Natalia Tyannikova Even 10 years ago, the building materials market is not spoiled us a great variety of floor coverings: the rooms lay a parquet or linoleum ... Today, the choice to wider - from the laminate to the cork floors. What is the advantage of coatings made of cork? We have already informed our readers with this natural and environmentally friendly material. Its excellent acoustic properties are automatically reduce noise in the room. The floor is made of such material due to the small residual strain (less than 2%) at the point load is almost completely recovers its thickness. In other words, it can put furniture on rollers or casters on the legs, without fear of spoiling its appearance. According to him nicely and, most importantly, it is useful to go as soft elastic coating beneficial effect on the locomotor system of man: it unloads. Cork flooring is by definition not slippery, not electrified, has antibacterial properties and also does not require complicated special care. If we take into account the high water resistance, durability and reliability, it becomes clear why the coverage data used in recent times so popular. The material is perfect for a child's room, as soft and warm floor - what you need for your child. He will be able to run on it barefoot! Some trim cork boards bathrooms, so they retain heat longer. If you often sit up in the evening guests, the tube, absorbing the sounds that will help solve the problem forever disgruntled neighbors who live below you. What is in the cork board? Bark of the cork tree with the help of modern methods of treatment are ground, heated in a furnace and the press. In this case, cork granules stick together, and the open cell structure is transformed into a closed. It turns out very strong cellular base embodying millions of closed air bubbles of different sizes. They are tightly compressed and impregnated with natural cork material - suberin. Each element of this structure both as a miniature thermal insulator, and an acoustic absorber and a damper spring. All outdoor products made of natural cork is a "layer cake". Its basis - agglomerate (crushed and pressed cork) - 1 mm. The next layer - wood dust on the resin - has a different thickness. Then again, agglomerated cork - 1 mm. But the front layer of the floor can be different. It can be covered with a decorative veneer of the same tube or of valuable wood, which is to increase the protective properties of lacquered or covered with an additional layer of vinyl. Do vinyl coverings higher rates of wear, which allows the use of such a floor in rooms with a large cross. The core of the special plate density is only used in floating floors, floor to glue it replaces the agglomerate. Adhesive and floating structures for cork floors are of two types: adhesive and floating. Adhesive coatings are available in the form of tiles size 300x300; 450h150; 600h300, 450x450 mm (and others) and thickness - 3,2, 4 and 6 mm. They are glued over its entire area to the ground. The most wear resistant and hard of them - trehmillimetrovaya. It is suitable for office and even industrial premises are visited by many people. However, it is fun to walk on this floor a little. I think the same tile. To better take home plate 6 mm thick. This is the most acceptable option, providing comfort and to keep warm. Thicker slabs worth buying if you live on the ground floor and basement of the apartment gets cold - they will be safer to keep warm. Floating covers are made in the form of panels size 900h185 mm and a thickness of 9 to 12 mm. They are stacked on the floor and are joined together using slots - on the same principle as meshes lining. More expensive are the glue floor - laying them requires more time and effort, but they are more durable. After their cover with varnish (in-store adhesive flooring sold without varnish) coating will last 7-10 years. Then paint them again, and they can hold out as much. The warranty period of floating floors less - about 5 years. But that is associated only with the quality of varnish, which the manufacturer initially cover plate. So if you additionally will cover the paint surface, it will serve no less. On the advice of professionals, it is not necessary to lay a floating floor, where there is a risk of flooding, such as a bathroom or kitchen. It is said that the water it gets messed up, and it will have to throw out. However, there is an opposite point of view. According to one of the lucky owners of a cork floor, after the flooding in his apartment swollen laminate, linoleum was warmed to rot on the bottom side and the only cover in the kitchen is almost not affected. Cork flooring has exceeded all expectations. The apartment owners have covered it again with lacquer, rubbed with putty and got almost original form. How to choose a cork floor? First of all, note the manufacturer. Recognized as a leader here is Portugal, which produces more than half the cork boards. In addition to its "plug" makes Spain, Poland, China. For the price of plates from different countries differ quite strongly - from 800 to 1200 rubles per square meter. Quality products must be carefully packed and slices to be accurate and burr-free. Check also the geometry of the plates. Take two plates of different bundles and stacked on each other. If they are different sizes, or will not fit together and the gap will remain between them, these plates is better not to take. Look at the reverse side of cork. It should be smooth and dense. If it contains various inclusions, it means that the manufacturer decided to save by adding a waste of processing or even the usual sawdust. Plate with additives worse will retain heat and absorb sound. The collections of floor coverings made of natural cork for more than 50 species (varieties of veneer on the front side), with a huge selection of textures, a variety of finishes and rich colors. This allows you to choose option for any interior. The most common cork floors in Russia - is WICANDERS and IPOCORK. Nursing Care for this floor is quite simple: it can be vacuumed and wiped a well-wrung cloth. Permissible use of detergents, with the exception of abrasive. Strictly prohibited the use of metal brushes. Cork flooring, vinyl protection should cover the paste 1-2 times a year. If you have half a child, keep in mind that the rubber soles are left on this cover tough stains. Can not use mats with latex or rubberized base. To protect the floor from scratches on the legs of tables and chairs should stick pieces of felt. If you follow these simple rules, the cork floor will last you a very long time. Chase fashion - it useless. Each season, the market building and finishing products, new collections or even new products, significantly surpassing the previous design, quality, composition and so on. But we always want to create our interior remained exclusive, caused joy in ourselves and the admiration of visitors. Surprise now someone is very difficult. However, cork flooring, although with each passing year it becomes more popular, is still "the rage". Original, simple and convenient. What more for the happiness you want?
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