Bricklaying lead in three ways: vprizhim, vprisyk and vprisyk with trimming solution, and back filling - vpoluprisyk. Choice of kladkizavisit from the plasticity solution, the state of brick (dry or wet) season and cleanliness requirements face of the masonry. See Fig. 1. Bricklaying way vprizhim Masonry way vprizhim (Fig. 1 ), lay out brick walls on the hard solution (slump 7-9 cm) with complete filling and grouting. This way, stack as Stretcher bond, and perpender miles. This solution was spread a indented from the face wall of 10-15 mm. solution is spread with the back of the trowel, moving it from the laid brick and mortar bed at the same time arranging for three or five Stretcher bond header brick. kirpichavprizhim clutch operates in the following order. Holding the right hand trowel, level of its mortar bed, then rake up an edge of the trowel of mortar and pressed it to the vertical faces previously laid brick, and left hand brings a new brick to the place of installation. then dipped brick on the prepared bed and moving his left hand earlier into for laid brick, pressed against the canvas of a trowel. Moving up the right hand removed trowel and brick , pulls his left hand, grip the mortar between the vertical edges fit into the previously laid brick. Press to your hands face down on ulozhennyy.kirpich mortar bed. "excess solution squeezed out of a seam on the face of masonry, trimmed with a trowel for a reception after the installation of blows every 3-5 bricks or after the installation of two tablespoons of bricks. bricklayer solution sketched in the mortar bed. kirpichapoluchaetsya solid masonry, with complete filling of joints, tight and clean. However, this method requires more movement than others, and therefore considered the most time-consuming. The way vprisyk (Fig. 2) lead to the laying of plastic solutions (slump 12-13 cm) with incomplete grouting mortar on the face wall, that is vpustoshovku. The process of laying Stretcher bond number with this method operates in the following order. Figure 2. Bricklaying way vprisyk Taking brick and holding its slope, rake perpender face brick part of the solution, pre-spread on the bed. "Rake solution starting at a distance of 8-12 cm from the previously laid brick. pridvigaya brick to earlier regulations, the gradually straighten his position and pressed against the bed. In this part of the solution, withdrawn from the bed, fills a vertical cross-stitch. Having laid brick, face down with his hand on the mortar bed. When laying perpender series stacking process operates in the same sequence as the Stretcher bond, only the solution to form a vertical cross-stitch row up not perpender and Stretcher bond face. This way, bricks can be laid both the left and right hand. For bricklaying method vprisyk solution ridges watchtower is indented from the outer vertical surface of 20-30 mm, that when masonry grout is squeezed onto the front surface of the masonry. kladkivprisyk with trimming method of solution used during the construction of walls with complete filling of horizontal and vertical joints and jointing JUBOB. In this solution they spread the same way as in the clutch vprizhim, that is indented from the face wall of 10-15 mm, and the brick is laid on the bed as well as when laying vprisyk. excess solution squeezed from the seam on the face of the walls, trimmed with a trowel, as if laying vprizhim. Masonry Mortar kirpichaprimenyayut more stringent than for masonry without pruning, the mobility of 10-12 cm when excessive plasticity solution mason will not have time to cut him during extrusion of the masonry joints. The execution of masonry vprisyk with trimming solution spent more time and labor than laying vprisyk, but less than masonry vprizhim. kladkivpoluprisyk The way to spread back filling (Fig. 3). To do this, first between the inner and outer versts spread a solution. then spread it, and then laid a brick in the back filling. The process of laying back filling is easy. bricks when laying hold nearly flat, at a distance of 6-8 cm from the previously laid, gradually dropping a brick on the mortar bed, rake edge slight amount of solution, pulls a brick against the previously laid and the pressure of his hands face down into place. Fig. 3. Laying back filling method vpoluprisyk: a - blows b - spoons Vertical joints remain in this part blank. They are filled with the spreading of mortar for laying the next number on height, mason and ensures that the transverse joints between the bricks are fully completed. Brick back filling tightly pressed against the bed to the upper surface of the bricks laid in the back filling was flush with verstovymi.
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