Polystyrene is called concrete, lightweight aggregate which is foamed polystyrene. Polystyrene on its properties relates to lightweight concrete (aerated concrete), but has some significant differences. Its advantages include the possibility of varying over a wide range of its density, resulting in polystyrene can be both structural and insulation material. Exceptionally low bulk density of the particles of foamed plastic allows for lightweight concrete with a weight, a range which can be selected in accordance with the requirements of specific applications, while concrete has a correspondingly wide range of characteristics. Also, unlike the concrete blocks and concrete, it is easy to obtain polystyrene weighing less than 200kg/m3 with enhanced thermal insulation properties. Polystyrene (GOST 51263-99) is a composite material, which includes Portland and the variety, the silica filler (silica sand or fly ash from thermal power station, is used in the manufacture of high-density polystyrene), porous filler, which acts as a pellet expanded polystyrene (PVG) and builders (setting accelerators, plasticizers, etc.) produced by the density of polystyrene, usually in the range of D600 (for building blocks) to D150 (when used as insulation material). To date, the main method of production of masonry units (blocks) of polystyrene is cast in metal molds. The main advantages of polystyrene lightweight aggregate concrete with Styrofoam (polystyrene) is known for a long time. At that time, as polystyrene is known for at least 25 years in our market, and on the west - more than 40 years, so far the expectations about the amount of material is justified only in certain applications. However, in the building materials industry there is growing interest in polystyrene, indicating some changes in this regard, due mainly to the following reasons: - polystyrene has become a serious alternative to aerated concrete, due to a wide range of applications, ease of fabrication and excellent thermal performance material - requirements for thermal insulation of buildings have become much more severe, as a consequence it became necessary to a functional separation of construction materials for insulation and load bearing, and these materials should be properly matched to elements of buildings. In this respect, interesting solutions suggests the use of lightweight concrete with aggregate from expanded polystyrene (polystyrene). Significant reduction of material consumption savings of up to 70% solution. Lower cost of polystyrene in comparison with other materials. Reduced heating costs due to the lower thermal conductivity of polystyrene compared to other materials. Large size blocks simplify stacking walls. High technology building blocks are easily sawn, nailed (giving any geometrical shape, the device channels to flush). Blocks have different shapes, easy to mount, increasing the speed of erection of walls and partitions of 10. Masonry is based on the adhesive for foam, which allows us to obtain interconnect seam no more than 3-4 mm, and avoid cold bridges. Labor cost reduction factor of 3. Does not require the use of heavy hoisting equipment when building a house. One unit replaces 17 bricks and weighs less than 22 kg. Nonflammable, and plastering, or brick veneer can be applied in buildings of category I fire resistance and fire resistance class of CO, ie up to 25 floors, inclusive (the joint conclusion of 25.12.2000g. Gosstroy RF № 9-18/604 and the Interior Ministry № 20/22/4578). Durability of more than 100 years. High frost resistance. Polystyrene is not a breeding ground for microorganisms and fungi are not susceptible to rotting. Environmentally safe. Beautiful sound insulation. Excellent waterproofing while maintaining vapor permeability. The scope of polystyrene, this material is used on the roofs and floors as heat and sound insulation. It is also used to fill voids in the masonry, underground walls, insulation in hollow blocks, ideal for surround and any other occupation where high insulation properties. It is used for the manufacture of precast blocks and panels of walls, slabs covering the ceilings, heat and sound insulation in multi-level residential and commercial buildings. Polystyrene is used in concrete blocks and panels for the exterior walls and partitions, concrete slabs for the roof and floor floors. Polystyrene is used in precast panels of any dimension for commercial and industrial use, solid walls, garden ornaments and other areas. Ideal for the add buildings, when the weight of construction plays a decisive role.
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