The main characteristics of building materials, primarily the interests of developers are: environmental safety, the weight ratio of moisture in the material, fire resistance, vapor permeability, frost resistance, thermal performance, durability, and, finally, the cost of the material. Try to understand the basic features opilkobetona, sharpen its compliance with the requirements of modern building materials. Environmental security Opilkobeton - material based on clean, safe, natural ingredients: cement, sand, sawdust. Due to the high content of organic filler (sawdust) opilkobetonnye blocks have excellent sound absorption performance and water vapor permeability. For many indicators opilkobetonnye wall blocks correspond to the timber. Unique hygienic characteristics of the material provide an excellent microclimate in houses built of blocks opilkobetonnyh. Conclusion: Opilkobetonnye masonry units - an environmentally friendly and healthy building material, in full conformity with modern sanitary-hygienic requirements. The weight ratio of moisture in the material - a very important indicator in construction. From the percentage of water depends not only comfortable accommodation but also depends frost resistance of the material. Naturally, it is desirable to reduce the proportion of water in the material. Water absorption opilkobetona an average of 8-12% for the operating conditions B (SNIP II -3-79 building heating equipment). This wide range of indicators due to different density of the material (from 600 to 1200 kg / m 3). The percentage of mass fraction of water in the material can be substantially reduced. Processing of filings preservatives, water-repellent compositions, as well as the use of hydrophobic additives of concrete. For comparison we give the percentage water absorption of building materials commonly used in construction. Reinforced concrete - 3% (for conditions B SNIP II -3-79.) Claydite - 8%. Gas and foam concrete, gas and foamed silicate - 10.8%. Clay brick (GOST 530-80) - 2-4%. Pine and spruce along the fibers (GOST 9463-72) - 20%. Polystyrene (GOST R51263-99) - 8%. Note that the mass fraction of moisture, the above is typical for these materials in pure form and in practice can be reduced by using special hydrophobic additives, and the organization of the combined designs. Particularly important indicators of water absorption of the material in the construction of frame structures, when the project does not provide a protective wall covering, decorative materials. For example, a wall of ceramic bricks to finish jointing seam. The wall of this material is completely independent design, not requiring protection as reasons to reduce water absorption, so because of insufficient mechanical strength. However, facing clay brick is the most expensive stuff from our list, the thermal conductivity of 0.81 W / m ° C too big for modern wall material, under the requirements of SNIP 23/02/2003 (thermal protection of buildings) will require the construction of the wall thickness of not less than 150 cm (for Moscow region). Virtually all the other wall materials from the list for various reasons, need protection. Therefore, the water absorption of the material without protective structures for the builder of the concept of a theoretical (in the case provided for the mandatory defense of the project). First and foremost, a builder interested in the final water absorption, and the combined structure, which includes indicators of both the wall material, and material security-lining. Water absorption of the material, which will necessarily open additional protective design value of the field of discourse on human well-being in his socks and shirts in the cold-15 ° C. The situation is not a typical example, is much more practical interest in his condition in a sheepskin coat and felt boots, a more realistic ! And relatively high water absorption opilkobetona can be reduced using hydrophobic additives, or the organization of protective measures (plaster, obkladyvanie walls facing bricks, ground tile, plastic panels, etc.). Note that most of the buildings constructed of masonry units (large blocks) almost everywhere is coated protective and decorative materials. By the way, the material used for the walls of toilets in the multistoried houses of the Soviet project - gypsum. Water absorption of the material from 6 to 15%! However, after implementing protective measures (eg, coating with oil paint), a wall of plaster is excellent, water-resistant design. Therefore, taking into account the widespread practice of lining the walls, erected the building blocks of protective and decorative coatings with respect to - a large water absorption opilkobetona can be omitted and, as a purely theoretical value. Conclusion: Water absorption opilkobetona quite at the level of traditional building materials and the organization of protective measures water absorption enclosing structure based on opilkobetonnyh blocks can be reduced to 2-4%. Frost resistance of the material - the value is directly dependent on the performance of water absorption. Reducing water absorption invariably leads to increase in the levels of frost resistance. May receive opilkobetonnyh blocks with figures of 75-100 frost cycles. Fire resistance (fire) Opilkobeton cooked on a particular technology, or flammable material, or completely self-extinguishing. Relatively high fire opilkobetona primarily due to the fact that the organic filler is securely closed cement-sand wall. In other words, each wood disc sealed in cement shell. When heated, the material is observed flame retardancy of organic inclusions. Opilkobetonny block (the content of sawdust around 50%) has a limit of fire resistance of more than 2,5 hours, at a temperature of 1100-1200 ° C. The bearing capacity of units does not change even after three hours exposure to high temperatures. Note that opilkobeton on fire far exceeds popular building material penopolistirolbeton. Flammability group G1 (readily combustible material). And if penopolistirolbeton fully compliant with the fire resistance requirements for modern building materials, opilkobeton and even more so! Filler polystyrene is polystyrene beads and cement-sand wall - reliable protection of foam from the fire. Conclusion: opilkobetonnye blocks (the content of sawdust around 50%) is virtually non-flammable material suitable to perform the full range of construction works. Fire resistance opilkobetona higher than that of the popular contemporary material polystyrene. Thermal performance by its thermo-technical parameters opilkobeton fully compliant with the changes in number 3 and 4 SNIP 03.11.1979 "Building Heat Engineering" to improve the thermal resistance building envelope. Since the thermal conductivity opilkobetona density 800kg / m 3 is 0.32 W / (m o C). Note that the thermal conductivity of the gas-foam density 600kg / m 3 (the most commonly used in modern construction grade) 0.24 W / (m o C). In other words, opilkobeton on key indicators (conductivity) closely approximated to the aerated concrete, and this despite the fact that the aerated concrete (gas-aerated concrete), the recognized leaders of the modern building! For comparison, we calculated the thermal conductivity of the most commonly used in construction materials. Reinforced concrete 2.04 W / (m o C). (Condition B snip 03/11/1979) claydite 0.92 W / (m o C). Clay bricks 0.81 W / (m o C). Pine along the fibers 0,35 W / (m o C). In practice, the wall of a thickness of 40 cm opilkobetona on indicators of thermal resistance, superior masonry thickness of 100 cm! Conclusion: opilkobetonnye blocks (the content of sawdust around 50%) - wall material are fully responsible thermo-technical requirements for modern building materials. Indicators opilkobetona thermal resistance is superior to most traditional building materials and only slightly inferior to aerated concrete. Durability opilkobetonnyh masonry (block) Thanks to the substantial content fibropodobnyh inclusions, in testing the bending strength and tensile opilkobetonnye blocks on these important indicators is superior to most traditional building materials, including foam-aerated. Sawdust in the block play the role of reinforcement, hence increased resistance to bending and stretching. Compressive strength opilkobetonnogo block - an important indicator in calculating the loads for selecting the type of floor or storey building. Opilkobetonnye blocks can be manufactured as various densities and different compressive strength. Changing the ratio of filler (sawdust, chips), binding components of the mixture (cement, lime), inert components (sand, slag, fly ash) may receive the wall material with predetermined characteristics of density, strength and most importantly cost. Opportunities of obtaining the required material properties have a positive effect on the rational use of mixture components and reducing overall construction costs. So when building single-story buildings of utility is quite sufficient strength of about 20-25 kg / cm 2, which corresponds to the grade of concrete on the compression of M-25. Upon receipt of this brand of stone wall there is a significant savings of binding components of the mixture (cement). For the construction of residential, including multi-storey buildings, may be recommended application opilkobetonnyh blocks (stones) strength not less than 50-98 kg / cm 2 grade of concrete in compression of M-50 M-100. To obtain maximum strength opilkobetonnyh blocks, we recommend the use of cement grade M-500 and modifying additives of concrete. Some features of opilkobetonnyh blocks (stones) Opilkobetonnye blocks (the content of sawdust around 50%) material, perfectly amenable to mechanical processing. Opilkobeton sawed, drilled, nailed, it increases the quality of masonry work and significantly reduced consumption of Walling. If in the construction of the wall fitting required, blocks can not break away, not chopped, as well as accurately sawn hacksaw to the desired size. Cement components opilkobetonnogo block an excellent basis for drawing all kinds of protective and decorative coatings. The use of adhesive solutions for installation of cladding materials, provides good traction with the carrier opilkobetonnym block. For ease of handling, opilkobetonny block is similar to foam and gas silicate blocks. Processing methods and characteristics of masonry blocks also do not differ significantly. Scope opilkobetonnyh blocks (stones) with opportunities for opilkobetonnyh blocks defined characteristics, makes this material suitable to perform the full scope of civil works. Building blocks opilkobetonnye - versatile material for construction of independent bearing walling, insulating walls finished buildings, foundations, fences and poles.
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