Parquet (Fig. 31, b) are made of oak, beech, hornbeam, ash, maple, elm, elm (elm), chestnut, acacia, birch, pine and larch humidity of not more than 8%. The thickness of the planks of hard wood 15 mm, made of soft - 18 mm. The front side should be clean and smooth. The thickness of the wear layer - 7 - 10 mm (considered to face up to the ridge). Width of the slats 30 to 90 mm every 5 mm, ie 30, 35, 40 mm, etc., the length of the strips 150-500 mm with an interval of 50 mm (150, 200, 250 mm etc. ). Parquet strips depending on the profile edges are divided into two types: P1 - with ridges and grooves on opposite edges and ends, P2 - from the ridge on one edge and grooves on the other edge and ends. Crest - the protruding part strap that runs along its edge and face. Paz - a seizure, which is inserted into the crest connecting rods together and get a hard cover. Edge wear on the part of the ridge have a bevel of 3 ° for both types of brackets, the other side, with a groove - a straight line without the bevel. Bevel doing to strip during their laying tightly adjoined to one another. Permissible humidity strips parquet 9 ± 3%. Wood quality should be high. On the front side straps are unacceptable cracks, knots, wormholes, flakes, etc. On the reverse side are allowed certain defects, including rough plots of less than 30% of the plate. Keep the floor plank is necessary in dry conditions, but not near heating devices. Parquet panels (Fig. 31) consists of a wooden base and top front cover of the parquet slats of equal width with straight edges milled. Straps of the facial cover glued to the base water-resistant synthetic adhesives. Panels are manufactured in different sizes: 400x400, 475x475 mm, with permissible deviation ± 0,3 mm; 600x600, 800x800 mm with a deviation of ± 0,5 mm. There may be other dimensions. Parquet strips have a thickness of 100-400 and a width of 20-50 mm. By trim panel on all four edges have grooves, which do not reach the corners at 100 mm. Shields interconnects loose planks made from wood hardwood. Full board spends six rails, on a board half the size - four of them. The length of the rails 50 mm, width 26 and thickness of 8 mm. Sometimes the boards are made with ridges and grooves. When laying the edge with ridges turning to the walls. Attach the panels to each nail lag length 50-60 mm. Nails hammered into the grooves obliquely at an angle of 45 °, vtaplivaya cap into the timber. In the front surface of the nails can not score. In the shield size 400x400 mm drive in two nails. Inlaid parquet (Fig. 31, r) is of two types: normal or mosaic. Usually consists of rectangular strips were glued face-down on paper, removed after laying parquet on the ground. He is a kind of shield. This square boards, carpets size 400x400, 480x480, 520x520, 600x600, 650x650 mm thick strips of hardwood 8 mm, from soft (pine and larch) -12 mm. Variety of sizes allows you to choose the boards so that they fit a whole number of squares in the room. Most often it is the elementary squares, recruited from bars of equal length and width. Straps are placed in the shields tightly edge to edge. Clay used dekstrinovy ??that when wetted with water, the paper makes it easy to remove. In addition to stickers on the paper strips face, they sometimes stick to any solid material back side, and this material remains in the floor construction. Mosaic parquet often recruited from the oak, ash, beech, elm, maple, hornbeam and other species, are not inferior to their performance oak. This floor is characterized by a variety of geometric pattern and color matching of wood. Floor of a hardwood floor is a more beautiful if its separate elements plank is not close to each other and share a line (veins) from the wood of a different color. Veins can be of different widths, but the thickness must be equal to the thickness of the boards used. Hardwood boards (Fig. 31, g) consists of two layers - the lower and upper: lower - the base of the planed bars or slats of wood of low grades, top - covering made of rectangular strips of wood of valuable breeds. Layers are glued together with waterproof adhesives. Manufactures hardwood boards of two types: P1 - laying on the sleepers and P2 - with solid base. On the basis of 20-30 mm along the length of the longitudinal cuts have a depth of 16 mm for the boards of type P1 and 9 mm - type A2. Longitudinal cuts in order to prevent warping do not cross-cutting, but do not reach the straps of the facial cover by 1-2 mm. Straps of the facial cover often have a rack across the grounds, but perhaps a mixed arrangement. The length of the straps 150, 160 and 207 mm, width of 20-50 mm and a thickness of 6 mm. Slats are made of a length not less than 250 mm and their width must be divisible by the width of the floorboard. Parquet boards P1 type (for laying of sleepers) produce a total thickness of 25 mm, and board-type P2 (for stacking with solid base) - 18 mm. Dimensions parquet unified, mm: length 1200 width with products - 145, with a length 1800 - width 155, and at a length of 240 - width 202. Parquet boards interconnected grooves and ridges, located on opposite sides. The depth of grooves and ridges of height 7 mm. Such a combination allows us to obtain a hard coating. Instead of straps facial treatment is allowed to manufacture of a square hardwood timber with a minimum thickness of 4 mm. The grounds are made out of dry pine, fir, larch, fir, birch, aspen, and cedar. In one article applies to only one wood species. The front side of the parquet boards should not have any wood defects. Its water-resistant cover and durable lacquer layer thickness of 50-60 microns with no dull spots and stripes. Superhard plate during manufacture paint or soil from the front side. They are most often used for flooring. Under the flooring, the base for sound and heat insulation glued to the first one or two layers of soft slab, and on them in one layer of hard or superhard. Boards should fit snugly to the base and to each other, or when walking in places will be distributed to poor gluing dull blows. Laghi - nestroganye board of wood 2-nd and 3 rd grade softwood and hardwood thickness of 25-40 mm, a width of 80-100 mm. They can be a wane, which should not exceed 1 / 4 width and 2 / 3 of board thickness. Bark from waney part completely removed. Then the board is well dried, antiseptic, and again dried. Humidity should not exceed 18%. By lag plank hardwood boards or the so-called black floor of rough boards. Joists are laid on joists or concrete bases by placing them under two or three layers of roofing tar paper. This prevents the logs from rotting and reduces noise when walking. Paper or thin cardboard are widely used for parquet flooring on wooden bases, or black sex: first, laid paper or cardboard, and then the parquet. This is to ensure that the flooring does not creak. Depending on the quality of the paper is given the right parquet plank it in one, two or more layers. Paper and cardboard can be placed only on the floor with minimal humidity. Asphalt - a tight roll waterproofing material made of roofing paper and asphalt-impregnated refractory. It can be used instead of the usual paper and cardboard. Asphalt waterproof, strong and durable material, but it raises the cost of hardwood. Nails are used for different purposes. Their length depends on the thickness of the lag and nail products. Nails diameter 2-2,5 mm and a length of 50-60 mm are used for flooring and parquet subfloor boards. For fixing parquet wooden base is used to nail a length of 40 mm and a diameter of 1,6-1,8 mm. It is important that when nailing hardwood floor to lag the nail did not break through them, as it violates the soundproofing intercommunication floors. Mastic. For bonding parquet slats to use all kinds of reasons negvozdimym mastic of various materials, hot and cold. Hot mastic gaining strength, ie hardening, for 2-3 hours after their deposition, the cold - in 3 - 7 days. Thus, the advantage of hot mastic is that within 2-3 minutes of bonded strap securely fastened to the base and allows you to immediately go on the newly-placed base. But the hot mastic has a negative side. With a sticker on their parquet slats between a grip by striking a hammer on the edge of the slats. At the same sealant is sprayed and falling on your face, hands, can cause severe burns, because its temperature is 160 ... 180 ° C. Apply a layer of mastic 1-1,5 mm, flow 1,1-1,7 kg/m2. The layer thickness depends on the quality of the base. The main material for preparing hot and cold mastics are building oil bitumen. In addition, the composition of cements are: filler (10 - 30% by weight), mineral spirits, rubber cement, etc. The filler is taken small and dry: milled talc, diatomite, tripoli, and others, but best of all asbestos. Fineness of grain dust fillers should not exceed 0.3 mm, and fiber - 2,5 mm. Normal humidity asbestos is not more than 5%, sawdust and peat crumbs - 12%. The use of fillers enables the use of bitumen with a lower softening temperature. Fillers stiffen mastic and reduce its fluidity. Selection of the components of the mastic requires strict adherence to all recommendations. Here we consider the simplest compositions, materials that are easier to acquire. Bituminous mastic - the most common. It is prepared from petroleum bitumen grade BN-50/50, gasoline, rosin or pine tar. The composition of mastic, wt. including: bitumen grade BN-50/50 - 75,5, motor gasoline - 21.5, rosin or pine resin - 3. Mastic should be prepared away from buildings, strictly observing the fire prevention measures and safety as well as infusion into the molten asphalt to a pair of gasoline may flare up. When cooking utensils with bitumen should impose a brick, and in case of an outbreak of bitumen cover it tightly fitting lid, which should always have on hand. To cover useful priladit a long handle, so do not come close to the hot bitumen, which may be ejected. Prepare the paste in a sequence. Sturdy dishes for 3 / 4 of its volume filled with finely chopped bitumen. Asphalt is refined with constant stirring, heating it until the summer of 170 ... 180 ° C in winter - up to 200 ... 220 ° C. The supernatant was removed extraneous. Bitumen is heated up until it stops foaming, then it is put rosin or pine tar, and stirred up until they melt. After that, the dishes off the heat and extinguish the fire, bitumen is cooled to 80 ° C and low doses are pouring in petrol and thoroughly stirred. Prepared bitumen mastic is poured into a hermetically sealed containers, which can be stored for a long time. Bitumen mastic kukersolnuyu prepared from bitumen grade BN-70/30 (26% by weight) of rosin (4%), lacquer-kukersol (50%) and Portland cement grade 400 (20%). First, melt the bitumen surfaced remove extraneous, add resin and heated until it melted and thoroughly stirred. Remove from heat, add the lacquer-kukersol thoroughly stirred, and then in small portions with thorough stirring, dry, sifted through a fine sieve Portland. Keep the paste in a hermetically-sealed containers. Bitumastic "Bisky consists of bitumen grade BN-70/30 (65% by mass) of mineral spirits (22%), turpentine (4%), rubber cement (2%) and cement (7%). Mastic is prepared as follows. Sturdy dishes for 3 / 4 of its volume filled with finely chopped bitumen and heated it up to full dehydration. Then thoroughly stirred introduce small portions of cement. When the mixture cools down to 75 ... 80 ° C, while thoroughly stirring it poured white spirit and turpentine, and after all the rubber cement. Keep the paste in a hermetically-sealed containers. All of these pastes are used in a cold state. They are flammable, so smoke during work is prohibited. On the density of mastic used to glue the parquet dependent strength gluing. Prior to joining paste should be mixed thoroughly and check it thickness by immersing it in a wooden pestle with a diameter of 10 mm and weighing 12 grams and bears on it millimetric divisions (Fig. 32). At normal density mastic end pestle with divisions plunges freely to a depth of 20-30 mm. If the sealant will be thick, it is diluted: Bitumen - gasoline, bitumen-kukersolnuyu - lacquer-kukersol, but if the liquid sealant, it is added dry portland cement. Dilution of these pastes in any other solvent it is impossible, since they lose their adhesive properties. Considered mastic used to glue the parquet on concrete and cement foundation. They can cook it yourself or buy ready-made in specialized factories. In addition to these pastes, there are others: bitumen-rubber, Isola, turpentine bitumen, bitumen, synthetic, etc. Shelf life of the mastic from two months or more (the date of manufacture is usually indicated on the package). Acquire mastic in reserve is not recommended. Primers - it's almost the same as mastic, but more liquid. They are used for priming the solid bases of asphalt, mastic asphalt, concrete and cement-sand screeds when laying on the hot or cold asphalt mastic piece or mosaic parquet. Priming is performed with a continuous layer. It is necessary if humidity of the concrete base or a cement-sand screeds more than 6% or if the base dusty. Appointment of priming - to create a waterproof film and provide a better grip asphalt mastic with a base, as well as to link the existing dust on the surface of concrete or screed. Freshly ground materials can be primed by one-two days with a brush or spray. Primers typically are prepared on-site, strictly observing the fire prevention measures and safety. The materials are taken in parts by weight: bitumen BN-50/50 or BN-7.0/30 - 1 pm and petrol or kerosene - 2-3 hours Asphalt melted in a sturdy bowl until dehydration, remove from heat and allow to cool to 80 ° C. Then pour gasoline or kerosene, and all are thoroughly mixed to complete homogeneity. Solyarovoe oils used in the primers are not allowed. Parquet flooring in Primary coated base begins when the primer is completely dry, forming a continuous dry film. Store primers in a hermetically sealed container. Smoke during work is prohibited: the primer explosive. Concrete should prepare plastic, ie, relatively dense, but at the same time, more mobile, need minimum compaction. However, all the concrete mixtures in completing their formwork must necessarily condense. You can cook the hard concrete (as wet land), but it requires laying a strong enough seal. Prepare and cast concrete (liquid), which is more convenient in installation, but also less durable. Thicker than concrete, and the stronger it is compacted (ram), the higher its strength, and vice versa. For the preparation of 1m3 of concrete require an average of 160 to 180 liters of water. Excess cement in the concrete causing it to overrun and disadvantage - reduces the density, frost resistance of concrete, increases its permeability, promotes corrosion laid reinforcement. In the preparation of the concrete mass mixture significantly reduced in volume. Of 1 m3 of dry sweep is obtained from 0.59 to 0.71 m3 of concrete mass. Therefore, for the preparation of a m3 of concrete mass should be taken much more dry materials. For example, one of the required concrete 0.445 m3 of sand and gravel m3 0.87, 0.193 m3 of cement (250 kg), 178 liters of water to another - 0.395 m3 of sand, gravel m3 0.88, 0.198 m3 of cement (260 kg) , 185 liters of water, etc. The materials for making concrete measure volumetric parts. Portions of the concrete should be prepared for no more than one hour of work. Cement should be applied such marks, which would exceed the specified class of concrete by 2-3 times (to Portland in 2 times for other cements - 3 times). For example, for concrete class B 12.5 should be applied cement grade 400. Said above about the need to produce rebar in concrete walls and floors cellar. Reinforcement rods arranged vertically and horizontally. Each intersection of rods necessary wiring. In the floor reinforcement is not mounted. When the device concrete ceiling distance between the valve stem is reduced to 6.8 cm thick concrete wall should be 10 cm for the floor - 7-10 To see masonry was stronger in three to four rows of horizontal seams must be laid reinforcement of 6 mm thick at a distance of 8 cm from each other (two or three rods on the wall thickness in 3-5 series). Stone, brick, concrete and cement mortar, despite its strength, still miss the water (in the masonry through the seams), so the walls and floor cellar or ice must be securely hydroelectric-zolirovany. Simple waterproofing can be made of thick mint clay, laid a layer of 10 to 20 cm and thoroughly compacted (compacted). Laying a thick clay layer thickness should be 5-7 cm, followed by consolidation. The fatter the clay, so it is less water permeability. You can apply roofing and roofing, plank but they should not dry, but stick with mastic. Pre places roofing and tar paper that stick, purified from the powder using a spatula or other tool. If you do not remove the powder, the material is bad and stick through it will leak water. Edge of the blades overlap one another by at least 10 cm Toll stick with Degteva mastic. To prepare 10 kg of mastic should be 5 kg coal tar, coal tar pitch, 3 kg and 2 kg of dry fine aggregate (crushed peat, ground chalk, crushed slag or limestone with wood flour, sifted through a fine sieve). Prepare the paste as follows. In a solid dish (pot pot) 3 / 4 of its volume downloaded tar, heated it and added to small portions of coal tar pitch, which is recommended as you can chop smaller. All this is melted and stirred up until not stop churning. Then the foam and surfaced extraneous removed a jar with holes, which are mounted on a long handle. Extinguish the fire, added to the dishes in small portions filler, all thoroughly mixed. The resulting hot paste is applied with a stiff brush or a brush in one or two times, while avoiding its contact with the wall surface. Roofing felt bonded to asphalt cement. To prepare 10 kg of mastic required 8.5 kg of oil and bitumen BN-70/30 1,5-1,7 kg filler. Technology of preparation is similar to the above bitumen mastic. Cooking should be for 2-3 hours before starting work. These mastics can not just stick rolled materials, but just coat concrete, brick and stone surfaces for two times without subsequent labels waterproofing materials. More durable sealant is when the cement, concrete, stone and brick foundation pre-primed with liquid bonding primers: Bitumen - a bitumen mastic, pitch - under the postmark Degteva. Bitumen primer is made from petroleum bitumen or BN-50/50 BN-70/30 (40%), kerosene, solyarovogo or green oil (60%). Another composition: 30% bitumen, gasoline or benzene, 70%. Degteva primers used for coal tar pitch - 30% benzene - 70%. Prepare their case. First, melt the bitumen or pitch to complete dehydration, remove scum and foreign matter, then extinguish the fire. Once the putty cools to 60 ... 80 ° C, in which small portions with thorough mixing pour in the solvent. Cooked this way the primer is poured into hermetically closed dishes and stored until use. It should be remembered that the primer flammable, so you need to provide fire safety measures in places of its storage and during use. Properly cooked cold primer should dry on hardened concrete or cement plaster for no more than 10 hours, and the freshly ties - for 12-48 hours with a dry concrete or plaster primer grasped stronger and lasts longer, and most importantly - it is better to stick mastic that provides reliable waterproofing of walls and ceilings. Cold primers used are safer than hot mastic at work that are required to comply with safety regulations. Device cellar or ice begins with the fact that mark out the land of its size outside walls. From the intended path of 50 cm or 1 m in the outer side are beginning to choose the ground, knocking it as far as possible, ie, digging pit. If the soil crumbles, it is necessary to arrange the retaining walls. Pit or dig a hole better than large, which allows between the walls and the ground leaving a large space (width 1 m) needed to carry out plastering and waterproofing work. Line the bottom of the pit and on it placed 3-4 layers of mint clay thickness of 5 cm, well its ramming. Then the clay align and install formwork height of 10-15 cm, based on the size of the exterior walls. Preparation of concrete is laid a layer of 5 cm, rams, align, dried and watchtower on it two or three layers of roofing or roofing mastic or on without her. Stacked on top of the same layer of concrete, and on it - cement mortar in proportion 1:3 (1 part cement to 3 hours of sand), well it is spread, or rubbed smooth down and left to dry for 2-3 days or more. Then, to prevent contamination of floors, it is covered with sawdust, peat, paper, some grass. On this basis carry out the walls. Under the walls of the base should be very clean without any trace of it was filling. For this purpose, from the edges of the base push backfill into the cellar to the thickness of two times greater than the thickness of the walls, and laid the walls of brick, stone, concrete, stones, bonding them with a solution, or pour concrete into the formwork arranged. If the walls are concrete, the formwork and arrange so that the thickness of the walls was no less than 10 cm Decking make a minimum height of 50 cm, and the concrete is prepared to work in batches for 1 h. When recovering concrete, ram it thoroughly, put rebar for strength. Rearranging the formwork, gradually build a wall to the desired height. The top of all walls should be at the same level. Masonry is best done in the formwork: it produces a smooth and comfortable grout. In addition, it is easier in this case promazyvat joints with cement mortar. 2-3 days commence construction of the overlap. It can be made of concrete slabs or monolithic, which required the unit casing. It is best to provide for reinforced concrete with thickness of 10-15 cm Valves lay in a grid, the thickness of the reinforcing wire at least 8 mm, the distance between the rods 10 cm
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