Saturday, September 3, 2011

What is a primer, putty and of bedding? And for what they are used

Primers - paints and varnishes, applied to the leveled surface of the first layer, providing adhesion basic refinishing (film) with the surface and giving the opportunity to get a clean and smooth color. From coloring compositions primers differ lower content of pigments. Most of the primers has a definite purpose: a glue stain (adhesive coating), lime, or under an oil painting (oil primer), but there are universal primers that are suitable for glue and lime stains. For example, a primer: for surface preparation of ferrous metals and wood products; to protect products from light alloys and steel for metal and wood surfaces to cover the various enamels; for priming metal and wood surfaces. Primer is applied a thin layer of solid, then thoroughly dried. Coat of repeating the surface profile, so the individual bumps align, smooth filler. Sometimes the putty is applied to the entire surface. You can also make primers themselves. We offer a recipe of several common primers that can be prepared with their own hands at home. Cooking at home Primer "soap-boiler." Soap (40% case), cut into small chips, dissolved in 2 - 3L of boiling water, after which the solution under vigorous stirring injected varnish. Soap-oil solution is slowly poured into the quenching in 5 liters of water, lime and mix thoroughly until smooth. The mixture was then diluted with water to 10 liters and filtered through a sieve. Properly cooked primer does not contain linseed oil droplets on the surface. Primer thoroughly cover the wetted surface and allowed to dry. If the primer is "soap-boiler" is used for adhesive color, it is necessary to add alkali pigments. Priming Adhesive formulations. Primer composition 1. Copper sulphate is dissolved in 3 liters of hot water in an enamel or wooden utensils. In kleevarke dissolved in 2 liters of water pre-soaked and swollen glue and poured it dissolved in a separate dish soap. In hot, soapy-adhesive solution with rapid stirring injected varnish. In an emulsion, continuing to stir, pour a thin stream of copper sulfate solution, poured chalk and bring volume to 10 liters. It turns greenish-bluish homogeneous suspension which is filtered through a sieve and use a hot (temperature 50-60 ° C). Not allowed to cook and store in a metal bowl primer for corrosive composition. Mel added to a primer for its softening and improving the ability to spray. To introduce should be carefully as possible foaming of the hot solution. Linseed oil improves the elasticity of the primer. It must be remembered that violate the recommended cooking the primer sequence is not allowed. For example, the introduction of sulfate soap and water without drying oils may occur clotting solution. Vitriol primer should not be used under the adhesive Encoders containing pigments, the color of which varies under the influence of copper sulfate. Primer composition 2. Primer prepared based on the same preparation of alum vitriol primer. Heavily contaminated soil surface 2-3 times, and for the first coat using a more concentrated solution at 70-80 ° C. The second primer layer is placed over weak composition with a temperature of 40-50 ° C, the third - slightly warm or even cold primer. In order to avoid dissolution of the previously deposited film each subsequent layer is applied only after the complete drying of the previous one. Primer must be used within two days. Painting should be carried out on the primed surface, not later than 24 hours after priming. Oil primers are divided into tinted varnish with pigments that are used for the first primer (proolifki) surfaces, and zhidkorazvedennye oil paints, used for priming proshpatlevannyh surfaces. To prepare the primer charge 1,0-1,5 kg of linseed oil-oksol, 0,03-0,05 kg of dry pigment (ocher), 0,05-1,0 kg Paste paints (the color of the paint). In the varnish introduced a pigment or oil paint, mixed thoroughly and passed through a sieve. If you use a natural varnish thinners compositions added 0,1-0,3 kg solvent. Attention! Before applying to the primer nitroemaley it is recommended to dry at a temperature of 100-230 ° C. In other cases - at room temperature for 48 hours. Diluted primer diluent Attention! White spirit, gasoline, and linseed oil can not be used! Color primer should match the color of subsequent layers of coating. Of bedding putty and putty - finishing compounds to align the surfaces to be painted. Small cracks, scratches and dents on surfaces close up of bedding. It differs from the putty that does not shrink and has high adhesion. Depending on the type of paint share oil putty, putty glue, plaster, putty and varnish. Cooking at home to prepare the fillings and podmazok usually use soap, sifted plaster, chalk, carpentry, animal, flour glue, varnish, lacquer and other materials. We give recipes for fillings and podmazok at home. Gipsomelovaya of bedding under the adhesive color: Plaster - 1,0 kg, chalk - 2,0-3,0 kg, 2-5% LIMITED adhesive solution. Sieved gypsum and chalk mixed and poured a thin stream into a bowl with glue solution, all mixed thoroughly until smooth. Density regulated additives gypsum powder and chalk or glue solution. Oil-glue or lacquer of bedding under an oil painting: oil varnish or lacquer COAT -1.0 kg, 10% solution of wood glue - 0,10 kg, Cretaceous - about 2,5 kg. In the adhesive solution is introduced varnish, mixed to form an emulsion and add chalk to the working viscosity. Adhesive putty: 10% adhesive solution - 1,0 kg, linseed oil - 0,025 kg, the Cretaceous - about 2,5 kg. In the hot adhesive varnish solution is added, stir, then pour the chalk, constantly rubbing until the viscosity. Oil filler: natural linseed oil - 1.0 kg dryer - 0.1 kg and chalk. Oil filler used for the preparation of surfaces exposed to moisture (window frames, window sills, exterior doors, floors, etc.). Attention! The thickness of each layer of putty shall not exceed 2 mm, length of drying each layer - from 2 to 20 hours. If the resulting composition is too viscous, it can be made thinner, dropping a jar of putty in hot water, heated to a temperature not exceeding 50 ° C, or until the introduction of the hardener added to the filler up to 10% acetone or thinner. Consumption of putty to 1 m2 with a layer thickness of 2 mm is about 3 kg.

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