Saturday, September 3, 2011

Paints for interior applications

Application of paint to cover fulfilled the requirements of the requirements for water resistance, abrasion resistance, resistance to climatic influences, it is necessary to achieve a certain thickness of the dried film. For facade coatings are typically 100 - 120 microns, ie, approximately 200 ml of ink per 1 m2. Application of thinner layers leads to defects in paint and in the future - damage to the building envelope. The paint should be applied thinly. Trying to cover the surface at a time, of course, should not be. Colour the it a second time (after, of course, as the first coat is dry). Remember that two or three thin coats are always stronger than one thick. Staining the ceiling is painted ceiling to the walls. And the last layer of paint or whitewash should be brushed necessarily toward the light (the window). A previous wide. Otherwise, however carefully you're doing work on the ceiling are visible traces of the brush. When painting ceilings, lime composition prepared from hydrated lime, should know that the ceiling should be slightly moist. Persistence of painting will increase if a solution was prepared by adding sodium chloride (50-100 g per 10 liters of caramel). A final coat of paint on the wall apply a top-down. Otherwise, brush marks are visible. When applied by roller or brush direction should be chosen according to the direction of the main light, ie, finishing touches (passages) must be made in the direction of the light away from the window. At the same time on a wet surface is easier to observe the progress of work and possible errors staining clearly visible. Paint roller, start from the right corner of the window wall. The paint is applied to cross-motions for site-wide three or four roller. At the end of the surface of trim in one direction so that the cushion is removed from the wet paint slight movement. Color continue to strip the same width, up to the opposite wall. When a band of painted, colored next band begins again toward the window. Paint the ceiling produce a roller with a long nap, using a large amount of paint. With this painted surface does not dry out too quickly. For painting the ceiling recommended roller with a long handle. Thus the work can be done without a ladder, standing on the floor. Color starts with the right corner. When using roller application care should avoid contact roller with a ceiling. For greater reliability it is recommended to paint roller, one of the top bar in the horizontal direction. Wall paint stripes from top to bottom. Width of one be coated area is about 1 m, and length - 50-60 cm then painted in the same way the lower part of the wall. When applying the paint roller, initially applied on the wall cross-motions. Then paint line the bottom-up movements. Stain should be performed by such narrow bands to catch and paint the bottom of the wall of excessive drying. If the wall is built vpustoshovku seams, coloring can be performed on the elements. When painting walls is recommended to use a lot of paint to the painted surface was wet for long enough. This is necessary in order to work the seams were not visible in the finished surface. Paint roller, start with a few strokes crosswise, then rub the paint over the entire surface. A lot of paint on the roller, however, as well as on the hand, do not type. Bindings window frames, baseboards, panels and bottom edges of doors dye fleytsem small (about 5 cm in cross section). Work large brush will inevitably lead to blemishes, and besides, add the hassle of cleaning the room after the repair. Before the paint roller, large surfaces, painting brush (fleytsem) angles of the walls, the joints of windows, doors and other places where the paint roller is inconvenient. The width of the strip painted with a brush must be at least 7-8 cm If you decide to paint the walls are not up to the ceiling the following question arises: how to have a flat on top of the line? Cut a strip of cardboard the desired width and length of about half a meter. Came to her wooden chocks - it will stick. Slide the cardboard along the ceiling behind a brush, you will be able to hold a straight line. Everyone can easily reach over the wall flat panels, if he uses for this brush with transverse metal rod and line with a beveled edge. A cause flat panels on the painted surface of the wall will help the two pieces of adhesive tape (electrical tape, for example). Stick them in parallel, the right distance from each other, get a great stencil. A small rectangle of cardboard, tin or other dense material, attached to the glass when painting window frames and glass to protect from accidental strokes and will carefully paint ramu.Pri painting skirting boards takes a lot of skill and care to protect the floor from dripping paint. Your good assistant in this matter would be an ordinary shovel, you want to substitute between the skirting and the floor. In this run-off excess paint on the scoop again, you can use for painting baseboard. If you want to paint a hollow cylinder or pipe, this piece is best to hang or put in the cavity of a stick which then put the ends of two opory.Okrasku inaccessible areas - cornices, balconies, etc. - Facilitate bent at an angle of a tube that is inserted into the brush. Pipe lying on the ground or passing in a corner, paint brush is difficult. For this case we recommend to sew mitten from beaver lamb or artificial fur, the fur outside glove worn on the hands, dip in paint and moving along the pipe, easily stained on all sides. Leaning the ladder against the wall of the room, you should anticipate that it may scratch the paint or wallpaper. To avoid this, put it even old mittens. And to insure the ladder from falling on slippery floor put it ends in rubber galoshes. In this case, the staircase does not leave traces on the floor. Paint protection from dirt. Dropped bristle, dry chunks of paint and dirt particles will inevitably fall into the paint, can ruin all the work, and catch them almost impossible. Cut out several circles of wire mesh-sized hole in the pot of paint. And when something falls into the paint, put a grid on the surface. Debris stuck to the underside of the grid. How to prevent transfusion of paint. On the U-shaped rim, banks often accumulate paint and then poured onto the floor. To avoid this, try a few small nail holes around the circumference side. Paint, gathering on the edge, will translate back into the jar. Thick paint quickly to score these holes, so keep cloves on hand to open them again. This trick can not be applied if you do not use all the paint at once. The cover will not close these holes and the air, once inside, will cause the formation of a dried film on the paint. How to protect yourself from the drops. To reduce the number of drops on the floor, make a stand for a jar of paint from a plastic dish, attach it to the bottom of cans with duct tape, folded it so that the glue was on both sides. On the plate will get all the drops from the edges of banks, with banks moving plate is moved along with it.

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