Products of wood covered with colorless finishing materials, preserving or identify the beauty of texture and color of the wood. This is done waxing, varnishing and polishing. However, it should be borne in mind that only a well prepared surface can withstand the test of lacquer or wax, as a transparent finish does not hide, but only emphasizes the imperfection of the stronger finish: Risks, scratches, dents. Waxing of the old traditional transparent finishes are currently used finishing wax polish. It is recommended for larger items (wall panels, frames, sculptures). To prepare the mastic used beeswax or his substitute-ceresin 67. After melting wax or ceresin in a water bath to it was added a solvent (turpentine or gasoline) in a ratio of 1:2 by weight. After the application of hot mastic with a brush and dry for 1,5-2 hours the product surface rub to a shine with a soft hair brush or coarse cloth. After a day operation is repeated. Wax mastic good filling of wood, giving the surface a soft silky sheen. To protect the waxy coating from mechanical damage and moisture, the product is an alcohol varnish. Nitrocellulose lacquer for these purposes can not be used due to lack of adhesion to the wax. COATING Traditional Finish alcohol shellachnoy varnish applied in the practice of crafts, lost in the present place finish nitrocellulose compositions. Nitrocellulose lacquer (nitrocellulose lacquer), followed by polishing nitropolituroy trim souvenirs decorated with carvings. Before coating with lacquer product is primed. Paint industry produces ready-to-use formulations for priming. Primed with a lacquer coating can be thick or drying oil varnish. These soils consumed in pure form or diluted with diluents and, where necessary added pumice powder, chalk, talc, kaolin, tripoli, starch, wood flour and pigments, if you want to adjust the color of the soil to the color of the wood. After priming operates porozapolnenie. When processing wood cutting tools are cutting the hollow anatomical elements (vessels) and on the wood surface roughness produced. In such species as oak, ash, walnut size large structural irregularities. Therefore, before varnishing or polishing of these species is necessary to reduce the magnitude of these irregularities. To do this, and produce a special operation, called porozapolneniem. Porozapolnitelyami known formulations designed for rubbing into the pores of wood in order to close them before applying transparent coating, and generating the same way as the soils, the bottom layer of paint. Depending on the properties porozapolnitel applied to the pre-primed or nezagruntovannuyu surface. Porozapolnitelya layer helps to reduce consumption of paints and coatings reduce sagging in the pores in the exploitation of products. Porozapolnitel consists of a liquid part (film-forming solution, dryers and plasticizers in a mixture of volatile solvents) and filler. The liquid part porozapolnitelya intended to bind the filler and the manifestation of the wood texture, make porozapolnitelyu elasticity and create a thin lacquer layer on the surface. The filler should have a dispersity: Do not be coarse, since it prevents rubbing it in small pores, while too fine-grained filler bad fills the pores and gives a large volume shrinkage. Porozapolnitel applied to the wood by hand using a swab or spatula. It should be borne in mind that porozapolniteli veils wood texture, so they must withdraw the excess and wipe the surface. Porozapolniteli usually come in the form of two components - a solution film-forming and filler. Combine the components before use, since the suspension porozapolniteley instability in storage a dense insoluble precipitate (ie porozapolnitel fibers). Porozapolniteli may be discolored or stained. The largest application found porozapolniteli KF-1 KF-2, PM-11, LC. Great importance to the operation of a paint coating adhesion to the surface of wood, the so-called adhesion. It is due, above all, quality of paint materials, conditions of their application and drying. High adhesion can be achieved only when the application finishes homogeneous compositions: but nitrogruntu nitro lacquer, oil paint but oily soil, etc. Otherwise, the finish layer quickly crack and then peel off. Currently, the main way of achieving transparency. is the lacquered finish. Lucky for the character formation of the film is divided into two groups: those forming a film only by the volatilization of solvents (eg alcohol, nitrotsellyuloznys) and film-forming as a result of chemical reactions, polymerization and polycondensation, which they transformed into an insoluble state (eg, oil, polyester, polyurethane, urea). For a long time had a wide application and were indispensable for finishing of wood spirit varnishes - solutions of resins (shellac, iditola, etc.) in vysokogradusnom alcohol. In modern practice, the most commonly used nitrocellulose lacquers. They provide a solid, flexible, fairly weather-resistant, quick-drying film. Nitrocellulose lacquer are divided into two categories: lacquers applied hot (temperature 70-75 ° C) - NC-223 NC-225 and varnishes cold application (temperature 18-23 ° C) - NC-216 NC-218 NC- 221, NC-222 NC-224 NC-296 (formerly SC-316). Lucky SC-49, SC-243 gives a matte film. To a viscosity of nitrocellulose lacquer solvent was adjusted number 646, except for the lacquer NC-223, for which use solvent RML-315. All of the above nitro lacquer can be applied to the surface of products with a brush, swab or spray, lacquer SC-243 can be applied and in bulk. Oil paints form a solid, flexible, weatherproof, but not quite decorative film with a strong hard shine. In composition, they represent solid solutions of natural and synthetic resins in a drying oil with driers (compounds that accelerate the drying oils) and a mixture of volatile organic solvents (turpentine, mineral spirits, etc.). The natural soluble resins include Kopal, Amber, by-products of rosin. Kopalovy varnish is considered one of the best oil paints. The main components used drying oils - flax, hemp, tung. Wood finishing before used oil-resin varnishes 4C, 5C, 7C - for light breeds, 4T, 5T, 7T - for dark wood (drying for 48 hours), and now use pentaphthalic varnishes PF-231 PF-283 (ex-4S ). Lac PF-231 - light, forming a durable gloss finish, dries in 72 hours at a temperature of 18-23 ° C. Well as applied by brush and spray. For many indicators oil paints from natural and synthetic resins are close to each other and can be used interchangeably. Good water, atmosphere and durability have polyurethane coatings that are applied by spraying and pouring cold otverdetsiem or heated to 45-50 ° C. According to the properties they are close to the polyester lacquers, and for some indicators surpass them. Known polyurethane gloss varnish brands 1,653,031, 1.641.0231 and 17642.0230, which is applied in bulk and spray, semi lacquer 1.653.0300 two-, mat-component, applied by spraying. Carvers-goers with water resistant matte varnish UR-277M with Hardener "Supersek 3240, and the solvent RL-227 from the calculation: 100 g of varnish 82,5% hardener and solvent - to the desired viscosity. Varnishes applied on a dry wood surface, cleaned of dust, even, thin layers without drips about 3-5 times. Each layer must be dried. Before coating the next layer of the previous process the spent fine sanded. Achieve this alignment of each layer and better adhesion between the layers. Finished parts can be repeatedly soaked with hot drying or semidrying vegetable oil or natural drying oil. Warm oil or varnish should be in a water bath (in kleevarke) and applied to a product with a wide brush or sponge, attached to a wooden handle. When the first coat of varnish or oil will be absorbed and dried up, causing second and dried, and then a third. When using oil should be kept in mind that the drying takes place very long. To speed up the drying of small items can withstand oven electric or gas stove for 10-12 hours at a temperature of 90-100 ° C. Features of finishing products for the food. For a transparent protective coating of decorative and applied products for food (sweets, salt shakers, bowls, trays, bread bins) should be applied wax mastics, alcohol or nitrocellulose lacquer, linen, hemp, camelina, soy, poppy or sunflower oil. Tung oil on vysyhaemosti is the third (for linen - accepted as the standard - and hemp), but it can not be used because of toxicity. Varnish and oil paints to use as undesirable, as they are special supplements - driers to accelerate the drying, as are usually used oxides, peroxides, and salts of lead, cobalt and manganese. Polishing To make the wood surface sustainable velvet luster use polishing. This is the best type of finish, which are identified on the surface and deeper all the shades of color and texture of wood. Especially beautiful polished surface of the kernel, Karelian birch, mahogany. Naturally, the surface should be prepared by polishing flawlessly. This method has long been a unique and quite common, but because of the high labor intensity (150-200 applied thin layers with intermediate drying) and duration (it lasts more than a month) it is now replaced by more productive. Finishing products must meet their intended purpose. For example, wax cover those products that do not take, or take in a few hands, furniture should have a finish that is a nice clean, glossy or matte finish? In the wood products can be clearly seen very diverse attitudes of artists and craftsmen to finish the surface. Some of it is polished to a mirror finish, trim mastics and varnishes, but is traced and the desire to preserve the natural beauty of wood that is left unpainted and unvarnished product. But the rough products quickly lose its form. Wizards seek to find a finish that would allow, keeping the original form a product, its newness, leaving a feeling of living the natural beauty of wood. Therefore, all the more for finishing the wizard use wax mastic or special matt varnish, not giving a shiny, bright glossy (glossy) surface, which leave it soft and velvety. Luck can be dull. If you can not buy matt varnish, do not worry. It can be made from conventional oil-gloss lacquer, adding up to 0,5% soap and 10% white spirit. Soap solution prepared as follows: soap (40% case), cut into chips, is dissolved in a small amount of hot water (at a temperature of 70-80 ° C). The resulting solution is mixed with mineral spirits and stirring is introduced into the oil-gloss lacquer. When you add soap strength varnish film is somewhat reduced, so that it can not be washed and cleaned with a damp cloth. Purified product with dry brush or with a vacuum cleaner
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