Reason (or black floors) consists of a boardwalk laid on wooden joists. Joists and flooring should be antiseptirovany and dried. Lags can serve the board or thick bars 25-40 and 80-100 mm wide. The distance between them depends on the thickness of the planks used for flooring. Laying lag and boards produce very accurate. If verification fugovannoy rack 2 m in length with the level of the floor there are deviations of more than 1 mm, the flooring must align planing. Snake spread so that the gaps between the boards of the base did not coincide with the mechanical junction of the parquet rows (Fig. 41). Otherwise, the nail being driven in the end groove strips, gets into a crack between the boards, which reduces the strength of the safety flooring. When the parquet on nails subfloor veiled cardboard, paper or glassine. This is done to nastlanny parquet does not creak, and to reduce sound transmission through the beam in the wall. When laying the parquet with a frieze in the center of the room pull cord for lighthouse Christmas tree. The rest of the process of laying parquet flooring similar to the process for mastic. Hardwood plank nail a length of 40 and a thickness of 1,6-1,8 mm. Each bar up to 300 mm hammer three nails: two - in the side slot, and one - in the end. In the bar longer than 300 mm hammer four nails, three of them - in the side slot, and one - in the end. Parquet flooring can lead to one, but better together: a parquet, and the other picks up right and left strips and lay them for 4-6 pieces while moving first. Flooring is so. Bedding flooring stands up on his right knee in the direction of stacking. Box of nails put on the left hand, right hand holds a hammer in his left - doboynik. Having laid the first strip lighthouse tree right on the cord, right knee presses it to the ground, his left hand takes a nail and a light blow sends him into a groove angle of 45 °. Then drives a heavy blow to the end of the groove. After that, the nail-head puts doboynik a third strike utaplivaet hat. Scoring in the lateral slot two or three nails, one nail hammered into the groove edge.
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