strength depends on the type of structure. Indicated she lettered M and a digital indicator. The larger the building, the greater should be the figure. Obviously defective brick contains various impurities (eg, large pieces of limestone or rocks). In the future it could badly affect not only the appearance of the home, but also on its safety. Just married in the ceramic brick is "underburning. Detect it simply: wrong burnt brick on impact tubby and has a mustard color. Prices of ceramic bricks depend on its quality and manufacturer. The cheapest is by far the bricks produced in Belarus. The price for it is 70kop. - 1,1 USD. apiece. The European ceramic brick, of course, more expensive: from 14 rubles apiece. On price is also influenced by the size of bricks and then whether it is full bodied and hollow. Ceramic bricks can be used almost anywhere: the laying of the foundation, erection of walls and interior partitions, stoves and fireplaces (except those places where there is direct contact with fire), for wall cladding and interior finish. In this case, it is resistant to various external negative influences that the time-tested. It is no wonder that he, being one of the oldest building materials, went up to our days. Ceramic bricks can be of two types: building and face (he is facing). More ceramic brick is divided into a hollow (he slit) and brick. Ceramic brick front has several sub: facade, fashioned, shaped, glazed, glazed. Different subtypes can be combined. For example: brick facade can be full bodied and hollow, and shaped bricks may be facing, and building. Stretcher bond surface and perpender faces of the material on its texture can be smooth or ribbed. Ceramic brick used in the installation of fireplaces and stoves. For contact with open flame units, you must use fireclay brick (refractory), and to finish using the "fire" - an analog facing shapes. Tracks pave the clinker bricks. Calcium silicate bricks for most all brick is divided into two groups: red and white. And often no one can explain what's the difference between them. The answer is very simple - the whole thing in their composition. Red brick is mostly made of clay, white - from sand and lime. A mixture of the latter was called "silicate", and hence the calcium silicate bricks. Finish sand-lime brick has become possible only after the development of new principles for the production of synthetic building materials. At the heart of this manufacturing founded the so-called autoclave synthesis: 9 fractions of quartz sand, a fraction of air lime and additives after dry pressing (and thus, creates a form of brick) are subjected to autoclave treatment (effect of water vapor at 170 - 200 ° C and a pressure of 8 - 12 atm.). If this mixture is added weatherproof, pigments, alkali, then we color sand-lime brick. Calcium silicate bricks of high quality must meet the following specifications: first, take into account the compressive strength. For silica brick, he is 15 - 20 MPa. In characteristic brick strength is denoted by the letter "M" indicating the degree of strength (M100, M125, M150, etc.). When construction is necessary to consider this option, ie, for the construction of 2 - 3 storey cottage suitable bricks and brand M100, but in the construction of walls high-rise buildings make better use of the brand M150 and above. Second, the average density of the brick should be 1300kg/kub.m. Third, the frost resistance of silica brick is 15 and above cycles, for an average strip of Russia is better to choose a brick with frost 35 - 50 cycles. Fourth, the maximum temperature of application should not exceed 550 ° C. Just have to remember that the water resistance of silica brick is lower than that of ceramic. Therefore, in the universality of it is red (ceramic) is inferior. Sand-lime brick is good to use with masonry walls and various barriers, but strictly forbidden to use it in laying the foundation, putting stoves, fireplaces, pipes, sockets, etc., a definite plus silica brick in front of a ceramic is its high sound-insulating characteristics, which is an important By raising mezhkvartirnyh or interior walls. Calcium silicate bricks can be solid and hollow. Hollow brick is lighter and due to this reduced pressure on the foundation. In addition, it has lower thermal conductivity, so the walls of a brick can be made thinner without compromising the thermal insulating characteristics. Species number of sand-lime brick is very broad. They are: Solid brick lime stained (the spectrum of colors can even include yellow, black and blue), a brick is generally used as a facing, brick-lime porous solid and hollow, hollow silicate brick, hollow brick / full-bodied with a texture and so cleaved d. The price range for sand-lime brick is not very wide. Here we must remember that brick is more expensive than hollow, as well as the fact that, depending on the size of a brick (single, one and a half or double) the price will rise. The average price for sand-lime brick ranges from 4 to 10 rubles apiece (when considering the range of prices from a simple hollow silica brick to sand-lime brick half rate, full-bodied, toned, facing). Prices of sand-lime brick depend primarily on its technical characteristics, and hence on the quality. Therefore, buying a brick, always ask the seller license, because the quality bricks will not only provide a good appearance of the building a few years, but its safety, durability. Facing brick facing brick - not only a popular building material, but also an effective tool for architectural art and design tasks. With each passing day the possibility of facing bricks and ceramic substitutes become wider. Facing brick has a high quality outer surface with a decorative pattern or without it, is characterized by a wide range of colors ranging from almost white to dark brown. Can be glazed. A very low moisture absorption and high resistance to frost. Made it both as a standard rectangular bricks, and special shape - a rounded, tapered, trapezoidal, twisted, curly, and others. Used for virtually all types of facade and landscaping, as well as for interior decoration. Manufactured by the original technology of hyper-dry mixture of limestone, shell and cement as well as using natural ingredients, which give the product a certain hue. Different high performance - high strength, low permeability, high frost resistance and resistance to erosion. It is used in the original design facing external and internal walls, the renovation of older buildings, as well as the construction of buildings in seismic areas. The composition includes limestone bricks, cement, and dye. Brick is manufactured according to modern European technology gipsopressovaniya. This procedure is a super-strong compression of a mixture of limestone-limestone with 16% of cement under pressure of 600-900 atmospheres. Brick has a high quality outer surface, which may be caused by a decorative figure. Usually facing bricks are manufactured almost white, yellow, red, gray, brown, dark brown in color, but to order it can be made in any color. Fade to delete it. Bricks can also be glazed. This kind of materials can be both smooth and chopped, simulating a wild rock. The size of a brick is typically 250h129h60, and it weighs 4.3 pounds. Fashionable forms of bricks today are rounded, wedge-shaped, trapezoidal, twisted and curly. The greatest demand for building materials market enjoys a smooth brick with one or two chamfered corners, brick "tykvochkoy" and "wild stone". Facing brick used in construction almost everywhere. Its use as a paving (bricks are very durable, so you should not fear that under his feet, he quickly destroyed), as well as in the construction of foundations, walls, fences, and for interior decoration. Brick - is to protect homes from wind and weather. That is why it must be not only beautiful but also reliable. Facing brick is ideal for our climate: frost and it has a low absorption of moisture. In addition, the material has an amazing ability to remove toxins and dirt, every minute we receive at home from the environment. This is due to the fact that during the rainy brick on the facade is cleaned by itself. There is such a brick is more expensive conventional building. Prices for facing bricks usually range from 0.30 to 0.70 cu Facing brick is usually used in the construction of new buildings, but also can be successfully used in restoration work. Range of different shapes and colors makes it possible to create a simulation of ancient buildings in the construction of a modern home, and allow to compensate the lost fragments of facades of old houses. Thin-walled thin-walled brick brick made from sand and cement with the addition of special coloring substances that help create a variety of hues. Prepared mixture is poured into special shapes, resulting in a product is "under a brick with textured face and a smooth mounting. Due to its lightness, thin-walled brick does not require additional strengthening of the foundation, and hence can be used at all times. In addition, it is not necessary that the house was originally brick: with thin-brick "transform" into a brick you can block and even the wooden house. Technology fixture is simple: if the original surface of brick or concrete, then the thin-brick plant on a special adhesive, even without prior training wall. Using metal fasteners and elementary screws, nails, you can create an imitation brick and wooden building. But for this it will be necessary to cover the pre-wall waterproofing material, such as roofing material. We must take into account the fact that not at all temperatures can be laid thin-walled brick. Optimum temperature is +5- +25 ° C. Have the option of facing and at a lower temperature, but then it is better to create the wall something like a greenhouse: Stretch the film and the warm air near the wall. Thus it is necessary to maintain the desired temperature for 2-3 days (that is how much you want for the final bout of glue). At high temperature, is to create a wall shading to prevent too rapid drying glue. There are a number of advantages of thin-walled brick front of the "ordinary" tiling. It is more resistant to harmful environmental influences, abrasion, is not subject to leach, easy to clean, virtually waterproof. But the possibility of using a thin-walled brick is not limited only to the external finishes of buildings, porches and gazebos. It may be indispensable, and in interior design house or apartment: the various architectural details, pedestals, fireplaces, doorways and so on. This brick is able to simulate not only a new clutch, but the old one, which is often needed for restoration work. Although at first glance it might seem that the use of thin-walled brick facing more expensive, but this is misleading. The price is composed not only of the value of the material itself, but the preparatory work. So, to prepare for an ordinary brick veneer facade have already at the stage of laying the foundation, while the thin-walled brick may well wait for their turn until the last moment. The average price of thin-face brick is 15-20 $ per m3, but it all depends on the manufacturer, so that the price may rise above $ 30. Decorative brick specifications, which are considered when choosing a decorative bricks, no different from any other characteristics are: size, weight, density, frost resistance, strength, thermal conductivity, water absorption. Of the particular characteristics of the decorative bricks to mark the correct form, smooth and glossy surface of the outer walls. But its application is somewhat different. Decorative brick is used for mission-critical operations, where high demands for quality masonry. Typically, such a brick is used for the facades of buildings, but the quality and appearance make it possible to use it for internal masonry rooms, even without further finishing of the walls. Modern technologies allow to produce bricks with decorative top layer. Applying technology ofakturivaniya create bricks of different colors. In addition to providing a wide decorative features, this method of treatment of brick and performs a protective function, so that even after many decades, the building retains its original appearance. Just to increase the protective water-repellent properties is desirable to cover the decorative brick special hydro phobyzing fluid. A special polymer coating bricks (it is matte or glossy) further enhance the decorative possibilities of brick, allowing him to put on different colored drawings. Such a decorative brick often used in masonry fireplaces, since the polymer coating is not destroyed when a large temperature difference. Decorative brick can be of different shapes, for example, with rounded corners. Shaped bricks are indispensable for the design of window openings, decorative walls, parapets and perform a variety of ornaments. For decoration of buildings (from the town's public buildings to country houses) make good use of brick with perpender Stretcher bond and faces, which can mimic the masonry of stone. These functions are performed by a decorative brick relief. Home can get kind of an old castle, and will undoubtedly attract attention for its originality. From the same brick, you can separate decorative architectural elements. Prices for decorative brick depends on several factors. First, from where this brick is made. Bricks produced in Europe, will be more expensive than domestic. In this case, not only in his capacity as (with a strong desire can be found and the Russian brick not worse), but that the price of European brick and include transport costs. Second, the brand (higher quality, more expensive it is). Third, the size of bricks. The increase in size to one and a half or double leads the directly proportional increase in the price. Fourth, the cost of bricks depends on its density (the higher the density, the higher the price). The use of decorative brick - it is very laborious and responsible, so great attention should be paid and fulfilling job. Clinker bricks Clinker bricks created similarly with a ceramic, but at higher temperatures. This "baking", which can not remain any inclusions and voids, it ensures incredible strength and durability. In addition, clinker has the characteristics that will not leave indifferent any supporter of a first class in everything. This is: an absolute frost resistance, low porosity (and hence possible damage due to high humidity), and amazing durability (quality clinker can withstand high pressures, practically not affected by the harmful effects of acids, alkalis and salts). Caring for clinker brick as simple as possible: it can be cleaned with a stiff brush and ordinary water. And since it's still a brick, the builders have the opportunity to put him in the paving at the edge or the flat side - it all depends on your desire, more importantly, what kind of this just does not deteriorate. Also you can use figure of clinker. Usually it is used to design limitations of paved paths, playgrounds, as well as an architectural element of overlap porches. Clinker brick is one of the most popular materials in landscape design. Due to the wide range of shapes (square, wedge, various drainage and lawn of the lattice, etc.) clinker allows designers to dream endlessly, creating your unique piece of paradise. Clinker is indispensable in a more prosaic things such as: gutters, patios, porches for cars, terraces, etc. Always clinker will delight its harmonious blend with the surrounding space and durability of its color. It should be noted that the clinker is in contrast to many other building materials, clinker is absolutely harmless. It is made only of mud and water, without the various chemical additives. There is also a special clinker facade. Already from the name should be the scope of its use: the basement, framing windows and doors, and various columns, etc. And so it all looked really memorable, using colored ceramic brick clinker (he even called glazed clinker bricks). There are options for matte and glossy finish, the color depends on the taste of the customer: it could be snow white, and cream, and bright blue, and green, and turquoise, and yellow, etc. Such a wide range of colors is achieved through special processing of bricks : More on the unfired brick with two coats of paint is applied, which was then under "sudden firing (temperature in this case is equal to 1260 ° C) is fused with ceramic clinker. Always want to get one made, maintained for many years, its original appearance. Clinker bricks will be filled with your desires. So that even the grandchildren, sitting with a book "The Wizard of Oz" with immediate child will be safe to tell for sure that yellow road is paved with the same brick as the track you have in your garden. Firebrick ordinary "red" (clay) brick can not withstand intense heat. At a temperature of "white-hot (1200 ° C), it melts and crumbles during cooling. However, in the common room oven temperature does not exceed 800 ° C, and therefore in its manufacture can be dispensed with refractory materials. But if we take into account the high thermal conductivity of refractory bricks and, accordingly, its ability to accumulate and give great warmth, that'll give preference to him in the manufacture of fireplaces and stoves in the baths. Of no small importance and beautiful appearance geometrically correct, smooth, light brown or straw-yellow bricks with brown patches. In industry, when temperatures reach 1,400 ° C or even 1800 ° C (necessary in metallurgy, glass, porcelain firing) firebrick irreplaceable. It is made from the vaults, under, thresholds and other special blast furnaces, in which the oxygen-depleted atmosphere, burning oil, combustible gas, pulverized fuel. In order to fire bricks during the firing prevented fractures in their composition is administered up to 70% chamotte (fired refractory clay), and sometimes - coke or graphite powders or coarse grains of quartz. So get different varieties of refractory bricks for different purposes. The choice of one sort or another is determined not only by the temperature to which it is intended, but also chemical properties of matter become heated, and the properties of ash or fuel. There are four classes of refractory brick: silica, alumina, primary and carbon. Silica brick is used where a wall ovens come in contact only with the flame or metals. He can not tolerate contact with alkalis, lime, iron oxides. Typically of him doing vaults reverberatory furnaces (for example, fireplaces). Unlike conventional brick, it is homogeneous, contains no cavities. Consisting of pure quartz sandstone, cemented a small amount of clay, after firing, the brick acquires properties similar to natural sandstone. Alumina materials. As is clear from the name, they contain much more clay. They are better silica bricks resist the action of alkalis such as lime. They are also more resistant to rapid change in temperature. Refractory bricks in this class (otherwise known as "chamotte") can easily be manufactured and therefore most common. Used where the temperature does not exceed 1000-1300 ° C. Basic bricks (the chemical term "base"). Lime-magnesia fireproof masses are used in the industry - if Bessemer steel of phosphorous ores. Carbon brick is used only in specific industries. In simplified form, it is a molded graphite or coke used in blast furnaces. It should be noted that in laying refractory bricks required particularly careful grinding them to stitches out possible subtle. Cementing bricks mortar fire clay, which added some crushed firebrick. Fireclay brick fireplace has always been the center of any human habitation, whether it's a cave or a Gothic castle. Fire is the unifying element, a sign of civilization and create the minimum conditions of comfort. And already a century ago people began to devote a special material that can withstand high temperatures, enabling you to focus in integrity. Fireclay bricks are manufactured by firing the powder-milled chamotte and special refractory clay at high temperatures. However, if it is overexposed, you can cover it with a glassy film. This will undoubtedly give greater strength brick, but now use it with masonry stoves and fireplaces are not worth it. The so-called iron ore badly binder and better use it in laying the foundation. Learn fireclay brick is possible and in appearance - he has a sandy-yellow and granular base. The dimensions of brick may be different: 230 - 113 - 65mm or 230 - 123 - 65mm. This size helps to avoid a large number of seams and creates a smoother surface. Use this mainly for brick laying and lining of fuel cells (for burning coal), the kitchen fire, heating stoves and fireplaces (fireclay bricks are used here for furnace parts, ie, in place of direct contact with fire). He also is suitable for masonry chimneys. He is able to withstand temperatures up to 1600 ° C. Fireclay bricks are used in very critical areas of masonry, so the marriage is invalid. Good, "right" brick when tapped issues like metallic sound when struck, and splitting up into large chunks, rather than falling apart. If the brick has been properly burned, the sound it will have a dull and at impact it shatters into crumbs. Nedoobozhzhenny brick has another unpleasant feature - it actively absorbs and retains moisture. Consequences of the use of such material may be the saddest: Stove simply could collapse (brick loses its strength), or no longer matches its main purpose - and heating and heat retention. Remember that wet brick loses 75% of their qualities compared with its "dry" sibling. Brick house pipes should have a relatively high frost resistance, since it is this area subject to the greatest negative outside influences. Since fireclay brick is laid not always, be sure to ask for calculations of the wizard to find out exactly how much you need it. The layouts of fireclay bricks indicate shading. Specialized refractory bricks produced in much smaller quantities than "ordinary" silicate or ceramic. So it is better to heed the advice of professionals who already know the vendors and offered them money. Fireclay brick is more expensive than usual, but it should be far less. Domestic, by itself, it will be cheaper overseas. Insulating brick choosing a place to live, we always strive for comfort. But it is precisely on this and there are no general recommendations for all of what are to be built a perfect house? Africans say that the main function of the house - save from the heat, a resident of the Far North - to protect from cold, and a pygmy of the jungle generally opted for the maximum masked home. From these requirements will depend, and building material for houses. The inhabitants of central Russia will be doubly demanding in the house: he must keep warm in winter and keep the optimum temperature in the summer. How is this achieved? Of course, a particular building material. Common brick suit smaller and smaller, the thickness of the walls of guests for today should reach 0,8 - 1,5 m (which is 2.5 bricks and more), from an economic point of view, is inappropriate. The most popular material conforming to these requirements and saves, became insulating brick. Thermal insulation - the general name that includes several varieties of brick. The first in this series is the so-called thermal efficiency, or hollow, brick. Besides the fact that it is easier than usual, and hence reduces the pressure on the foundation, hollow brick, due to the internal air space, reduces heat transfer between the interior and the external environment. Due to the same thermal efficiency of such a brick wall protects from freezing. Important thing to remember: The more voids, the better the insulation performance (voids can reach 50% of the total). Increase the level of insulation and can be due to the use of porous brick (he also called porous). Also, this brick can improve and acoustic characteristics. Hollow bricks, made by dry pressing method is much stronger than their fellows. In addition, it can be used as a facing. We must remember that when laying brick need to use more viscous solution to void must not be blocked. When you select a quality brick and its skillful exploitation of every 10% of the material used will save 7 - 10% of fuel. The next in a series of thermal insulation bricks worth penodiatomitovy brick. This brick is increasingly used in the manufacture of thermal insulation if necessary. Penodiatomitovy Brick is able to maintain its insulating qualities at the insulated surface to +900 ° C. It goes without saying that when building a house there is no need to use a brick, but it is indispensable in the construction of the electrolysis bath, plumbing, boilers, or smelting furnaces, etc. The third type of insulating bricks is a cement-sand bricks. This is the most economical of all the varieties of bricks (about half the price of lime and three - a ceramic). This price is provided unpretentious production: Bricks are made from cement, sand, metallurgical slag, waste stone sawing, synthetic quartz and carbonate sands. Advantage of such bricks have high thermal inertia that allows you to save almost a constant level of thermal protection of buildings. As a variant of experts examining the use of heat-insulating layer between the bricks. This allows for thinner walls without any quality loss.
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