Sunday, July 31, 2011
Saturday, July 30, 2011
Friday, July 29, 2011
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Monday, July 25, 2011
Sunday, July 24, 2011
Saturday, July 23, 2011
Friday, July 22, 2011
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Monday, July 18, 2011
Sunday, July 17, 2011
Saturday, July 16, 2011
Friday, July 15, 2011
Brick: selection, characterization, producers
... A solid company built luxury brick house. Began lining the facade, but then doubted. The bricks seemed to them suspicious. Given to the examination, and found that frost resistance of brick is not responsible Moscow standards. I had to get rid of it in a hurry, and the house was revived with a new, "correct" brick. This story ended well. And many others, alas, ended badly. For example, did the dome of brick dry pressing, still covered with pure gold, and the dome began to leak. Or: they brought a brick to the construction site, left a few months, but when it came time to build, it turned out that all brick cracked. And the reason turned out to be everywhere the same: brick incorrectly selected. How to make the right choice So let's try to figure out what kind of brick - a "right". According to the "Dictionary of Russian language, edited by DN Ushakov, brick is: 1. Artificial stone, manufactured in the form of bars of clay and is used for buildings. 2. One piece of this stone. 3. The solid material in the form of a stone. What are the bricks of composition and process for producing a brick is divided into two groups - ceramic and calcium silicate. Ceramic brick is produced by firing clay and mixtures thereof. Sand-lime brick - consists of approximately 90% sand, 10% lime and a small proportion of additives. Mixture is sent to the autoclave, and not in the kiln, as is the case with a ceramic brick. If you add pigments, you can get calcium silicate bricks of almost any color - blue, green, raspberry, violet.
Clay bricks and hollow
BRICK CLAY ordinary bricks has a rectangular parallelepiped with flat faces and straight edges and corners; size 250h120h65 or 250x120x88 mm. For brick-thick 88 mm necessary to have round or slotted technology voids. For the production of building bricks are usually used fusible clay containing 50 - 75% silica, and clay loam with emaciated and burnable additives or without them. Volumetric weight of the clay ordinary bricks is within the 1700 - 1900 kg / m?, and coefficient of thermal conductivity, 0.65 - 0.7 kcal / m h o o deg. Depending on the magnitude of the compressive strength brick is divided into grade 75, 100, 125, 150 and 200. Brick, dried to constant weight, should have water absorption of not less than 8%. This requirement implies a certain porosity of bricks, because otherwise it will be characterized by high thermal conductivity and, furthermore, it will be bad bite mortar. Frost resistance of brick, not less than 15 cycles of alternate freezing and thawing. Brick must be properly burned. The firing temperature for ordinary brick clays averages 900 - 1100 `S. Pale brick (scarlet) has insufficient strength, low resistance to water and frost, and bleach (iron ore) have higher bulk density, high density and strength, a relatively high thermal conductivity and, as a rule, distorted form. Brick must meet the requirements of the standard appearance. This is established by inspection and measurement of a certain number of bricks from each party on the following characteristics: the deviation from the specified dimensions (length ± 6, ± 4 in width, thickness ± H mm), curved (for bed up to 4 mm, a spoonful of 5 mm), chipped corners and edges (no more than two on each brick size not exceeding 15 mm), the presence of through-cracks, passing across a brick (no more than one length of 40 mm inclusive).
What can be done with foamed concrete
Zravomyslyaschie people have long understood that to build a house, and even more on an individual project - an expensive and troublesome. And every year, counting the labor savings, bitterly aware that the building had to be postponed indefinitely. Today, wooden house medium size (six by six feet) would cost about $ 5000, and brick - and the more expensive. And this version - without the bells without intricate planning and even without a finish! Meanwhile, the house can be built not only of bricks, logs or lumber. There is a material that reduces the cost of construction of approximately one and a half to two times and has many other advantages. It is called cellular concrete. In the west of it long ago built. And we, as usual, think cheshem his head and doubt. But in vain! That penobeton could give many of us a roof over their head in the truest sense of the word. On what is not in dictionaries Alas, in Encyclopedic Dictionary of the material has not been told anything. How so? Just in case, honors all that was said just about "concrete". It turned out that it was "one of the most important building materials, which is produced as a result of solidification compacted mixture of binder, water, aggregates and in some cases - supplements. Depending on the volume of mass concrete is divided into very heavy, heavy, light and very easy. By type of binder concrete are cement, silicate, gypsum, asphalt, polymer, and others. " About penobeton word. Maybe it's some kind of special concrete additives special foam?
Thursday, July 14, 2011
CONCRETE - this is one of the most common and important building materials, which is produced by curing a mixture of binder, water, fillers and additives. Concrete is widely used in civil and industrial construction. In the case of erecting buildings of concrete, its types and grades are determined at the stage of a project. For various building elements used different types and grades of concrete. Necessary to determine which particular element of design (foundation, bearing walls, interior walls, floors) is selected grade of concrete. The main characteristic of concrete is the compressive strength, which determines the grade of concrete. By type of binder concretes are: - cement - silica - polymer, etc. According to the bulk mass of concrete can be divided into: - heavy - volume weight above 1800 kg / m 3, are used in industrial construction - light - weight not exceeding 1800 kg / m3. The price of concrete depends on: - the type of concrete (heavy concrete less porous) - the brand of concrete (the higher figure in the concrete mark, the higher the price). You should not: - use heavy concrete for the construction of interior partitions or superstructure of the building - to use cellular concrete when constructing underground structures (cellars, basements, etc.). It is optimal to purchase the concrete directly from the manufacturer, which will save considerable money. Preparation of concrete mix in individual housing for the preparation of concrete mix as a binder most commonly used Portland cement 400.
The main characteristics of building materials, primarily the interests of developers are: environmental safety, the weight ratio of moisture in the material, fire resistance, vapor permeability, frost resistance, thermal performance, durability, and, finally, the cost of the material. Try to understand the basic features opilkobetona, sharpen its compliance with the requirements of modern building materials. Environmental security Opilkobeton - material based on clean, safe, natural ingredients: cement, sand, sawdust. Due to the high content of organic filler (sawdust) opilkobetonnye blocks have excellent sound absorption performance and water vapor permeability. For many indicators opilkobetonnye wall blocks correspond to the timber. Unique hygienic characteristics of the material provide an excellent microclimate in houses built of blocks opilkobetonnyh. Conclusion: Opilkobetonnye masonry units - an environmentally friendly and healthy building material, in full conformity with modern sanitary-hygienic requirements. The weight ratio of moisture in the material - a very important indicator in construction. From the percentage of water depends not only comfortable accommodation but also depends frost resistance of the material. Naturally, it is desirable to reduce the proportion of water in the material. Water absorption opilkobetona an average of 8-12% for the operating conditions B (SNIP II -3-79 building heating equipment). This wide range of indicators due to different density of the material (from 600 to 1200 kg / m 3).
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Polystyrene is called concrete, lightweight aggregate which is foamed polystyrene. Polystyrene on its properties relates to lightweight concrete (aerated concrete), but has some significant differences. Its advantages include the possibility of varying over a wide range of its density, resulting in polystyrene can be both structural and insulation material. Exceptionally low bulk density of the particles of foamed plastic allows for lightweight concrete with a weight, a range which can be selected in accordance with the requirements of specific applications, while concrete has a correspondingly wide range of characteristics. Also, unlike the concrete blocks and concrete, it is easy to obtain polystyrene weighing less than 200kg/m3 with enhanced thermal insulation properties. Polystyrene (GOST 51263-99) is a composite material, which includes Portland and the variety, the silica filler (silica sand or fly ash from thermal power station, is used in the manufacture of high-density polystyrene), porous filler, which acts as a pellet expanded polystyrene (PVG) and builders (setting accelerators, plasticizers, etc.) produced by the density of polystyrene, usually in the range of D600 (for building blocks) to D150 (when used as insulation material). To date, the main method of production of masonry units (blocks) of polystyrene is cast in metal molds. The main advantages of polystyrene lightweight aggregate concrete with Styrofoam (polystyrene) is known for a long time. At that time, as polystyrene is known for at least 25 years in our market, and on the west - more than 40 years, so far the expectations about the amount of material is justified only in certain applications.
Concrete. Concrete admixtures
Additives improve the quality of concrete and added to it with additional special properties that allow to accelerate the pace of construction, as well as significantly reduce the cost. The special properties of concrete are needed both in the construction of roads and airfield pavements, waterworks, docks, swimming pools and special facilities, and in solid construction of residential and industrial buildings, etc. At present, there are many different supplements. For hot climates such as hardening of retardants are often used. In the manufacture of floors, which are amenable to freezing / thawing, such as the floors in the open air or in freezers are encouraged to apply (except for the use of inhibitors), only the air-absorbing chemicals. Supplement is recommended for concrete with high demands on frost resistance, durability and water resistance. in civil and industrial construction (prefabricated, thin-walled and gustoarmirovannye design) for construction of hydraulic structures (bridges, dams, sluices, tunnels, basements, swimming pools, basements, paving tiles, self-leveling floors), etc. Concrete Additive Lignopan-B1 - plasticizer based on fractionated lignosulfonates, inorganic salts, simple copolymers of acrylic series. Copolymers of acrylic series, and cellulose ethers bind free water and significantly reduce the solution and water separation. Used in the manufacture of ready-mixed concrete and mortar. Concrete Additive Lignopan-B2 - Plasticizers - Accelerator hardening.
Fillers for concrete
Aggregates for concrete are divided into natural, artificial and aggregates from the waste industry. Natural aggregates are produced by mechanical processing of rocks. Artificial fillers serve especially of prepared materials, which is produced from natural raw materials and industrial waste by thermal or other processing (concrete block, Termoli, slag pumice, etc.). Fillers from the waste industry - slag, ash, slag mixture. The most important indicators of quality aggregates are density, grain and mineral composition, shape and surface texture of the grains. Depending on the density of aggregates are distinguished dense - more than 2000 kg/m3 and porous - less than 2000 kg/m3. Durability: fillers directly affects the strength of concrete. Requirements set by the strength in the main only for large aggregates, since it is usually used as, filler sand is obviously higher strength concrete strength (tensile strength of quartz sands above 1000 MPa). Strength is characterized by gravel mark corresponding to the ultimate strength of the source rock in the water-saturated condition (20-140 MPa). To obtain the heavy concrete using aggregates from rock density 1800-2800 kg/m3. Fillers having a density less than 1800 kg/m3, characterized by high porosity and are used for the manufacture of lightweight concrete. For fine aggregate include natural and artificial sand. Natural sands are distinguished by its mineral composition - quartz sand, feldspar, carbonate, etc. In terms of education distinguish sea, river and ravine sands.
Construction of the foundation
Cost of construction of foundations, usually about 20% of the value of the house. But not only this fact determines the most thorough, thoughtful manufacturing base. No need to explain what cracks, distortions and other deficiencies that arise as a result of mistakes made, how it will affect the rest of the house construction, how difficult it is to eliminate the marriage and to repair the foundation. Therefore, the calculation, the selection and construction of the basement should be under your closest attention. Design, material and depth of laying of foundation depends on the size and nature of acting on the foundation loads of capital and the design features of the house and the natural conditions of the site (depth of soil freezing, the nature of their occurrence, the presence of groundwater, etc.). On the reliability of the bases to a large extent depend on the operational quality of the building, its capital, and durability. First, you need to figure out on what ground or grounds will be home: the depth of laying the foundation depends on the type of soil, its depth of freezing, the groundwater level. Distinguish the following primers: the rocky soil - reliable, sturdy, not shrink, not blurred and not freeze. Laying the groundwork can be directly on its surface; gristly soils (gravel, stone breakup) - not compressed and not blurred. Should lay the foundation at a depth of not less than 50 cm, regardless of the depth of soil freezing, sandy soils - easy to remove, a good pass water, greatly compacted under load and slightly frozen.
How to build a house out of foam
Building a house always begins with the foundation. Whatever type of home we have not chosen, but no foundation in any way. Especially that part where we decided to build a house is not the best. Fine sand, forming a floating earth in the area of ??groundwater that lie just under the surface. After much thought and consultation with experts, we stopped by his decision on the solid foundation of tile. Not the cheapest option, but for us it was the best. He can keep himself on the whole structure in such difficult circumstances. Step One Building basement after a rough work bulldozer snyavshego vegetation layer, aligning the foundation hole manually. With the help of ordinary shovel, rail and level received a flat surface. Use the escalator was still very difficult, because the soil is prone to collapse, so we had to work manually. On a bed lined pit of bars postpoeny "ladder" - the basis for future molds. The inside of the "stairs" boards nailed vertically to form a so-called "Sandbox". Spaces between them form the ribs on the underside of the foundation slab, which is based load-bearing walls. "Sandbox" filled with coarse sand, which is abundantly watered. Then sand thoroughly rams. The result is a very dense surface on which the shoe leaves no fingerprint. Compacted sand rose thick polyethylene film, which is attached to the boards of a stapler. In hot weather, the film becomes more flexible and well stretched. Along the perimeter of stairs stands vertically pour in molds.
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Foundations under the stove
Foundations for stoves usually have the same area as the laying of the foundation of the furnace. In the two-story homes on the edge load is the foundation of the furnace from a solid brick does not exceed 2000 kPa. For furnaces of ceramic blocks such loading is reduced by about 15-20 times as the sectional area Flue riser in this case is much smaller. Scattergun basement furnace in a house without a basement have a nepromerzayuschey area not less than 50 cm from the ground. When placing the furnace on a basement foundation furnace deepened to 30 cm below the floor level basement. Oven bases are made of gravel-sand mortar or concrete. Precast concrete and reinforced concrete foundation reduces the amount of masonry and allow them to mechanize the assembly. They consist of pillows - concrete blocks (plates) of rectangular or trapezoidal shape to be placed on the preparation of thick sand rammed 0,15 m and a vertical wall of concrete blocks (Fig. 33). When weak soils in the precast concrete foundations suit belt thickness of 100-150 mm thick reinforced seams 30-50 mm. Pier foundation can get a separate support buildings - a concrete columns, brick columns, etc. (Fig. 34). Solid foundation for doing in the form of a monolithic reinforced concrete ribbed slabs, it was appropriate for the need to protect the basement from the penetration of ground water with high hydrostatic pressure.
Concrete. Types of concrete
After planning the site and selecting the project home starts actually building a house, and it begins with the foundation, a house without a foundation can be built except on the rock. But making foundations and the erection of stone walls, etc. requires the most basic knowledge about the different concretes and mortars. So let's forget about the time the main issue of concern to us - building and briefly take a look at some data that will later be useful for you. Depending on the size used concrete aggregate are: - to fine-grained filler - up to 1 cm - on a coarse-grained filler - 1-15, see the density of concrete is divided into four types: - very heavy - more than 2500 kg/m3; - heavy - from 1800 to 2500 kg/m3; - light - from 500 to 1800 kg/m3; - very light - less than 500 kg/m3. The main characteristic during the installation of concrete class is a measure of compressive strength (MPa) (B3, 5, B5 ... B60). Concrete class is a numerical characteristic of any of its properties taken with guaranteed security (usually 0.95). Grade of concrete - numerical characteristic of any property taken by its average value. On the compressive strength, for example, heavy concrete, installed brand 50, 75, 100, 150 ... 600. For conventional reinforced concrete structures in civil and industrial construction usually used concrete grades 200 and 250. Durability of concrete estimate the degree of frost. When frost resistance of concrete are classified in grade P50, P75 ... P300, etc. By type of binder concrete are cement, silicate, gypsum and concrete on inorganic and organic binders.
Decorative Concrete - the possibilities are endless
At the moment, the technology of decorative concrete is very popular in countries with high development. This is understandable since, with its assistance, you can simply and quickly with a conventional concrete surface to create what is fully reproduce the slate, pavers or cobblestones. The use of decorative concrete technology allows much faster and less expensively than with marble, stone or tile, to achieve a desired texture effects. By that time, the quality and durability of decorative concrete has long been accustomed to beat the market materials. And it's not to mention the features and relatively low price! Decorative concrete is a monolithic concrete, laid in a certain way. Moreover, it is compacted with a special stamp and subjected to special treatment chemicals. Specific area of ??design is to work with relief and decorative coatings. And here the great possibilities inherent in the use of new building materials and technologies that offer architects and builders, most unexpected, economical and efficient solutions. Coverage of the colored concrete durable, resistant to external influences, moreover, does not require a certain special care. Applied decorative concrete for both private and for industrial and commercial construction. Streets and squares are full of numerous elements of urban design. Very important link in a single ensemble often disparate in style lights, signs, small architectural forms. Make this helps a variety of architectural and landscaping techniques - the introduction of plants, small height difference of the ground surface with retaining walls, ramps, staircases, and decorative paving.
Floor slabs and roof slabs of polystyrene
Floor slabs and roof slabs of polystyrene - is one of the most modern types of overlap. The basic property of floor slabs and roof slabs of polystyrene is their low weight, which causes small load bearing frame and foundation of the building. In addition, they are characterized by high physical, thermal and acoustic properties, as well as ease of installation. On the basis of polystyrene designed three overlapping systems: Mounting system overlap - this is when the overlap be established bearing beams, and then filling the elements - the slab. Polumontazhnaya system - installed mounting plates, and over the filling layer of concrete. Monolithic system overlaps is very simple system, characterized by installing corrugated roofing sheets. Slabs are made to order and generally available for spans of up to 4,0 m (thickness of 140 mm and weighing 150 kg / m 2), length 4,0 - 5,0 m (thickness of 180 mm and weighing 190 kg / m 2) and 5,0 - 6,0 m (thickness of 220 mm and weighing 230 kg / m 2). On special request may be made board and other sizes. Slab of polystyrene can be mounted at any time of year with small forklifts, and even manually. When using the floor slabs and roof slabs do not require the application of the plaster (rather putty cement grout or adhesive for ceramic tiles), resulting in significantly reduced time finishing works. Although this new material for the floor, but floor slabs and roof slabs of polystyrene has already won the sympathy of local builders, as a reliable and practical material.
Proper use of additives to concrete
Proper use of additives to the concrete - another condition for the proper preparation of concrete. For example, calcium chloride, known as hardening accelerator and antifreeze additive, resulting in accelerated electrochemical corrosion of the reinforcement, so that the concrete must be added inhibitors - substances that prevent corrosion. Additives in large amounts cause harm non-reinforced concrete, reinforce the phenomenon of surface filtration, an indicator which can often be a blemish. Mixing concrete - the next stage of preparation of concrete, and here too it is very important to eliminate significant errors possible during this process. Mixing must be thorough in all phases, especially without adding water, otherwise the process of cement (hydration) is incomplete, there will be shortage of concrete strength. The first wet mixing (and subsequent), produce, irrigating solution from a watering can instead of a bucket, as the flood waters wash away the cement. Initially, pour one-third of water needed for the second time - the remaining water, mixing is carried out on a flat, clean, damp ground. In the manufacture of concrete mix two men with shovels throwing gravel in the direction of stirring, the third crushes rake formed a cone, the fourth adds water. In the individual building is often used a small mixer gravity. The optimum time of mixing in such mixers - a few minutes. Short or long mixing time leads to the fact that the concrete mixture is obtained by heterogeneous, with all ensuing consequences.
Monday, July 11, 2011
Cellular concrete
Rapid development of low-rise building has identified the emergence of new materials. Notable among them is cellular concrete (aerated concrete, gas silicate, cellular gas concrete). Besides the various advantages of this material are even and the high environmental impact. Porous concrete is produced in the form of blocks certain types and sizes. Externally, they resemble most likely pumice. His name he got from the cellular to the fact that the internal structure of this material is self-contained spaces filled with air. These bubbles define a low-density concrete (300-1000 kg/m3) and low thermal conductivity. According to its insulating qualities of cellular concrete (aerated concrete, gas silicate, cellular gas concrete) can be likened to a tree. In our country, units are produced mainly in three foreign technologies: "Hebel", "siporex" and "Itong. Work with cellular concrete - a pleasure. These blocks are easily sawn hacksaw or other cutting tool. Of these, one can construct a building of any kind. Easily produced such architectural elements such as bay windows and gables. Concrete is ideal for building arches. A small processing - and components become sharpened stones desired configuration. Uncomplicated by sawing the honeycomb blocks are easily converted into ordinary bricks. And with such material can be even to work! Build a house with his own hands. Ease of aerated determines its low pressure at the base of the building, which can significantly reduce the cost base.
Naphthalene naphthalene in its own right
Mikhail Skvortsov current building materials market, admittedly, pretty spoiled our customers. One company offers him build a house out of foam, the other - from calibrated or laminated board, and others are threatening to contractors for a week and a half to build a full-framed construction. Good old-fashioned brick house building technology could drown in a stormy sea of ??various proposals, but common sense and the inertia (in a good sense of the word) until this hindrance. Yes, it is inert domestic consumer of construction services, he often wary of many innovations in such a conservative case, as the construction of individual houses. Not that there was no confidence in new technologies - just our people are accustomed to trust what you can touch. If you feel the same brick, then I feel like saying: "Maesh thing! And because many are not afraid of the need to put these tiny (compared to, say, a log or concrete blocks), building elements and spend a lot of time in uncomfortable "wet" processes. Or are consumers simply can remember the old nursery tale about three pigs? It survived only house that is built Naf Naf, ... Whatever it was, a brick house building still exists and develops. And therefore we would like, no hurry with the judgments, to examine the feasibility and prospects for this most traditional of our Palestinian method of construction of individual houses. The advantages of a brick can be attributed, firstly, a high resistance to atmospheric influences of any kind - from rain and snow to the hurricane.
Drainage of the foundation
The purpose of installing the drainage system around the perimeter of the building - not to let water pass under the foundation of the house. Water is tempting and literally tears the ground, on which rests the structure, which often is the cause of the destruction of the base and walls of the house. Quite frequently a consequence of cyclic movement of soil under the foundation of the building is skewed and jammed doors and windows. In addition, under the house seeping moisture can cause mold and mildew in the construction of walls and ceilings, and such an environment - fertile ground for the emergence rot. System design to ensure the effective catchment area, sometimes quite soundly equip blind area. However, much more capital construction, designed for continuous operation at home arrangement includes an improved system of drainage and surface water. The basis of an effective drainage system - packed into a trench around the perimeter of the foundation of perforated pipes. Through the holes in their water seeping into the ground, penetrates inside the pipe, and then diverted into special containers. They facilitate the waterproofing of the foundation. Above the perforated have a whole (without holes) pipe designed for the waste surface water cascading off roofs or paved surfaces (patios, sidewalks, etc.) ask: "Why not equip a single collector for discharge of groundwater and surface water?". The answer is simple - it can lead to clogged highways, and as a result - a violation of the drainage, with all the unpleasant consequences.
Sunday, July 10, 2011
Moisture resistance foam
The new, significantly more stringent requirements snip 03.11.1979, modified 3 Building Heat Engineering require construction companies and construction industry as a whole to increase the thermal resistance of heat building designs in 3 times. To solve this problem by using traditional building materials (brick, wall panels, blocks, etc.) and, accordingly, conventional technology is virtually impossible. Would increase the thickness of the walls a few times, but this is unrealistic. Domestic science was ready to meet the challenge of radically improving thermal performance of building structures. JSC "Newbuilding", part of the Company "Corporation building materials, since 1992 developing domestic technologies insulating foam. In Moscow, Belgorod, Irkutsk, Kaluga, Voskresensk, Rostov-on-Don, Yakutsk assembled and already make products mills for the production of aerated concrete technology JSC "Newbuilding". A processing unit (UMPB) on the production of foam concrete is very compact. With the overall 6h2h4, 2 meters it can be installed in current prices without the production of costly construction work. Installation is made of several blocks quickly mounted and transported on a car "Kamaz" with a trailer. UMPB capacity of 5 m3 / h has a mass of 8 tons, installed power 40 kW, and can submit a solution for the 200 meters horizontally and vertically by 30 meters. When you work 40 hours a week, it is equivalent to a brick factory with capacity of 10 million pieces of bricks per year.
The construction of extensive use of concrete, made of cement or other inorganic binders. These concretes are usually shuts water. Cement and water are the active components of the concrete result of the reaction between the cement stone formed, cementing grains aggregate into a single monolith. Between cement and aggregate are usually not the case of chemical interaction (with the exception of silicate concretes obtained autoclaving), so fillers are often called inert materials. However, they significantly influence the structure and properties by changing its porosity, terms of solidification behavior under the influence of load and environment. Rigid greatly reduce the strain of concrete in hardening and thus provides more dimensional products and designs. As the aggregates are used mostly local rocks and waste (slag, etc.). Application of these cheap fillers reduces the cost of concrete, as aggregates and water are 85 ... 90%, and cement - 10 ... 15% of the mass of concrete. In recent years, widely used in the construction of lightweight concrete, produced by artificial porous aggregates. Porous fillers reduce the density of concrete, improve its thermal properties. To control the properties of concrete and concrete in their composition is introduced various chemical additives that accelerate or retard setting of concrete mix, make it more plastic and workable, accelerate hardening of concrete, increase its strength and frost resistance, and if necessary change, and other properties of concrete.
Foundation for the roof
Stanislav Freed Without the foundation, as we know, the wall is not set - they simply collapse. The roof also needs to something to build - on the truss system. And this system should be constructed in accordance with the selected roofing material, just as the construction of walls constructed according to the foundation. Initially, the homeowner has to decide a difficult question: Whether the natural tile roof? Cement-sand? Or, to put aside tradition and now use the popular "evroshifer? Oh, you forgot to look at the purse, dreaming, but not figured financial opportunities? Well, then, it is likely you will have to confine ourselves to some relatively cheap option of roll roofing material. By the way, and truss system for roll materials should be made of light weight, because it will not experience large loads. Will not, however, to exaggerate the role of roofing material in the choice of roof system. Yes, this role is essential, but very important, other factors, especially in our northern region, where the weather is severe, as well as unstable and unpredictable. If you have a snowy winter, take a look at some country house, you probably see on the roof of fluffy snow. Or "crust" formed as a result of a succession of frosts and thaws, in a word, there will be a lie or snow or ice. Eye on the mass of snow (or ice) is difficult to estimate, but necessary. Snow load on roofs of large area can be very serious, especially when heavy snowfall, repetitive, and the snow is compressed and forms a larger mass on the roof.
Choosing building materials
Today, the market represented by large assortment of building materials, although they do not chasnoe otvechayut quality standards. Buyers have no idea what health effects may result in the use of substandard materials. At an uncontrolled market for more than half of all construction materials do not meet state standards and may pose a risk to human health. The most common "pitfalls" which customers can expect when choosing materials. When purchasing a parquet flooring and parquet board is rightly recognized as the most environmentally friendly types of flooring. Practicality and comfort of natural wood is not practical to replace. But even the most expensive and environmentally friendly flooring will lose all their positive qualities when choosing the wrong paint. Synthetic paints emit aromatic hydrocarbons, are often the experts found they toluene and xylene, which are used as solvents. These substances can irritate the eyes and cause skin diseases, and with constant exposure cause serious disturbances in the nervous system. Also a health hazard can conceal the glue that is a source of toluene, acetone, which, being toxic substances can cause infertility in women, contribute to miscarriages. The most accessible natural parquet simulator is a laminate. In fact, the laminate can not be considered a substitute for hardwood floors. Its front side may take the form of dozens of species of wood, but the similarities with laminate flooring finish. This coating consists of several layers, based on the composition includes wood chips and paper.
Aerated concrete
Foam - not an achievement of modern supertehnology and material poyavshyysya in Russia for almost seventy years ago. Soviet scientist, builder of an experimental set up by the addition of foam concrete in cement mortar soap root - a plant that lived in Central Asia and forms the foam. So obrozom to light a new building material - foam concrete. Based on these developments in Russia began to make building materials out of foam - blocks, partitions, wall panels, which by their thermal insulation properties exceed the brick and heavy concrete by 3-5 times. Pumice or chocolate? Foam concrete - it is a regular cement mortar, which is mixed with small amounts of additives, blowing agents. They are called surface-active agents (surfactants) and, incidentally, is widely used in the manufacture of detergents and shampoos. So that the concrete blocks and all sorts of detergents in a sense, relatives, albeit distant. For the type of aerated concrete gray material that looks like a pumice stone, and "internally" - a porous chocolate. As a result of the foaming mass of concrete filled with air bubbles and acquires a cellular structure. This, in turn, makes the material easy: do not accidentally experts consider to light aerated concrete aerated concrete. That same quality gives the material additional sound and thermal insulation properties. So, despite its homeliness, foam - even very wonderful thing. Despite the obvious advantages of the new material, foam in Russia has not caught on.
Saturday, July 9, 2011
All of the concrete products (concrete products)
Zhukov DA, Cand. MSSU 1. From what is made of reinforced concrete products (concrete products) reinforced concrete - a material which are joined into a single unit steel reinforcement ibeton. Concrete partially protects the metal fittings from corrosion and treats in this composite, the compressive stresses, fittings - tensile forces: it is known that the metal works well in tension, and relatively fragile concrete stone - on the grip. Cement and water are the active components of concrete - the reaction between the cement stone formed, cementing grains aggregate into a single monolith. Between cement and aggregate is no chemical interaction, so fillers are often called inert materials. However, the large aggregate (crushed rock or limestone) and fine aggregate (quartz, also known as river sand) significantly affect the structure and properties of concrete. As a reinforcement in metal (steel) rods or bundles of wires. Armature is subdivided into the working and assembly. Working valves at the bottom of articles, working on a bend: slabs, beams, at the foot of foundation blocks. Mounting hardware creates a volume skeleton product captures the location of the rods of fixtures contributes to blocking and bracing inserts and mounting hinges. One variety of concrete is stressed concrete. Through the application of special techniques, during the manufacture of materials stressed concrete reinforcement in concrete zamonolichivaetsya in partially stretched form. The fact that the floor slabs and supporting beams in the construction work on a bend.
Details of the concrete
The basis of the ordinary cement concrete are cement, sand and water, combined in various proportions. And I think, once in a lifetime everyone had their own to make such a cement concrete - in the construction team, or the construction of a garage or testimony, etc. But few know that the cement can be heavy, lightweight, easy, cellular, silica, polymer or gypsum. To begin with cement concrete, which are prepared on the basis of various cements. Among these products is dominated by concrete on Portland cement, they make up about 65 percent of total production. In addition, the successful use of slag cement and concrete on putstsopanovom cement. The varieties include cement concrete decorative concrete (on white and colored cement), concrete for samonapryazhennyh designs (on bend cement), concrete for special purposes (for alumina cement). Silicate concretes prepared on the basis of lime, using autoclave curing method. Gypsum concrete make gypsum-based and used primarily for interior walls, ceilings and decor elements of buildings. These are the kind of concrete or sheetrock putstsopanovye concretes having high water resistance. They are used usually for the manufacture of bulk blocks of toilets and construction of low-rise buildings are in contact with water. Shlakoschelochnye concrete (they are still little used in construction) are preparing for crushed slag, using alkaline solutions. Polymer concrete is made on different types of polymer matrix, which is based on polyester, epoxy or urea resin, which then uses special additives cure.
Building a foundation for a frame house
Natalia Zinorova order to build their own home and still spend as little money for building materials, we can construct a frame (panel) house. In this article we analyze in detail the first stage of building a house of this type - the creation of the foundation. Construction site preparation and foundation trenches under the first step is to align the place designated for the construction of the house. Once this work is done, you can start laying the foundation. First you need to dig a trench in a certain size. For example, for the house width of 10 meters and a length of 15 meters (10x15 m) is necessary to make a trench the size of the house. The depth of the trench will be 0,75 m - next dig is not necessary, because the frame house is much easier to house a different type (log, brick, panel, etc.). The depth also depends on climatic conditions (coefficient of freezing the top layer of soil), so if you live in the north, to deepen the foundation up to 1,5 m. The width of the future is determined by the foundation from which building material would build a house: for panel homes completely enough to have a foundation of width 50 cm After the trench is ready and lined the walls, install formwork. Decking made from edging boards to the size of the width of the trench, but the height of the formwork must be at least 40 cm above the upper edge of the trench. For the manufacture of formwork required: edged board (II or III grade), the length of an arbitrary (3,4 or 6 m), the thickness of 20-25 mm of bar cross-section 50x50 mm nails (70 mm, 80 mm) When everything is ready, at the bottom of the trench can be sketch bout bricks, stones, broken slate, etc.
Urban technology to a country house-building
Vadim Alexeev Concrete is often considered material for the construction of urban "boxes" - apartment buildings and industrial facilities. But concrete can build and country houses, and not inferior in quality wood, stone or skeletal buildings. Builders working on a suburban market, now offer cabins of logs, lumber, bricks, cellular concrete, prefabricated panels prefabricated. The technology of monolithic housing construction while being used in the construction of urban buildings. But it so far. All new only initially in doubt for the consumer. Already many of our countrymen, after weighing all the pros and cons, stop your choice on the concrete. So, let's try to figure out what the main advantages and disadvantages of monolithic technology. More precisely, the brick-and-a monolithic or panel-monolithic. Such separation is essential. For brick-monolithic technology for the manufacture of load-bearing structures used Collapsible decking and walling perform, for example, of concrete blocks faced with brick or stone. Panel-monolithic technology involves the use of permanent formwork, which, after pouring the concrete itself becomes the walls and floors at home (such as carriers, and all others). Let's start with the brick-monolithic technology. Its essence is as follows. First, a special formwork, which reproduces the contours of the future of the constructive elements (walls, columns, etc.), install rebar and pour concrete. When the concrete hardens, formwork elements removed and transferred to the next floor (hence the name "Collapsible").
Concrete is made of foam cement
Vitaly Lviv One of them - are very effective in all respects and is well suited for all types of low-rise housing is aerated concrete. Foam concrete is superior to traditional sand-lime brick and ceramic stone on many parameters, so in this article we will discuss this relatively new material for the Russian market in more detail. Let's start with the basics. Concrete can be of several types: heavy, lightweight, easy, very easy, honeycomb. The main ingredients of which are producing concrete, they are: cement, water and sand. Concretes differ from each other fillers, and weight. And depending on the properties which acquired in the course of production - on purpose. Heavy concrete is on the foundations and vaults in the monolithic housing construction, lightweight and very easy - it is used for internal walls and partitions. In the building regulations clearly indicate the use of concrete of any kind. Designers use them when calculating the load on the building. Builders can only strictly follow the documentation. Meanwhile, in the arsenal of production firms and companies specializing in the suburban housing construction, a so-called aerated concrete that is used in all elements and nodes of the house - from foundation to roof. Aerated concrete (sometimes called cellular concrete) - a porous material has the properties of stone and wood together. Being, in essence, artificial stone, it has high strength, but due to the porosity of its thermal conductivity is almost as low as a tree.
Friday, July 8, 2011
Universal and irreplaceable
Vladimir Mikhailov Whatever you may say in defense of wood and frame technology, and many Koreans still dream of a brick house, which is not afraid of any vagaries of weather, or natural disasters. And in Asia, brick - it is brick, and in Europe, and even in America, where the trials were mainly "frivolous" panel frame houses. Outstanding of its kind building material that can not win any scientific and technological progress. It can win only by human stupidity, and this need to dwell. Think head Dreaming of capital brick house, our man often behaves like Manilow. That is not serious, his dreams are very far from the capital, they are lightweight and airy. Example? Please: the customer is determined by building materials (brick and only the brick!), But does not deign to even look at the ground on the site. The brick building is never easy - no matter what way clutches are used, no matter how hollow bricks or were taken. It is an axiom. The consequence of this axiom is increased pressure on the structure of the soil, which should definitely be considered. Principal bans the construction of brick houses on some type of soil there, the ban could be relevant except that by the topographic features of the site. For example, if a part of a large vertical drop (the hillside), and the soil is sandy, brick house, or will slide down the slope, or would such an expensive foundation, that the building would be uneconomic. In geological engineering in the construction of a brick building should be carefully and fully compared, for example, the construction of houses made of thin logs.
How to make a candy house
Mikhail Skvortsov When the load-bearing structures built houses, one of the main concerns of the homeowner - facade. Wow, that house looked like candy, and is not simply the four walls of the roof! Moreover, we can go our separate ways, in particular, use the various options facing. Species facing quite a lot. For the most part it is used in the decoration of the facades of houses built of brick or concrete honeycomb and frame. The facades of wooden houses are faced in rare cases, and the reason is clear: the tree does not require, as a rule, ennobling. But a wall of bricks requires finishing, and for these purposes can also use a brick. Paradox? Not at all. Brick Brick divisive, not all varieties are used to create support structures. Selection of special bricks, both domestic and foreign, is very broad. Facing ceramic bricks made on the most modern equipment, allowing to receive dozens of different shades and texture of the surface. Some European manufacturers are offering consumers about 500 colors and shades that can satisfy the most demanding customers. And produced not only rectangular bricks, but figured that allows any surface finish. The house can be built from the most crude and cheap materials, say from cinder blocks, but finished with decorative brick, finds the noble shape, it is aesthetically appealing. Paving tile mimics standard brick, repeating its shape and dimensions, except thickness. Peculiarities of production technology, as well as long roasting gives this material increased strength, frost resistance and make it virtually waterproof.
Secret weapon "of cellular brotherhood"
Paul Chernyakov Relentless statistics show that the choice of project cottage majority of customers are still focused on the brick. Recently, however, have a good old brick appeared very serious competitor. Name - cellular concrete. And no wonder. The advantages of this material has already been highly appreciated by both designers and homeowners. On the classification of cellular concrete Much has been written. In every second trade publication dedicated to the construction market, we can find the distinctive characteristics of the brightest representatives of the cellular Brotherhood: aerated concrete (also known as autoclaved aerated concrete) gazosilikatobetona (gas silicate) slantsezolnogo aerated concrete, concrete, etc. However, the features of design and construction of such houses know not everyone. The thing is magic bubbles main advantage of houses with walls made of aerated concrete (many builders they have dubbed "stone") - is a comfort. Terms of comfort - warm and healthy climate - due to the very technology of manufacturing artificial stone: the liquid concrete mass foams and solidify, gets chicken wire structure formed by a set of air bubbles. The material is light, warm and durable. It protects the interior from overheating in summer and heat loss in winter. In addition, he is almost perfect "sound absorber, so that there is no reason stud wall plug even the most ardent supporters of silence. Heat insulating cellular concrete feature low volume weight (less than 1000 kg/m3), low coefficient of thermal conductivity and relatively high strength.
Firmness of the brickwork
Oksana Kolganova Reputation brick houses are rugged and durable as they are. The formula "brick = reliability" seems completely unchanged. The emergence of new technologies of low-rise building did not shake this confidence. And for most landowners is the cherished dream of building is a brick house. Brick houses are long, look respectable, and for years they do not lose their external and, especially, performance. Brick is the second level of environmental after a tree: it is made from natural materials and has a high ability to water vapor (the people say: "Brick breathes"). Due to fire brick wall it may abut the fireplace and stoves. In the summer of brick walls from the heat shield and heat in the winter - a long time to keep warm. Architectural features of buildings made of bricks are practically unlimited: the small size of the bricks can build a wall of them all, even the most complex and unusual configurations. Brick, which is a construction town houses today - it's certainly not his 200-year-old predecessor, the structure of which is intended to stand firmly for centuries. Modern brick - a lightweight, porous and very "delicate" ceramics - with a diverse array of internal openings. Stretcher and header on the jargon is the biggest party of brick is called "bed", long side - "stretcher", and short - "poke." If the bricks are laid in such a way that shows only a spoon, it is - Stretcher bond series, and unless Kicks - perpender series.
Methods for protecting concrete from corrosion
Aggressive environment affects the state of building materials. Effects of salts, carbon dioxide, water and temperature extremes (frost-thaw cycles) often lead to corrosion. Therefore, the protection of concrete against corrosion - the most important task in the construction or operation of any facilities. Causes of corrosion of concrete produced at the mineral-based, has a capillary-porous structure and exposed to the highest exposures in comparison with other materials. As a result of inclement weather in its porous structure of the crystals are formed, the increase of which leads to cracking. Carbonates, sulfates and chlorides, dissolved in large quantities in the air, also having a devastating impact on building designs. Types of Corrosion Corrosion of concrete is divided into three types. The main criterion of this classification is the degree of deterioration of its characteristics and properties. First degree - leaching of components of concrete; second degree - education corrosion products without binding properties; Third degree - the accumulation of soluble salts crystallizing, which increase the volume. Protection methods to protect the concrete and increase its durability, you should use primary and secondary protection. Methods for primary protection is the introduction of various modifiers. They may be plasticizer (increases), the stabilizing (warning bundle), water-retaining, as well as regulatory setting concrete mix, density, porosity, etc. The methods of secondary protection is application of different kinds of protective coatings: biocidal materials - destroy and inhibit the formation of fungal on concrete structures.
Thursday, July 7, 2011
Zero, but very important
Vladimir Mikhailov So we ended up with a theoretical construction phase of a country house. All approvals behind, working documentation on hand, then it's time to start building practice. The first practical step will be the so-called "zero cycle". A person unfamiliar with the construction, a zero cycle associated with excavations, which is poured concrete. That is, with the laying of the foundation. Meanwhile, this same installation may be preceded by a number of other works, which also includes a range of activities under the general title of "zero cycle". Making space Firstly, who said that the benchmark will be an open field, which may be safely excavate? And suddenly, on a dedicated site already has some kind of construction? In this case, before embarking on construction of the foundation, will require a clearing of the territory, and to ensure removal of the resulting debris. In this state of the territory may be different. The hard way - when the site is a dilapidated building or unfinished, which is in no way can be rebuilt and once used. Here the solution is clear: to demolish and remove to a landfill. If the "doomed" to demolish the building easily and stands on a simple, pile foundation, is the easiest case, and the worst - the presence of a demolished structure of a monolithic concrete slab. Break this monolith into parts, and even take out - zadachka not simple. I must say that some old barn you can quite eliminate on their own, at least with the help of friends.
"Fundamental" problem
Mikhail Skvortsov House on Chicken Legs, as we know, there are only a fairy tale. In real life, they need more than good reason. And although the foundation has a representation of any amateur, but how it really is fundamentally? Dance is always "on the stove," but what if the stove is not? And no walls, and generally you are standing somewhere in the open field and strains the imagination, trying to imagine their future vacation home? In this case, one way out - "dance" from the ground beneath your feet, on which the building will be erected. Well, when your house under the mighty granite slab, which is firm for more than a million years. Not bad, if the foundation is laid on the stone embankment of natural origin: in this case and the reliability of the construction will not disturb, and the costs of the foundation would not be unfeasible. The most reliable - homogeneous sandy soils, consisting of coarse sand. If the foundation raised correctly, in this ground, he gives a uniform sediment in the future, as a rule, Do not tilt and does not feel strong pressures from the soil. Fine-grained sand and pulverized, and clay soils exhibit exemplary "behavior" only in dry weather. With an abundance of moisture, they become fluid, and in cold winter, was frozen, abyss and with great force putting pressure on the foundation design, which means that the structure can warp, and the walls are not ruled out a crack. To avoid this, special measures are needed, such as deepening of foundation base below the freezing depth of soil (in our region is about 120-130 cm).
This fragile bricks
Vitaly Lviv If you do how long a business, your manner of speaking will certainly change the professional jargon, incomprehensible to the uninitiated. Especially when the cause and which you do not one hundred years. These sailors had never rung a bell, but only a bell and call a ladder ladder. Here and masons have something to surprise the casual listener. Imagine that you have witnessed the following conversation: "spread-ka, a friend, bed of mortar on the bed for a number of outdoor mile Stretcher bond. Like it is in Russian said, but agree that this gibberish. And yet, everything is simple. But let's start from the beginning. Each face brick has its own special name. The two largest area faces, located on both sides, called a bed. Of brick, in most cases is placed on the solution. The long sides are called the spoons, and short blows. Only in rare cases Stretcher bond brick laid on edge, for example for the manufacture of moldings, or extremely thin walls. Speaking about the thickness of masonry, usually explain that it is laid out in a half-brick, one, two or three bricks. Bricks are laid along the long side walls, forming a half-brick masonry. As part of a complex series of masonry bricks called Stretcher bond series. If the brick is laid across the long side walls, a number will be called perpender. Versts called extreme rows of brick, which form the surface of the masonry. Located a mile from the front are called external, and addressed to the premises - inside.
Brickwork - reinforcement
Performs a clutch, increased steel reinforcement, which lies on the ground in a mortar between the bricks. When squeezing action forces, reinforcement of the seams despite the friction and adhesion with the cement works together with the masonry. Reinforcement is divided into - lengthwise and crosswise. Transverse reinforcement - carry a mesh or a few bars. Terminals accept cross lengthening efforts that begin with grimaces masonry prevent break bricks with twists and tension that they increase the carrying capacity of squeezed element. Columns and walls are reinforced intersecting mesh reinforcement. Size rods for lateral reinforcement of masonry, may be not less than 2,5 mm and not more than 8 mm. Together the diameter of reinforcement in rectangular grids must be 5 mm zigzag no thicker than 8 mm. Use of large diameter valves initiates impermissible increase in the thickness of the horizontal joints and a decrease in strength of masonry. To protect against rust reinforcement mesh top and bottom cover shell of the solution of not less than 2 mm. Reinforcing the rectangular grid is placed no closer in 5 rows of masonry, with thick brick after 4 series. Staggered grid paired in 2 adjacent rows in order to line the rods they had mutually perpendicular. For the distance between the zigzag grids get the distance between grids 1 direction. The rods are welded nets or interconnected special wire. The distance between the rods in the grids should be 30 mm and not more than 120 mm. Mesh must be of such a diameter so that the ends of the rods protruded by 3 mm to 1 of the inner surfaces of the column or wall.
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Ceramic bricks
Brick Ceramic ordinary (ordinary), full-bodied - a rectangular parallelepiped of size 250x120x65 mm, at least - 288hh138hb5 (modular). For ceramic brick thickness of 88 mm and unit required the presence of round and slotted holes. Density 1600-1900 kg/m3 brick. Brick must be properly burned, as underburning (red brick) has insufficient strength, low water and frost. Bleach brick (iron ore) has a higher density and thermal conductivity, and are usually irregular in shape. To appoint a ceramic brick is facing, construction and special. Building bricks are designed to build internal and external walls. Facing brick outer surface has a high quality, resists water, frost and suitable for virtually all outdoor activities. Ceramic brick is specially designed for specific operating conditions. In frost resistance bricks is classified into four grades: P-15, -25, -35 and -50. Ordinary ceramic brick masonry is used for exterior and interior walls, making wall blocks and panels, masonry stoves and chimneys in places where the temperature does not exceed the temperature of firing bricks. Brick dry pressing is not recommended for laying the foundations and plinths below the waterproofing layer. Brick clay common inappropriate use of frame houses and walls of upper floors, since it has an excessive strength, weight and relatively high thermal conductivity. In such buildings is far more profitable to apply the "effective" brick with less weight. The strength of ceramic bricks. These qualities define the ability of the material to resist degradation caused by external forces that cause it the internal stresses.
Apparel for the walls of noble houses
Vitaly Lviv Stone - one of the first natural materials used by man for construction. However, the construction technology at the time pushed him to second place. Now it is used mainly for decoration and repair. But not everyone can afford them oblitsevat wall of the house, because it is expensive and time-consuming additional activities to enhance the surface of the walls and preparing the stone. But human ingenuity has no limits. The Russian fans of this material is now an alternative - a technology of manufacturing artificial stone. The name "artificial stone" refers to its origin rather than to the appearance. Distinguish the real from the fake is possible only with very close range, and then specifically asks this purpose - to modern technologies allow us to simulate and shape, and color, and texture of natural materials. Its constituent elements - the cement of the highest marks (Portland), light organic fillers (concrete block) and high-quality natural dyes. Polymer binders are used to enhance the mechanical and strength properties of the material and, to improve other operational and consumer properties. However, choosing the "stone" for finishing, should inquire in advance of his compositions - some ingredients are not safe from the environmental point of view (eg, phenol formaldehyde resin), and other products reduces the resistance to repetitive cycles of freezing and thawing. One must always take a product from proven and responsible manufacturers and their dealers, demand from the seller the appropriate certificates.
Materials for building houses
Once you select a project home, proceed to the selection of material from which we shall build a house. This is a very important moment, because that will depend on the material properties of the main building: strength, microclimate, teplosbregaemost, etc. Material selection and construction of walls depends on many factors. Here and climatic conditions, and architectural design of the building, and, finally, the availability of local building materials, their physical, mechanical and economic performance. Depending on the material used, are distinguished: Stone houses are houses made of natural or artificial brick, stone, concrete, and keramsit gozosilikatnyh blocks, the main positive characteristic of stone houses is their strength and durability. How to allocate their shortcomings: the need for enhanced heating, in order to avoid mold and moisture, as well as the need for the construction of a massive base to compensate for the huge mass of the house. Both entail considerable financial costs. Although weight reduction walls and increase heat capacity can be achieved using perforated bricks, or Arbol claydite. Houses of brick houses made of bricks can save tens of years of heat, creating coziness of their respective owners. Such structures attributed to the fact that it is quite possible demise for several generations, for at least 100-150 years old, making only minor repair. Regardless of the architecture, a spacious brick house can be called a familial home. In the construction of brick houses use modern insulation materials that make the technology effective home insulation.
Brick as evidence of self-sufficiency
Paul Chernyakov There is a widespread misconception that the cottage of brick - an example of the most reliable investment in suburban real estate. Like, the very walls in this case are evidence of solidity, attractiveness and liquidity of the building. But practice shows otherwise. Today, only one wall material ceased to be a "guarantor of" the popularity of a home if the builder did not pay due attention to the management of architectural design and its literate incarnation. According to statistics, sales of country houses, in the first place still hold houses of brick, which "breathe in the back" home of the blocks (foam and aerated). But it is also the slowest to sell the house out of brick. This paradox is explained by no means disadvantageous location outsiders demand. If you look closely, most of the illiquid house falls on the featureless "box" and tasteless "locks" with turrets, and other archetypes weathercocks 1990. Thus, if a developer wants to build a house that will always be in demand, he needs to rely not on the wall material, and the project. Assess your strength before you build a house of bricks, you need to sensibly assess their financial capabilities, so that over time not to join the team of would-be sad unfinished sellers of real estate. Paying tribute to the brick, it was understood that this material not only the most popular, but the most expensive. Given that in its pure form, no wall material is not used today (if concrete, then lined with brick, if bricks, then with a heater), you can "burn" these homes in one price category - 500-1000 dollars per square meter (price boxes is the cost of excavation, foundation, building boxes with floors, roofs and unit cost of all necessary materials).
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
Types of brick
In terms of composition and method of manufacturing brick is divided into two groups - the clay and calcium silicate. Ceramic brick is produced by firing clay and mixtures thereof. Sand-lime brick - consists of approximately 90% sand, 10% lime and a small proportion of additives. Mixture is sent to the autoclave, and not in the kiln, as is the case with a ceramic brick. If you add pigments, you can get calcium silicate bricks of almost any color - blue, green, raspberry, violet. According to the logic of a glossary, a brick - it's baked clay brick. But then silicate (ie, no clay) brick - and not a brick at all, but a solid material similar to it in form. By the way, so it is: these two materials have different guests, and builders are very well carried out between the border. Thus, we mainly consider a ceramic brick, because he is the real bricks (and a dictionary, and according to the GOST). What a brick - for what? purpose ceramic brick is divided into ordinary (aka building) and personal (he is facing, tiling, decoration, facade). Of special note is the baking bricks. Ordinary brick used for the internal rows of masonry or external series, but with subsequent plaster. Ordinary brick can have on the side of the bulged geometric pattern (for better grip with plaster solution). Facing brick - a uniform color, has two smooth, flat front surface (the so-called "poke" and "stretcher"). It is usually hollow (ie, its "body" a lot of voids, making the wall of a brick "warm").
The main building material
Vitaly Lviv Currently, concrete and reinforced concrete are the basic building materials. In our country, producing tens of millions of tons of concrete and mortar. Not one house built in the last 60 years is not without concrete products. Therefore the subject of concrete and reinforced concrete is today very important. It is important to know not only the production technology, but to be able to reduce costs. Speaking of concrete, we must not forget the reinforced concrete. Because of his exceptional qualities, it is widely used in modern construction. Reinforced concrete - a concrete, in which steel bars are introduced - and fittings. The word "fixture" - the Italian word in Russian means "arms". Why it took "arm" or, as experts say, "reinforced" concrete? In building on the constructions are compression and tension, under whose influence the design of warp. Very clearly we can represent the two forces, if we take an ordinary rubber band, put it on two pillars, and click on it in the middle of the eraser will shrink at the top, but the stretch at the bottom. In the middle part of the same length of gum will not change. Is the conventional line that divides the gum in two parts - the compressed and stretched, called the neutral axis. When operating a concrete structure in bending is obtained by a similar pattern of deformation. Since the strength of concrete in tension is low, concrete structures under bending collapse at very low load.
Bricklaying. Methods
Bricklaying lead in three ways: vprizhim, vprisyk and vprisyk with trimming solution, and back filling - vpoluprisyk. Choice of kladkizavisit from the plasticity solution, the state of brick (dry or wet) season and cleanliness requirements face of the masonry. See Fig. 1. Bricklaying way vprizhim Masonry way vprizhim (Fig. 1 ), lay out brick walls on the hard solution (slump 7-9 cm) with complete filling and grouting. This way, stack as Stretcher bond, and perpender miles. This solution was spread a indented from the face wall of 10-15 mm. solution is spread with the back of the trowel, moving it from the laid brick and mortar bed at the same time arranging for three or five Stretcher bond header brick. kirpichavprizhim clutch operates in the following order. Holding the right hand trowel, level of its mortar bed, then rake up an edge of the trowel of mortar and pressed it to the vertical faces previously laid brick, and left hand brings a new brick to the place of installation. then dipped brick on the prepared bed and moving his left hand earlier into for laid brick, pressed against the canvas of a trowel. Moving up the right hand removed trowel and brick , pulls his left hand, grip the mortar between the vertical edges fit into the previously laid brick. Press to your hands face down on ulozhennyy.kirpich mortar bed. "excess solution squeezed out of a seam on the face of masonry, trimmed with a trowel for a reception after the installation of blows every 3-5 bricks or after the installation of two tablespoons of bricks.
Brick diversity
The ancient buildings, which remained till our time, show that the ancient builders were able to produce and use materials in buildings similar to the brick. Familiarized with the facilities of different eras is not easy to find a type of construction, the creation of which would not use a brick: the multi-storey houses and small houses, large fortifications and underground tunnels - they are all made of brick. Buildings made of bricks obtained strong and durable, eco-friendly, easy to use and perfect microclimate in the premises. The finishing of various types of brick buildings of brick making is always in demand. On the composition and method of manufacture of a brick is divided into two groups - ceramic and calcium silicate. Ceramic brick is produced by firing clay and mixtures thereof. Sand-lime brick - consists of approximately 90% sand, 10% lime and a small proportion of additives. Mixture is sent to the autoclave, and not in the kiln, as is the case with a ceramic brick. If you add pigments, you can get calcium silicate bricks of almost any color - blue, green, raspberry, violet. According to the logic of a glossary, a brick - it's baked clay brick. But then silicate (ie, no clay) brick - and not a brick at all, but a solid material similar to it in form. By the way, so it is: these two materials have different guests, and builders are very well carried out between the border. Ceramic bricks There are two ways to prepare the ceramic brick. The first and most common - plastic method: clay mass (relative humidity of 17 - 30%), squeezed from the belt press and then subjected to firing.
Concrete: extensive family
Mikhail Skvortsov In view of the majority, concrete - it is something gray and hard, used primarily for building foundations and slabs. In fact, a lot of concrete, they differ in structure and purpose, and appearance. On their variety we offer to talk in more detail. Gray and solid looks ordinary cement concrete, which is often used in country-house. It is based on cement, sand and water, combined in various proportions. And I think, once in a lifetime everyone had their own to make such a cement concrete - whether in the construction team during the construction of a garage or testimony, etc. In this case, not everyone knows that the cement can be heavy, lightweight, lightweight, honeycomb. Or, say, silica, polymer, or gypsum. To begin with cement concrete, which are prepared on the basis of various cements. Among these products is dominated by concrete on Portland cement, they make up about 65 percent of total production. In addition, the successful use of slag cement and concrete on putstsopanovom cement. The varieties include cement concrete decorative concrete (on white and colored cement), concrete for samonapryazhennyh designs (on bend cement), concrete for special purposes (for alumina cement). Silicate concretes prepared on the basis of lime, using autoclave curing method. Gypsum concrete make gypsum-based and used primarily for interior walls, ceilings and decor elements of buildings. These are the kind of concrete or sheetrock putstsopanovye concretes having high water resistance.
Monday, July 4, 2011
Silicate brick
Sand-lime brick - an environmentally friendly wall material. Its component parts: lime, sand, water. Very widely used in countries Zapodnoy Europe because of its characteristics: strength, accuracy of geometric dimensions, aesthetic appearance, low cost and ease of use. Sand-lime brick - made of silica (sand) - 90%, lime - 10% and a small proportion of additives. Production technology is as follows: lime-sand mixture is placed in an autoclave (steam treatment apparatus for high pressure), where under heat and pressure formed silicate compounds. When you add an alkali-resistant pigments, the color turns lime brick. Also add the modifier additives that give silica brick increased durability and frost resistance. Color range of silica brick is very wide - make even the yellow, blue and pink. Calcium silicate bricks used for walls mainly in areas with low humidity, as well as decorative inserts in the exterior walls of fired red brick. This brick has a high hygroscopicity. Color: white to light gray. Like burnt brick, lime is solid and hollow. In the cross section can have up to 25% of the area of ??through pores, vertical to the surface of lying and tapering to it. Ultimate stress in compression reaches 100-150 kg / cm 2. To improve the quality of silica brick and increase its resistance to compression of the sand is added directly to the ball mills for grinding lime. Sand-lime solid bricks have the same dimensions as the silica normal, but the lower limit of its compressive strength is 250 kg/cm2.
Metal siding
Metal siding - is a form of not so long ago, invented the ventilated facade. A special system of installation of siding on the skeletal framework allows the building to breathe and prevents the walls from condensation. Together with mineral wool insulation, which can be laid in the lattice framework, it provides the walls of the ventilation and insulation. Metal siding - this is a very economical material. First, the installation of metal siding helps save on heating, and secondly, the panels are made to order, meaning you will not have to overpay for the remnants and scraps - the manufacturer will provide you with the panels in such quantity and of such size that you need. Metal siding is very durable and strong. Warranty period of operation of about thirty-five years. Metal siding is more resistant to the effects of precipitation and corrosion, can withstand temperature changes from minus to plus sixty and eighty degrees Celsius. That is home to the facings of metallic siding can be raised to anywhere in the world. Resistant metal siding and mechanical stress. The panels can be manufactured from various metallic alloys and metals. This may be galvanized steel, pokrytayapolimerom - multilayer materials that are more durable and not too much flexibility. Siding can be met and copper. In this case, the oxidized or patinated copper. Copper - a unique material, it has many medicinal properties and natural beautiful color. In addition, copper is very beautiful in itself and does not even need to be painted - its natural shades are very diverse and give the facade of a noble one option vid.Esche metal siding - aluminum siding.
What is alyumotsink?
It is known that raw steel sheet, which is used outdoors or in contact with moisture, rust. For many centuries people have sought ways of protecting steel plate from the appearance of rust. One of the most popular ways - zinc coated steel sheets. Zinc provides good protection against corrosion and at the same time has the unique characteristic of cathodic protection trim edges and scratches on the fiber. Aluminium - is one more suitable for this stuff, thanks to its extremely low susceptibility to corrosion of Stepney. Thus, an alloy of aluminum and zinc (aluzinc) is optimal. In such an alloy steel plate protects the aluminum from corrosion due to its anti-corrosion properties, while zinc does protect trim edges and protect against scratches. This idea formed the basis for the development of the company Bethlehem Steel (USA), which in the early 60's has patented a special alloy of aluminum and zinc. Already since 1972, this invention has been a source of profit. Aluzinc has been used largely in Europe, America, Asia, Australia and Africa. At this time it was produced and sold about 35 million tons of production aluzinc. As the fastest-growing production, the technology of coated steel sheets 55% aluzinc recognized by almost all leading companies in the world. During the entire development was obtained unadulterated parent rock aluzinc: 55% - aluminum, 43.5% - zinc, 1,5% - silicon. After long-term atmospheric effects in different environments aluzinc structure proved to be the best protection against corrosion.
Materials and manufacturing technology devices seam roof
Name, perhaps you would not say anything separately. Well met somewhere somehow sometime by mistake. And actually, you can not even imagine what the roofing sheet, folded roof! It's simple: it is the most convenient and most efficient in the use of roofs. Called the folded roof of sheet and rolled galvanized steel (as-coated, and without it), and a roof made of nonferrous metals. Seamed roof - it's metal roof, in which the compounds of individual elements of coating (painting) made with folds. Painting - the element of roofing, whose edges were prepared for the seam compound. Seam (seam connection) - view the joint formed when the compound sheet metal roofing. Distinguish seamed connection recumbent and upright, single and double. Long side edge bands were going along a slope, band standing seam, and the horizontal - bumps. Folds are satisfied (rolled), or manually by special tool or a modern way - with special electromechanical devices seamers. Today there is another kind of rebate - samozaschelkivayuschiesya. Connect them with each other, without using tools. The most leak-proof and waterproof is a double standing seam - a longitudinal joint, protruding above the plane of the roof between two adjacent roof paintings, the edges of which have a double bend. To date, folded roof in Western countries is mainly performed using the double standing seam. In Russia, the leading firms that use Western equipment, also switched to this type of compound roof paintings. And today's construction market, a large number of companies offering the device on the roof with modern technology.
The roof of the timber
Use the space under the roof of the house provides additional living space, at relatively little cost. This problem is solved with the implementation of the mandatory conditions and special requirements to the construction of a mansard roof during its construction: the requirements for thermal, hydro, wind and parozaschite roof. Roof with a wooden crate, a device which is often practiced by American, Canadian and Scandinavian civil engineering firms are among the best options that satisfy all these requirements. Roof with a wooden frame and crate have other advantages. They correspond to the climatic conditions of northern regions, can be easily and quickly assembled by hand, and fully comply with environmental requirements. Of all the wooden structures of the roof the best option is an option bystrosbornyh complex systems, which is discussed below. Bystrosbornye of sloping roofs with wooden frames include many different elements. Bearing the function of the skeleton, whose type is determined depending on the requirements for the concrete roof. In any case, it is a truss-girder construction. As the base under the roof, performing carrier function and features windscreen, used slabs of compressed wood (OSB). Between the rafters of roof frame fits a continuous layer of insulation directly adjacent to the plates of the board. On the underside of the insulation layer vapor barrier closes the film. This is followed by an internal wooden crate, which carries the plasterboard or other material for finishing interior attic.
Sunday, July 3, 2011
The roof and facade
Anyone who has ever been raised at the height of the Ferris wheel probably noticed how depressing look "poetic" roof of Moscow. Grey slate hateful sluggish punctuated bursts of tin plate and black roofing failures, and only here and there, visible red-brown tile islands. Of course, try to replace the communal roof in an ordinary house in a decent - it is almost hopeless. But correctly foresee this problem in buildings under construction, especially in cottage - not the binomial theorem. That sooner or later allows the roof to behave in a hooligan? Type of attachment elements to the framework. The roof of slate, metal, sheet metal installation being reusable perforations fixing eventually become loose and require replacement. Typically, in such cases is necessary to change the whole roof. So once in 10-15 years, the issue reminds of itself in all its depressing variety. But there is a solution! Roofing materials, which will be discussed, will be pleasantly surprised by their caring owners truly remarkable qualities. And, of course, is - roofing copper, since the ancient times used to create reliable, durable, incredibly durable roof. And then say, 150-200 years - a decent life! Problems with perforation elementary eliminated, since copper sheets are attached together by folding. They are attached to the base by moving klyammerov - special reeds, the roof of reporting additional reliability. And as a double folding roof generally turns into something like a tin can - on integrity, of course.
Green roofs: nice and warm
In many countries for hundreds (if not thousands) of years of "green roofs" were a standard design, mainly thanks to the excellent insulating qualities of topsoil and turf. In cold climates of Iceland and the Scandinavian sod roofs helped to retain heat in their homes, and in tropical countries such as Tanzania, kept cool in the buildings. In the Canadian province of Newfoundland and Nova Scotia is still possible to find early copies of the "green roofs", brought the Vikings and later - the French colonists. Up until the mid XX century. "Green roofs" were considered only as a local construction practices. However, in 1960. concerns associated with deteriorating environmental conditions, as well as the rapid decline in the area of ??gardening in the large cities have revived interest in "green roofs", especially in Northern Europe. Was carried out a wide range of new technological research, including study protivokornevyh components, membranes, drainage systems, light fertile layers, as well as research on the acceptability of plants. A key motivation for this support were the social benefits associated with a decrease in the volume of stormwater and improving water and air quality. As a result, created a sector of the construction industry and "green roofs" became an integral part of the modern urban landscape. According to some sources, the U.S. and Canada lag behind Europe, at least ten years in terms of investment in infrastructure, "green roofs", as an option for solving many problems of quality of life faced by the modern metropolis.
Evroshifer, metal tile, soft tile
The last decade was marked by the active promotion of a number of new roofing materials. One after the other in the marketplace took evroshifer, metal tile, soft tile, surpassing traditional roofing materials. Today's story - about one of the "new friends" - bitumen, or, as it is called, soft tiles. Advantages of a roof - is, first of all, simplicity of service, as well as durability, resistance to wind loads. Preserving dignity evroruberoyda, soft roof, unlike the material, has a beautiful appearance. Shingles is almost waste-free does not rust and rot (she was not afraid of any pests) and is suitable for simple surfaces, and for roofs that contain complex architectural elements. Finally, a small proportion of the material (depending on the manufacturer and the components used, about 9.12 kg / m 2) allows the use of lightweight truss construction, a variety of shapes, colors and shades - to achieve a unique solution for each individual home. Tiles produced various forms: in the form of a hexagon, rectangle, triangle, oval, wavy, etc., and has lots of colors. COMPOSITION AND CHARACTERISTICS At first glance, this material is nothing new - soft tile is shaped pieces of glass fiber or polyester fiber (base), impregnated with a binder on a modified bitumen basis, and, in fact, not very different from evroruberoyda (except that the geometry and , respectively, in a manner fasteners). In fact, the systematic improvement of the properties has led to a qualitatively new product, rightfully popular zastoyschikov.
The roof of the roll materials
Producing basic and groundless roll materials. Major manufactured by processing framework (roofing paper, asbestos paper, glass, etc.) bitumen, tar, and mixtures thereof. Groundless obtained as webs of certain thickness, using rolling mixtures composed of organic binders (usually asphalt), filler (mineral powder or shredded rubber) and additives (preservative, plasticizer). The main requirement for rolled roofing materials - water resistance, which persists only in the absence of cracks and breaks. Therefore, taking into account the working conditions of the material on the roof (a wide range of temperatures and UV radiation) and the need for plasticity during his placement (unwinding and adhering rolls) the most important indicators of quality of rolled materials are: - flexibility (measured by the minimum temperature at which no crack at the bend of the strip of material on the rod with a certain radius) - heat resistance - resistance (estimated by the effort to break the strip of material 5 cm wide). The most common rolled roofing materials include: roofing, asphalt and only. Widespread glassine and roofing material because of their adaptability: they are easy to manufacture roofing materials and devices in a wide range of angles of slope and roof structures for a variety of reasons. Such materials are used on roofs with low slope on concrete or other "continuous" basis. Traditional roofing has the form of a multilayer (three to five layers) of glassine or carpet underlayment roofing material (bottom layers) and the coating of roofing material (top layer), to be applied bituminous mastics.
Saturday, July 2, 2011
Device Technology rolled roofing
Spring - a time, when we have begun to repair the roof. This is particularly true of roofing work with roll surfaced materials. Well, if the customer does not frighten the use of expensive materials, work on clearing the snow that course I also affects the cost. Below, we consider the most frequently used materials for the device with a soft roof and the main points of technological processes. We list the options for repairing of soft roofs: 1. Overhaul roof - includes a complete removal of old asphalt coating, repair ties, laying a new double-layer roof membrane. 2. Current repair of the roof - is to replace defective parts of the old asphalt coating, sealing holes and cracks, and laying of new material in one or two layers. These options are called roof repair repair with full or partial autopsy. When carrying out major repairs of the roof need to pay attention to the following points. Overhaul roof involves the principle of "do no harm." Completely removing the roofing carpet can damage equipment and spoil the finish of premises, etc. Because of the improper organization of work may occur leakage. The old asphalt coating is expedient to cut down the squares whose size is determined mainly by their mass. A square to pick up and move to a place of garbage collection. Neater than cutting will occur, so may have less need to engage in repairing ties. For repair of cement-sand mortar screed is used grade not lower than 50. After 8-10 days after laying screed primed. The primer is prepared from bitumen grade I and kerosene at a ratio of 1:3 by weight.
Icebreaker on the roof
Some time ago on the news feeds of many news agencies was reported: in the Russian city of Izhevsk in the Office of Technical Inspection established a new post - Inspector of icicles. Perhaps the inhabitants of the southern latitudes of such information may cause a smile, but we, the inhabitants of the largest country in the world, not for jokes. Small and fragile icicles are the source of this headache, including in the truest sense of the word, for so many. How to protect the roof of his house from these insidious "Ice Monster"? The extraction of water for water - not only the foundation of life. It is also an inexhaustible source of problems for homeowners. During the summer, free to "walk" the moisture leads to many ills: accumulates in microcracks, brick and concrete, tempting the foundation becomes a cause of mold and mildew. In winter, fluid moves into a different phase state - ice, which not only spoils the roof and facade, reducing their service life, but, turning into icicles, also "bombed" the inhabitants of the house. The only reliable way to overcome the attack - just take the excess water. In this case, comes to help the modern gutter - a complex system consisting of gutters, drains, pipes and additional items. But just enough to buy a set. Must take into account a number of nuances, and even a little bit count. For example, for the good of the system should be related to the slope and area of ??the roof with a capacity of drains and pipes.
The second birth of slate
Slate roof at a low price and minimal consumption of timber is economical, and ease of installation lets you independently arrange the roof of your loved one at home. Slate roof at a low price and minimal consumption of timber is economical, and ease of installation lets you independently arrange the roof of your loved one at home. In addition, a modern slate has low thermal conductivity, high frost resistance, resistant to adverse environmental effects. This flame-resistant material used for several decades, is easily machined. The acrylic coating new slate will make your home more attractive, and your roof, more reliable and safer. The new slate has four basic colors of coating: green, red, blue and brown. You can choose the color that fits into the surrounding landscape. Acrylic coating makes the roof of the New slate more durable, as it provides additional surface protection sheet of slate, effectively prevents the accumulation of moisture and helps absorb sound, such as the noise of rain, no peeling or fading over time. Painted slate is a new product of the Russian building materials industry and is the second birth is already known and well proven in Russia roofing material. When creating a new slate, we have considered all the possible scope of its application, and today we offer you roofing material based on natural ingredients with various colors, geometric shapes, higher reliability and impressive durability. In the manufacture of painted slates using paint lines, which allow you to put pressure on the slate sheet specially designed acrylic paint.
Durable and beautiful roof, or what cover the roof?
Roof designs are protected not only for tenants but also for the entire building. First of all they have to resist the vagaries of nature - humidity, wind and cold. Each component of the roof - insulation, waterproofing, windscreen, drainage system - has a specific function. Material for roof covering must not only withstand massive attacks on the weather, but also participate in the decoration of the building. Therefore, to him must meet certain requirements. Paramount strength and durability of coatings, as well as ease of installation and ability to use the material in complex designs. Weight of the material determines the need for further strengthening of the structure and foundation. A set of technical characteristics of each type of coating is primarily dependent on the material, which is the feedstock for its production. Today's most popular metal roofing material is metal. Basic properties, determine its relevance - is the exceptional strength and durability. In addition, the consumer is very important characteristic of such a metal roof options, both light weight and ease of installation. The most commonly used metal for decorating roofs is steel. In the market of roofing materials are available plain sheets, wavy corrugated sheets and sheets that mimic traditional tiles. In the individual building additional requirement applies to the relevance of roofing material integral image of construction, a crown which is the roof. This circumstance has caused widespread popularity of new metal roofing materials in the domestic construction market.
Friday, July 1, 2011
Between heaven and earth
In the roof two duties, and each - basic. First, protect the house from the weather, and secondly, to give him a personal appearance. To cope with these duties, each roofing material provides its own set of "special means". About that, what are the characteristics of basic materials for covering pitched roofs, and will be discussed. Ceramic Tiles of clay tiles used for roofing unit for several millennia. It can rightly be called a natural material. The "serious" producers raw mixture from which the tiles are produced by almost 100% composed of clay (usually combinations of several shale rock) and clay - is a compound of silicon oxide, aluminum and iron. Why not 100%? Because the mixture may be added such as barium carbonate, which prevents the appearance of efflorescence on the surface of the product, and others, exclusively organic additives that improve the quality of the product. The manufacturing process of tiles is as follows: damp, cleansed of foreign inclusions, compacted clay molded by the press, after which the day is dried and fired at temperatures above 1000 ° C. One of the main advantages of ceramic tile - elegant "appearance". Distinguish tiles coated with or without him. It is part of raw materials and the firing temperature determine the color tiles without the coating. Characteristic red color is produced due to high content of clay-iron oxide. Yellowish color indicates the presence of calcium in the clay, brownish - manganese. You can find tiles, dark brown or grayish-black color that results from a double (the so-called reduction firing): the first time in the usual way, the second - in the oven with a lower temperature (about 800 ° C) and the absence of oxygen.
Aesthetic standard
The authority of a natural tile, conquered over the centuries, does not waver even after people started using alternative forms of metal roofing, bitumen, polymers. But until now, their background, ceramic tile is an aesthetic standard, a symbol of prestige, wealth and prosperity. Not surprisingly, the more modern roofing systems have not received even own the original title and as an honorary title, have the name of their glorious predecessors: asphalt shingles, tile polymer-sand, metal ... True, there are in this series product, as close to its virtues to the original and in appearance, and the degree of closeness to nature, - tile cement and sand, or concrete. And it is no coincidence these two materials often incorporated the term "natural tiles. Content of the "natural product" refers to the fact that it is made from natural materials. This is equally true for the ceramic, and concrete tiles, manufactured using natural minerals. Therefore, the cement and sand, and clay tiles on the characteristics and environmental performance are almost identical. The chemical composition of clay - is a complex compound of silicon oxide (a natural quartz sand), aluminum oxide doped with iron oxide, which gives it a red hue, typical of ceramics. To enhance the decorative effect of the ceramic tile glaze (vitreous coating is applied and secured firing) or angobiruyut (coated with clay from the CEE-toobrazuyuschimi additives). Cement - a material obtained by fine grinding of limestone (calcium oxide), fired with clay at a temperature of 1000 "followed by the addition of gypsum (calcium sulfate).
What's missing from the roof?
Any large project consists of many small nuances, and losing one of them can ruin the common cause. In the construction of the building of such elements may be a system of sewers. It seems to be a trifle, but its lack of ability to deal with life spoil the homeowner. Tarnished suffering "Rain pokapal and passed, the sun in the whole world - it's very good ..." if there is rainwater. The value of drainage system in the life of buildings becomes more apparent just after the rain, especially heavy. If you enjoy the sun has come out in rubber boots, then forgot about the drain, or installed incorrectly. The roof of the building sheltering the building from rain and snow, but its area is the site collecting large amount of moisture. If she did not organize the "escape route", every rainy day will approximate the demolition of a building. Water flows flowing from the roof after rain or during snow melt, can not only wet feet, but the foundation. If her "help" comes a little breeze, then the facade of a building is not big trouble. Particularly felt by this negativity so-called "wet" plastered facades. Suffers not only the appearance of: excess moisture penetrating the walls and foundation of the house, greatly reduces the insulating properties of materials. She also becomes the cause of the destruction, as the expanded and contracted again with sharp temperature changes ("zero crossing"). Not escape the negative impact of the roof itself, especially if she has a complex configuration.
Polymer-sand tile: a new type of roofing
Roofing should create comfortable conditions for living in the building, protected from rain and sun, while it should be durable, have a wonderful appearance throughout life and be easy to install. Polymer-sand tile - a new type of roofing material that meets all these requirements. Polymer-sand tile is waterproof, does not make noise in the rain and wind, not heated by the sun and creates favorable conditions for living. Its distinctive features - a combination of high performance properties with a complete lack of fighting during transportation, loading and unloading and installation, beautiful appearance with the possibility of machining and ease of fitting during assembly. Mass of 1 m2 of polymer-sand tile is only 22 kg, which is almost 2 times less than that of ceramic and cement-sand tiles. The product of the polymer-sand tile has exceptional water resistance (TU 5756-001-11917285-98) not exposed to mold, resistant to dilute acids (acid rain, GOST 27180-86). Tile has a high strength (GOST 22690-88), increased shock resistance (not beating when bumps and falls from height, TU 5756-002-11929376-01). It takes sharp drops in temperature and can be operated at least 50 years at temperatures ranging from minus 50 ° C to plus 70 ° C (GOST 10060.3-95). High resistance to photooxidative aging or sunlight provides the perfect look and the brightness of shingles over the long term. The basis of the source material tiles laid a combination of polyethylene stretch and solid coarse grains.