Saturday, September 3, 2011

Adhesives for tile and stone

Stone and Tile - excellent lining materials. But in order to serve a long time, they must be correctly stowed. In this sense, the process of lining can be compared with the tip of the iceberg, where the plates hidden invisible underwater part: properly prepared base, screeds, waterproofing and adhesive proper solutions. Informed choice of styling and the exact observance of technology - the key to success. Without claiming to be a detailed review, we would like to highlight only the main points that should guide the choice of leveling compounds, primers, waterproofing, adhesives, tools for grouting. Based on the operating conditions, all the diversity represented on the market today adhesives are usually divided into two groups: adhesives for interior with gentle and constant operating conditions and adhesives for exterior use, exploitation of which is complicated by adverse climatic, seismic or environmental factors. Apart from this general division, there is also a group of special adhesives that meet certain requirements depending on where they are used. For example, in food and chemical plants, where possible contact with aggressive media, in pools and reservoirs, where the adhesive is in contact with water, and undergoes continuous multi-ton pressure, when laying underfloor heating, which is constantly changing temperature conditions, in places with heavy flow of people ; in wet areas, etc. In each of these cases need to use a special glue designed for specific operating conditions. In a separate group can be identified adhesives, designed for front facing or finishing of the interior heavy large format tiles (stone and ceramic). Such adhesives must possess high strength, with water-resistant, heat and frost. The application of these adhesives eliminates the need for mechanical fastening plates to the base (hooks). Currently the market is already compositions, which provide secure attachment for spot facing method of applying adhesive (not more than 10% of the surface). We must bear in mind that for laying stone and glass mosaic light shades are used adhesives based on white cement. And to prevent buckling of moisture sensitive types of marble (including thin layer, thickness 6-10 mm) and slabs of stone used epoxy adhesives. In them there is no water. Before you buy a glue, it is necessary to carefully study the instructions for use, which should indicate the purpose of this composition. Currently, most manufactured adhesives is a polymer-mineral composite, which includes a cement-sand mixture, and various polymer additives. The higher level of requirements for cladding, the larger and more complex formulation of polymers comprising the adhesive. It is clear that an increase in the proportion of polymers change and important properties of the adhesive. One type of polymer additives increases only the ability to retain water solution (if the glue will not matter, store water, it goes into the ground, and cement, not having to catch, will "pour"). Another type improves adhesion (tack) of the material. The third type of additives is responsible for elasticity. The latter property allows the glue to work a kind of "backing"-absorber between the tile and the base: with the emergence of stress or strain in the ground or tile them he does not pass, and "extinguish". The use of polymer additives in a dry or liquid form makes modern adhesives to water-resistant, flexible, durable and extremely stable compounds that are applied to thin-layer method. The layer thickness depends primarily on the size of the tiles and can be from 2 to 15 mm. When applying a thin layer of glue it dries evenly, and thus better fulfill its mission. Of course, the thin-layer technology adhesive makes high demands on the surface is coated. First and foremost it must be perfectly flat. Because otherwise the other adhesive consumption will increase by several times. In addition, due to differences in the thickness of the layer adhesive will dry unevenly and end up not glued veneer. Therefore, the work begins long before a tiler laying tile - with the alignment of the walls. If the ground absorbs water, it must be primed. Priming creates a film that governs the absorption of water from a solution of glue and binds the surface layer, if it is not quite durable. This is especially true for gipsosoderzhaschih materials - plaster, drywall, gypsum board. After alignment or primer the walls comes the stage of waterproofing is very important for wet rooms. In addition to its primary mission, waterproofing has another, no less serious function - to prevent the spread of cracks from the base to the facing surface. Usually, waterproofing is carried out in two stages. First, at the junction of walls or walls and the floor stick tape, which "holds" the deformation of the joint if the walls of "go". Then put the waterproofing layer (a special blend of polymeric materials). And only after that the wizard starts facing. Typically, the adhesive solution is prepared in 5-10 minutes. Shelf-life solution, which is also called "lifetime" - this time, during which the glue begins to harden in the tank. We must bear in mind that the glue can not be frozen diluted with water (ie it can not be used again). It is therefore very important to know the "lifetime" of glue and use it during this period. Usually 4-6 hours. But there are adhesives for quick installation, the "lifetime" which - 1-1,5 hours.

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