Vitaly Lviv Modern technology offers increasing choice and it is sometimes difficult to navigate in a variety of proposals. CPD - it is not just an alloy shavings, a faceless slab, this is what makes our home more comfortable and life easier! In our time, ADI - the most common material in the manufacture of furniture and decoration, as it has some obvious advantages over wood and other materials. Modern technology offers increasing choice and it is sometimes difficult to navigate in a variety of proposals and prices. CPD - it is not just an alloy shavings, a faceless slab, this is what makes our home more comfortable and life easier! Particle board (chipboard), this slab lumber, made by hot pressing of wood particles (wood chips) and a binder. As a binder used different binders, such as formaldehyde, phenol-formaldehyde and other resins. Particle boards are used in various industries, depending on the point of use panels have different properties. Types of plates are very diverse, but there are types of their division into groups according to the method spresovki, type of wood used, applied by the binder material or by the form liner. Ground and visible to the eye the difference is the difference between polished and laminated chipboard. Particleboard is a polished plate, which does not have any specific coating, ie, its obverse side reflects its structural content. In turn, laminated chipboard covered with melamine film (very similar to plastic) which bear the image of decor, or the film is painted in one color. Such a DSP is much more expensive in price and used in the furniture industry, 90% of all furniture manufactured in Russia made of particleboard. The finished particle board used at the facilities and construction sites in places where it is not available for review, such as timbering, manufacturing vnutrestennyh partitions, etc. All other properties of plates can not be distinguished by eye, but they play an important role when using it. For example, when using the boards in areas with high humidity is necessary to apply water-resistant chipboard as well, where the plate is experiencing high loads must be chosen plate required strength. Scope of application of particle board: covering the walls and roof, making wall panels, manufacturing floors, ground under the carpet and floor with covering, partitions, removable formwork manufacturer, making furniture, shelving, shelves, packaging, fencing and prefabricated structures, use for decorating and finishing, thanks to the original surface texture. Composition of the stereotype of the density, is perhaps one of the most intricate and strong stereotypes prevalent among consumers CPD. It sounds something like this stereotype: "The higher the density of the plate, the better ...». Try to understand what is the stereotype, and what its dangers: The equipment, which were installed at domestic plants CPD in the Soviet period, subject to - among other things - such deficiencies as poor preparation of the chips of wood chips. Particle boards are good because they can be made from low-grade wood, virtually any waste - of slabs, strips, small logs. But the chips that fit into the carpet, must still meet certain requirements on the geometry. First, it should not be too small dusty fraction. Secondly, the obtained chips should be in the form lobe, ie, its cross section should not be square - or greatly reduced the physical and mechanical characteristics of the finished plate. "Square" chips is a stress concentrator in a layer of particleboard, dramatically worsening, mainly resistance to bending. The problem of "square-chip is typical for practically all lines of ADI established during the Soviet period. The problem of deterioration of physical and mechanical properties due to the quality of chips was in the Soviet era partly solved by increasing the density of the plate. And this increase, of course, leads to an increase in the proportion of resin in the finished product. Thus, perhaps, most domestic manufacturers are now able to "brag" plate with a density of 750 kg / cu.m. This, in fact, manage to find the physical and mechanical characteristics meet the requirements of GOST - reducing the strength characteristics due to poor chip by an increased proportion of resin. Than having to pay for such a "struggle with the consequences? First, the increase in the proportion of resin increases the emission of formaldehyde. At a density of 750 kg / cu.m. and above is quite challenging to fit into the GOST requirements in terms of E1, and the requirements of European norms of E1 become just a pipe dream, regardless of the quality of the resins. Second, the denser plate when cutting requires frequent replacement is very expensive cutting tool and creates a higher burden on the entire drive cutting equipment. Well, and, thirdly, the increase in density leads to an increase in cost, as well as increased overhead costs of transporting the finished product. In assessing the quality of chipboard and chipboard should be guided not by the density and physical-mechanical indicators and the level of formaldehyde emissions. And in order to finally see the stereotype of insolvency "the closer the better" enough to look at samples of the leading European manufacturers of chipboard. The main, and perhaps most important, difference between the chipboard is their division into classes. This is one of the options, which can be determined visually, but only if before you faced chipboard. Otherwise, at first glance they seem the same to you, but it is not so. Plate 1 st grade, it's perfectly smooth surface and straight edge. In most cases, the production of such a plate will not buy because plants such plate is laminated and then self-fulfilling already laminated chipboard at a price significantly exceeds the grind. This plate, perhaps only suitable furniture manufacturers, or by pasting or veneering, as Physico-mechanical properties, it has identical with the second grade, and is much more expensive. Second grade chipboard is chipboard, which has been exposed to cull the production of a variety. But do not think that this marriage just on the edge of the plate may be minor chipping or peeling. May also be present small scratches on the surface of the plate, but the filling and everything else is still the same first grade, but at a lower price. This variety is actively used as builders and furniture makers. Third grade, he's arresters is the marriage of the 1 st and 2 nd grades. Particle boards 3 varieties can be cracked in the middle, have a significant difference in thickness or separation across the plate. Very often, this sort of trying to pass for the 2 nd, which have bought it, formed a misconception Class II. Grade 3 is a simple marriage plate, get it on most of the construction company for a single use, eg for making molds. Classification and types of CPD Russian standards distinguish two differ in their physical and mechanical characteristics, grade ADI: P-A and II-B. Mark II-A with improved quality and has to mark II-B, the best indicators of bending strength and tension, and lower rates by the percentage of swelling, crook and surface roughness. Grade chipboard on the quality of the surface. Distinguish CPD 1 grade, 2 grade and nesortnuyu plate is used, usually for construction purposes. According to GOST 10632-89, plate Class I should not have grooves (projections), or scratches, paraffin, pylesmolyanyh or resin spots, chipped edges, chipping corners nedoshlifovki, undulating surface. At ADI Class II chipped edges within the deviations in length or width of the plate. The surface of the second-grade plate may contain defects grinding up to 10% of the area. Also on the DSP 2 varieties allowed large compared to 1 grade, including bark and coarse fraction of chips. By type of outer layer of chipboard with a fine distinction surface, usually the surface and the plate with outer layers of large chips. All kinds of chipboard from compulsory test for formaldehyde content. Using the DSP in the manufacture of furniture for bathrooms and kitchens are places on board the special requirements for water resistance. In addition to conventional plates produced particleboard increased moisture resistance, before pressing of which particle mass entering special paraffin wax or molten wax. Moisture-resistant chipboard on the cut has a distinctive greenish hue. In some areas of CPD important resistance plates to high temperature and fire resistance. To make the CPD fire, its composition is administered special substances - fire retardants. Chipboard for furniture Modern technology allows the production of particle board to seek a very high quality and safety of products, so the DSP is widely used for furniture production. For use in furniture manufacture particleboard used a variety of decorative coating of paper and resin film, veneer, paper and laminate (laminate) and varnish. Veneer chipboard paper and resin films. Under the paper-resin film to understand the decorative paper impregnated with a special polymer resin with further drying, during which there is partial or complete rejection of the latter. For facing the CPD paper and resin films using two different processes: lamination and lamination. At present, the compositions for paper and resin films are made on the basis of меламинокарбамидоформальдегидных resins and impregnating compositions. Particleboard Laminating Lamination - a physical-chemical process veneer chipboard paper and resin films under the influence of temperature (140-210 ° C) and pressures (25-28 MPa). At the same time decorative and protective layer on the plate is formed by spreading the resin on the surface of the CPD, followed by curing and the formation of a durable single coverage "of the EAF-tar-paper". Laminating - the physical process of veneer chipboard fully hardened paper and resin films (with trim without finishing lacquers), with a preliminary application to the plate-based adhesive composition. The conditions under which the process of lamination, a much more "soft": the temperature of 20-150 ° C and pressure of 5.7 MPa. The fundamental difference between these two methods of lining is that, when laminating the finished decorative covering attached to the DSP, while laminating it is created during compaction due to chemical processes and is inseparable from the slab foundation. Facing the CPD paper and laminate. Laminates - a polymer-containing materials are located parallel to the layers of filler. As the filler can act - fabric, veneer, paper and other materials. The basis for the production of paper and laminate a paper that functions in addition to reinforcing filler makes the final product flexibility, mechanical strength, and most importantly - decorative properties. The main stages of production chipboard, veneered laminate are: preparation of particleboard blanks given size, clean surface for coating, gluing and postformirovanie. Cleaning the surface of the plate and the back of the plastic is made with compressed air and special brushes. It is necessary to ensure the quality of adhesion during pressing. Bonding occurs through direct pressing of paper and plastic laminate coated with adhesives and particleboard. Pressing is hot, which uses urea glues or adhesives based on PVA-variances, and cold, with the use of contact adhesives, and adhesives based on PVA-variances. Cold pressing, though excludes the effect of temperature factor (the appearance of internal stresses by gluing dissimilar materials), less applicable due to low productivity and the use of large areas. The most common use of mild heating (60-70 ° C) using PVA-adhesive. Postformirovniya process is carried out on special machines, where the right combination of temperature, feed rate and radius of the bend is formed curved surface of the plastic. Veneer Particleboard polymer films is similar to tiling with decorative plastic, except that for the decorative coating is used thermoplastic polymer film, which is pressed on thick with pre-applied adhesive coating. The main form of polymer films used for cladding are films based on polyvinyl chloride (PVC), are less common finishing materials based on polystyrene, acrylic polymers, etc. As a rule, for facing slabs polymer films, using the same production lines (for example - Backing Installation ), which are used for lining synthetic veneer or paper-based plastics. Facing carried out as hot and cold, in roller or hydraulic presses. The advantage in using polymer films is the possibility of facing core products. However, the use of polymer films for coating chipboard is very limited because of low physical and mechanical characteristics of the coating and low heat resistance. Veneer chipboard wood veneer. Veneering wood veneer of the oldest methods of finishing the surface of plate materials of wood. With the advent of DSP and high performance equipment for veneering the opportunity of industrial production by the large lots on automated lines. Chipboard, veneer, must then covered with a protective lacquer finish, quality is also largely determine the consumer characteristics of the coating. For veneer use the following kinds of trees - maple, birch, alder, ash, pear, oak, cherry, beech, larch, walnut, elm, exotic species (aningre, mahogany, boss, tao, etc.). Veneer Particleboard wood veneer made by gluing on the last slab foundation in a special press. For veneer wood veneer is permissible to use the backing plate with poor quality surface. Choosing furniture: wood or particleboard When selecting furniture, except the color, shape and size, we determined what material it should be: natural or artificial. Is widely believed that natural wood - it's great and good. A DSP is unhealthy, cheap and short-lived. A very long time furniture is made from natural wood. Each tree species has its own characteristics, its own unique pattern and color. Stronger than wood, the harder it is easy to work with, durable, and is, accordingly, affects the cost of the product. The most common conifers is pine. Pine wood is well glued together. For furniture pick up a tree with a nice, pronounced texture. Wood is well handled by dyes and lacquers after obessmolivaniya. Softer pine fir, but it has a large number of small and medium-sized knots, which makes its application to responsible woodwork designs. El less water resistant than pine, and soon not decay, but the wood is little affected by its warping. Finished with spruce bad, but better glued pine. In the manufacture of furniture is mainly used for irresponsible designs that do not experience large loads during operation. A special place among the conifers is larch. Larch wood density and strength by 30% higher than a pine tree, has high mechanical properties, have remarkable rates of resistance to rot, the ambient humidity, a little knotty. Its wood is reddish-brown, sometimes brownish tinge. Dry larch well handled. Larch is little affected by warping, but the quick drying of the wood barrel may have internal cracks. The breed is used in carpentry and mosaic work, used to make carvings. For soft wood is birch. However, its timber, though not resistant to decay, very dense and strong. Birch is easily painted (very well under the more valuable species of wood) and finished with. Due to homogeneity, viscosity and hardness of the wood, birch is used for the production of carvings. It is not.
Vitaly Lviv Modern technology offers increasing choice and it is sometimes difficult to navigate in a variety of proposals. CPD - it is not just an alloy shavings, a faceless slab, this is what makes our home more comfortable and life easier! In our time, ADI - the most common material in the manufacture of furniture and decoration, as it has some obvious advantages over wood and other materials. Modern technology offers increasing choice and it is sometimes difficult to navigate in a variety of proposals and prices. CPD - it is not just an alloy shavings, a faceless slab, this is what makes our home more comfortable and life easier! Particle board (chipboard), this slab lumber, made by hot pressing of wood particles (wood chips) and a binder. As a binder used different binders, such as formaldehyde, phenol-formaldehyde and other resins. Particle boards are used in various industries, depending on the point of use panels have different properties. Types of plates are very diverse, but there are types of their division into groups according to the method spresovki, type of wood used, applied by the binder material or by the form liner. Ground and visible to the eye the difference is the difference between polished and laminated chipboard. Particleboard is a polished plate, which does not have any specific coating, ie, its obverse side reflects its structural content. In turn, laminated chipboard covered with melamine film (very similar to plastic) which bear the image of decor, or the film is painted in one color. Such a DSP is much more expensive in price and used in the furniture industry, 90% of all furniture manufactured in Russia made of particleboard. The finished particle board used at the facilities and construction sites in places where it is not available for review, such as timbering, manufacturing vnutrestennyh partitions, etc. All other properties of plates can not be distinguished by eye, but they play an important role when using it. For example, when using the boards in areas with high humidity is necessary to apply water-resistant chipboard as well, where the plate is experiencing high loads must be chosen plate required strength. Scope of application of particle board: covering the walls and roof, making wall panels, manufacturing floors, ground under the carpet and floor with covering, partitions, removable formwork manufacturer, making furniture, shelving, shelves, packaging, fencing and prefabricated structures, use for decorating and finishing, thanks to the original surface texture. Composition of the stereotype of the density, is perhaps one of the most intricate and strong stereotypes prevalent among consumers CPD. It sounds something like this stereotype: "The higher the density of the plate, the better ...». Try to understand what is the stereotype, and what its dangers: The equipment, which were installed at domestic plants CPD in the Soviet period, subject to - among other things - such deficiencies as poor preparation of the chips of wood chips. Particle boards are good because they can be made from low-grade wood, virtually any waste - of slabs, strips, small logs. But the chips that fit into the carpet, must still meet certain requirements on the geometry. First, it should not be too small dusty fraction. Secondly, the obtained chips should be in the form lobe, ie, its cross section should not be square - or greatly reduced the physical and mechanical characteristics of the finished plate. "Square" chips is a stress concentrator in a layer of particleboard, dramatically worsening, mainly resistance to bending. The problem of "square-chip is typical for practically all lines of ADI established during the Soviet period. The problem of deterioration of physical and mechanical properties due to the quality of chips was in the Soviet era partly solved by increasing the density of the plate. And this increase, of course, leads to an increase in the proportion of resin in the finished product. Thus, perhaps, most domestic manufacturers are now able to "brag" plate with a density of 750 kg / cu.m. This, in fact, manage to find the physical and mechanical characteristics meet the requirements of GOST - reducing the strength characteristics due to poor chip by an increased proportion of resin. Than having to pay for such a "struggle with the consequences? First, the increase in the proportion of resin increases the emission of formaldehyde. At a density of 750 kg / cu.m. and above is quite challenging to fit into the GOST requirements in terms of E1, and the requirements of European norms of E1 become just a pipe dream, regardless of the quality of the resins. Second, the denser plate when cutting requires frequent replacement is very expensive cutting tool and creates a higher burden on the entire drive cutting equipment. Well, and, thirdly, the increase in density leads to an increase in cost, as well as increased overhead costs of transporting the finished product. In assessing the quality of chipboard and chipboard should be guided not by the density and physical-mechanical indicators and the level of formaldehyde emissions. And in order to finally see the stereotype of insolvency "the closer the better" enough to look at samples of the leading European manufacturers of chipboard. The main, and perhaps most important, difference between the chipboard is their division into classes. This is one of the options, which can be determined visually, but only if before you faced chipboard. Otherwise, at first glance they seem the same to you, but it is not so. Plate 1 st grade, it's perfectly smooth surface and straight edge. In most cases, the production of such a plate will not buy because plants such plate is laminated and then self-fulfilling already laminated chipboard at a price significantly exceeds the grind. This plate, perhaps only suitable furniture manufacturers, or by pasting or veneering, as Physico-mechanical properties, it has identical with the second grade, and is much more expensive. Second grade chipboard is chipboard, which has been exposed to cull the production of a variety. But do not think that this marriage just on the edge of the plate may be minor chipping or peeling. May also be present small scratches on the surface of the plate, but the filling and everything else is still the same first grade, but at a lower price. This variety is actively used as builders and furniture makers. Third grade, he's arresters is the marriage of the 1 st and 2 nd grades. Particle boards 3 varieties can be cracked in the middle, have a significant difference in thickness or separation across the plate. Very often, this sort of trying to pass for the 2 nd, which have bought it, formed a misconception Class II. Grade 3 is a simple marriage plate, get it on most of the construction company for a single use, eg for making molds. Classification and types of CPD Russian standards distinguish two differ in their physical and mechanical characteristics, grade ADI: P-A and II-B. Mark II-A with improved quality and has to mark II-B, the best indicators of bending strength and tension, and lower rates by the percentage of swelling, crook and surface roughness. Grade chipboard on the quality of the surface. Distinguish CPD 1 grade, 2 grade and nesortnuyu plate is used, usually for construction purposes. According to GOST 10632-89, plate Class I should not have grooves (projections), or scratches, paraffin, pylesmolyanyh or resin spots, chipped edges, chipping corners nedoshlifovki, undulating surface. At ADI Class II chipped edges within the deviations in length or width of the plate. The surface of the second-grade plate may contain defects grinding up to 10% of the area. Also on the DSP 2 varieties allowed large compared to 1 grade, including bark and coarse fraction of chips. By type of outer layer of chipboard with a fine distinction surface, usually the surface and the plate with outer layers of large chips. All kinds of chipboard from compulsory test for formaldehyde content. Using the DSP in the manufacture of furniture for bathrooms and kitchens are places on board the special requirements for water resistance. In addition to conventional plates produced particleboard increased moisture resistance, before pressing of which particle mass entering special paraffin wax or molten wax. Moisture-resistant chipboard on the cut has a distinctive greenish hue. In some areas of CPD important resistance plates to high temperature and fire resistance. To make the CPD fire, its composition is administered special substances - fire retardants. Chipboard for furniture Modern technology allows the production of particle board to seek a very high quality and safety of products, so the DSP is widely used for furniture production. For use in furniture manufacture particleboard used a variety of decorative coating of paper and resin film, veneer, paper and laminate (laminate) and varnish. Veneer chipboard paper and resin films. Under the paper-resin film to understand the decorative paper impregnated with a special polymer resin with further drying, during which there is partial or complete rejection of the latter. For facing the CPD paper and resin films using two different processes: lamination and lamination. At present, the compositions for paper and resin films are made on the basis of меламинокарбамидоформальдегидных resins and impregnating compositions. Particleboard Laminating Lamination - a physical-chemical process veneer chipboard paper and resin films under the influence of temperature (140-210 ° C) and pressures (25-28 MPa). At the same time decorative and protective layer on the plate is formed by spreading the resin on the surface of the CPD, followed by curing and the formation of a durable single coverage "of the EAF-tar-paper". Laminating - the physical process of veneer chipboard fully hardened paper and resin films (with trim without finishing lacquers), with a preliminary application to the plate-based adhesive composition. The conditions under which the process of lamination, a much more "soft": the temperature of 20-150 ° C and pressure of 5.7 MPa. The fundamental difference between these two methods of lining is that, when laminating the finished decorative covering attached to the DSP, while laminating it is created during compaction due to chemical processes and is inseparable from the slab foundation. Facing the CPD paper and laminate. Laminates - a polymer-containing materials are located parallel to the layers of filler. As the filler can act - fabric, veneer, paper and other materials. The basis for the production of paper and laminate a paper that functions in addition to reinforcing filler makes the final product flexibility, mechanical strength, and most importantly - decorative properties. The main stages of production chipboard, veneered laminate are: preparation of particleboard blanks given size, clean surface for coating, gluing and postformirovanie. Cleaning the surface of the plate and the back of the plastic is made with compressed air and special brushes. It is necessary to ensure the quality of adhesion during pressing. Bonding occurs through direct pressing of paper and plastic laminate coated with adhesives and particleboard. Pressing is hot, which uses urea glues or adhesives based on PVA-variances, and cold, with the use of contact adhesives, and adhesives based on PVA-variances. Cold pressing, though excludes the effect of temperature factor (the appearance of internal stresses by gluing dissimilar materials), less applicable due to low productivity and the use of large areas. The most common use of mild heating (60-70 ° C) using PVA-adhesive. Postformirovniya process is carried out on special machines, where the right combination of temperature, feed rate and radius of the bend is formed curved surface of the plastic. Veneer Particleboard polymer films is similar to tiling with decorative plastic, except that for the decorative coating is used thermoplastic polymer film, which is pressed on thick with pre-applied adhesive coating. The main form of polymer films used for cladding are films based on polyvinyl chloride (PVC), are less common finishing materials based on polystyrene, acrylic polymers, etc. As a rule, for facing slabs polymer films, using the same production lines (for example - Backing Installation ), which are used for lining synthetic veneer or paper-based plastics. Facing carried out as hot and cold, in roller or hydraulic presses. The advantage in using polymer films is the possibility of facing core products. However, the use of polymer films for coating chipboard is very limited because of low physical and mechanical characteristics of the coating and low heat resistance. Veneer chipboard wood veneer. Veneering wood veneer of the oldest methods of finishing the surface of plate materials of wood. With the advent of DSP and high performance equipment for veneering the opportunity of industrial production by the large lots on automated lines. Chipboard, veneer, must then covered with a protective lacquer finish, quality is also largely determine the consumer characteristics of the coating. For veneer use the following kinds of trees - maple, birch, alder, ash, pear, oak, cherry, beech, larch, walnut, elm, exotic species (aningre, mahogany, boss, tao, etc.). Veneer Particleboard wood veneer made by gluing on the last slab foundation in a special press. For veneer wood veneer is permissible to use the backing plate with poor quality surface. Choosing furniture: wood or particleboard When selecting furniture, except the color, shape and size, we determined what material it should be: natural or artificial. Is widely believed that natural wood - it's great and good. A DSP is unhealthy, cheap and short-lived. A very long time furniture is made from natural wood. Each tree species has its own characteristics, its own unique pattern and color. Stronger than wood, the harder it is easy to work with, durable, and is, accordingly, affects the cost of the product. The most common conifers is pine. Pine wood is well glued together. For furniture pick up a tree with a nice, pronounced texture. Wood is well handled by dyes and lacquers after obessmolivaniya. Softer pine fir, but it has a large number of small and medium-sized knots, which makes its application to responsible woodwork designs. El less water resistant than pine, and soon not decay, but the wood is little affected by its warping. Finished with spruce bad, but better glued pine. In the manufacture of furniture is mainly used for irresponsible designs that do not experience large loads during operation. A special place among the conifers is larch. Larch wood density and strength by 30% higher than a pine tree, has high mechanical properties, have remarkable rates of resistance to rot, the ambient humidity, a little knotty. Its wood is reddish-brown, sometimes brownish tinge. Dry larch well handled. Larch is little affected by warping, but the quick drying of the wood barrel may have internal cracks. The breed is used in carpentry and mosaic work, used to make carvings. For soft wood is birch. However, its timber, though not resistant to decay, very dense and strong. Birch is easily painted (very well under the more valuable species of wood) and finished with. Due to homogeneity, viscosity and hardness of the wood, birch is used for the production of carvings. Oak has a high strength, hardness, resistance to rot, the ability to bend, has a beautiful texture and color. Oak wood has sufficient viscosity and well handled cutting tool. After lying in water for several decades, it becomes silky dark purple with a greenish tinge. Its hardness in comparison with dry wood above, but above and fragility. Treatment of bog oak is difficult. Oak wood is widely used for furniture, flooring, decorative and applied arts, as well as in the cooperage business. Veneer of oak used for facing low-grade wood, plywood, particle board, etc. Oak wood alcohol is bad takes paints and varnish, but is well glued. Beech wood strength is not inferior to oak. At tangentalnom and radial sections of beech wood it is very beautiful, and these decorative quality of its furniture used in wrapping sliced ??veneer. Beech is hygroscopic, so it does not use for products that are in a wet environment. The use of beech joinery varied: from shoes to furniture planing tool in an array. Wood has been successfully used in the carving, although it has high hardness, as well as in the mosaic works. It is well finished with nitro lacquer and polyester, waxing, painted in various solutions and bleached. However, natural wood furniture is becoming more expensive. Expensive, both for us and for our planet's resources. Out of this situation - artificial materials. Chipboard is devoid of such shortcomings inherent in the wood as twigs, internal voids and cracks. The important advantages of particle boards is a high strength, stiffness, uniformity, ease of handling, the ability to securely hold nails and screws. In addition, the DSP are also increased water resistance. It is widely believed that the CPD unhealthy stuff, because it contains formaldehyde. It is not. Maximum permissible concentration (MPC) of formaldehyde to air is 0.035 mg / cu.m., The air of working area - 0,5 mg / m?. Modern technologies allow to produce chipboard, which measure formaldehyde - only 0.02 mg / cubic meter. m. At the same time, natural wood may be from the contaminated area and release hazardous substances. Not so important, artificial or natural material. It is important that it be qualitative. If the material is produced in compliance with all sanitation requirements (proof - a certificate), it is harmless. Using just such materials in the manufacture of furniture for any reliable company who cared for his reputation. Another important advantage of the furniture made of artificial materials is its cost. Previously, furniture purchased "for centuries". Now fashion in interior design changes very often. A change of scenery from inexpensive materials to the new will be much easier and financially, and morally. Of course, you decide what material to choose from. We can only say that modern artificial materials compares favorably to the natural in their performance and are harmless to health. And in global terms, even beneficial, because those three milligrams of harmful substances, which will provide furniture made of artificial material that can easily absorb the thirty trees that have survived.
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