Oriented particle board (OSB) is a new high-tech material used in Wood Frame Construction, in the manufacture of furniture, for packaging. OSB boards are made by gluing large size (3-8 cm), thin chips, and the upper and lower layers of the grain direction, longitudinal, and in the middle layer - cross the length of the slab. On the physical properties of OSB are similar to softwood plywood, but much cheaper to manufacture due to the low quality requirements for wood raw material. Because of the lower cost of the same qualities of consumer-oriented chipboard gradually replacing plywood in many traditional areas of application. Oriented strand board - a three-layer thick pressed wood board from the large-oriented chips of softwood. A substitute for plywood and particleboard. Appearance Oriented chipboard clearly explains its name. Plate can be easily distinguished by an elongated chips. Oriented strand board is made up of three layers. In the outer (upper and lower) layers of wood chips is located longitudinally and transversely in the inner layer. Each layer is glued with waterproof resins and compressed under high pressure and temperature. As a result of this technological features of the OSB gets water resistance, elasticity and resistance to extension and construction loads. Particle board, oriented structure (OSB) are made by hot pressing of wood chips mixed with a binder material. OSB production technology was first used commercially in the U.S. in early 1990. According to this production technology initially logs are sorted, then hold a special treatment and fumigate. After which the logs planed along the fibers in order to maximize preservation of strength of the structure of wood for wood chips. The average length of wood chips is 80 mm and the width viriruetsya depending on the barrel. Thus, the OSB boards are made only from the particle size of 75-150 mm in length, 10-25 mm in width and 0,5-0,75 mm in thickness. Smaller fraction (20-30% overall yield) and filter out or burned, or used in the manufacture of particleboard and MDF, which is used to produce non-business and small-diameter softwood and hardwood. This ensures the homogeneity of the structure of the slab. Further, the resulting chips are dried and impregnated with a water-resistant resin with the addition of a synthetic wax. The use of wax provides high quality products. Then the chips are placed pipelined manner in two directions, creating a so-called carpet. In the outer layers of the chip board is oriented along the length, but in the domestic - across. After that, the carpet is pressed on the multi-tiered media at high temperatures and pressures. In conclusion, leaf OSB boards are cut into standard formats and grind. Improved mechanical properties compared to conventional particleboard is achieved by creating the effect of varying the orientation of chips in the outer and inner layers of the board OSB. Tensile strength of such slabs density 650-720 kg / cubic meter. m in static bending of 40-50 MPa in the longitudinal direction and 20-25 MPa in the transverse direction. For comparison: birch plywood, general purpose is the ultimate strength in static bending of 55-60 MPa. By changing the design, for example, the number and thickness of the layers with a definite orientation in which wood particles, the type of binder used and its flow rate, size of wood particles, you can attach plates OSB various properties according to their purpose. In addition to the relatively high strength properties of this material has high moisture resistance and homogeneity of the structure, eliminating such evils as a bundle, Crook, internal voids, cracks, loose knots. OSB boards are well treated and much better than particleboard, keep fixing (nails and screws). Mainly as a feedstock for production of plates used softwood medium and low quality. In the summer - 100% pine. In the winter period - 60% - pine, 10% - spruce, 10% - larch, with the addition of hardwood (birch) in an amount up to 20%. Can be used for the production of small-diameter timber with a diameter of 70-100 mm, which can not be recycled in the sawmilling and plywood production. In this case, it is very important, waste wood is not used. Due to the low quality requirements of raw materials significantly reduces the costs for raw materials. One of the main features of the production of OSB is the removal of small chips and crushed product. The result is a decrease in the amount of adhesive used in the plates OSB (2-3%) compared to other wood-based panels. Technology of production of OSB is constantly being improved. As binders are widely used phenol-formaldehyde, urea-formaldehyde resin E1 class, and esters of isocyanate, which are used to improve the stability properties of the slabs and improve environmental safety, the estimated emission of free formaldehyde in the environment. In the West, OSB (Oriented Strand Board) - Oriented strand board ranked as the most promising universal goals of building materials due to a complex of consumer benefits of this product compared to traditional wood products, ensure that the new modern technology modification of wood. OSB plate was developed in 1980 in the United States as a substitute for particleboard using the latest achievements of research and development in the technology of wood composite materials, where he received the widest application. This production is also rapidly developing in Europe, and recently also in Asia and Oceania. Advanced technology provides high performance lines and quality of products used in the furniture industry, construction, packaging industry, coupled with the ability to use as a raw low-quality wood and wood waste. At the present time in world practice is widespread production of new methods of molding plates to replace existing production boards. These include the production of multilayer chipboard, oriented structure (OSB). Creating OSB was the continuation of waferboard in the late 1970's. OSB differs from them in long wooden shavings, which are oriented in layers of mutually perpendicular. Debut of OSB was held at the North American market in 1978. and thanks to the unique properties of OSB were quickly accepted. Initially, the 80-ies started the rapid development of the plates OSB. But by 2000 the production of OSB in the U.S. almost equaled the volume of the production of plywood. In many areas of North America, OSB boards actually replace the other group of materials in new housing construction. Today, all building codes of the United States and Canada recognize OSB panels as an alternative to plywood. In 1996. OSB product was adopted by the Chicago Stock Exchange to trade futures and options. At present consumption and production of OSB is developing intensively, both in North America and Europe. In other markets, their consumption is relatively low, but there is a constant upward trend. In today's world Oriented particle board have a very broad scope, and the first widely used in both residential and industrial construction, as well as used in the manufacture of furniture. By industry sector the main consumers of OSB are: the construction industry, production of packaging, furniture industry. OSB boards are the material, which gradually begins to take a consumer niche that has traditionally held the plywood products, as well as a number of areas traditionally used for particleboard. Currently, OSB boards used in the following areas: Construction - Cabin interior and exterior walls, attics - manufacturer of rough sex, reason for carpet and floor with cover - making designs removable formwork refillable - covering roofs (instead of the usual crates of unedged boards ), in this case a perfect base for a soft roof (shingles) - manufacturer of wall panels (OSB plus insulation plus OSB) - production (using material LVL) dlinnoproletnyh beams (I-Joist or I-Beam); - erection of temporary fencing and prefabricated structures; - use for decorative purposes and interiors, thanks to the original texture of the surface - in construction as beams, moldings, etc. Furniture industry - manufacturing of panel elements of furniture - manufacture of wall cupboards and cabinets, drawers, shelves. - Grounds for upholstered furniture and other manufacturing packaging - shipping container manufacturer, aid in the formation of packaging - as substitutes for lumber.
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