Adhesive coating is the most common, but not unique: in addition to oil, there are such kinds of color, as lime, casein, silicate, emulsion paint formulations, polymer, etc. But no matter what kind of paint you use, you need to know that all color quality are simple, advanced and high quality. And they differ from each other in terms of operations. Of course, you want to make high-quality color, this will require the following operations. 1. Cleaning the walls of dirt, dust. To remove stains trudnosmyvaemyh apply lime soil or aqueous potash glass (1:3), which usually add dry white silicate paint. 2. Smoothing the surface and the pointing of cracks (at a depth of at least 0,2-0,4 cm). 3. The first priming. 4. Partial bedding and grinding grease places. 5. The first solid filler. 6. Polishing. 7. The second filler. 8. Polishing. 9. The second priming. 10. Third priming with Highlighter. 11. Paint. 12. Trimming. Have you noticed that before painting adhesive composition should produce priming, and more than once. There are two basic composition of the primer. First - vitriolic: copper sulphate (blue, since green is an admixture of iron sulphate, which can be separated by dissolving vitriol and wait for the iron sulfate in the precipitate fall in the form of flakes) - 0,2 kg, laundry soap - 0,2 kg, the carpenter's glue tile - 0,25 kg, linseed oil - 0,02 kg, water - 10 liters. Soap dissolved in hot glue evenly and quickly stirring, adding water to a total volume of 10 liters. The solution was cooled down - you can add chalk: 3 kg for the first and 6 kg for the second priming. Second - soap-boiler: 2 kg of quicklime was quenched in 6 liters of water, 4 liters of water mixed chips of 0.2 kg of soap and 0,03 kg of linseed oil and as soon as the soap dissolved, two solutions were poured together. Wall shpaklyuyut special plaster, available for sale. If not, putty can do this yourself: two tablespoons of joinery (or office silicate) glue on a glass of water - on the basis of this adhesive shutting small amounts of plaster. Such a filler obscure cracks flush with the surface. After drying, 2-3 hours, smooth out the place cracking a pumice stone or pine butt logs. Then proceed to the first priming, which dries at room temperature for 10-12 hours. During this operation, drive the brush up and down, but not in the same direction, if, after drying the soil are dark streaks or spots - progruntuyte again. Sometimes advisable to clean off a spot with a spatula and wipe a thin layer of plaster and rusty spots, formed by years of leaks, paint over oil paint in turpentine. Under the bright coders make a pre-colored hot chalky solution to the glue. The hotter the solution, the stronger he will be, the second layer do a cold - if it is hot first, then dissolve it, the color will turn rough. When painting the ceiling close the doors and windows, do not allow air movement, causing uneven drying of the whitewash. Ceiling paint quickly, at the end of it all has to be wet. If the surface begins to dry out before it's finished work on it are obtained zateki with a brownish or gray edge. The last layer is applied to movement of the wrist toward the wall with the brightest window, making the ceiling a lighter. Brush when working must be kept perpendicular to the ceiling. With whitewashed ceiling can be used gun, a vacuum cleaner or a garden sprayer: spray coating provides a smoother surface, it is convenient not only to paint ceilings. Painting the walls start after the complete drying ceiling. The walls are painted from top to bottom. Drying of painted walls should be closed windows and doors. Top (white) part of the wall is separated from the main wall of a panel (thin strip of paint), border (the wider the strip), or a frieze (tapestry width up to 1 m). Tapestry is also removed from the panel - the remainder of the wall - panel. Fig. 145. Raised walls: a - with a sponge, b - brush, to - scallop Alfreynye work is done on high-quality adhesive stain. This stuffing using stencils (forward, backward, contour), rolling ridges, painted under the silk, embossed finish or crosscut. Some species alfreynyh work is shown in Fig. 145.
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